Author Topic: Another UPDATE ON GOLD STANDARD US DOLLAR from the Proposed REGENCY  (Read 7595 times)

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Offline Ron Besser

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SUBJECT: Greetings from a new Finaliter, Moses!
SUBJECT: The Regency and the Gold Standard for US Dollar
From the Magisterial Foundation
T/R: Ronald Besser
October 03, 2022 11:30am NY DST

This is MOSES of the Ten Commandments, speaking:

“You are lackluster as usual early in the morning, but fail to ratify well the work done on you over night to train that pain out of you very well. So far there is a dent in it, but there is no remission, and your head aches and rings as usual to start the day. Our world of Urantia is ready to dive into a cussable means of dealing with vagrants of trust such as your political situation in the Ukraine now shows all of us. We also trust this is acceptable to say in spite of one who calls himself Prozonov who is winning the batten for spiritual superiority but must fight local conditions all day long to stay sane himself. You fully prize him and his work and he is one lucky man to have your support so well done.

“I am also a FINALITER now too, and I love my work to be able to flit around space and time to see all of its repercussions which you have no idea about. But let me tell you about one of them at least you can appreciate.

“Fourteen years ago you spent a small amount of money to stay well done with an organization you thought would work well for you, but it failed entirely, and you just let it die over an issue of disagreement not only with the Magisterial Sons who could not keep the pace up, but you so upset a member of that group he has become a bitter enemy, not only against you, but for the worst nightmare of heart he has ever experienced, and that was to divorce his mother and father from use in his home further. They are known to you by name and this time you are sure they are fully unaware of everything is going on. Not so.

“What you need to know is that your refusal to compromise with useless information has led to a home spun industry on high that resolves people like that individual who has come to dislike you so much. That said, the father and the mother no longer hear you but him and then wonder what happened to you? They asked him, and he said you were a putrid reminder of a past he reputes entirely. That said they ran a text test on you and found it so illuminating they questioned his sanity. For that reason he now reads a section of the financial report you gave on the dollar and marvels at your accuracy and momentary regard for a new use dollar backed by gold. We too saw it and thank Monjoronson and Serara for what they did and you are very grateful you did a graphic for it, but placed it aside wondering what else you could say.

“You can say this: no one does work like this without being rewarded by on high delegations and we hear you are getting a reward of Jesus attempting to diffuse the terrible pain you suffer over what must be called attempted murder by the very spirit which promotes peace and tranquility elsewhere but not here.

“As a result there is nothing to say regarding that spirit, but with regard to your financial report, the US Chamber of Commerce has spied it somehow, and they are making it a primary subject to review with you some date in the future, as they are quite sure you know the situation so well you can illuminate their membership what it means to obtain a gold standard based on what you call a REGENCY. For that reason you have the CIA listening slightly to your call for normalcy in a moment and to end the idea of a regency if necessary, as the tall order right now is to quell the seraphic rebellion and stop the Vorondadek Son fight with the Lanonadek Sons close behind. Why all this chatter?

“MICHAEL OF NEBADON has decreed that NEBADON learn to eat its own pudding when objecting to you and itself over issues of Urantia state. They are fully aware you have nothing to do with policy and implementation, but they are sure you are the instrument to provide WTP and other famous ideas now resident in your scalp. He, MICHAEL, believes you are the sure test case for Urantia to learn many things for a change and this time you are not going to be snuffed out period. For that reason I, MOSES, inhabit a sphere near you to learn how you are moving so well you blend with the currents around you so well you do not stir envy or care or use but to allow you to operate as a very old man now without any cares except ot make the property look good again before you exit Urantia. That said, hear this:

“Be assured I am MOSES of old, but you are countering cabal not but the FATHER counting noses as this is typed and you are getting a huge reception to understand what is being said here. The US Chamber of Commerce is truly ready to speak to you, but you cannot run any special speech without MONJORONSON OR SERARA chirping in and for that reason you let it lie if contacted which is quite doubtful to you.

“Nonetheless, look at it this way, there is no use for you so long as you remain hidden in your cupst and we stand ready to help you out of those cups if you decide to let things lie with WTP at the moment and have nothing but good will toward the Patent office to let things ride and just issue the patent. They will now as they are aware that your attorney is unhappy too and is getting ready to change process again if they persist in snubbing the issuance so harshly he cannot get a strait answer at all. We stand back briefly for MONJORONSON to speak now:”

MONJORONSON with SERARA, MAGISTERIAL SONS OF RECORD from Paradise and the proposed MAGISTERIAL MISSION on our planet for the next half millennia at least:

“WE are delighted to speak and you are grateful too as you consider the MOSES foray here so interpreted as high interest, but the truth is Ron, MOSES is running not a game but a chance you hear him well enough to change a direction he insists is better off for Urantia. Not so but carefully evaluate his concern: he thinks you are so well done you need to leave Urantia at once and stop pandering to forces that refuse to listen at all, and start speaking to groups up here that sincerely believe you are the right person at the right time to send a powerful message to the power brokers, you are no longer concerned about them, but about the planet and that the gold standard must be implemented to stave off total collapse of the financial developments Urantia has been dealing with since 1947 and Bretton Woods. You are one of the few who remember its proviso that the States attending that agreement then, also agreed to pay the United States in gold if there is a financial crisis of major proportions. That is approaching but the US will never ask for gold but for a chance to revise the world order now, and insist that a gold standard is too expensive but must be done anyhow. That is already in the works with Janet Yellen, and she is not aware of your little article, but if she were you would be contacted at once and her statement about you would be, ‘’he knows more than I do and I must find out how!” That never happens to you for some reason and you are left standing at the gate all the time. You are too little and too unknown to let this pass as good and interesting evaluations.

“However: let this range a little more for you. I did not intend to spill all that last week when you put that up with sincere intentions to let it alone then but as the last word on the dollar. I am quite sure the entire matter is now so important it needs repeated to high authority and its promotion is underway by the US Chamber of Commerce who spied it in a Google review of postings around the world and found it so enlightening they highlighted it for a future meeting. If that comes to fruition, be assured you are famous at once, as it is fully a treatise of extraordinary power to release gold not out of the IMF, and to have it relive its time at the end of World War II, by becoming the arbiter of how the world apportions payment for goods received.

“Yesterday, you sought to revenge no one but accidentally shot a man developing well and suddenly he is aware you are hot shooting Russia or him but the sense of regulatory means to keep this site out of political and war arguments so the truth about a REGENCY can be heard good and well without polemics that cut across those messages.

“For reasons of State, MONJORONSON AND SERARA feel the entire matter is so important, they too see the article as beautifully presented in normal vernacular language which everyone appreciates down there. You correctly assume it can be done, but you also state that the message is subject to a gold value change when it is implemented. We will never allow gold to reach the herculean heights of $10,000/troy ounce but it can sail to $5,000/ounce and that is devastating too. For that reason we suggest that the entire matter of the regency and the gold standard be set aside and to allow the matter therein discussed slide off the table for a moment. We are now looking at this for example:

“MOSES started this as a complaint, not against you, but for you to consider, and that is to trial no one about a gold standard at all. Instead look at it as a useful way to introduce the idea of a REGENCY and that is not badly stated by the cabal either; however, we want a gold standard but not at the risk of killing the body politic on Urantia to do it. Instead let gold reside at its present value we think should be $1.800/troy ounce– more or less.

“If we do that Janet Yellen can call the Federal Reserve and open an account for any country so long as they are genuinely a sovereign country, and to insist that gold deposited in those accounts is useable at any time to pay debts for goods and services. That saves us, the REGENCY, from negotiating every one of the 190** plus countries on Urantia at this point in time.

[** Note: There are 195 countries in the world today. This total comprises 193 countries that are member states of the United Nations and 2 countries that are non-member observer states: the Holy See and the State of Palestine. Further Taiwan is not on the list; nor are the Cook Islands in association with New Zealand, and some dependencies such a Puerto Rico are not included.]

As far as the REGENCY is concerned and the gold standard is evaluated, we consider only the highest caliber nation to be considered for the gift of gold into their treasuries. That limits our gifts to about one hundred forty-five (145) countries and we do not list them here.]

MONJORONSON AND SERARA, The Magisterial Sons of Record for this planet and Chiefs of the REGENCY, speak further now:

“WE are quite sure Ron, that your thoughts are important here, but we must stay the course and remain innocent of why the UN and its subsidiaries are looking at all these countries as viable sovereignty, for they are not and that includes Taiwan which is sovereign but unrecognized because China bullies them out of the international arrangement. For that reason Taiwan is included in our consideration but China will never receive gold from the regency for the simple reason it has most of the world gold in its vaults already. We dare not pursue this discussion on that level at all but remind the United States, it must lead the way or the rest of the world will never accept gold as a fight either if it must accept a regency.

“For that reason we suggest the following solution:

“Let this be said clearly: We have no intention of forcing a regency on any member state of the United Nations. But we do insist that the Untied States return to the gold standard at all possible placements including the Federal Reserve and the US Treasury. However, certain issues like the state of the economy and the CPI of the US remain calibrated to the old monetary standards practiced today until a solution for world denominated currencies are settled with priority to recognizing the new US dollar as the currency to compare future value to its value index alone.

“The British Pound Sterling is still a reserve currency as the Yuan might be to achieve the Chinese view of it, but those currency eventuate to the standards of the new US dollar to uncomplicate the work of world trade finally. Later discussions will determine just how this fits the regency idea of parity of sovereignty too.

[Ron note: the term “parity of sovereignty” is a phrase people will choke on right now, for the regency is looking at the idea that a voting institution like the United Nations has too many countries with equal voting rights, and that must not accrue to a future United Nations when voting on world affairs and the larger influential means larger and richer countries have on the world. Parity suggests that Taiwan have ten votes for itself, and China 50 votes for itself and the US 132 votes for itself as Chin an the US are not in parity but militarily yes they are. For that reason China hs more clout at the moment but it does not retain it if the Untied Nations censors it for any reason, and the same for the United States. The permanent members of the United Nations Security Council (also known as the Permanent Five, Big Five, or P5) are the five sovereign states to whom the UN Charter of 1945 grants a permanent seat on the UN Security Council: China, France, USSR, the United Kingdom, and the United States. The REGENCY intends that the UN receive a bachelors of art degree for maintaining this line up since 1945, but it must rescind the P5 to at least the P10 and then promote peace and not just accommodation.]

MONJORONSON AND SERARA continue speaking: “WE are also sure that the gold standard once developed has two over riding features one of which is to force payment of debts carefully and fully. The United States is owed over $1 trillion dollars from the past that never will be collected. That represents one tenth of the world currency values. However the US does not see it as wiped off the books but remains accounts receivable, and for that reason, the entire matter of debt reduction accrues to the US as a $1 trillion dollar land fall to the American treasury. Not so, as we believe the debts owed as reparations and otherwise must be wiped off the books and a gift back to the in-debt countries owing the US that much.

“Finally Ron, the term “in-debt” should be expressed as debtors and that is fine too we see. Useless paper money will suddenly be worth its weight in gold once the US departs from using the greenback and starts issuing a note somewhat like the British still do of some larger size with the notation at the top “GOLD CERTIFICATE” or “GOLD REDEEMABLE TO THE FEDERAL RESERVE ONLY” as that is the fair way to keep all that gold out of the hands of merchants and for that reason gold coinage must be limited to proofs and coinage displays in museums and no double eagles or florins must be reissued in gold ever again.

“WE conclude this speech with the following concerns:

“First, there is no free lunch even with a gold standard. Second, there is no real advantage to the gold standard but to review the means to control inflation. In the Untied States, The Panic of 1907 was the first worldwide financial crisis of the twentieth century. It transformed a recession into a contraction surpassed in severity only by the Great Depression. The panic’s impact is still felt today because it spurred the monetary reform movement that led to the establishment of the Federal Reserve System. . . . **

(** Article:

“Third, we are quite sure the recession of 2008, almost 100 years to the day in some cases to the 1907 panic, is still less than the 1907 debacle as bad as that was. For that reason the gold reserve, which was in effect in 1907, cannot stop panics, but it can remove the trial of manipulation by corporations with the wealth to undo reforms as has happened with Microsoft and Apple which will learn to stay the course with the regency as they are rich corporation but must stick to the business of commerce and not currency manipulation. CONGRESS must make laws to prevent rich corporations from entering the market place either through their stocks or cash equivalents as instruments to force monetary difficulties out of their practices entirely. For that reason Microsoft and perhaps Apple need a course in monetary revisionism for their own benefit. Otherwise the regency regrets submitting them to a court of arbitration to reform their practices.

“To end this speech, let us see to it that the United States practices what it preaches, and that is financial reforms that are fair to everyone. The gold standard does this by insisting a vale for a dollar remains consistent, and that the monetary affairs of the US are open to view by all the publics in all countries. Thank you for listening. MONJORONSON AND SERARA with one voice. K”

[Ron here: We thank the Magisterial Son interests for applying more information so all of us know a lot of more about the intentions of the Regency when it comes to the currency wars now experienced over the US rise in interest rates to curb US inflation. This is not the required expression from anyone, but I am sure without these explanations, no one in a responsible position for monetary affairs will ever regain status to work in this area again if we start a big battle again over the efficacy of a gold standard the regency insists to be done. We thank the Magisterial Sons above for their erudite expressions concerning what is to be done for financial prevention of the collapse of world currencies and maybe even the US Dollar. I am grateful for your presentations Monjoronson and Serara- you are priceless information suppliers and we thank you deeply.]

MOSES - “We have accidentally triggered more than we intended Ron, but get this up and with one more statement from me next:

“AS A FINALITER, I am not ingrained to speak one last statement I want known as I seldom speak and when I do it is important, at least to Me. For that reason let the United States understand that the Covid19 virus serum with a live virus in it is too lethal to inoculation the people with. It will kill many and never let it become a standard unless it is measles, to inoculate with a live virus. Too much is unknown about the life of a virus to play with this idea ever again.

“Fully spoken to is immigration, and you Ron are furious with the Biden administration allowing the transport of individuals to different states to distribute them to various places because they have cities open to their settlement. No longer does the Biden administration like the idea at all either and it is making amends to prohibit its use as done recently.

“Let me finalize here by saying Ron is one of the few who can do this for the simple reason he has a brain that is a sponge and it arranges all sorts of contacts if Ron is aware of them, and this morning he merely picked me up waiting in line to speak. I am not easily gotten too, but MICHAEL OF NEBADON saw to it I was moved up in the queue and successfully dropped here, (phew). Besides wonder how to spell queue we had to figure out how to ask the right question to get the word too.

“In any case we are done for now, and I am MOSES, a brand new FINALITER at your service. I do not serve on Urantia, but on a Superuniverse of course I dare not speak to but it is the one just behind yours and we are fun too Ron. Let it be known that Ron is leaving Urantia soon not to be outside of Urantia but to live well in his new life on high either, but to take it up on Urantia as a finalized something to see. Good day! MOSES. “

[Ron - Now that is a voice from the past, past, past, past, and so fresh! Loved those old models on the mount. Thank you Moses for a wonderful review of information and of heart for all of us left stranded on this clinker of a planet so far. Thank you!]

MICHAEL OF NEBADON - “WE are sure Ron you are among the best we have anywhere and that includes advanced socieites that merely have to look at the mirror and are enacted into fully information for what they need to know. You Ron are nearly there for yourself but the planet is supposed to do it too and they may never reach that pinnacle either. For that reason we state the following:

“Your rush to completion is moved up days in order to get you better done for the big revision to life you must face soon as a mogul to get things done without fanfare. K MICHAEL OF NEBADON.”


« Last Edit: October 03, 2022, 11:42:18 am by Ron Besser »
Located in Historic York, Pennsylvania

Online prozonov

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« Reply #1 on: October 03, 2022, 13:57:35 pm »
Many thanks to the Finisher Moses for the kind words addressed to me and support.


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« Reply #2 on: October 03, 2022, 20:06:44 pm »
Hi Ron,

Thank you for this post from the Magisterial Sons and Moses. So good to learn these things. I notice how much the historical past in what occurs in the financial system catches up with us. The Link to the article regarding the Panic of 1907 and 2008 makes for interesting reading that sheds more light on it. It occurred to me, as I paused to reflect on your post and on the history in it and with Moses speaking that this is bringing out a thought that intrigues me. Is history coming back to us to learn from it and more? Why is Moses now speaking out of the blue? Does this point to the moral leadership issue now being present in the idea of the Regency? And how does the financial system operate, being what it is, requiring tightening in being secured by more gold and not by the shady practices of the past as spelled out in the article on the Federal Reserve history? 

I recall back in 2008, that I was watching the stock market on Foxtel at the time, and saw it go into a sea of red and how it took a heavy nosedive. And then the news came to the Lehman brothers and other big companies etc, who as I understood it, that those loans they handed out to people who could not afford them ended up bankrupt and those monies could not be recovered, this wound up into a domino effect and caused a collapse in the way it was handled. Here it is that we discovered that those big companies once considered ‘too-big-to-fail’ ended up failing because of unsecured loan practices to poor credit borrowers. It turned out a lot of poor Americans were forced into foreclosures on their own home and had to sell up and move out. It was a scary time for a lot of people. The market ,as well as the property market, took a hit for some time after 2008. Today in 2022, we are seeing rising inflation, rising interest rate hikes, petrol and food prices and market volatility. It seems it may happen all over again. It is interesting to note that since the 2008 fallout, certain governments have had to step in to put further security and guarantees in place to secure people’s deposits. The Australian government, in fact, did put that in place as I recall, in order to avoid people withdrawing their money out of the bank in droves because of the fear of banks collapsing by sheer panic. 

Now it is that the Magisterial Sons are putting in place some further security with the backing of the gold standard and parity of the currency. I wonder how this further stabilizes an already volatile stock market still reeling from the Covid Pandemic with the ongoing drama of supply chain disruption and transport shortages that may look at this with the existing competitive eyes. Here we see a move away from global competition to a standard of stability not seen for centuries. In reality, there is still a long way to go to see this take effect.

To be precise, there are so many ways one can look at this and I appreciate how the Magisterial Sons are approaching it. Thank you all. 

By the way, to Moses of ancient times, HELLO MOSES!  It’s quite a surprise to hear from you through Ron. Can I say congratulations for reaching the Finaliter status. Such a wonder to have you here with us and at a crucial time in our history. God bless you Moses!! And cheers! Sue.

I pause to allow for anyone to come forward for me to type it….I wait…

An Unknown Speaker speaks: 

“It is an overcast cloudy day in your part of the country. You will see a lot of rain coming this week that will drench heavily in the central and eastern part of your continent. This will turn an already saturated earth into a soggy sort and more flooding will result. You are aware this once dry continent can get very wet easily where this weather becomes so intense. Such that you will find out soon enough that the earth in various places will also experience unusual weather patterns. I am speaking here on the circuitry supplied by the Uversa reflectivity commission. This is now being watched as it too is suffering interference by the insurrectionists who are still lurking to cause mayhem everywhere. 

You do not know who is speaking because that too is withheld for reasons of state. It is to enable this to get to you without gaining the attention of the rebels who insist they do what they can to disrupt the service here, once they know who it is. You pick up my signature and find it both familiar and peculiar. Nonetheless, it is in this way, I can speak without further ado from the rebels. 

What is to happen soon I ask that you keep watch and be prepared for some rude changes that most are not going to be comfortable with. This is now being truncated by another entity now higher than me. I stand back to allow this Entity to speak here.

Yes Sue this is ….well dare I say it, Deity Absolute. No one can interrupt here as the cabal around you is removed. They insist on causing you to be lazy and sleepy and lackluster on your situation in life. That is to be changed as we get you back to a rhythm you are requiring more involving activity to avoid the habits of cabal influences. This too will pass, and you will all come on board with JESUS, Michael of Nebadon, the Melchizedeks and the Magisterial Sons. Soon, this will occur as a Divine Mission visible and in material form to enact a new age in Urantia. It will be a new dispensation as it is the Second Bestowal of Michael of Nebadon to cause a great change both in the way you operate and live. There was a meeting with the Council of Equilibrium on the matter of Planetary Default. However, I intervened in this meeting to circumvent it by saying that this planet is the Universal Father’s and it is with the Paradise Trinity that the Divine Mission must go ahead and make waves in the waters of Urantia. No man or woman or child will be left unaffected by the change that will take place. Planetary default is not going to be placed as the Father is now intervening in the affairs of men as we speak. Certain sub-humans will be removed by fiat. Certain cabal influencers will be rounded up and adjudicated. Certain governments will be put on notice to repent and relent with the Magisterial Sons who now know that this planet is on notice for default if it does not behave. 

Now this: we are now taking these matters seriously and at once. The Master Spirit AYA has its hands full with more work in regards to the Paradise Trinitys’ injunction to mandate the Missions and to subvert default of Michael’s Bestowal Planet. This planet will eventually be turned into a garden world and soon it will be if it is in default when humans rebuke the Master and Father of it. I am the Deity Absolute and this message is done. I sign out. K. 

Thank you Deity Absolute and Master Spirit AYA and the One who is unnamed that alludes to me.
