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Messages - HelderPoeta

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And all those videos about messagens from Ashtar Sheran or something, are they all lies too? Why is there people that spread lies in the name of pleiadens then?

So, there are some people talking about Med Beds, and that they are a thing given by the Pleiadeans and the Galatic Federation... so these talks are lies?

General Discussion / Strong Rains in South Brazil
« on: May 14, 2024, 18:59:16 pm »
Why are these strong rains affecting the south region of Brazil? People are dying and being homeless. Why? Will that happen to the whole south region of Brazil or just Rio Grande do Sul? That is why in times like these we need a healing center more then ever...

Thanks man, I hope they listen to me. Years ago, when I was at college I started a small project in my town. The project was simple fulfill a childhood dream, which was making a Pokemon League. I think you heard of Pokemon, it was a very famous cartoon with tons of games and cards back in the early 2000s. Around 2012 I finally made my Pokemon League and in 2013/2014 it was already an official Pokemon League, with lots of players, trophies, badges, important regional championships and even the local government helped a little to promote it.  For a small town that lacked entertainment for the youngsters, that was quite a good thing and other people stated to make their projects too around the same time. A local Comic Book library appeared, some older people made a Hotwheels encounter every two Saturdays, local Anime and Gaming events and more. It was such a fun time to be a youngster on this town, specially a nerd youngster. But, when the economy got worse, and some other stuff happened these things were no more. Sure, we still have a card game league these days. It is on a private store rather then the public places it was before. Which in my opinion is better because since we have a place just for the games, it does not bother other people that are there for shopping and other stuff. 
Now you may think, "making a card game league sure is nice, but it is not as near important as a healing center.".And you're right. I think now I should use my energy, my time, my skills, my patience to something that will really impact the whole town and even the world, and this healing center idea is just a good ideia. And it can happen the same way my Pokemon League happened. All I need is the help and the support of the older brothers from our galaxy. Just to sit and talk to them, explain my idea, tell them that a small town like the one I live would really appreciate a Healing Center, where people not just heal their body and soul, but also have a place to escape from this oppressive economy and system. It can happened if the Pleiadians or other typologies help, the same way the Pokemon League in my small town was a thing , because of another Pokemon League from a major nearby city.

I wonder if any company would like to bring this technology to Brazil? 

Free Healing Center Project

We need to build a healing center for all people get healed. Healed not just on their physical body, but also, on their mind and soul. I head somewhere, that the Pleaideans has healing chambers know as Med Beds, that instant heals the body and soul of people.

Also I’ve heard that the technology of these beds were also given to people in the past, but not only they made an incomplete job on recreating these beds, but they also only made them available to the rich and powerful, as usual.

I want to create a free healing center where all people have access to these med beds, for free. I don’t have any money, or power to make this a reality, but I want help from the pleiadians and the Galatic Federation to make it happen. I’ve always been, at least most of my life a healthy man, despite very few goings to the doctor and the need of using the Brazilian Public Health System. But recently, specially after I’ve became a father I’ve seem how slow, crowded and bureaucratic the health system can be. And to think that in some countries, there’s even worse systems…

Also, there need to be health working system in our society too. No wonder people get sick, working for many hours every day and sometimes even on weekends. It is absurd, but large companies that are richer and more powerful than anything still demand workers to work even on Sundays, heck, even on Saturdays that would be too much. No wonder people can’t reach a state of gratitude where their life is drained by so many deceases that appear all the time and such crazy work times. That is why on this Free Health Center, the volunteers that will be required to work on them will do so for just an hour a day. It looks very little time but I’ve heard that amount of time is the same in other superior spheres.
Not only that, to make things even more efficient and stress free, the volunteers would be granted a place to live inside the building, as well free meals. A nice place to work as volunteers, to live, to eat and to learn new things. The building should be as tall as possible. Why is that? Well, horizontal land, in my opinion occupies too much space and resources, but vertical land is perfect for helping the environment. I really would like the building to be built using advance pleiadian technology because, local technology and methods just take years and lots of money to build a simple building. Here I give more details:


  • Every floor should have at least 10 Med Beds (healing chambers) in one side and the apartments of the volunteers in the other side. Once volunteer for each chamber.
  • Since every volunteer will work for just one hour, and the day has 24 hours, there should be 24 floors with Med Beds and volunteers apartments.
  • There should be at least one or two floors for cooking and for lunching.

The other floors could be used for:

  • Houses for refugees, homeless, people in need and guests, other volunteers.
  • Leisure areas.
  • Lecture ares.
  • Workshop areas.
  • Planting foods, hydrofarming and etc.

If you are reading until here, and are asking yourself: who is this boy to give us such ideas in trying to heal the world?

Well, honestly I’m no one, but you’re free to investigate my whole life, my soul and see if I’m worthy some attention, if I have good intentions and so on.

With Love, Helder Henrique do Nascimento Peres, born in 16/01/1992.

I saw some Youtube videos about the pleiadeans and acturians, lots of people transmitting about them here in Brazil and famous Brazilian Podcasts. I heard that the pleiadeans has mother ships with healing chambers. I tried to reach them but no sucess... What should I do?

Great summary Ron, I wish the missions starts soon. I hope God or maybe some other brothers gives you the gold necessary to make the electric power plant finally being built.   But I wonder why the Creator Son said you won't survive? Why?

Hey Pleiadeans, is it true that you have healing chambers on your space ships?

Well, Ron, I heard some news about an asteroid with so much gold that make every single person on our planet rich if divided equally. Well, what about ask God, or a higher spirits, perhaps the Plaidians and Acturians to get some of the gold for you so you can make this Wireless Eletric Usine a reality. Not just for USA but for the whole world. 

or better yet, you can find someone in your city that buys gold and sell it. 

Ok, well here's the plan: in the city I live there's a man who buy gold. He's been distributing these flyers for many years, as far as I can remember. We can sell the gold to him and since he is not a government agency or something I think he wouldn't be asking to many questions. All money would go to the electricity project. Simple as that. Here's some argument for God approving this project:

1) Gold was used for many things, mostly selfish in human history. It is time to make it something useful for good. 
2) People would be more inclined to believe that we are using this money for something good because we are not asking people for money, as lots and lots of fake prophets are doing these days. 
3) Make gold shaped as a cross to simbolize it is holy gold.

I wonder why God just don't create gold to help finance the power plant? Would it be interfering on someone's free will? Would it make Ron and the missions in trouble in the Goverment's eye?

< - > Ron here Poeta -  I like your idea.  If you can get God to it, I'll buy into real fast.  Thanks.  R

there's lots of mysteries on this planet that would be very cool to be solved and this skinwalker ranch is one of them.
But I didn't understand some parts: the gamma rays are coming from our planet or from the Andronover Galaxy? Who built these installations? And why the cattle on the ranch area appear killed in such weird way?

Poeta, this is Ron.  The gamma rays are produced by what is left of a very old galaxy to our east.  The gamma rays are produced by a broken star system that has two suns rotating around each other, and they collide into each others coronas and that produces sparks that are gamma rays due to the heat in the corona (both of them), and the fact they are very old stars also.  For that reason they throw out a lot of radioactive junk including gamma rays.  The Skinwalker Ranch has a measuring station on it to learn how much those old starts are forcing through hour planet all the time.  Gamma rays harm the earth's c  ore too, so the detection devises on Skinwalker Ranch are vital to count how much radio activity is passing through the planet.  Hope that helps.  R

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