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Greetings Ron: to your interesting question about something that I had never thought of, my answer is that of course yes, which I understand would make the universal race, as they say, a piece of cake for everyone, but, would also be the end of the Game, there would be no more challenge that I believe is the origin of all this great Creation, the Father would have no more "fun" to do.  That's my answer, but I don't suppose it's the absolute one.  Thanks Ronó
Hello Albert,

Please read this message from Michael to all of you!

"The Father of All wishes you to continue with your ministry whether that is Lightlines or any other ministry you want or your group favors to be done.  Our work in the United States has gotten difficult and what we do is not necessary for you to do at all.  For your information in the United States we have to see to other groups becoming ready to work to.  We welcome them, but they are not understanding how to work together, and as a result we have disagreements.  We work it out first, and then change second, but now there is nothing but disagreement between groups of all things.  We will work it out and not to worry, for I am very happy to see you organize yourselves into the right ways to address our FATHER, and thank you for showing us how.  I smile as we are supposed to lead you but you lead us sometimes with good vibrations, and we have none of those vibrations sometimes.  May God bless you and keep you going, as you are moving to God well and finally with good will.  I thank you for telling us that, as it inspires us to do better very much!  Thank you Madagascar!  

from Ron

Now a transmission from our Lord, Michael:

MICHAEL OF NEBADON speaks to MADAGASCAR - "You should have learned what I said when I was in the flesh over 2 thousand years ago.  I said all men are created equal, and Ron makes sure t hat you are equal in the law and care of the world, but you must stay away from other names used to name me, Albert!   Call Me by my true name and let the churches learn from you, and do not despair that you lose your group if you name it otherwise, for the name of Jesus means a lot to people all around the world.  Your group will stay with you and the truth!  Let it be Jesus, and do not worry what happens.  I am JESUS and now I speak to you: more

      "I am JESUS.  And I make it clear you have the group to work with.  But do not confuse other names with Me, and I am used to my own name and do not enjoy being called something else!  

    "Bless you Albert, and all in the group, for saying hello to Me, as I do hear you and thank you very much!  I am Jesus and use my right name all the time please too!   JESUS."

Ron - I have transmitter the Lord to you, Albert, and to all of you who read these messages from the United States.  I do agree with you and thank God I may hear of your voice as Madagascar seems to far away, but your messages really help me understand what you are doing, and I am grateful to hear from you very much.  Wait for the day Jesus will speak directly to you and then celebrate such a time of reunion with us too!  Good day and God bless you everyone!  

Occerpa, do you think the soul would be better served if one had the memory at birth there is a soul that needs educated?  Let me hear your statements about that please?

Albert ;



Subject : 


The Host :  Albert 


Hello Dear Ron as the ADMIN.
I was so deeply disturbed while reading the MICHAEL OF NEBADON'S DECREE that canceled any SCHEDULE LIGHTLINE as for change.

Conformly to my Beloved Thought Adjuster's Guidance, on the Sunday 14TH, APRIL, 2024, early in the morning I had to inform officially my co- workers members off our Association; the Malagasy Kung- Fu  Group of that huge and brusque News, then.

I did so. in our weekly meeting of Sunday, at our HQ building.

We discussed of how to behave and thereafter of what to do. 
As being some faithfull Students and" Followers of the Great- Master MIZAËL as MICHAEL OF NEBADON as well , we altogether were deciding respectfully  to demande by  a  ". COMMON PRAYER TO GOD MIZAËL- MICHAEL,"  TO AUTHORIZE THE MLLCCTHOM TO LINE BY myself the Swore Host Albert that to the behalf not only of the members as dynamic attendees  but more, of all the Malagasy language speaking People, if that would please GOD MIZAËL- MICHAEL OF NEBADON and obviously GOD THE UNIVERSAL FATHER .


In the name of all our Kung-Fu Group's Members and meas the MLLCCTHOM's Host I am signing.

With all my heartfelted thankings to GOD ,
Also, I thank you  ADMIN and z
 as Ron my  friend.

Thank you all reading





I have been reading with great attention this explanation by Arthura about the growth of the soul and I believe that it is such an important subject that it deserves to be a topic that should be taught with greater rigor and with more emphasis, because I think that if all of us who seek to grow spiritually could If we have this teaching very clear, our ascension would be more secure.  Another masterful teaching, like the ones that Arthura has accustomed us to, where we can read between the lines, that until Lucifer's Rebellion, forms a crucial part of this Divine Game: "Man always tends to make the least effort and if it is not presented to him inevitable challenges, it stays where it is" (SAIBABA) . Thanks
My apologies Ron, that is why I also stated that I had problems understanding certain material and, furthermore, it is not at all strange, because it has also happened to me, that when translating into Spanish the meaning of the text has been reversed. However, I ask you Ron to accept that I choose to stay with that version with the reverse meaning because that frequently challenges me. Of course I believe you Ron, but I'll look to review that passage, I don't remember where I read it. Thank you very much for the clarification.
Please be careful folks.  These last few days are not normal and worse yet, I never said or intimated what Occerpa said in his post above.  That said may I suggest we attempt to follow the truth even more carefully and let the Mission as it may appear happen.  I am finding it too much to follow it, and I am beginning to suspect Michael of Nebadon is not feeling good because of the transition to Mission status.   As difficult at it may be, let things rest for now and do not worry things right now, as we are in a spiritual transition, and nothing makes real sense.  Peace and charity to all of you!
MICHAEL OF NEBADON - "Ron is feeling poorly today, and worse yet people are at his door to mow the grass and he could care less and t hey think he quit them"  NO.  But Dominick will call and straighten it out and this:

"Ron is correct about today and is very sleepy due to transition material piling up for him to take care of.  He also is making a hard test to see to the mansion world demand that he appear there and he has no means  to appear there at all, and I am not helping either.  The mansion worlds did make contact with him early this morning but there is nothing to say there until I, MICHAEL OF NEBADON, am ready to let those contacts swirl back and forth and not bother Ron lately.  Finally this:

"I have asked Ron to hold a Board meeting on May 17ath.  That is far too early for Me and my staff to appear too, as the FATHER  has decreed that nothing be done on Urantia until we are sure we have the cabal, the insurrectionists out of the way.  RAZ you tried  to contact Ron today but he was not here and we will get back to you if necessary shortly.  And finally this:

"The background which Ron h as been trying to work is to fold a certain amount of activity into the strange quiet we have now.  I am fully aware of what he asked you Elise and what he wants for the USA, but that is far too ambitious to do right now without any sense of costs accumulating for anyone at the moment.  Elise, get the costs of operations in the Netherlands but that is all that is required.  No need to do anything else right now and that is all he asked as I now see it.  

"And lastly, we expect NO LIGHTLINE ON SUNDAY THE 2UTH OF APRIL.  Ron has been shut down and NO LIGHTLINE FOR THIS SUNDAY please.  There is entirely too much activity without the need of a Lightline right now for 28 April.  Thank you very much.  K"


France LIGHTLINE Tapes and Comments Your Host Clency / April tape 2024
« Last post by Clency on April 27, 2024, 08:43:45 am »
Here is the audio-recording, the only one, for April 2024, short but sweet and I hope not the last of a 190th series :
The next session will be on Friday the 3rd of May at 8pm local time, with the blessing of the LORD.
TRANSLATIONS / 26.4.2024 – Dostrajacz Myśli Elise o Misjach
« Last post by Andre_P on April 26, 2024, 11:57:16 am »
Ta sama wiadomość po angielsku :
Napisała : SonsofGod, starszy członek
Kategoria / Temat : NUMERY TELEFONÓW I KODY DOSTĘPU HOLENDERSKIEJ MIĘDZYNARODOWEJ / Lightline holenderska międzynarodowa
« Odpowiedź nr 1, 23 kwietnia 2024 r., godz. 15:56:46 »

(Jeden urywek z transkrypcji)

Dostrajacz Myśli Elise :
Witam. Tu Dostrajacz Elise, aby pomóc wam poradzić sobie i wzmocnić waszą wiarę, ponieważ jesteśmy świadomi, że wszyscy macie trudności ze zrozumieniem pełnego znaczenia tego, co się wydarzy. To, co się wydarzy, to Misja dana Urantii przez Ojca Wszechświata i waszego Syna Stwórcę, Michała Nebadońskiego. Misja się pojawi, ale w większości ukryta przed publicznością. Zostanie wykonana w duchu, częściowo przez Mondżoronsona i Serarę, waszych oficjalnych Synów-Magistrów. Serara i Mondżoronson są rajskimi synami Boga, pochodzą od Wiecznego Syna i Nieskończonego Ducha i są bliskimi braćmi Synów Stwórców, którzy pochodzą od Ojca i Wiecznego Syna. Serara i Mondżoronson są Synami Magistrami. Są wysokimi sędziami dla dziedzin. Są bardzo doświadczeni w tym, co mają osiągnąć, a zwykle ma to związek z osądzaniem przeznaczeń, które często dotyczą przebudzenie śpiących ocalałych. Jednak inna misja niż ta, zostanie ustanowiona dla planety w niskiej postaci materialnej. Mondżoronson i Serara będą wcieleni na waszej planecie. Ich zadania i obowiązki nie będą polegały na osądzaniu jako takim. Na waszej planecie Mondżoronson i Serara będą głównymi przywódcami w Fundacji Magisterskiej i to dzięki pełnomocnictwu ich i Michała wszystkie inne zakony będą działać na wszelkiego rodzaju stanowiskach, z wyjątkiem Jezusa. On ma swój własny plan. Prawdopodobnie usłyszycie lub nawet zobaczycie Syna-Magistra, gdy Misje będą się rozwijać w późniejszym stadium. Radzimy wam pozostawać w kontakcie ze swoimi Dostrajaczami i starać się znaleźć ich wskazówki tak często, jak to możliwe podczas codziennych obowiązków, a nawet w sprawach podczas waszych codziennych zajęć.

Ponieważ kontakt, który wy i ja możemy celebrować w ciągu dnia, to te intymne chwile, które z nami dzielicie, staramy się dawać wam wskazówki, żebyście mieli lepszy obraz tego, co robić lub dokąd iść. Życie nie jest łatwe i nie będzie łatwe w przyszłości, o czym już zostaliście poinformowani. Ziemia będzie podążać za swoją własną ewolucją i będzie pękać pod waszymi stopami. Wielu się pogubi. Mogą oni być w stanie oszołomienia nie wiedząc, co robić i dokąd iść, ale wy, wy będziecie mocnymi podporami pośród tego wszystkiego. Będziecie pomagać tam, gdzie możecie, ale zawsze pod naszym przewodnictwem, zawsze kontaktując się ze swoim Dostrajaczem, żeby robić słuszne rzeczy we właściwym momencie.

Być może będziecie musieli znaleźć sposób, żeby zdecydować, co zrobić w takich okolicznościach. Wiecie, jak skontaktować się ze swoimi Dostrajaczami. Jesteśmy siłami, które zawsze tam są. Jesteśmy w stanie dostroić wasze umysły, żeby były z Ojcem, którym jesteśmy i zawsze Go reprezentujemy w waszych umysłach i w waszych sercach. Tu Dostrajacz Elise. Mówię w imieniu wszystkich obecnych tu dziś Dostrajaczy. Dziękuję. Dziękuję za wysłuchanie. Miłego dnia.
Too much material to read the last few days; In my case I confess that I lack not directly time but, first of all, the ability to understand many things, assimilate and then be able to integrate it into daily practice. However, it is not that I protest this situation but quite the opposite, I try to understand that if things happen this way, it will always be with a specific purpose and benefit for everyone. In this regard, it caught my attention that recently, Ron confessed that most of what was said in the forum lacked truth, that is, that they were fallacies. This statement is very interesting since we all hope and trust that it is the opposite, that everything we find is reliable truth. What reading can we give to this? I think that it is attempted in this way, that we exercise our intuition or communication with our Thought Adjuster, or read between the lines as has also been mentioned. It would be interesting to hear other opinions. But in particular I wanted to refer to this topic that Songatsunrise of Values and Meanings brought up. Regarding values, I believe that we should all know to work on them, the five human values: Truth, Righteousness, Love, Peace and Non-Violence, which according to the teachings of SAIBABA are those that characterize a true human being. Lyricus teachers (WingMakers) also teach the practice of the six virtues of the energetic heart: Gratitude (appreciation), Compassion, Humility, Forgiveness, Comprehension and Courage. That was all, thank you very much.
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