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The Forecast for January 2024 and the Jesus Natal Chart revealed
« on: December 28, 2023, 15:17:39 pm »

The Magisterial Foundation:
The Regency January 2024

Transmitter: Ron Besser
December 28, 2023

Master Spirit Four (4) speaks - “What follows is a real treat for us to follow.  Ron is very careful not to imbibe astrological terms, but there is a January astrological forecast he likes to share with you and take it as best you can.  He also spreads one heck of a surprise by showing you his work of the horoscope as found on the day of the Birth of Jesus.  It happens to be fairly accurate but with a lot of holes in it This article is a masterpiece of research and a caring transmitter.  Thank you.

Ron: I speak with great thanks to you Master Spirit (4), and I am grateful I am awake enough to hear it as I am quite ill from the transition over me.  I also forecast that January, 2024, is also a huge moment to reconsider the use of the Master Force Organizers, who delight in your take of their work with me.  I am so humbled by their power but their willingness to translate down to me, but that they can actually see me at work and I am amazed I survive the witnessing.

Fully to all of you, I have managed to put a birth chart together for Jesus as it is truly corrected for the birth day of 07 BCE at noon in Jerusalem. I have recovered some of it and present still unfinished here.  They promise me the chart will be fully done some day if not soon enough.  

And now to the meat of the article:

Astrological Forecast for January, 2024 with the REGENCY

The REGENCY defined:

Before I begin operations on the astrological forecast concerning the approach of the spiritual Regency as an actual operation on this planet, I would like to define the term “REGENCY” much better than most of you have it so far.

Back in 2020 I decided the Missions to Urantia ought to have a catch title.  I remembered my history real well and recalled what our governments do a regency if they have a monarch government when they have a king or a queen and their parents die before their children can inherit the throne.  That is when a Vizier is appointed  to rule in their place until the right age to rule is reached by them to take responsibility.  That period where they are ruled by a mature adult in history is called a REGENCY.   Spain, England, and France, to name of few, had their periods of Regency in history.

I also thought to myself that spirit is always complaining that man is too immature to sometimes to rule their own destines very well at all.  That is why I named the Magisterial Sons as the true adults to us and learn proper rule of countries and families, as they are also Paradise Viziers, and we thank them for allowing me to call them as such.

How does the idea of an astrology forecast this post then through mentioning the idea of a Regency to teach us?

IT is this.  We are starting a new year in a week or so and I looked at astrological terms too in order to see what the stars might say about what they might think we meet too.  It is not a pretty picture but it is definable.  So let me tell you something about my own adventures in looking at a January forecast coming up.

How I Use The Corporate Forecast

The ASTROLOGICAL Forecast is one I copied from a subscription I use to originate some friends I have to produce their natal horoscope for their own education.   The subscription includes near the first of each month a review of the astrological meanings of the month to come.  I use their prognosis as it is as good as it gets by prominent astrologers operating in Belgium.   Here now we start:

The Astrological Forecast for January, 2024.
Before you throw this baby out with this bath water, recognize the psychological conditioning of man is also over the idea that to a certain extent man must follow the scribes of operational time.   That is saying the old saying, that man is subject to inheritance, but he is also subject to his environmental conditioning. I add to that that man is subject to nit just his genes, but to his spiritual inclination too.  Man knows that hardly, but makes molar morality decisions every moment of every day too.   Take that to mean that man follows behavioral patters peculiar to the race and species and than man also happens to appear as altering his own behavior in the care and love of another.  Astrology in our wester culture follows most of it very well and interprets the motion of the heavens as indicative of what is to follow in the future to test life learning.

The ASTRODENTIST ARTICLE published here (with side comments in a colored font)

The ARTICLE printed for you; It says:
Dear Mr. Besser
This is the monthly newsletter from Astrodienst with a short overview of the current quality of time and news from our website


The first few days of the new year usher in a sober quality of time. Venus in Sagittarius squares Saturn in Pisces on New Year's Day. Close relationships could now need some nurturing, but some partners may also crave a few days of distance from each other.

Mercury in Sagittarius ends its retrograde phase on January 2, and on the 4th, Mars enters Capricorn. Everyday duties are already calling again. That may be a little too fast for some, but the energy to deal with them is now available. With the Sun forming a square to Chiron on January 6, a welcome seriousness sets in.

Image: Capricorn Mercury squares Neptune in Pisces on January 9, the New Moon in Capricorn trines Uranus in Taurus on the 11th, and Sagittarius-Venus simultaneously forms a trine with Chiron in Aries. Things may now be moving faster than expected. The situation could be somewhat confusing. Expect surprising twists and turns.

Mars trines Jupiter on January 12. Many things that previously seemed unthinkable could suddenly become possible. Mercury enters Capricorn on the 14th. Events can now be better understood and integrated.

In the second half of the month, the quality of time becomes increasingly charged and gains momentum. Venus and Neptune square each other on January 19, and Mercury forms a trine with Jupiter, stimulating dreams, desires, and wishes. Expectations are high, and the opportunities for rapid success seem favorable. But this could prove misleading.

On January 20, the Sun and Pluto make a conjunction directly on the cusp between Capricorn and Aquarius. Both enter Aquarius immediately afterward (the Sun on the 20th, Pluto on the 21st).

Image: aquariusThe annual conjunction of the Sun and Pluto is always a powerful constellation linked to the themes of power and powerlessness, self-assertion, and profound transformation. This time, however, the conjunction takes place at a stand-out position in the Zodiac.

You may remember the Great Conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn at 0° Aquarius in December 2020, which marked the beginning of a crucial collective upheaval that will continue for many years to come (you can find out more in the Monthly Preview December 2020). The Sun and Pluto are now activating the area of this degree again, and with it, the themes of upheaval, a turning point, and a transition of power.

That could shake up the prevailing worldview considerably, setting the course for further collective developments, and the decisions made now can have significant and long-term consequences for our lives together.

However, the zodiac sign of Aquarius is not only associated with the themes of collective life but also with technological developments, particularly the internet, electronic communication channels, and everything to do with so-called Artificial Intelligence. We can expect breakthroughs and quantum leaps in these areas, which could have a lasting impact on life together on this planet.

Image: leo moon On January 23, Venus enters Capricorn, and two days later, there is a Full Moon in Leo squaring Jupiter. Mars and Mercury in Capricorn form a square to Chiron in Aries. On January 27, Uranus ends its retrograde. Some people may not manage to hold their tongues, but you can't miss the fundamentally positive mood.

On January 29, Venus is trine Jupiter, with Saturn on their midpoint, sextile to both. It is a stable and promising quality of time, well suited to new beginnings in business and personal life. If you are planning a wedding, this would be a suitable time. With Mars trine Uranus on January 30, decisive action can lead to success.
[Ron here - FYI Saturn represents that which makes you face unpleasant responsibilities and can cause your death, harm, and an over reaching dislike of serious subjects.  This planet is a very serious subject and restricts a lot.  As an astrologer you look at Saturn and ask what is this horoscope going to face they are going to feel a big pinch to their plans, OR: where does the universe deliver a punch?  In all horoscopes this January Saturn is in whatever house holds the Pisces constellation showing up.  In my horoscope Pisces is in my first house, and the first house events are always interpreted as very personal events indeed; the second house refers what happens to objects you own, like your house for instance and so on)

“Do you think I can do this?”  I asked.  Jesus and I worked on it for an afternoon two years ago with Him  and we came up with this chart.  There are still some unknowns– such factors as a very different sky then and a different space area our planet was traveling though in 7BCE.  And that is also the correct year by our calendar for his birth too.   The spiritual government does keep time calculated for human planets, but it uses sidereal time only and that makes very little sense to humans living on a material planet without much to say about God at all or scientific instructions well enough to use that kind of timing.  The chart as recovered shows here:

Birth Date for JESUS:
August 21, 07 BCE
12:04 PM Jerusalem time zone

Some notes:
Full date of the birth is 21 August, 07 BC at noon tide (12:04) Jerusalem
1-  Ophelius cusp is 04 degrees 18 minutes fyi.
2- . . . Apricorn is a cut off name for  Capricorn cusp of second house
3-  The interceptions, I am told, are correct inside the 2nd and 9th houses as shown.  An intense conversation ensued over if they mattered at all, and JESUS said he did not even understand the practice and not to speak to it.  I do not out ignorance my self.

For you who like details.  I did not show but I did  know the following:
Saturn is 11 (eleven) degrees 12 (twelve minutes 10th house Virgo
Mars is 12 (twelve) degrees 18 (eighteen) minutes Virgo
Saturn and Mars are conjunct within 30 minutes of exact.  Power level seven (7).

Uranus is posited in the sixth (6th)  house.  It is conjunct with Rialto, a constellation I cannot find but prominent in the work of the wisemen astrologers (of the Kenan now known as the Kenites) who forecast for decades before the appearance of Jesus that how a regency God is to appear on earth and timed by the rise of Rialto.   I made the name up and use something better if you talk about maybe.  I also was told Rialto did not rise again on our planet since then.

[A special note: I cannot determine what happened in this area of the sky either as there seems to be a tremendous galactic collision and it happened I think around the birth of Christ.  There is for someone one heck of a story surrounding this area of they sky during the birth time of Jesus.  A good astrophysicist might make some sense of this for us.]

Pluto was not shown at all.  It may not have been present as Pluto partially orbits in another space sector from time to time and I have no explanation about it.

FATHER suggests this horoscope wheel I show above, be modified to show not twelve houses, but ten houses, and that I now  remove TAURUS AND SAGITTARIUS entirely as they were not rising in history at this time. Jesus has a natal horoscope peculiarity as well, as Jerusalem, located the same longitude and latitude as it stands today, was without a constellation view of Sagittarius.  Sagittarius happens to be in a time-space congruency that never allows its bottom half to rise above  the earth horizon in Jerusalem for months at a time.  Jesus mentions this but lets it drop.

Father speaks: “Do not worry your audience with much more of this, but astronomers should be quite happy for satisfying a controversy that Jesus was truly born NOT under the Pole Star you call POLARIS now.  Polaris is soon to be retired in the next six million years due to a fracture in its surface and its temperature is far too high to sustain it for millions of more years as they predict on your earth.”

Ron continues: To remind you - We must  not use the current Ephemeris as you will get it all wrong.   I can cast a chart for Jesus because the time, the place, and the rising sign is precisely known and that comes from my conversations with His staff and his own time with me.  

The one serious problem which exists doing it, is the earth was unpredictably motioning changes in its own orbit, and in a slightly elevated different space category than today.  The modern Ephemeris for the BCE period between 5300 BCE and 200 AD, is for another sky not of modern view.  Of course, such information was unknown to me but it was then seriously lectured to me to stop using modern work for planetary positions.  The current ephemeris  is correct from after 700 AD.   Quote from the spiritual supervisor:

“We do not mind you looking at this, but there is no formal ephemeris to use as earth was in the turmoil of a day and night time change due to a motion in earth orbit to distance itself from about 92 million miles at its closest range to really just under 92 million miles presently.  It was changing at this time in your history.


“You Ron will not live well until you are one hundred.  You are 81 right now, and truly very tired of the Urantia drag on your enthusiasm for ME and MY universe.  Let this ride for now and let me predict the Urantia story of January 2024 for the month as I see them to happen:

“FIRST, you are not well enough even in January to star as the head of a Foundation that is making history every day it exists.  Its history is this:

“The reason it makes history it is the first time a human ministry occurs in a Mission started by Us.  As your FATHER, I see this  human industry of support is truly valid to attempt, and I see you sweetened the idea by adding a patent for free electricity to the pot of we gamblers all these things will work out.  

Be assured that wins Me over greatly, as does RAYSON consider you a star pupil for lots of work with the MAGISTERIAL SONS OF PARADISE.  The world does not know of these Sons, but you have known them for over a quarter of a century of their luck and fate for this planet to become quite a planet of care and nurturing for all of mankind in this galaxy.  You feel My spirit now and it becomes difficult to write, but do this please:

“Ride the ravens soon, but never give into their insistence they join you as one with you.  You do not care that much, but your liaison work with the MELCHIZEDEKS is extraordinary, and we delight in your comedy with the great MACHIVENTA MELCHIZEDEK, the actual SAGE OF SALEM in your Bible. Machiventa speaks of your work with hushed silence a times as he holds your breath to make it well enough you do not die on the doorstep of great work to come on Urantia.  I will not have you die in the middle of the greatest human effort ever made to honor a Bestowal Son, and while Jesus is mad at the world right now, he folds you well enough.  For reasons of State this post must be considered so extraordinary I insist it gets reported on the annals of a huge bite of EPOCHAL  REVELATION.  For it is told of the Jesus birth chart, and Ron you are one of the few in millennia of work, who can dean the style that Jesus apprehends for a natal chart he actually can support.  It has no errors, just omissions.


“WE on the spirit astrological plane, see the January of 2024 month as tumultuous.

“First it contains the seeds of war from the noxious Russian government, and war from the noxious Chinese military, that has not learned tolerance for stalemates.  For that reason expect a minor incident or two in the South China Sea.

“That is to being with.  First, learn that the Chinese leader, Xi Ping is now well and has a swelling under his right arm.  He is not going to die with it, but he may become too ill to drive the country toward a peaceful means with Japan and South Korea.  Those nations are too old and wily to leave the Sea to China and Japan in particular will fund a huge enterprise, known as the American Fifth Fleet, to stand guard on its souther flank, and remove the Chinese threat if it ever dares to attempt to scurry the Falklands of the South China Sea, (that is Taiwan), into the Chinese mainland.  China is not healthy, and it knows it, but it refuses to stand down over Taiwan and as a result may cause war again.  This time the United States is waiting for the offense and will respond dangerously close to a nuclear war which China might partially win at first but will never declare victory.

“WE are not forecasting war, but we think January, 2024, sets this scenario up so well it could happen in degrees as forecast here.

“SECOND - WE are quite sure there is no REGENCY big enough or strong enough to cover come nuclear war ever.  But we can make sure Urantia itself will not tolerate it and will assign its missions to man so keenly aware of the geographic causes of land mass collapse, you will never bu unsure of the presence of God in man’s affairs again.

Finally, January of 2024, is not easily settled for the Untied States.  The Presidential elections are appearing and by November, 2024, the Trump organization is defeated even before the elections take place.   I dare not forecast this further.

“I thank you for listening.  MICHAEL OF NEBADON the astrologer not but useful to trial it.”


Located in Historic York, Pennsylvania