Author Topic: Tues LL 03.02.24 Arthura on Dreams and Reality.2nd Session w/Besser transmitting  (Read 4933 times)

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  • Machiventa MC
  • Arthura Presented: Dream and Reality
  • Paradise Sons with Besser
  • Lemuel with Father

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  • 030524 Audio Tape Light Line USA; host: Ron Besser
  • Subjects: Master Spirit Four is also Consummator Five, Arthura discusses dreams versus reality and applying knowledge and skill, Space Sector Five has a problem, Machiventa is about 30 billion earth years old, Ron and Dominick contain the seeds of a new species, Consummators 4, 5, and 8 are on a Commission overseen by Arthura which will oversee the Magisterial Foundation, Universal Father has saved Lemuel's life and others also, and Ron will hold an extra Light Line on Thursday;
  • Speakers: Machiventa Melchizedek, Arthura, Monjoronson, Serara, Sen Sen, and Henson in unison, Michael of Nebadon, and Universal Father;
  • Transcribed By: RAZ ( I welcome corrections - just message me )
  • Link To Tape: 
Welcome to Tuesday Light Line, everyone, we just started the meeting. And it's the fifth of March, two o'clock here in York, Pennsylvania Eastern Standard Time. For those listening later, you can see a couple of websites for discussion forums, transcripts, whatnot, at Serara, excuse me,, or Anyone who's called in on a phone number can press five star and if I'm wrong, it's Star five, just do one of those and your hand will be raised and we'll see that you have a comment or a question. If you're a transmitter, you might have a transmission.

Similarly, I'm logged into the chat on video so those participating by the computer over the internet, you might be able to type something into the chat and I could see it that way. So we begin. It's a rainy day here in York, and pretty dark and my vitality is there to match it. But I hope you're all doing well. How are we in spirit, and would anyone like to join us as an emcee or collaborator for this Light Line? And before we reach you, would you say a quick prayer for a good Light Line? And I thank everyone here joining the call and joining in that quick prayer, together, let's send it off. And do we have an emcee?

Machiventa Melchizedek  
Oh, this is Machiventa and Arthura together. For matters of state, this is Machiventa. Arthur will pick it up in a minute. We have some announcements today that this transmitter knows nothing about. He's prepared as usual, with Arthura. But we have some interesting announcements, we may either go through this transmitter or others later on the call. For that reason, we ask not just Ron, but Lemuel to be alert to any transmissions coming through. We thank you. And I do thank everyone else for showing up today. And I do thank everyone for reading. And I do thank everyone for their consideration. And now here's Arthura.

Thank you, Machiventa, and welcome Arthura.

Thank you. Hi, everybody. I am Arthura and I am quite friendly. I am learning to be so while maintaining my sense of dignity and authority and status from that of hyperinfinity and the most honored guest here to serve Michael of Nebadon and the Father, who we know by different titles and means when we are in the abode, as you might call it, of our hyperinfinitude. But I am not as such when I enter infinity, just plain old infinity. For you, it's a playground expression and something undefeatable. That is until your rival says; haha, well infinity plus one, take that. And so on.

So just remember Arthura as infinity plus one and you're doing just fine with the concept of hyperinfinity for now. In hyperinfinity, we don't have the competition between dream and reality. We don't make the distinction. It's fun to witness the growth of the Spirit tadpole of the human order belonging to the order of sonship that Michael is sharing with me, to work with you. So, just let me riff a little bit. Many of you grow up, and you experientially have dreams. And as adults, you become or wrestle with the question. What is a dream? Am I dreaming all the time? What is reality? Is reality a dream? Or is the dream, the reality, and so on and so forth. It's quite exhausting, honestly.

And so, you gravitate one way or the other, and remember, gravity is a gravitational pull that oscillates. So, what pulls you in one direction one day, pulls you in a different direction the next day. Consider this part of navigation, navigation deals with this quite often, and even though you are going in a direction so to speak, or you have destinations, you are always navigating in relation to things like gravity. So dream and reality what what is it? The question of it gravitates you in a few directions.

But if you are on an axis of say, left to right. The reality is associated sometimes or mostly with the material world or your waiting world and dreams the ethereal, existential world. And then, of course, that can flip on itself. Where you postulate, in other words, you ask the question; maybe this material reality is the dream. And the dreaming existential reality of the dream is the actual reality. Well, the obviousness is you are on a journey to unify this, and in some answers are more acceptable to others depending on what stage you are in your life and what the circumstances might be. But let me help you. The correlations between what I'm speaking about are many, but also consider the unifying factor of faith.

And on one end of the spectrum is blind faith. And on the other end of that spectrum is experiential faith. You can consider this not a recipe to be followed, but understand it is the same as or you can compare it to knowledge and skill. So, blind faith and experiential faith, in this case, are compared to the subject of knowledge and skill. So, what I mean by this is you can have applied knowledge. And when you are applying your knowledge, you're gaining your skill. But when you gain constant knowledge, then must you eventually apply it or you do not become skilled. So there's a few ways of explaining this is that well, while blind faith is okay, it's a little bit weaker in the bond than experiential faith. However, this is a poor analogy, the expression fake it till you make it can roughly apply in this circumstance, that blind faith can, it's not guaranteed to, but it can lead to stronger experiential faith. And that experiential faith does not lead to blind faith, but that experiential faith is you actually applying your knowledge of the experience. Whereas blind faith might be stuck in the accumulation of knowledge, without the practice of the test taking that into action.

So, back to the dream and reality, when you are in the material, you are material beings and you fluctuate between the material and the existential when you wrestle with this question of dream and reality. Material tends to drive purpose, whereas the existential tends to drive meaning. For example, in a material reality, your purpose is often associated with reproduction. Whereas, the existential meaning of things is often encountered in death. And so, we come up with different knowledge and skill sets around this axis of material existential purpose, meaning, and life and death. And we try to discover things in isolated components of things like neurology, biology, behavior, psychology, philosophy, cosmology, and religion, and all sorts of attempts at integrating these things. And then there's the taboo of it all, which is religion and politics and both of these can swing towards the material and existential.

Religion and politics gravitates towards the material, when we discuss or when you think about things like power, security, safety, and comfort, whereas the existential or ideal part, parts of religion, and politics lead to service, gratitude, and action. Now, we spoke about unifying all of this, and what you have with you, that does attempt to unify all this is your mind. And you encounter all of this through the mind.

But I want you to think of this mind as a great big bell. If you've ever seen a large bell, on a building, here in the United States, we have something called the Liberty Bell, which is a gigantic bell. And so in this bell, I want you to put the word mind. And then you can also include in this bell environment and realize that your environment is because of your perception. simply an extension of your mind, within your own personal reality, and then you add in this bell, your own personality to it. And then at the bottom of this bell, you can put the line with an arrow going left, to right, and right to left. And you can put values with that. And as the bell is swinging back and forth, your values swing and change, according to all of this, that we've talked about, between your answers for yourself, about living in a dream or reality and philosophically and revelatory you have been explained and told, even warned, that your ascension is from the purely material to the spiritual.

And so, how we answer that for you in the case of dream and reality is that the person you are literally becomes more real, the more you become spiritual. Now, this cannot be self-proclaimed, you cannot proclaim yourself spiritual based off of any knowledge you have. But that in applying anything in your life, you build soul, and that registers in super-reality as to your actual status in both material reality and existential reality. In other words, you do understand, at some level, that you are not entirely real at these first stages of an awakening and that in your journey, your quest to understand and become reality that you may succeed or fail; that there are some stakes involved.

Now a sad case on this planet is lazily and conveniently throwing out the baby with the bathwater by declaring the purpose of life is probably best comfortable and secure and safe, if they just focus on material things, without the burden of understanding reality. We associate that with a form of unconsciousness. And that eventually, this unconsciousness, either you struggle with this or you end up going with it. In other words, this is a stream of consciousness coming from above and within. That you can either swim with that with the tide or against the grain. Swimming with the grain or swimming against the grain, and you're seeking and eventually, you come to some decision in your values, and meaning, and purpose of something called Spirit. In depending on that, you have the danger of getting stuck but your inner mind will always be impinged upon by Spirit until the day you die.

By asking you to always reconsider these existential questions for your life after death, and the meaning of your life beyond just the purpose you might be living it for. And so we go back to this bell, that your mind has and just outside of this bell, are things you could say are written on the bell so that it's part of the bell, but it's not exactly inside of it. And on the side of the material, you have perception not only your own perception but how others perceive you. And then you have things like your constant attention to hierarchy and status.

Now, on the other side of this bell towards the experiential, faith side, or even the existential side, are things like your identity, your self-identity, your belief, and ultimately your confidence. How confident are you not only in yourself but the amalgamation of everything we've talked about? Depending on a lot of things, but those of blind faith and faith ultimately are vulnerable to bouts of extreme confidence one way or the other. Whereas an experiential faith has a steady and sustainable and resilient quality in its confidence and for that reason, you do experience yourself becoming more real with experiential faith in that you are conscious of the existential, you are not just aware of things, but you are an actual observer of things.

So, you might not just become a seeking individual, but at that point flexing some early muscles of creative juice, you have the ability to truly create things at this point and the existential transforms into something called deity. And all of this becomes reality the dream becomes a unified reality. There is no more struggle and with that, you can sincerely without lip service, or fronting, or pretending you will actually have a desire to serve, be in gratitude, and confident to take some action. And all the while on this journey, you might be or have come across tools that got you to this place, you might have studied a lot of neurology of the brain, biology of the body, psychological disciplines, behavioral analysis, integrating all of this in philosophies and cosmologies and religions and developed methods and practices to integrate this.

And, so, with this lecture, if you will, you should walk away from today's Arthura Light Line part by assessing yourself on how much knowledge are you gathering and weighing that versus how much skill you have applied versus or compared to are you just going for it and applying a skill whether you are truly great at it or not and is that helping you attain experiential knowledge. There is no right or wrong, but you can, when we do talk about things like transmitting that it is not beneficial ultimately to keep the comfort and safety of weighing and assessing and collecting knowledge about it, you eventually do have to get off your duff and just do it. You have seen now, not just these Light Line hosts, but that there is a flurry coming out of the Phoenix Light Line of transmitters. They did not collect knowledge until they felt safe enough to transmit. They're transmitting first and learning the skill and knowledge almost after the fact.

Go ahead Arthura.

So, go ahead those of you who have expressed interest in transmitting that you could journal and that you should at least communicate that you are journaling. You need not post your transmissions, but for God's sake, stop collecting knowledge, stop assessing whether the veracity of transmitting is real or not, and just do it. Stop putting the authority in the Light Line hosts. We have authority over the Light Line hosts. You listening and considering my question to you about your ability and desire to transmit, understand the Light Line hosts, the other transmitters do not have the authority and control over you.

You have the control, you are the decider, you're the controller. It is not about hierarchy or status or whether you're doing it right or wrong because there is your unique contribution. This transmitter Dominick has a different deck of cards he is working with than any of you and likewise, you each have your own unique decks of cards. And so, when we talk about things like the cosmologies, or philosophies, or certain science disciplines, knowledge, and applied skill; everyone is going to be different. These so-called experienced transmitters are getting better and all that does for some of you is become more intimidating. Don't look to them, look to the emerging fellows who we transmit for your motivation.

This is something you do for us and yourself and then it morphs into a more directed service through organization and structure. Until then, you are doing something that builds your experiential faith and unifies this dream/reality conundrum for you. And one day far into the future you may run into me again; infinity plus one. Well, that's all I have to say. I'm Arthura wiping the crud off my hands, blood, sweat, and tears involved in motivating and teaching and encouraging and disciplining all of you able students of God. And now we have Machiventa back. I'm finished and complete, not so, but finished for today, Machiventa. Back to you.

Thank you, Arthura. Machiventa.

Machiventa Melchizedek  
Yes, this is Machiventa, back to the podium. We have an update that I'm going to go to Ron Besser for and then Ron might piggyback

Or not piggyback, but I can't think of the word, not appropriate

Machiventa Melchizedek  
But we will go to Lemuel possibly after that. All right Machiventa. Ron, can you pick up, Machiventa?

Ron Besser  
I don't know he's pretty heavy. Yes, I will pick you up Machiventa, where are you? I see. All right. Go ahead, please.

Machiventa Melchizedek  
This is Machiventa Melchizedek, Ron. What they don't know, Ron is that you are trying to dress at the same time you are at the computer and the shirt stuck over your head, as well as Arthura. Yes, and it's this to be serious. The entire matter concerning Machiventa Melchizedek and the Magisterial Foundation I had been working on all morning, the transmission got so long, I had to stop it and go on to the Light Line or I would have missed it. I have coming, ladies and gentlemen, I've had a fairly substantial post concerning the participation of humanity with the Paradise missions to Urantia. That is finally how it is designated.

The original idea was to permit the Salvington capital of Nebadon to present the issue of a Magisterial Mission to Urantia. What has happened is, it isn't the Father, and it isn't issues surrounding hyperinfinity; but the fact that there is a group of individuals that belong to hyperinfinity that are surrounding this Space Sector. Urantia sits in a space sector called number Five. Any of the Dominion that you've heard about is all Space Sector Five Local Universes. It seems as though Sector Five is an anomaly carried on by other issues, that Paradise designates through Uversa. It is a space sector as well as a time sector. And for some reason or other Space Sector Five is experiencing a transfer to a partial infinity objectivity. This is unheard of, it is really alien to the idea of a spiritual mission.

Ron Besser  
One moment, please. I'm so sorry.

Machiventa Melchizedek  
That's all right, Ron.

Ron Besser  
All right, I'm back.

Machiventa Melchizedek  
The truth of the matter is, there is nothing more I can say as Machiventa Melchizedek. I know the space sectors well. I'm an old old spirit. I belong to the ages. I originated probably as best I can tell about 30 billion Earth years ago. I'm very old. I'm very experienced. And frankly, this entire matter of a spiritual mission to Urantia, a bestowal planet yet. It has been so difficult it tries even my experience to understand what I must do to present a decent report to you today, at all.

Now, Dominick has worked hard to get this Light Line together so it makes sense to you today. Arthura has done a superb job. And Ron says is great to listen to. However, Ron also felt he had to change the way he was approaching things and just listen rather than trying to understand fully why Arthura was making a distinction between reality and well dreams. You all have to dream first, to know what you want. That goes anything from what you want to eat in the evening for supper, to what type of survival gear you want to use to stay alive until your life is done here on Urantia. Ron has done both and does it well. He also understands that we are coming to an intersection.

He has worked all morning on the report, the financial report of the Magisterial Foundation to this particular group. What money you have given and what money has been spent, and what perhaps the future expenses may entail. He spent four hours on it, and it's still not done. What I want to report about that is that the Magisterial Foundation has finally been authorized to be real and to carry the coals to Newcastle. That's an English expression saying we are sending responsibility for you to carry out the coals to Newcastle. It's a favorite expression from Ron when he lived in England, and often saw it on the local television, which is so much better than this one that you get here in the United States, but nonetheless, falls into the complacency that everything you do is real. Well, folks, that's not true. 

Everything you do is first thought about and planned for either as a financial drive, or a sexual one and the decision how to carry it out to get what you want. Arthura has made it a point to say that the entire matter of the drive on Urantia today is fallacious. What does that mean? The people in general, when they do think, think about how to maintain their home, how to pay for the expense of living, and what to do when the time comes when they die. Every man thinks about it after the age of six or seven. Ron thought about it at age four. And for reasons of state has never really escaped the thinking. He is very irritated over the idea of having to step out and never finishing what he promised. Michael of Nebadon has said to him this morning, shut up. You are not getting anything what you think you are if you keep on that idea of having to drop everything and run upstairs to a furnished apartment.

No. Rather, what we have to do with the idea of a transition to death or through death, I should say is to avoid thinking about it in terms that Ron is forced to. He says to himself, I dare not just drop this on anybody. It's too important for Urantia. We're talking about inventions. Ron has the patent for free electricity, it works. But he also has a patent written up and ready to go for the hydrogen car. He says to Rayson; I can't do this patent. Because if you put it on the road, You're going to have the cars in the repair shop, when the stones and snow and whatever other junk is on the road dents the panels over the transmission rods. It is necessary ladies and gentlemen, when producing hydrogen without a battery, that the transfer rods underneath the car are not damaged, and truly straight and align parallel. If you don't do that you do not generate hydrogen. But Ron has determined that if you spin two rods together within an inch of each other at a high RPM, you create all electrical field. Why not transfer the electrical field on one rod to the other rod and send it to the chambers of the engine where the spark plug changes it to a fire that pushes the cylinders down, through hydrogen. He can do it without a battery and he knows how to do it. And it's that simple.

Now this: I have spilled the beans more or less on it. Ron knows I just gave you the secret. But he also knows that unless there is a manufacturer that is capable of high tolerance; the parallel rods are probably never genuinely parallel and therefore there is a problem, and then a secret, to collect it and finish it, and solve it. To make them truly parallel you have two rods as one. He doesn't know how to do that. That is what he's waiting for, for the patent. Now this: Ron kinda laughs at the whole thing he says; that's what I thought. All right. The fox is at it again. That's okay. I enjoy the fox. Now this: we are now learning in a short while that the entire matter of the Magisterial Foundation is revised. Dominick doesn't know it. Only Ron does and is tired of the revisions. I am Machiventa Melchizedek and I'm transferring this to Rayson.

Ron Besser  
One moment while I clear my throat. One moment, please. All right.

This is Rayson the Magisterial Son of record to Urantia. My transmission today was unprepared for. Ron didn't expect it. I certainly didn't. And Machiventa wasn't sure what he heard. But I can affirm and confirm that I shall do so and now make this report

Master Spirit Four  
I am Master Spirit Four. I intervene briefly to state this: Rayson is unaware of my control facility. Master Spirit Four is also a consummator, I’m Consummator Five. The Universal Father is Consummator Six. Consummator Four is the Father-Son union. That is its unity. For my own reasons, I insist on speaking for one small reason Rayson and I release this. The entire situation over Urantia is a plurality of evil and good. Ron has been fighting it for two years. They are vicious and they harm him. What he doesn't relate is, he has learned a way to break them apart. And for that reason, I salute you, Ron. I've never seen a human do that.

Fully explained, we're not going to do it right now. But in a future post, you will see an extraordinary report not only on Ron but on the one Ron has designated as his lieutenant, Dominick Ohrbeck. Both of them contain the seeds of a future species. No procreation will produce it. What will produce it through these two and half a dozen others is that the entire matter must be settled first by Consummator Six, which is our Universal Father. Father, wishes not to speak to this, on this Light Line. But we do have this to say to you Dominick, to you Ron, and to two members of the board. I'm not going to name you, but you are well known to Ron even before the board formed. And for that reason, Ron says;

Ron Besser  
Oh my god. I've got to find my memory on that.

Master Spirit Four 
It's okay, Ron, we'll let you know later. Dominick and you Ron are of the new species. The new species isn't appearance. The new species is mind and what Father wishes to change your minds to. Every one of you listening today has the capacity to transfer as the new species. Let your prayers ask for it and your understanding appear without explanation. And finally this to you Ron, you're not dying. Yes, you're noting it is three minutes to three by your clock on the wall. That's your version of time.

Ron Besser  
The clock reality.

Master Spirit Four  

Thank you. This is Arthura. We appreciate that, Ron.

Ron Besser  
We send you a new sweater, sir.

Thank you, Ron.

Michael of Nebadon  
Now this: this is Michael of Nebadon, Ron, you are in your usual injudicious way of trying to come out of the coma that the night season produces because of all of the complaints of the cabal against you. Let may explain something to all of you. Ron is not originally designated to have done all of this. There were three others we wanted to do this. All three have capitulated and become complainers not only about the Fifth Epochal Revelation, but about the Urantia Foundation, and particularly Ron Besser for starting something they thought they should start. Well, Ron didn't intend for it to work this way. He intended to produce corporations we could land on and if incarnated, use the telephone and plan long trips. But that's not how it worked out. How it's worked out is that the Magisterial Foundation is now three years old, at least. And for that reason, Ron just corrects me. It is at least 16 years old. Thank you, Ron.

And finally this: you are correct the entire matter that must be subsumed into today's Light Line is that the cabal has walked out on Ron. And Ron says; finally and fully. Good riddance. I will not have anything to do with you. The problem is the cabal contains the keys to wireless electricity not but to his life presentation. Today, they walked out and insisted that he die. Ron says; all right, I'll die before I ever give word to you, of compliance. What they want Ron to do is to become the head of a supreme evaluation of Urantia in order to produce a planetary government run by the seraphim. Please remember this. The Fifth Epochal Revelation describes to you that the planetary government is seraphic. The new government is Melchizedek. It has nothing to do with the seraphic departments. What happened is this: Ron comes along and says there's nothing to stop me from commanding an operation that allows humans to participate with or without approval. I will call it the Magisterial Foundation.

Because the Magisterial Sons said they would inhabit the corporation and at least run the human side for information. That was the original explanation and energy that Ron used to form it. Ron discovered that it's insufficient, even those years past. He says; there are at least five or six reasons that the future missions from Salvington will demand. I am forming corporations for each of those departments. And that the board of directors is the same as the Magisterial Foundation, so that we do not devolve the power of the Magisterial Foundation out of the original idea, it's a resting place and a place to pay the bills. If we are asked to.

Today, about an hour ago, Ron posted a summary of the expenses not only for the year 2023, but has presented you some idea of the cost to run it for 2024. As well as what departments that is corporations under the Magisterial Foundation, not spend, but what their expenses will point to. That is now up as a post. And finally, this, it really needs a little bit more, but Ron ran out of time, and had to attend this Light Line. What we are now going to do and it is now a little after three, but we're going to take another five or 10 minutes.

For those of you who must understand more than you really are capable of Ron Besser at China Pond which was his New York address. understood that what happened at China Pond was irreversible, but didn't know what it was to do. It is now, let me see, over 30 years later that the event occurred. Ron is quite normal and for reasons of State was quite aware of the demand in the Urantia Book to attune to the Adjuster. What Ron didn’t know, that is when he moved to New York, and finally settled on China Pond as his home. He had already completed the first circle. He completed all seven circles in transit to New York, that December day. He says; I remember it well. It was goodbye to everything I ever knew. And a hope that the new job and the new experience would transform me into what I need to be. For that reason, Ron, you were very happy to move to New York.

Ron Besser
Oh, yes.

Michael of Nebadon
What happened?

Ron Besser
Really nothing. Until the Adjuster decided said this young man has reached down and pulled himself up with new bootstraps. That's very hard to do. Some of you have done it. Don't you think you haven’t. For that reason, you are the employee of Father already. The Son and the Spirit appreciate it as usual. But it is your Father that is your boss. Those on the board of directors of the Magisterial Foundation are all Father Son. They have shown us they have the competition and the origin of heart to make a difference by allowing a shelter for anybody else that wants to join them to know what it is to become God-centered. All of the board is God-centered to the point we may use them for transmission and for good reason to operate the Magisterial Foundation fully.

Ron said to me this morning, while trying to put the post together. Where do we really operate when we have such a board control that it is hard to see exactly how many humans we may include under our banner. I said all humans are under your banner, Ron.

Machiventa Melchizedek
This is Machiventa Ron, with an intervention briefly. That is correct. Thank you. You are not drifting Ron. I am drifting. You're fine.

Ron Besser
I feel connected. Thank you.

Machiventa Melchizedek
Finally this: it is now about bye Ron's clock eight minutes after 3:00 p.m. The truth of the matter is his clock varies a minute a day due to heating and cooling. In any case, we have nine minutes.

Ron Besser
Well, the Melchizedeks are always right. Thank you.

Machiventa Melchizedek
Thank you Ron. When I have to stop my speech and listen and finally this to you Dominick. You are not required to come over today if you don't want to. But Ron says he needs the stimulation under the circumstances and he hopes that you're here today. And finally this Ron. I Machiventa Melchizedek am taking you under my wing when you arrive on the mansion world. No, you're not going to lord it over everybody.

Ron Besser  
And Marian has to learn to tap dance. There's a Urantia rhythm, and it must be shown sometimes. Thank you, Michael.

Michael of Nebadon  
In any case, Ron, the whole reason that we speak very carefully now. And it's shortly back to you, Dominick, I want you to understand that the Magisterial Foundation is the very first Foundation founded by a human that will be perpetuated in all future bestowals on the many worlds of humanity in Nebadon. Michael of Nebadon so likes the concept, he thinks it should be part of any bestowal to any human planet that brings them into the fold of the kingdom. And for that reason, Ron, you compose yourself.

Ron Besser  
I don't know what to say. I am so thankful that you consider it important, Michael, and that the Father, I assume okays it?

Michael of Nebadon  
Yes, he does, Ron.

Ron Besser  
I am grateful beyond words. Thank you for allowing this contribution.

Michael of Nebadon  
Thank you, Ron. As always, perfect speech. And now this: shortly Dominick you're going to get this to close out. But let me say this. I am the Urantia boss. I'm called Michael of Nebadon. But I'm also Michael of Urantia. Please understand that the organizations that I now support, fuel, and give everything I can to them. First starts with the Magisterial Foundation. For today, it is operational five, march 2024. The Missions are on. We use the Magisterial Foundation for the wireless electric plant and the telephone. We appreciate it deeply, Ron.

Monjoronson, Serara, Sen Sen, and Henson  
This is Monjoronson, and Serara, Sen Sen, and Henson.

Ron Besser  
Welcome all, please go ahead, please. Thank you.

Monjoronson, Serara, Sen Sen, and Henson  
The truth of the matter is you're shocked.

Ron Besser  

Monjoronson, Serara, Sen Sen, and Henson  
You didn't expect it?

Ron Besser  
Not at all. It's a gift.

Monjoronson, Serara, Sen Sen, and Henson  
I fully agree with that Ron. For reasons of state, your control is absolute Ron when you need it. You've fully offended no one this morning when you told that individual who was buzzing you while you're trying to write a post where every five words you had to correct because of his presence. They are not the Infinite Spirit Ron but close enough. You gave him the raspberry to tell him please get back, you're disrupting my nervous system. You're the only one that the Spirit can do that too because you are fully receptive. Thank you. The truth of the matter is you just whispered; my apologies. And they are accepted.

Ron Besser  
Thank you.

Monjoronson, Serara, Sen Sen, and Henson  
In portraying this event, this morning with Ron along about 10:30 a.m. New York time. We also report that the Universal Father intervened and said; please just stay back the nervous system cannot take the load of all that Spirit. Ron is weak in that because he uses it so much.

Universal Father  
I am the Universal Father. I am now overweening in my desire to see to that this Light Line is finally done in a few minutes. But for reasons of my own Dominick you are operating at your maximum right now. And please understand that if you find yourself failing every once in a while, the house you like to rest in with Ron will be yours shortly. I am not going to allow Ron to obtain all that he has been promised by Michael. For that reason, Ron is asking; is this genuinely a clear channel?

Michael of Nebadon  
This is Michael of Nebadon. No, Ron. But it is Father. It is one of the first times I have ever overruled a Paradise command. And Father forgive me, it's too important to me, Michael to dismiss Ron. Yes, Dominick, the house will be yours but its always with Ron. I assume you are comfortable enough to use it quite often. It is a comfortable home. And we understand that you Raz are coming to see Ron tomorrow. He looks forward to it and pretty much well. And for reasons of state to you Dominick. It is vital that you see him today, don't put it off. And finally this to you, Dominick: the entire situation that you are producing as this Tuesday Light Line is yours to perpetuate, please. Arthura lectures beautifully through you. You've got the type of mind he loves to work with. Ron is what he calls a tar baby. And we will not discuss it further.

Ron Besser  
I need my straw, Arthura. Thank you.

Michael of Nebadon  
And for the last straw, this Ron: this is Michael of Nebadon. Arthura is not here right now. He has to prepare to reconvene His commission that I said He must convene when the Missions are go. Go! All of you have waited. All of you have been pouting over the transfer of power from Ron to the Melchizedeks and I am naturally in control of the Melchizedeks. They are my Sons too. I fully appreciate Machiventa, trying to figure out where He is right now.

For the Father has commanded Machiventa Melchizedek to rule as a supreme ruler without being called god the supreme. Ron was actually fused in three cells with God the Supreme. He said it felt like being in a glass of ginger ale. It tingled and bubbled so pleasantly. He thought of that as the pleasure of drinking a ginger ale, which he enjoys. The supreme learned that Ron was his and made the mistake of thinking that Nebadon, because Ron was his, was his too. You know the rest of the history. And finally this to all of you: there will be several posts in the coming hours and days you need to pay attention to. It has become almost a playground to come in and see what's new and then drop out.

Universal Father  
I am changing, and this is not Machiventa. This is the Universal Father. How it operates starting now. The Melchizedeks are the trustees, the over control of the Magisterial Foundation. The trustees are overseen by Consummator Six with the help of Consummator Four, Consummator Five, and Consummator Eight. Consummator Seven has stepped back and said the Trinity is no commander. It is simply the law. So Consummators Four, Five, and Eight are under the command of the Arthura Commission to oversee the operation of the Magisterial Foundation, unlike the old Urantia Foundation which never had this superior commanding and we are doing the superior commanding to make sure it lasts and doesn't make human mistakes.

Michael of Nebadon  
And finally, there is so much to say and tell. We are going to allow Ron to hold a Light Line this Thursday. Today is Tuesday, Thursday at regular time at 2:00 p.m. this station, listen to another post with the Magisterial Foundation now fully operational and ready to start. I am Michael of Nebadon.

Machiventa Melchizedek  
This is Machiventa Melchizedek reporting. I am Manituba Melchizedek reporting. I am Mantutia Melchizedek reporting. We say with one voice. Thank you for listening. It begins today, five, March 2024.

Ron Besser  
With that Dominick, we return this call under your command. Please go ahead.

All right. Thanks, Ron. I think we all got a two-for-one today. And I thank you, Ron, for that more or less second Light Line we just got because it's 3:21. And I thank Machiventa, Arthura, as well, all the Magisterial Sons, and Michael of Urantia. I'm going to briefly swing over to you, Lemuel, just because I've gotten in the habit of doing so. You're unmuted Lemuel, it looks like we will defer anything you transmit to tomorrow.

Yes, indeed. That is my intention. Yes. Thank you.

You're welcome. And I'm going to close out anything further, Lemuel?

No, just to invite everybody and to remind you that I'm here. I'm alive and well. And I should look forward to welcoming most of you tomorrow on my Light Line Wednesday, the sixth.

Ron Besser  
This is Ron Besser, one moment, please.


Ron Besser  
Lemuel, the Father commands, you speak a transmission now. There is something important you need to relate. I'm sorry to intervene, Dominick. But that is a direct mandate. Go ahead, Lemuel.

Universal Father  
Don't hesitate any longer, Lemuel. I am the Universal Father. You were hesitating because you are shy you do not want people to know but I will tell them. Your life has been saved three times, Lemuel. Three times because you are precious as all are my sons precious. You have dedicated your life to me as many others have and you have put your life on the line many times and that has not gone unseen. And so when it became necessary, I have stepped in to keep you. You will be used, like many others. I cannot afford to lose you and I have not lost you. There's no need to thank me Lemuel, in fact, you've already done that before.

I have done what I've done because I wanted to do it. It is as simple as that. And now for the rest of you who are listening to this: Lemuel is not the only one that I have saved. There have been two or three others. And they know nothing about it. They don't need to know. But it has been the case. Also, of course, you are fully aware of the situation with Ron. Ron has been taken care of constantly, for years, really. But he's still here because I want him to be here. I have nothing further to say. And so I will only say thank you for listening. I leave you now. Thank you.

This is Lemuel. Thank you very much, Father. Thank you. I pass this back to you now, Ron if I may, thank you.

Okay, I'll take it up Lemuel, and thank you.

Okay, thank you, Dominick.

Okay, before I stop the recording, just remind everyone, Lemuel tomorrow at two, Eastern. Ron will be hosting a Thursday at two Eastern as well. And we have, I believe 13 on the call. We've solved a little bit of a mystery internally that I'd like the group to know that Salvador and his wife are commonly referred to as Amethyst with the 661 area code, but Salvador has been attending quite regularly. And I just kind of want to introduce him to the group and we may have Amethyst on the internet also. I've unmuted you Amethyst, just for proof of life. Are you there? Just to say hello if you miss us, but you're off the mute for everybody else if you'd like to say hello briefly. I'm going to unmute everybody else.

Nothing is lost to the heart of God,
nothing is lost for ever;
God's heart is love,
and that love will remain,
holding the world forever. (lyrics by Colin Gibson, Words © 1996 Hope Publishing Company)