Author Topic: LLUSA WEDNESDAY 6 MARCH 2024  (Read 4956 times)

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« on: March 06, 2024, 15:42:13 pm »

In today´s Lightline we were pleased to receive Amadon and Arthura.
We also received transmissions through Ron.
A big thank you to all who attended. 


Link to the recording:


Online SonsofGod

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« Reply #1 on: March 07, 2024, 15:28:15 pm »
  • 030624 Audio Tape Light Line; host: Lemuel; other transmitter: Ron Besser;
  • Subjects: Life on normal planets do not produce such experienced humans than on Urantia; Arthura explains space travel the fastest way, speed of light is likened to snail mail; Mission progression, Magisterial Foundation goals and future, many ongoing topics; Ron Besser's recognition for his accomplishments; Pope Benedict VIII is the pontiff now on the mansion words over about 83 Popes who passed; electric cars are coming soon; Jesus is coming very soon; the Chronicles of Jesus' return.  
  • Speakers: Amadon, Arthura, Michael of Nebadon, Machiventa Melchizedek, Pope Benedict VIII, Rayson, Magisterial Son, and Christ Michael
  • Transcribed By: sonsofGod
  • Link To Tape:

Hello, everyone. Good afternoon, good evening wherever you are. Welcome to this Wednesday Lightline, the 6th of March, 2024. I am Lemuel, your host, and we are at the moment have 12 callers. Someone else has just popped in, who is that? Just a number, double two, six, eight. Well, welcome to you. All right. Well, let us see if we have someone here who will act as our MC for this Wednesday Lightline. (cough) Excuse me.

Yes, this is Amadon, Lemuel.

Oh, welcome, Amadon. You're very welcome. Thank you for coming.

It's good to be here always, Lemuel. I enjoy your Lightlines. Yes, this is…

Amadon, if you don't mind, can I ask a question?

Yes, of course.

We've had Lightlines now for I don't know exactly maybe six or … maybe six years. And all sorts of things that happened, of course, over these last six years, but I want to ask you that there are many subjects that are never mentioned, never talked about. And perhaps I can just mention a few of them, and invite you to comment, if I may, on the reason why they are never spoken to. For example. One of the things that are uppermost in my mind is the fact that we have been visited, when I say we, I mean, people here on Urantia, visited by aliens or extraterrestrials - whatever you want to call them -, other civilizations, for 1000s upon 1000s of years. And they had left their mark here on the earth, the aborigines have left the marks and drawings on the walls of caves, et cetera, et cetera. And there are countless pyramids in places on the five continents of the earth, all orientated in a certain way, and from where that the people get the information of the technique to construct such wonderful pyramids. So this is one thing.

Another thing uppermost in my mind recently has been the defense systems that are obviously, well, it must be in place. And that is to say, the defense system for ... for the system of Satania, and four different sections, the minor sections or the major sections, I'm assuming that there are defense systems put in place. And we have ... you have tremendous galactic spacecraft that are never spoken to. And I'm sure that not just myself, but many of us would be most interested to hear something about ... about that.

And of course, the ... Well we all know that there's a tremendous amount of cover up with all governments of the world, but I'm thinking specifically of the government of United States since the time of Roswell in New Mexico, and we all know what took place there. But there is so much cover up thinking that, you know, the people are stupid, they will never understand or whatever it is.
I can't understand the reason no one today in their right mind thinks that we are the only inhabited planet in the whole of the cosmos. Perhaps that is still what the churches want us to believe but come on. So, if you don't … sorry, Amadon, if you don't mind I have to ask you these things. And please, I invite you if you, if you would like to comment on that, please. Thank you.

Well, oh, Lemuel. Yes, of course. You are right. There are so many things that in fact we could talk about. And whilst this is, it is true to say that in fact there is no subject that is taboo really, but there are certain subjects that you would term as a very hot potato and, and therefore, it is best not to, you know, to go there. But also I must say that, you know, this is a discussion forum, and ever since then, you know the Teaching Mission way back in the 90s of the last century, the whole intention of the mission was to teach spiritual truths that have been denied you, with contact that is to say, as you know, for many 1000s of years because of the rebellion.

And so, to come up to date now, with what has developed over the years, that is to say, what Ron has done to develop what is now termed as Lightlines, and for us to view transmitters to become, in fact, Voice of God is such a wonderful thing. But it also must be said that it would be really nonproductive, as in terms of spiritual reasons, for some of the subjects that you are aware of that are not spoken to, to be spoken to. But I would like to repeat, there's no taboo subject. It's just that was some of yours too hot to handle, so to speak. But yeah, there's so many of these are simply nonproductive at this point in time, not necessary. I hope you can accept my answer.

And also, especially, you all know, what is taking place over the past ... what is it now, three or four years. And in fact the situation on Urantia, not only was it terribly difficult before, but even now, after what just taken place with the supreme, and the necessity for Father to inaugurate a New Universe Age. It has, the situation has become so tremendously complicated, to try to come to terms with the need of a Mission. And, again, to be visited with the Material Sons, Adam and Eve, and of course, the Second Return of Jesus. All these things coming together at the same time, or being considered at the same time, is really a nightmare. You know, we also say, as above, so below, and so, well you all know what is going on below. The state of the world at the moment is just hardly any words to describe it, it is so deplorable. Well, we also have our situation here upstairs, but it's not, it's not the same types that you have, but nevertheless, the situation is extremely complicated. And well, yes, I understand your concern. And … but as I say, I repeat, there are certain subjects that simply is not appropriate, it's not at the moment, not that it is secret or taboo, but no, not at the moment. There are so many other things more important to consider and to talk about, Lemuel, and I think you will agree.

Yes, well, this is Lemuel. I do agree, yes, obviously, but I was bound to ask if you don't mind and because these things have been up and most on my mind. Yes, so, well, okay, Amadon. So please, go ahead when you’re ready.

Well, thank you, Lemuel. All right, thank you. Well, yes.
So, let me talk about something in fact that I, I'm sure you're all interested in. You know the problems that are being faced at the moment with the Missions. You all know one minute they're on and the next minute it off, et cetera, et cetera, et cetera. Because of unique situation on Urantia for the reasons that you're fully aware of, not only due to the fact that Urantia are one in a million planets that the Creator Son Michael of Nebadon has chosen, this little blue blue ball in the outer edges of the section on this universe, to come and live as a human for his seventh Bestowal as Jesus. And the Lucifer rebellion, and all the rest of these things, you know, that is the situation that is so complicated.

But let me mention a few things about a normal planet, what is a normal planet? That has not suffered rebellion. As you know, Urantia is what? 606 of Satania and or 607, I think has been changed recently, as it has got a different number. I'm not certain. And you all know there's 100 (1,000) in a system, so there's still a long way to go before there are 100 (1,000) planets in this system, but in, in other systems, where they have the 100 (1,000) planets finished, there is not one in Light end Life. But I want to mention the general sequence of events on a planet that has not had a rebellion, and does not, and is not a bestowal planet. And well as you all know, there comes a time when… Yes, what I'm thinking, let me go further back. So that you have a complete picture or a more complete picture.

You're all know that when a Creator Son is thinking about creating his own universe, we're talking about a situation that is going to take billions of years in preparation. Yes, billions of years. Well, as you know to use an analogy of, so many that I could use, but let us say a king in his palace wants to have a particular new garden in the part of his kingdom. Well, you know that everything has to be prepared, that the earth has to be prepared, etc, etc, etc, and there comes a time when the expert gardeners and landscape gardeners are called in to do what they have to do, etc, etc. Well, it's the same with the planet as you all know it, there comes a time when the Life Carriers are able to come and begin their work. And so when you really know and understand the reasons for this, then that does away, does it not, with the question, you know, the problem with the chicken and the egg. Which is first? Of course, the chicken is first because the chicken is brought here by the Life Carriers. And so that goes on. Everything is prepared, and the Life Carriers come, etc, etc. Fine.

Well, now fast forward as you're say. There comes time when the planet and the inhabitants are ready to receive the Materials Sons and Daughters, and Adam and Eve. And why? Well, generally because the possibility or the probability or rather the necessity of the Material Son and Daughter to come to the planet when it's the right moment, so to speak, to improve the line, the productivity and the quality of the children that are produced, etc, etc, etc. And why is that? Well, obviously the reason is that the humans, no matter how they are, they may be similar to the humans here on this planet, or very, very different, but nevertheless, the reason for the life is to progress spiritually, to eventually become perfect and evolve with the planet to settle into Light and Life. So that is a short term to give you that picture.

Well, it's very different, of course, here on Urantia, as you are fully aware of. But those other planets that have been successful with the administration and the work on their Material Sons and Daughters, they make much more and quicker advance than here on Urantia, for example, because of everything that has taken place, it stands to reason, does it not? So, that being the case, those people, those beings, who have not had to suffer and put up with the turmoils and problems that poor Urantia, and you beings are had to put up with, they are, by no way half experienced as you are.

Now imposing those specifically for you to think about this. All the problems that Urantia has had to face although what is it? 250,000? Whatever years it is, it's a hell of a long time, yes. But what you have experienced as a species, Homo Sapiens, what you have experienced no other human anywhere has had to have, has had the same experiences. Yes, Urantia has been a school of hard knocks, but it's been so terribly worth it to produce and are producing humans, such as yourselves.

Well, I just thought it was worth mentioning the fact, the difference between a normal planet in a system where the system sovereign is not rebelled, and that the planetary governor and the planetary prince have behaved themselves, etc, etc, and so on, everything has been perfect. Fine, that's okay, but that has not been the case here on Urantia, as you are fully aware of.

So, now coming up to date. Here we are to 6th of March 2025 (2024), and the situation, well, I'm not going to mention situation politically in the world because you are fully aware of that. But as far as we're concerned, we upstairs as Lemuel likes to refer to us “you upstairs”, we upstairs, come into terms with the latest development, the latest agreement, the latest go ahead from Father, knowing what has, what is… what has been put in place so many times. And then yes, there's always been some tweaking to be done here and there, yes, but by enlarge, it is the same plan that has been on the table for years. But especially it's been tweaked more than ever since the rebellion, I'm sorry, since the loss of the supreme and the inauguration of the New Universe Age.

The biggest, yes well, one of the biggest problems, not the biggest problem, but certainly one of the biggest problems that of course we have had to face is of course the remnants of the rebellion insurrectionists and the problem is with the … with those that are still faithful to the supreme. And, you know some things, but you all understand because you've been told before. But then they have lost their parents, they have become orphans. The supreme being and the creator, the creative spirit. So, it's quite understandable to think what they had to come to terms with, they are lost. They are lost. And so to rebel was natural for them, not knowing which way to turn which way to go.

And this has been an ongoing problem ever since 2019, and it's become less and less and less, thank goodness because you have all suffered to some degree, and Ron has suffered as you know tremendously over this during these recent years, because of the insurrectionists that you all refer to now as the cabal. Well, we are hoping now that this is finally over. Finally, finally over, as it's been said before, but they always managed to sneak in here and then to find a little hole. Anyway, we hope, we definitely hope that this time they've gone at least hopefully from Urantia. Alright. This is Amadon speaking, and in fact, well, that's all I need to say at the moment, Lemuel. I will remain. And let me see if there is someone else waiting to come.

Well, this is Lemuel. I'm gonna take this moment to have a little drink if you don't mind. So just a moment please. Thank you. I’d like to refresh my page, just a moment, please. Oh, we are up to 15. So, who can I welcome? Well, welcome Salvador Uruguay Ocurro. Welcome. And welcome 4838. Welcome, Valerie. And welcome, Ron, thank you for joining us. You're so very welcome. All right. So that brings us up to 15.

So, I'm sorry. Amadon, do we have anyone else yet?
Yes. Yes. Thank you, Amadon, thank you.

I am Arthura, Lemuel.

Well, welcome, Arthura. It is so good of you to pop in on a Wednesday Lightline.

Well, thank you, Lemuel, but it's not just a case of popping in. It is as you know, I’ve a phasing down. I am able to phase down and down, down and down, until I'm able to come face to face, so to speak, and to join a Lightline.

Thank you, Arthura, for phasing down. Please go ahead when you're ready.

Well, thank you, Lemuel. Yes. Well, I would like to mention something that perhaps you've all been curious about. And that is the obvious ability that Michael and well, all the Celestials have the ability to travel back and forth from Salvington to Urantia, from Urantia to Paradise, in the twinkling of an eye so to speak. How is that possible? Well, we have our ways, as we say. But we know that you have also thought, obviously, that the maximum speed that anything or anyone is able to attain in time and space is the speed of light. Well, to use your term, the speed of light really is snail mail, obviously. It's gonna take you forever to get from one side of the universe to the next, to the other side, so to speak. So, there must be other ways, and of course, there are other ways. And the simple answer is of course that deep space travel is outside, in fact, of time and space.

To put it more succinctly, in order for Michael and other celestials to travel from Earth, so to speak, or even from Salvington back and forth to Paradise and to have a little chat with, with Father, they have to have another means of transport. Yes, but it is outside of time and space. That's all I can say, because in fac, there's no point in trying to tell you other things about it, because it's simply beyond your comprehension and it's not necessary. But that is the short and sweetest answer, outside of time and space, obviously. If they had to use the time, obviously they couldn't do it, it's just not possible. So, their mode of transport, their way of going back and forth, is completely outside of time and space, which means of course, outside of the Master Universe.

You all know that there is the Grand Central Universe. Think of an octopus with just the seven tentacles. Alright, that is the center, the octopus is the Central Universe. The seven tentacles are the seven Superuniverses. So they are, and all of that put together is the Master Universe and outside of all that again is what in return termed as hyper infinity. So, infinity, and what is infinite is all encompassed, so to speak, within the octopus. Well, as you all know, the octopus is swimming in the ocean, what is the ocean? Well, you can regard the ocean, if you like is hyper infinity. And there are also beings, or you are fully aware of outside of all of that. I exist and so do others in hyper infinity. We do not have time and space. For me to phase down, I have to enter time and space. And that is the same for all deity, for all existential deity. And so perhaps now it will help you to understand the problems that celestials have to face when it is deemed necessary for incarnations.

So, now coming right and up to date. You are now waiting for the incarnations of the Magisterial Sons. Monjoronson, Serara, Sanson, Hanson, and perhaps one or two others. That is still on as far as I am aware of. The Return of Jesus of course is something else. Not to say that separate on the part, but Jesus has his own timeline, so to speak, and his own plans. And so that I cannot say anything about that. But I just want you to know that everything is on again. And you know, the Missions were canceled, just was it less than a week ago, but now they played back on, really back on again. And so you're up to date with the situation. I don't know if anyone else would come and talk. And perhaps Ron has more information, perhaps, and he would like to say something later, but for the moment, this is the situation. And just to remind you again I am Arthura, and in fact I do enjoy it. Well, yes, yes, it is to certain extent, I enjoy phasing down, because I have developed an interest in and yes, Lemuel is thinking, how is it possible? Yes, I'm

Excuse me, can I?

Yes, Lemuel, go ahead.

This is Lemuel. I have often thought to myself, how is it possible? Why, for goodness's sake, why is it and how is it possible for someone so high to just exist outside of time and space in what is referred to as hyper infinity? How is it possible that anyone can have any interest in anyone? That's what is going on, on this planet that is absolutely in dire straits, how is it possible? So,

Well, Lemuel, that it is possible, and I am such a possible, so to speak, I am particularly interested. One of the reasons, one of the main reasons is because the …, due to the tremendous work that Ron Besser has done over the years, not only to put the means, the way, the means for celestials to actually use something in material sense, literally material sense in the form of Magisterial Foundation in York, is such a wonderful achievement. So wonderful in fact, that as you been informed that the Magisterial Sons are really taken it on. And of course, the Melchizedek as well as they are, so to speak, and they will use it. And it's the first time ever, that this has been done. And this is all thanks to Ron Besser. And so also because of you guys, those of you are able to transmit and have shown such a great interest in the Missions that are to come. Obviously, you can say has enticed me to show an interest because it is such an unique situation here. And so, there you are.

Well, Arthura, I'm so pleased to hear that. Thank you.

All right. You're welcome, Lemuel. Well, all right, in fact, I have nothing else to say, and I have enjoyed just popping in, as you'd like to say, and perhaps, no, I can assure I will pop in again some other time. So for the moment, Lemuel, I say thank you, and I bid you all a very good day. Thank you.

Well, thank you, Arthura. Thank you so much. And well, Amadon. Well, perhaps, I'm sorry. Perhaps I feel I should have handed it back to you.

That doesn't matter. It's not important, Lemuel. So, yes, this is Amadon. Yes, I am still here. Well, I was very interested also to hear what Arthura had to say. So yes, indeed. All that phasing down from such a high situation. Well, there you go. All right. Well, let me see, Lemuel, if there's anyone else here.
Well, yes, in fact, Michael of Nebadon is here, Lemuel, but I think he's intimated to me that he would prefer if you don’t mind to open up to Ron and ask Ron to take it. So, would you do that?

Well, yes, of course. Thank you, Amadon. Ron, did you hear that? I'm going to unmute you, please, if I may, and I'm given to understand from Amazon that Michael of Nebadon is here and would like to, to speak through you.

Ron Besser
Yeah, I'm unmuted.

Okay, thank you, Ron.

Ron Besser
Thank you, Lemuel, and thank you, Arthura.

Michael of Nebadon
This is Michael of Nebadon to all of you. Ron has been experiencing for the last 72 hours, a hideous headache, and unable to move very well. But he is expecting a guest today, and he's looking forward to them. In any case, I want you all to know that I, Michael of Nebadon, have received not only from Ron, a fidelity statement, but from Dominick, and to others of you. We ask you in your own mind, and perhaps in your prayer, to state your fidelity to Michael of Nebadon and that you intend to serve under his command.

The cabal insists on extracting oats that are not true. They are trying to learn how to run a government without experience in front of them, or behind them, I should say. The truth of the matter is that Ron, the Board of Directors of the Magisterial Foundation, and several of its supporting corporations, of which there are six, is looking at the possibility of stealing it not, but placing it into the repertoire of future planets that I might use, that are mature enough to establish something like a Magisterial Foundation. Let me tell you why. With a place on Earth with a telephone, a desk, and the means to incarnate and speak with the powers all around the world of the planet, we are going to provide a Mission, is a miracle. We have never had it before. No one ever thought to do it. Ron did.

And for that reason, we have to be very careful, because this is the first time we've ever attempted a human corporation to renew our physical connections by telephone, visits in the office, and a trial to learn how corporate America will treat us. I am not quite sure. But the Magisterial Foundation is so unique that we're going to try it regardless of how much it costs to do it. That is about all I want to say in that area. You're lucky. Because of it you are open to daily transmissions and posts about our condition and our view of Urantia, your planet, and what we think we're going to do about it. Without it, you would have to be surprised one day.

What might you be surprised with? Well, for one thing, Jesus is not looking at the Second Return with relish. The truth of the matter is that the Second Return is a problem to Jesus as Urantia is on a war footing. We detest it, but that is typical of this awful planet when it comes to leadership. Second of all, Ron has a picture of Xi Jinping of China sitting in the center of the meeting of what we still called the Politburo. They call it a different organ name, but it's still the communist Politburo. Ron sees him sitting in the center as a leader. His eyes are squeezed close, almost shut. He is sitting with his arm slightly folded over his middle chest. He's looking at the desk in front of him and seeing nothing. What do you think this means? We think it means that you have no idea, but it sounds as though he is having an alternative view of life on Urantia through spirit eyes. That's likely the case.

Now, for reasons of state, Ron, you are not permitted to know all those things. And you don't mind. You on the discussion forum know very little more in fact less. For the instance Ron is aware of a lot more through interjections by myself. Gabriel and others in the standard subscription, of what we call a spirit mission to a planet. He hears it all day and as well informed. The problem that we've got with all of you, including Ron, is that the entire matter concerning those who are not included in these transmissions have no real reason to be interested. The subject of God is nearly verboten.

And for reasons of state, the European Union has nothing whatever to do with spirit. They are plutocrats. Those are people high up in government that have no interest, particularly in you, or God. We think the EU will not collapse. As Ron says it must sustain itself. It is too important for those countries of what we call Western Europe, and now the Balkans, possibly Turkey, and now the northern countries must adhere to as a sovereign unity as one, one government. That's not the United States of Europe. That's not the United States, Canada and Mexico, but it is one government between North America and Western Europe to be obtained to almost immediately. The top of the government is spirit. The middle of the government is the United States and the EU and the associated countries such as Canada, Norway, Sweden and so on. The truth of the matter is that without Ron, it is very difficult to achieve patrimony. What Ron has done for those who do not do analysis is he has combined the use of the spiritual intent with the legal system of Urantia primarily through the United States. We are using the legal system much more this time, because we can through the Magisterial Foundation. It's part of humanity and you. Its in your atmosphere with a storefront we will give it. For that reason, it becomes a department first of the planetary government under Mantutia Melchizedek, the planetary prince.

Second of all, It will be recognized by the Urantia population that it has a voice in attempting to show you the attitude of the Spirit Government over each of you and the Magisterial Foundation. Third, there is no use in commenting on those who want to be. Ron understood clear back in 1999 that this had to come into existence. There is no way anybody else could have done it. First of all, he knows the Urantia Book inside and out. If you all have the same knowledge, you would be much more advanced than you are in your thinking. Ron's thinking is advanced. He understands that the spirit government headed by Michael of Nebadon will not work with a rump seat of any organization, without a full dedication of that organization with departments to operate as a Mission. He saw that in 1999. For reasons of state, he did not incorporate until 2003. And then the evolution of incorporations has resulted in the ability for us to use them as a front office. If we want to. I do not always want to but there's portions of it we will.

Further this, The entire matter of Lightline, discussion forum. WTP, Chronicles, and about a host of four or five other categories are now instituted fully in the dispensation declared this morning. Today is March 6, 2024, not 2025, Lemuel. In any case, what you need to understand from our side of things is that the Magisterial Foundation is now a parental unit to anything else we wish to establish to run the Missions and provide you insight into the various moods and attitudes of God. I never had the privilege before and Ron smiles at that and says, I think the privilege is on this side, Michael. We grant you any privilege you wish to take. Thank you.

Ron Besser
Thank you, Michael.

Michael of Nebadon
This is Michael. I never had that said to me before. Thank you.

Machiventa Melchizedek
This is Machiventa Melchizedek, Ron. Stay quiet.
We are Machiventa Melchizedek truly. I seldom speak directly through any transmitter. I find it tiring. For reasons on my own, I am speaking directly with Ron. Yes, and he says to me, “I feel it. I am almost stunned into the abstraction of your entity. Please continue”. I have never heard that before Ron. Thank you. I am now sure that those that Ron depends on, which is the Board of Directors of the Magisterial Foundation and the work they do continuously to help it out, will learn not the hard way, but the right way, how to be an important fellowship with a Divine Mission that is now enfolding Urantia.

As I speak, we are now looking at the addition of 13 million Saraphim, 135 Vorondadek Sons, 416 Lanondadek Sons, and 3 million Midsomers. M I D S O M E R S, Raz. And for reasons of our own let it be known that today for any visitation to 2709 has to be rather curt. We are transitioning Ron, as you look at him, and it's not pleasant for him. Please come. We have a lot to talk about today. In any case, Raz, that is Rogers zum Felde will also be accurately decided to be the Secretary General. And Ron named that over a year ago, so that you heard it. You are not just secretary of the board. You are the Secretary General. And that is a unique position for the secretary for they must adhere to the proposition. They build certain departments up for general use in the future. One is the archive and library. Raz, you have the start of this work, you do not have the end of it. Your wife is welcome to participate if she would ever liked.

And finally this, Ron. I see Tyronn at what is it? Tyrannosaurus Rex, in profile in my picture. What's it doing Ron?

Ron Besser
It appears to have a human sideways and its jaw and shaking.

Machiventa Melchizedek
Why is that possible to be seen?

Ron Besser
He may have been hungry.

Machiventa Melchizedek
Hah, yes, Ron.

Ron Besser
Or other things. I can't imagine why the picture.

Machiventa Melchizedek
The truth of the matter is Tyrannosaurus Rex is death. You detest it. You don't want any part of it. What is that you're seeing now?

Ron Besser
I'm seeing a teeter totter. I'm looking at the central point of which the board is laid across and that the riders on either end of the board may go up and down over. I'm seeing the central location where the board sits on the teeter. Thank you.

Machiventa Melchizedek
You have this amazing ability to see great detail. I wanted that shown to let you know that when you look at the Universal Father, the esteemed Creator Son Michael of Nebadon, and a certain number of yourselves, you are looking at the mainstream changes to the Magisterial Foundation we want to make.

First of all, then the Melchizedeks will not resign their council. They will resign their chairmanship. And I want you Ron to take the chairmanship, so long as you live. When you may expire, the chairmanship will devolve back to the Melchizedeks and the organization becomes divine once more.
Today, Ron understood that the Melchizedek counsel was not being withdrawn, and it's not. But the chairmanship of Manituba Melchizedek is withdrawn. You have it fully back, Ron, but do not wish it to remain in your hands.

Ron Besser
This is Ron, the Magisterial Foundation as part of the Divine Missions to Urantia may not be held by the profane human. It must cooperate as a spirit fellow department and I have asked the Melchizedeks to lend their weight and support to the Magisterial Foundation, and to direct it as they choose. I am here a minor council, and when the human board meets, I am Chairman. Thank you, Michael. Thank you Melchizedeks. Thank you Father.

Michael of Nebadon
This is Michael, Ron. I have asked you to resign the Magisterial Foundation two days ago. You don't mind, but you must keep adjusting it, though you need additional work done ongoing in spite of the new management. I have now reassigned it back to you, so that you can keep it and back into order through the human condition. But in about four days, and that is the 10th of March, I intend to reassign you, Ron, not to your deathbed, but to the omneity presence of the Eternal Son through you.

You are shocked. You are giving thanks. I am not sure why the Eternal Son has stepped forward to do this. But this, it is the very first time the Eternal Son has requested to be part of a planetary mission, and it happens on Urantia first. For that reason then we must also announce that the Infinite Spirit now declares himself not void, but an ancillary workmanship to the Son’s appreciation. Not only to you, the subscribers who are listening now, but to Ron, and what he has achieved. No one has ever done it before. I don't know what that means for Urantia. We don't know even more what it means for Ron. But he has friends among the mansion worlds who dearly want to see him and chat. For that reason, Ron, Pope Benedict the VIII, one of your favorite friends, is here to speak.

Ron Besser
We appreciate it. Is this Michael?

Michael of Nebadon
Yes. And Pope Benedict the VIII.

Ron Besser
May you proceed with my thanks. Go ahead, please.

Pope Benedict the VIII
Thank you, Ron. This is an extraordinary account . We are the Popes that have died and gone on on the mansion worlds. There are about 83 of us, so you must know how far back this goes. I am now pretending to be the pontiff Ron. Ron says, he's now gitty.Thank you, Ron.

I am Pope Benedict the VIII, Ron, and I hit it off so well, we love to chat together. He is a historian. I am a historian. We both write with the heart of history. I'm professional, he's not. For reasons of state though, the one you call Ron has done something so well done, we the pontiffs of centuries past can participate once again, in real time, with our God. You don't know, you can't guess what that means to us.

I wanted to be known Ron, you're not a pontiff. (Ron giggled.) And you just proved it.

Ron Besser
Yes. (Ha-ha, ha)

Pope Benedict the VIII
And for reasons of state, we do not describe, you are proving it. The truth of the matter is, you are welcome here anytime you may wish, and with Michael's permission to attend our sessions. Thank you, and I hear you say, you would love to, if you can. Now, I am asked to break this off momentarily.

Michael of Nebadon
This is Michael of Nebadon, Ron. You are the first human, Ronald Besser, to have achieved a status with a Mission on any planet in the time universes. You have set a precedence of remarkable ability, and a care giving that is far beyond what we expect from humans. Those who join you today are with you. I dare say that almost every one of you today listening will join the group with Ron where we assign you. First on the mansion worlds, and later on Orion for special training. Ron has made it possible by setting aside the epochal revelation and making it work for a coming Mission. I have never had it done, I don't know if it's possible again for anywhere else that Ron saw it and made it happen. He doesn't want thanks. He says is part of service to Father, and he is glad that he has your support, because he can't do it by himself.

And furthermore, to the Melchizedeks, you have made much possible. And I fully appreciate what I call friendship, but what you call the necessary work not only to Father, but to the Paradise Trinity. Thank you, Father. Thank you, Melchizedeks.

Ron Besser
Thank you, my beloved Michael. Thank you, Gabriel. I turn this back to you, Benedict.

Pope Benedict the VIII
Thank you, Ron. This. I have never pontificated over a charge of cardinals better spoken than you are, Ron. The truth of the matter is you belong in the Vatican. But Michael cannot make that happen and Francis is avoid. He cannot achieve this kind of thinking. It needs to be part of the Vatican. I don't know what is possible. And now this. I am Benedict the VIII, Pope Benedict the VIII. I died some time ago, something of a year. And for that reason I lament, I did not finish my life without knowing the people that are like you and Ron, what a way to encourage the Vatican to be again the true voice of God. I'm so sorry. I didn't see it. But now that I do, and I am on the mansion worlds, let me tell you this.

I am Pope Benedict the VIII. Ron keeps calling me Berkeley is because his memory is shot. But he means Benedict the VIII if he could remember it. For that reason, Ron, I have petitioned the Ancients of Days for some understanding why Berkeley comes to Ron's mine. It's this they told me. Berkeley is a nonsense name Ron uses to recall anything he can't remember the true name. He ones was infallible in memory, but old age and this horrible thing that was done to him has seen to it that memory is difficult.

We are not going to change our name, but we are going to remember that Berkeley is occasionally used up here to refer to me, to speak when I have something to say. Thank you, Ron. Thank you, Michael of Nebadon. Thank you Melchizedeks for allowing me to speak. I am Pope Benedict the VIII. I resigned my position not, but I stay in attendance with you, Ron. And thank you.

Machiventa Melchizedek
This is Machiventa Melchizedek. We are over time, but we need to take it. The entire matter of Lightline on Wednesday, Lemuel, is still yours. Remember to take your medication and stay well. Don't slide into what Ron has twice now, and that is someone coming by his bed in spirit and preparing him for death. Its a horrible feeling. Furthermore, Ron, you and Raz will meet today, and finally bang out what the archive should contain and fully be printed out and available as an operating library in 6 to 10 months.
Ron, you say it needs to be eventually a public library. But right now it is your archive to operate the Magisterial Foundation in the premises. For that reason, Ron, you need a building. And for that reason, Ron

Ron Besser
I cannot translate the language.

Michael of Nebadon
That is correct.

Ron Besser
Ha, I wondered my way out of that, but it's okay, Michael.

Michael of Nebadon
It's truly not okay that I must prevail without a sound on either the funding of the Magisterial Foundation or its library. We've been over this dozens of times up one side and then down. I am leaving Rayson in command to decide exactly how the Magisterial Foundation and free electricity and anything else invented are to be funded and operated.

Rayson, Magisterial Son
This is Rayson, and we are about to leave this Lightline, but stay with this a few moments more. The entire matter of WTP is a miracle. Ron knows it and loves how it works. There is a hydrogen car coming shortly. Ron has objected to the first idea of a patent and says, “You're gonna have it in the garage, eventually with any car manufactured by having the device right above the surface of any road in the United States. They are too rough, dirty and muddy to ensure you get static electricity”. I fully agree with him now. Thank you.

And finally, this. The entire matter concerning the Chronicles Ron is not yours to favor. We will favor it. You named it, you said what the project is, and that is to follow and report Jesus for every meeting and announcement he makes. That is essentially a third volume to the sixth epochal revelation eventually.

Ron Besser
I am not sure we can afford it.

Rayson, Magisterial Son
Jesus says you will. It will be the best reported Bestowal ever. And you Ron are at the back of it again, as usual.

Jesus Christ
This is Jesus Christ. I am coming so soon, you are unprepared. But I want the Chronicles done well Ron. You have asked Gettysburg College to meet with you to prepare for it. They are doubts, and you know it. But you need them and the money must be made available to pay them what they feel they are worth.

Ron Besser
(Ha-ha, ha) it should be free.

Christ Michael
(Ha, ha) that’s wholly the case (ha-ha-ha). In any case, Ron, she is being determined in her own mind, you have something gravely important. You don't overdo it. She knows you are not appearing after college. But you will pay the college what they are worth and they will be the group to do the Chronicles with you. You say you need time to prepare them at least for the appearance to get started even if it's with one arm and the jacket on, and so on. That is true. I am making money available shortly, Ron, just for Gettysburg College. You must arrive at the college and announce yourself to the President and get him to understand you are not a college graduate.

Ron Besser
He'll never understand that.

Christ Michael
(Ha-ha) yes, they have (ha-ha). Not at Gettysburg but at York college. Both of those colleges will claim your patronage. Both of them have your patronage. But at the same time is only one graduated you and that was York with a diploma in history. For that reason you're one of the few in the United States that is well educated. Anyone with a history degree has to delve into purposes and meanings. You can't graduate without doing it.

And finally this to everyone involved on this list today. We have now been overtime by about 20 minutes, and we are leaving you soon, I am turning this back to Lemuel in a moment. The entire reason of the Magisterial Foundation was to house certain means to accommodate change, so that epochal revelation is distributed and is fairly written well enough to inform all of you of the history, and the times of Urantia, and the universe it belongs to. One last thing before I go, and I'm Michael. You, Ron, are trying to stay awake, even as you speak, because of the heavy drama over you. Don't worry about it. You will be enlightened shortly what all of this pressure is.

And finally, to all of you ladies and gentlemen. Those on the tape as well. I am grateful for what you have managed to put into effect. The Magisterial Foundation and other concerns of other transmitters, not just here on this site, but they all have one thing in common. They do not like what Ron has done. Why? I'm sorry to say Ron stole the march. He saw it back almost 20 years ago. He insisted that he archive the Teaching Mission. There are now 7000 transcripts up on the internet, Look! And look at the wealth of transmissions. It must be preserved between Dominick, Ron, Raz, and the rest of you, it must not disappear. It is attacked all the time. But the originator of that website saw to it that it could not be brought down, except all the tapes were accidentally erased by one who tried to help. In any case, it can be re preserved with the tapes, if someone knows how to work a database.

And finally this to all of you. We are now complete with this Wednesday Lightline and Lemuel, I give it back to you to end its life for now. And whatever else you wish to say. Thank you. Take it.

Thank you, Ron, and a big thank you to all who who transmitted through you the wonderful messages that we have received. Thank you so much for that, Ron, really, thank you so much. Well, this is Lemuel, and it only remains for me to say a big thank you to my first guest which was Amadon, and then to Arthura, and that I enjoyed very much what they had to say, and I hope you did too. And so without anything else to say, except thank you again for your company, and I hope that I will be able to welcome you all again next Wednesday, which will be Wednesday the 13th of March 2024. So until then, look after yourselves love one another and God bless.

« Last Edit: March 07, 2024, 15:40:41 pm by SonsofGod »
"See what great love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called the sons of God!" 
"For in him we live, and move, and have our being;"