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Topics - Ron Besser

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General Discussion / mICAHEL OF NEBADON and more 15 Sept 2024
« on: September 15, 2024, 18:28:47 pm »
We are sure you need this and hear from the cabal not but from Michael of Nebadon on your plans to step back and allow the usual drift to occur, Ron.  But let me reward those of you who support Ron and his contention that there has to be a change in dialog and that the usual Lightlines are insufficient to speak to it.  But they have to do for now.  I also warn others reading this I am often beaten up by the cabal and I drop some words.  You have to supply some yourself and thank you.

MICHAEL OF NEBADON  - "Today Ron slept through his usual Lightline charge.  He was not conscious for six hours and ten minutes, and in that time we modified his brain so he did not hear a wake up call to go and do his usual Lightline.  Why?

"The trial today is not Michael of Nebadon.  The trial today is to listen to a cabal that wants to take charge of Urantia, and for the reason it believes it can do a better job than the current administration of policy led by the Melchizedek, Mantutia." 

MANTUTIA SPEAKS: “I am the head of the Planetary Governments spoken to here.  I am full satisfied that it is run well and has an exemplary turn at events including running Ron’s Lightlines for him and the rest who do a Lightline other days of the week.  However, today Ron was hit in the head with a bumptious caring seraphim who wanted him out of speaking voice to send a message from the Supreme Commander– and that is Michael of Nebadon– that the course set for Missions to Urantia was over.

“That is the sad case for Me to report.  I do so fully recognizing that MICHAEL OF NEBADON has not announced it, nor do I think it should be generally known yet.  However, it is well known up here in the high councils that we are facing a deficit of care from the people of Urantia, and a deficit of belonging by high spirit administrators, that anything is really worth the trouble of a Mission, when the planet Urantia is so tied up with Presidential politics.

“For that reason we have declined to do anything more for Missions to Urantia, and goddamn the call of Trump and his usual blase ways, but he is primarily responsible for our decision to stay out of American greediness of the news headlines, and concentrate on the spiritual aspects of the planet alone.  For that reason we say the following:


“This warning comes from the resolute Deity Absolute. “

I am the DEITY ABSOLUTE.  Ron had to type that five times such is the interference of the cabal knowing full well I am leaving no mistaken interview this time with him!   The difference this time is that I supposedly leave my power behind to speak with Ron in these cases, but the cabal is strong around Ron right now he can barely type.  For my own reasons I leave this fairly alone, but I am sure that Ron is paying a price in precious time left to him to decide just how these messages shall resonate with all of you.

“I am practically out of scope in his mind, but he gathers enough of ME to deterime just what is to be said.  It is this:

“You all have been faithful, but Ron has taken faith and crammed enough of the topical subject to allow all of you to understand there is a previously done insult to Michael of Nebadon, and that it must be faced now.  What is it?


“You Ron are nearly blind as you type this.  Your head was cracked good and proper as you attempted to write this, and you are quite sure there is nothing but cabal surrounding you as you try to receive ME.  But for reasons of State, I must remain contained up here and let you all know that URANTIA IS ABOUT TO DIE.

“What do I mean by that?

“The answer lies in the distribution of care on this planet, and Ron winces as he knows he does not care all the time for the behavior this planet affords the political scene the United States is going through right now at all, but he must listen like the rest of us while the powers yak about how good they are and how bad the opponents are.  For that reason it is a typical human planet this Urantia, but we are putting an end to the discriminatory practices of all who collar this type of reporting, and then leave it alone over disgust about how much it leaves out.  Well, I am leaving out my lineage but not my angst, and my angst is this:

“FOR TOO LONE have I spent time with Ron and he agrees it is a long time.  Today Ron got hit on the head with a licensed carrier of hate, and dropped back in bed until nearly 1 PM.  He does not remember well he was up three times to take care of computer concerns not dealing with spirit.  For that reason he did not sleep well but then got hit on the head by vicious celestial beings visiting him on a lark.  Theysoon learned he was in no mood to banter and caught the sharp edge of his tongues and let him have it.  Today he does not remember the incident but we do and we are warning anyone thinking of repeating the episode to forgive him for having you shot dead and ask questions later.  In any even this for all of you:

“MICHAEL OF NEBADON is done with Urantia for now.

“That stands well with all of us but Ron is like you and feels that Urantia desperately needs spirit attention.  We agree.  

“However, and this is important: you do not deserve it as most planets have fallen so low they need help getting up, but not Urantia.  Urantia is one of those creations which harbors hate for anything really good, and it is from lack of patience mostly that the hate gets adjudicated not.  For that reason then we are making this obvious to you Ron: DO NOT FORSAKE MICHAEL OF NEBADON.  Stay reasonably well knit in his abode of care as you have and this will pass too.

“However, what will stay put on Urantia, is the intolerance of so many for the religious life.  That is unfortunate, and Ron is not one of them by far, but makes available our views without charge and without smiles.  He is troubled by his age and says so repeatedly but that cannot be helped now but will be later on as he is necessary to carry these messages more and more as more and more drop out and refuse to consider anything further.  He stays the course with courage as you must, and we now drop more of this as the FATHER wishes to speak now.”

“WE have repeatedly warned all of you of trying to do too much.  Ron slept through is usual tract of a Lightline today on my insistence he take a break.  He did and now pays the price of explaining the unexplainable.  For my part I am happy he did and tell you all of this:

“He is usually happy but today he feels lost over too many incidences that those who should care cannot make it to the place he works himself hard, and that is his home address and I speak to you now: that place is horrible to negotiate an easy way to find to it, but like a peacock, he resides there waiting to stand up for FATHER and His SONS, and that is beatifically put Ron.  For reasons of State we deploy no more language, but tell all of you this:

“Ron is mighty sorry old age is beginning to take a toll, but he 82 years of age now is but a pittance of what is to come for him if he holds better for awhile.  He is not betrodden like most.  He has plenty of care and worth yet he cares little for its comfort and works hard to see to others through this process.  For this process is not for the normal human either, and for all of you, it is a good style way to keep informed.  But I warn all of you that even the good of a trial is no longer available if I decide that the use of trial by error transmissions no longer work.

“For that reason, I caution you all that nothing workings like silence when we are disgusted with a lot of people who can make a difference then decide not to enter a place of repose and work out the difficulties that prevent further communication.  For that reason let this be my last warning to you Ron and to the rest of you, that we communicate when there is good vibes and not when the vibes turn sorrowful and then black.  That is never you Ron but you must face the consequences that no more commercial grade transmissions are available if you are not better attended by a Lightline that now uses sophistacated equipment but cannot last more that thirty minutes due to its lack of endeavor from the those who transmit to you.  I am not referring to Dominick, but to those who offer the same service without realizing it takes more than being about to transmit.  Now this:

“Starting tomorrow at 10am (New York time zone), we will permit a Lightline by others and at 2 PM the Lightline proposed by Elise.  Well and good Ron, but you could hardly type this sentence as it was off the keyboard: I WILL NOT ALLOW MORE LIGHTLINES AFTER MONDAY TH 16TH OF SEPTEMBER unless there is a good  reson to hold them.  Your Lightline today was not held because you were iterally unconscious.  Monday is for dear Elise to hold.  But Tuesday on is questionable unless there is an understanding that those Lightline must be sanctioned by MICHAEL OF NEBADON in a prayer before they are held by the member who holds them.  Dominick you are no exception and Ron you always do and I am grateful for your following as you are no longer required to hold the Sunday Lightline but do so if you the spirit moves you.   K

“I am FATHER, and I wish to make this statement to you Ron:

“You are able to do so much more but you are hiding your whip because you feel there is a diminution of fare and let it pass.  Let it pass, but remember that MACHIVENTA MELCHIZEDEK is always with yu, as you are the one who started all this, and you are the one to finish this if you are beaten into a death trap.  This morning was a perfect example of what they try to do and this morning is the last of it for you ever.  For that reason we stay put in the observation that all of you who read these messages, that there shall be no interference ever again, and that is FATHER’S promise that you are fully satisfied you are fairly treated before you must go on to the spirit spheres on high.  Notwithstanding, you must understand you follow the regular concourse of death but you will be accompanied by a seraphim known as Lully not, but her partner, Simone, and that is a fair guess she will comply.

SERAPHIM - “I am not Lully.  I am not Simone.  I am a Supernaphim of high standing myself, and I give you my word you are taken in hand Ron as there are too many who wish you harm in that ardorus journey to the mansion worlds now.  For thatreason I a Supreme Seraphim and a Supernaphim of nature we know alone, will accomapny you in your death spiral soon enough.  The trial to live long on Urantia you have met, but you have no idea how to get to the Mansion Worlds not.  For that reason rest assured we do know, and will comply well.  The Seraphim of Choice.

MICHAEL OF NEBADON - “Thank you ladies.  But we also have a say in all of this and that Ron has shown superb manifestation of the spirit on Urantia but working his tail off, and giving us a breif glimpse of workaday worlds to us too.  He is beloved up here slightly and without ranco, and his love of the Pigeon Hills notwithstanding, we give him one last glimpse of Paradise before he has to work himself to becomes an honary guard of the Michael Cassion (Ron, word as given), which is in my memolry on Urantia for him to behave for shortly.  Be aware Ron, your boisterous sounds carry and do nothing but be glad.

“Finally, Ron you have the damndest wit, but be glad I leave the rest alone as you have a meeting with a broadcaster up here that will insist you make something of a broadcast of what to do as a world meister of all that is and soon.

“We leave with this one caveat:

“Do not leave us until there is a chest of gold for you soon Ron (and titis of Sapphire, lolly?), and we greet you later.  K”

Ron - If that makes sense to you then tell me too.  I am done transmitting for now and thank goodness they do not make this transmission archivable.   Cheers to all.  

THE DEITY ABSOLUTE - “Ron, you broke up the transmission irrevocably from the Deity Absolute, as you are irreverant and broken up badly enough to learn no more Deity Absolute, but you will hear from GOD THE ABSOLUTE shortly, and you are not wrong, this is a huge move for US and for FATHER!!  GOOD DAY.

FATHER - “To you Ron, you are the first individual to learn that the Deity Absolute is now GOTTHE ABSOLUTE.  May your audience learn its importance shortly! FATHER.


Dear List,
I have been hit on the head so hard I hardly know what I am doing.  Today is Sunday, yet I was put to sleep until 230PM without knowing I had a Lightline or other responsibilities to accept.  I have had bouts of sleep far beyond my requirements to sleep and now I see we are having a disagreement if you will over the use of this web site at all by forces that have nothing to do with us, but are favoring a Urantia without communication from the Deities.


Second of all:  Please understand I do not understand what is happening well enough to explain anything to you.  This is so upsetting I am worried about the contact points we do fully agree on, and finally please watch out for false information if it rears its ugly head.  So far I am very proud of the membership for taking these anomalies well.  And third, I cannot predict where this discharge of vitriol from so-called spirit will go.

Third:  NOTICE -  We are forced to suspend our usual charge of Lightline until some normalization can take place.  This is an ugly turn of events, and I pray that we can be normalized quickly, but until then use caution and please stay safe.

Fourth - I have personally sustained a small injury to my head due to my carelessness but made much worse by a so called spiritual cabal that wants our work eliminated and themselves in control.  I cannot tell you about it because they are fully in charge and forcing commercial investigation that should be done, out of context.  I have been put to sleep over my schedule to have a Lightline, and I am furious but can do nothing about it.

Fifth - I am suspending nothing.  Please, those who have a schedule to report a Lightline keep it going if you can, and maybe there will be an explanation later on to satisfy our curiosity as to why this has to happen at all.  I do not have a good reason to say much and I figure all of you have a good reason to question just what is happening too.  

And finally, I am not losing myself to this googy regime that insists they are in charge of our Lightlines, but there is every reason to believe that by t he end of today, the 15th of September, 2024, things will normalize as I do hear a bit of a dictation this anomaly of care with straighten out much later today.

In the meantime, I apologize for my lack of respect for a signature of a Lightline today due to being hit on the head so hard I had no sense of a schedule or did I, until recently,  know it was even Sunday.  Go figure.  I will report later today if I can and God Bless you all and we will have our say together when this despicable cabal is removed over us.

Ron Besser
MICHAEL OF NEBADON - "You are correct Ron, and keep it fair warning.  This place called Urantia is seized under a regulatory command of the FATHER to abide with normal procedures.  I am not at liberty to discuss much, you have been put into a deep freeze, your head hurts, there is a bump on your left forehead and so forth and it bodes not well for you and the group to transmit at all.  Let this abide until later today and I will have you transmit some sort of care later today.  Thank you all for understanding nothing, but we will attempt to make amends much later today.  K:

General Discussion / Listen - - - from Michael of Nebadon - thank you
« on: September 08, 2024, 13:19:04 pm »

deleted //

September 06, 2024
Michael of Nebadon

This is my last note to all of you for quite awhile.  I am leaving Nebadon to attend work related to a new position I have been offered by our Paradise FATHER.  To do that I am to train extensively on Paradise, and that requires a form change for Me as well.  I am not longer going to be able to post to the forum as I once did.  My new work is secret so I dare not speak to it further.

However, it is vitally important that Ron and others associated with his transmission abilities be trained anew to see to the new potential for Nebadon as well.  I, as the Creator Son of Nebadon, still am responsible for the creations as we have done on hie for millennium.  For that reason I post this beginning post about what changes may be happening to the Local Universe of Nebadon.

1 - I further decline further interviews after this one;
2 - You will have to work with other than GABRIEL as I must have Him as my consort as it requires Creator Son work;
3 - There is nothing further I can tell you since FATHER has refused any further comment at this time . . . .
4 - I am FATHER, and Ron wonders what could be secret but Ron knows of the work already and he is not permitted to say much more either, as Ron’s use of the discovery he made about a year and half ago, has proven to be a marvelous way to learn how this universe takes the news:  Wonderful!
5 - I take it Ron you have no further need to trail blaze this informiation?

Ron Besser - I have some preliminary information that seems stuck in place and I take that there is an objection to knowing it further.  Besides it is extremely tricky to announce to people what has been found without exploiting those personnel to tell us a little more.  I have enough to do a revelation somewhat, but I have not good reason to do it without your and the Universe support.  I am deeply interest in the discovery but I fail to find any interest here to the extent I have shared what was found.  And further, I am not sure that you FATHER approved letting anyone else know what I know of the expanision of universe policy in about 5,000 (five thousand years) on Urantia.  There is no lack of interest about it here.  Thank you Fahter.

FATHER - “You have determined I did not like the discovery but I did help you with it anyhow and you have kept it under wraps now for over 2 years of your time.  There is not reason to explain it now but later this year I will address it fully and publically on Urantia, as we have a new book coming out in about six months and you are going to help with that book printing too.  I leave it at that for now.  FATHER.”

Ron Besser - I need to dust that discovery since FATHER seems to feel it is okay to speak to.  But not now as I have other fish to fry so to speak.  I thank you all for listening and here is one last word from MICHAEL OF NEBADON for your edification:

MICHAEL OF NEBADON - “Thank you Ron.  The mighty infringer is here to tell us that there is no further to say.  I know Who and What that being is but it has never been used on you before Ron, and we let everything alone on it until there is an explanation to Me as well.  K”


General Discussion / Heads Up - New Information Available
« on: September 03, 2024, 04:11:31 am »

PART I of  II Parts

SOME DETAIL for the Missions next
This is Ron Besser, York, Pa., USA reporting dictation summary received early hours of 3 September 2024.  I have received the following dictation with some worthless detail but we send it out as received about one hour ago at 2AM, New York Tome zone for 3 September, 2024.

These Mission details follow a couple of days mostly with transition problems that make me feel ill and I just stay away from transmitting until some things are settled with me in general difficulty which, as it turns out, is preparation for a mommentous announcement.  I was not allowed to go to bed or sleep and I forward why next.


Several things may now be told ABOUT WHAT IS COMING SHORTLY:

1 -  The Magisterial Sons will go first.  
2 - They will start incarnating in about six weeks (that puts us about  October 15 to October 18 they say.
3 - The Missions will be under the Magisterial Sons.
A) No Jesus appearance immediately; and
B)  It will be SERARA  and not Monjoronson WHO begins the visible Sons part.  Serara will lead the Magisterial Sons to Urantia on or about or sometime around October 15 to October 21st.  This is preliminary data and that is all of the dates for now.

1 - MONJORONSON,  the Magisterial Son also assigned to the Urantia Mission, will be the silent partner of SERARA, the visible MAGISTERIAL SON and both of them will be accompanied but the following incarnated personnel:
Additional Incarnated Personnel after October 17 to Oct 21st:
    a - Five Magisterial Sons;
    b - Four Seraphic Transport Personnel;
    c - Seven Seraphic Guides serving now on Edentia;
    d -  Three in-training "Personnel Carriers," with six (6) Vivandi Carriers; (Vivandi is the word transmitted);
    e - Seventeen (17) invisible seraphic transports.

2 -  SERARA is the visible Magisterial Son to begin this Mission.  Monjoronson is the invisible support Magisterial Son back up for the Urantia Mission.  For the Panoptia Mission, Monjoronson will be visibility there.  For the Dennison Mission, two new Magisterial Sons will be visible on Dennison;

3 -  The inhabited planets Dennison, Panoptia, and Harrington (spelled to me as printed here).  These three planets, along with Urantia, will receive these Magisterial Missions simultaneously with Urantia.  Dennison (spelling varies until now and this is the dictated way to spell Dennison.

4 -  The planet Harrington is dictated as this spelling and has the double "r" in the spelling.
5 -  One other planet not in our planetary system but Dennison is in the Planetary System called Sibelius (Se Bale Yus) and that Constellation is adjacent to our Planetary System called (new name and not the Urantia Book name given), as SANTOROS (sounds as: San Tore Ozs).
    a - Dennison is 300 light years to our west.
    b - Harrington is 700 light years to our east
When I say "our" I mean these distances are given from Urantia and  not the constellations.

6 - Dennison  ( in the Constellation Serrington), is so similar to Urantia they could be mistaken as a planet made up of earthlings as we call ourselves in writing;
Serrington (as spelled to me) is the Constellation in which the human plant Dennison is located;
7 - Harrington is  receiving the Magisterial Mission with us, and Harrington is located in the Constellation Bu-R (pronounced Boo-Are), and that  constellation is  located 712 (seven hundred twelve) light years from Urantia's northeast horizon.

It is now 4am for me now and I am cautioned not to continue to take dictation.
There  are about three  (3) more pages of this kind of detail waiting for further  dictation which I will put off for later.

To be continued as  Part II shortly.


General Discussion / Speaking to Graduates of the Mansion Worlds Today
« on: August 18, 2024, 01:41:05 am »
Mercuri speaking - I am a transient speaker.  I travel the universe without group affiliation, and I stay on the path of well worn groups just visiting frequently.  But this morning I was just traveling as usual and guess who showed up looking for a transmission - this ticket did and I am glad to speak to you off hand.

I am Mercuri, as Ron indicates, and he is slow to sleep so he just sat down and I showed up.  You never know what you are going to get late at night and the circuits are almost alseep on the east coast of the United States, and that is where Ron went fishing this late nate or early morning, whatever you would like to call it.

My effort is to travel the universe lanes and see what is talking, who is talking, and what they may be saying.  Ron Besser frequents the early AM universe because he knows there are free agents out there, and he enjoys the occasional romp in something unusual.  I am a Catholic, born in 1857 in Roanoke, and that is fine for me Ron.  You enjoy the find but not the details if you are asked where something may be.  Roanoke, I think, is South Carolina, but you are not sure either.  Ron here, it may be Virginia, but I am sleepy sure about anything right now.  

“I fought in the Mexican War in the mid 1800's when the US was about half the size it is now.  I rejected the rule of the States, and said I belonged to the Federal Government, and Ron remembers the era for new highways. banking and utility presentation and inventions  during President Andrew Jackson.  He was alive when I joined the military, but he died before I got to know him at all.

Finally I am called “Miller” by the boys in the army but I am now a Scout for the Creator Son of Nebadon.  You might ask what do we do when we graduate the Mansion Worlds?  Well, Ron found someone who can tell you.  

I am a scout even though I am mostly spirit.  Ron found me just going in and searching the universe for a good transmission.  Well, this morning he found me and how many actually do that?  Other than Ron?  None.  That makes him a great man and I appreciate that Creator Son as he charged Ron to settle down in thought.  He is blessed with a universe mind already and I see he is grateful to have it settled down.

Now my name is Mecuri and Ron worries about spelling but that does quite well.  He is one of the few who goes searching for information and lists all who worry him either as pro or con Mission yet, and that is why he gets into trouble sometimes as many do not know what he is talking about.  But all of you as there is, I see, a rebellion around your planet and he will not allow a rebel to speak if he can help it.

Thanks to you Ron, I got a rub from the Creator Son to see who I was.  You know I was born in the mid 1850's and that was Andrew Jackson as President for one.   Jackson is long gone now but he left an epitaph, which reads: “IF ANYONE FIND THIS, I AM NEXT DOOR.”  Andrew Jackson I think was the10th President of the United States but do not hold me to that. [Ron here: President Biden I think is the 38th President but I am not sure.

In any case, I am a straggler of the past trying to makes sense of the United States as it is now.  I find it a mammoth size and growing so prodigiously rich I can hardly stand all the glitter. Ron knows what I feel and I hope some of you get the point that this is not the best way to spend a year, but I am free to do it, and you should know when you are done with the Mansion Worlds, you are given leave to explore the Universe, and I took the fast way out and took a sabbatical to move as I should when no one is looking, and I find it gratifying very much.  Now this:

I discovered, thanks to Ron here, there is a war going on and they interfere stupidly.  They have not idea what this is about and now let me tell you from one who has completed his Mansion World tour and is just running in the universe for enjoyment.   Now this Ron, I hear you are not a miscreation from the Creator Son, but that is what the rebels call you and I see the entire matter as so pedantic I clear some for you.  Go ahead again thank you:

Mecuri here again - “Thank you Ron for clearing this line for me.  I dare not stay long or I get buffeted by the corrections and I leave but I will be back.  Thank you and I have enjoyed you too as you are of the 21st century and you are working hard to keep apace and I see what they do and shame on them really shame on them, K.  I am Mecuri.   K”

Tradesman from 1854 and the ships on the Great Lakes, for sure -

Tradesman 1854 speaks - I am useful to all of you in that I invented the propeller on Gatling guns.  For those who just do not know what a Gatling gun is, it is the first machine gun used in war almost.  The Gatling gun make a noise like the word and you now know more that most anyone does as that has been an experiential loss.  Be assured Ron you look to see your safety, and I see why as there is an alloy of stuff around you to block the worst of the universe.

In the 1870's we had a protocol called I which was a design shop to learn how to draw and invent automatic weaponry.  I made the Gatling gun work.  Others made other weaponry work, and finally I had the idea to do a real machine gun, that is totally automatic and that is what you use today. “Hooray,”  I said, “You are mine when I had the first production model.”  

The Creator Son, MICHAEL OF NEBADON now speaks for all lined up to speak with Ron.  “He out does everyone in this ability to speak for the average man who has completed the Mansion World experience.  I am so proud of him that he can do this I allowed him to go on with it and see who made use of the mike.  Nearly everyone did and he enjoyed it tremendously as Dominick would too and I am thinking of allowing this to happen on Lightlines too!  Wouldn’t that be a great change!  Ron got to be as your losing your eye sight as I have a device to help you win it back shortly but you need sleep now as it is 2am where you are and you are fascinated to learn form these fellows.  They are forming a rank to speak with Me.  

(Ron here: several have asked the President of their League to speak with t he Creator Son,)

“We have spoken to the Creator Son, Ron, and he has given us permission to speak with you more when you finish this transmission.  Take our oath and you will hear more from us very much.  What a chance t o gloat back to your children just beginning your careers in the life after planetary life.  Thank you !  

Ron Besser here - I am absolutely delighted this is found and allowed by the Creator Son, as it is a rich vein we c an learn from never given before as the transmitters in the past we fairly well done but they could not reach this frequency level I can.  Thank you MICHAEL OF NEBADON, and to the spirits who make it possible, I personally thank you for putting up with my difficulties to reach them.  Thank you very much all batter is and secondary midwayers who made this possible.  K


General Discussion / Michael of Nebadon Recollection of Tmarchives fyi
« on: August 16, 2024, 09:45:56 am »

Friday, August 16, 2024
Transmitter: Ron Besser
Michael of Nebadon
Subject:  Recollection of

“Good morning or afternoon everyone.  Wherever you are located on Urantia, this message is meant for you truly..

“I have spent six days on this planet you call earth, we in the universe will always call it Urantia ( You Ran Sha with emphasis on the 1st syllable).  We must always be aware there are new readers and while most of you here know how the word “Urantia” is spoken, most readers mispronounce it.  URANTIA is the universe name for your planet you generally call earth for lack of knowing the universe connection this planet has to the greater universe.

“I want to tell people before Ron leaves on his death duty soon enough, that the entire meaning of the name URANTIA has a translation.  In our language, and the universe has its own language and history around you, and that language you will learn when you come over into the longer life of spirit you become.  For reasons of State Ron has become a little better at these transmissions than most in that I am quite free with Ron to speak the truth.  Here is what you should know now since other plans fell through”


Michael of Nebadon speaks - “There is nothing left of the original assignation of Jesus to Urantia and what knowledge there is about Jesus, is best described at ancient and of little true importance even to Christians today.  The Christian religion hit its high point in about the years  1913 - 1914, and then war broke out and smashed it to the ground in spite of valiant efforts by Western Civilization to halt its destruction.

“What happened to it?

“Frankly, I am not sure for even full spirit has to look at history in several ways, and this time there is very little to tell, except Christianity almost died in 1916, and by 1920, it was just about gone as a prevailing force on this planet.  What then should we say about Christianity today?  It is this:

“I for one ignore it.   For those of you who are solid Christians, it shares nothing with the past it was once part of.  Ron Besser here, our transmitter to put this mesage down by spiritual translation, is never happy about the Church, and shuns its use to day as useless in instruction.  He is completely and absolute true.  Those of you who are Christians, must understand that the universe is full of spirit beings and they ignore the writings of the men and women who founded the Christian religion so many years ago.  Ron Besser represents the voice of the old Christianity briefly, but is fully sure his future is with the new founded view that Christianity is an old religion without much to say unless one reads the major revelation that came to this planet in 1934 to 1942, for it took eight (8) years to do the information and publish it.  Today that book still languishes in the background because no one has the gumption to declare the new religion that is past Christianity in its now formal state in the western democracies.

“Intelligent people know there is a new religion already.  Those of the Christian faith are hangers on for one reason: there is nothing to substitute the old Christina idea of religion with the new actual fact that man has replaced Christianity with a new role for relgion: the work of the devil mostly.   Why do I say this?

“The new faith and the old faith are not recongnizable much any more.  The old church is moribund and there is no new church.  Why?

“I am the Creator Son, and Ron knowsme well enough to smile when I appear with him, but he does not ever take the time to recognize that I am not only the Creator Son, but I am also the Spirit of Care, and the Spirit of Retributin, for those who go afoul of universe law.

“Universe Law is real and it bits everyone at the adjudication of ones death in the flesh.  Ron,. this transmitter is now 82 years of age and feeling poorly all the time, but he takes the time out of old age to transmit very well what I have to say.  For that reason many listen in disbelief about what is said, but believe Me, I am the old CHRIST and the new CHRIST too, and Ron knows Me both ways.  He is one of the few who can take dictation forever and not tire.  He is one of God’s amaing reporters and I want to use him in the flesh because he just truned 82 and now very tired of much of it.  This should now be said:

“Ron founded this presentation and the organizational ways to make these communications real and ready to be read on linv as you call it.  But he never fails to be curious about how I am and how the universe is looking at the information you generate and the way you go about daily life.  We also have a rebellion in spirit yet, and he discourses roughly with them in spite of their warnings they will kill him if they get the chance.  HE curses them and the evil they represent.  This is not a digression but a warning to all who appear near this transmitter, he does as directed and that is what will appear on yhour epitaph if you pursue your nefarious plans to kill him.

Ron just said to one of them, a young Seraphim– no he cannot see them but he hears them very well and I amplify his work so all here this if they wish to tune in to his thoughts.  For reasons of our own, I am leaving the planet today, and I am not returning for a fortnight and he may die in that period, as his over 80 years of age and very, very tired how things have gone on this planet you call earth, and we name it URANTIA (You Ran Sha) .

“For one last cause and I mean this for you Ron: NEVER take a step with Me you do not mean.  You have meant everything including a dedication of work I will prize because you had to work on it for years, and the is TMARCHIVES.ORG the web site with over seven thousand transcriptions from my teachers to the human race on Urantia from 1993 to 2012.  The program collapsed by well wishers who so circumscribed it, it died permanently, and Ron remembers it by recording over 7,000 transcripts under the title of :

“There you will find most of my work on your planet from 1993 to 2012 when it finally collapsed under the weight of people leaving it for what they thought was a better way of doing things.  No so!

But let me reside on this other statement too:

“I am fully aware of all this work and that Ron has worked hard to preserve it for you.  But the internet is about to be seized by government and it will put an end to sites like this as they take up space they want for unusual articulation of government rewards for best resounding of the age of antiquity, and will ask for it to be removed in the sense of a new articulation of Christianity, for when JESUS appears, the old will be torn down by necessity and that ends in recollection of Ron’s Link below:

“Select the Archive or other features and you have found the Teaching Mission as it was produce from 1993 to its end in 2012 and I favor it tremendously but it languishes because it is considered too old fashion today to worry with.  Not so!  But I leave it up here for others to gladly peruse as it is Ron who preserved it with this wonderful relocation of all the transcriptions we produced except  for four hundred (400+) that never got printed for him to find.

Now thos:

“ is preserved up here and I am now making it available to those on the Mansion worlds to see and read as it is so rich in companionable transcripts I must have it for my Universe in some form and you Ron are one of the few that has contributed to this cache of fund, humor, and care, you give everything.  These Transcripts are arranged in your familiar way of handing them and they will come to enjoy your titling as the best way ever to refer to them.  

“We conclude our work this way:

“WE are quite sure this posting gets little notice by most, but the universe intself is happy to see the link to Tmtranscripts and will preserve it as an ear worthy to remember and I will personally  embellish it with my signature that this is sufficient to relearn what happened on Urantia not that long ago and I am happy to let it stay there for now.  Good day my friend and we will see you rather soon the way things are suddenly going.  K”

Ron Besser - I thank you so much Michael of Nebadon.  I have one small request of reader's thought, and that is to recall that the TMARCHIVES.ORG is a web site and it has built into old ways t hat the new internet does not particularly like.  It will eventually go down.

Please copy it and there is no copyright on any of it for you to display it your way.  That is the only way I know for you all to still enjoy the site after all of these years.  Then I will say my work, little as it is, will stay on Urantia at least a little while longer.  Thank you and good day for now.  K   


August 03, 2024
Christ Michael speaking

“Today is the 3rd of August.  Over 100 years ago today the European powers decided to go to war today, and World War I, started August 4th for most participants which were mostly the Euoropean States of Germany and France and their allies.  Russia went to war with the British Allies and Germany and its allies stuck together to fight until the Armistice in November, 1918.

“I remind you of this today.  Ron is on his last legs and you may see him leave in the near future, but meanwhile he is alive enough to catch all of my concerns to be printed here as a message to all of you for now.  THINK!  I must remind all of you that you take it for granted that Ron and his allies who can transmit will keep you informed of the big changes in the politics of your world, but the Allies to keep the Middle East bottled up are not happy with each other this morning.  What gives?

“You Ron are constantly worried about accuracy, and you fuss it all the time.  Well, let me tell you, you are not only accurate, but I AM WARNING ALL OF YOU!  The state of war is not our problem this morning.  Our problem is your LETHARY.

“I am CHRIST MICHAEL.  I am in my honor suit– that is the one worn by Me when I indwelt the CHRIST, and I am in it again this morning to see how it fits yet, and Ron you are having trouble typine? [Ron - I feel psychically like I am plowing a deep wet snow to get this]

MICHAEL OF NEBADON - “Then let us say this:

“You are not fightine me, or are you against anyone but you are fully disgusted with being out of kilter because you feel like death is stalking you. [Ron - To put it mildly that is exactly what I feel with other things impinging on me right now]  

“You must pay the piper soon then Ron, and leave Urantia without further ado, but in the meantime you are capable of a deep reach into Spirit in order to see and hears what we have to say regarding Urantia.  Please continue.  

“Now this:

“I am MICHAEL OF NEBADON, and Ron is frightfully concerned that the rebellion we are all facing is winning at the moment.  Far from it!

“The last year of this is now Ron, and I mean Me reporting so much to you and to your Urantia allies too.  This must stop; not because there is something against it, but because we are all very tired of t his communion between God and his minions on this list.  I have paired back others, and I am about to pair back this list, and that is because there is nothing left to tell you much for now.  When we become ACTIVE again so will these message boards.  

“You Ron genuinely lament having to go the mansion worlds without seeing a Mission.  Well, me too!

“You also need to understand you are quite human and I am ready to slowly lift you out of humanity into the mansion world life if you would just lie down and not worry.  You are one of the few that understands what you have it must be surrendered shortly.  All else is ready to continue on Urantia without you.  

“However, this:

“You are the only human I have ever seen that understands the full description of planning for Urantia, and you be damned care for death in the middle of these decisions, but that is how I works at the moment.  However, you are fully sure that the MONJORONSON and t he others are preparing to enter Urantia, and I am fully sure they are too, but we have not decided quite how.  For that reason we wait.  But you cannot, and today or tomorrow may see the curtain close over you for life on the Mansion Worlds exclsuively.

“To do that, keep in mind that the URANTIA SUPREME COURT is active again, and you are one of the first subjects to be reviewed for your life on Urantai by that Court.  Remember you are unconscious now and that is fine, but you are also one of the very few that knows some personnel in that Court already.  Leave that alone and concentrate on this:

“I AM insisting that you join the Urantia Supreme Court.  NO one is better qualified than you to take it on morally, but you are untrained in mind to deal with the supreme court at this time.  You must refrain from thinking but this:

“The last person ever to see you as you are is Me, and you ramshackle the last person to ask you how you are this morning with a nasty grump.  You do not hear them so much as feel them and t hey pinch your flesh and you take it as an attack.  Here is your Seraphim, LULY:”

SERAPHIM  LULY: “I am speaking carefully and you are felling inaccurct not now.  Please be informed I am with you and for you and you are told that I was part of the cabal and that is just not true.  However, you are acting with difficulty, and this is not my choice either, but you are detgermined to avoid the rebellion at all costs and you have now.  Let me explain something to you and these people reading along:

“NO ONE now become a member of the insurfrection.

“The insurrection is over!

“But there are remant piecces of it and one resides over top of you yet and you detest them but cannot be rid of them until they are either exterminated or choose to move on themselves . . . . “

REBELLION LEADER  - - “I AM SECONIA.  I am the leader for this sector of the universe, and I am leaving immediately, but I am going to kill Ron if I can.”

Seraphim Luly Ron’s generating energy now -
     “We are sire Seconia is now gone.  FATHER has taken care of this problem immediately.”

THE UNIVERSAL FATHER - “You are fine for the rest of the day now Ron.  However you are 82 years of age and feel every year of it right now.  Be still and listen to the rushes we play for you:

“NO ONE ON URANTIA has served like you since we had Amadon and his partner on Urantia over 30,000 years ago.  You will have a fight no longer, but you will be peacefully assimilated on the mansion worlds soon enough and brought back not for that was the original plan, but like most plans lately, it is faulty and we move forwarfd to our next plan, and that is to take you to the mansion world, resurrect you as the monster who likes everything to do with Spirit, and you are going to have a shortg period as a mansion world surviver and then quickly become a spiritual being not unlike Jesus did in his transition.  You do not like Urantia lately and neither do We, but that is another story for Urantia to get used to in another month.  I doubt you will be on Urantia in another month either, and for that reason we state the following:


“No one goes to the Mansion Worlds directly from Urantia, any longer Fir that reason you go to Edentia first, and there receive your investiture for the Mansion World training.

“Then you shall go to the present mansion worlds, and then receive training to serve in the Urantia Supreme Court truly.  GINSBERG has been trained to handle you as you are not morontia but a baby spirit already and that is so unusual we have to prepare to such on the Supreme Court too, as those who serve in the Supreme Court are almost all Urantians with a lot of experience in the law.  You have literally none, but you are t he one who can determine guilt against FATHER’S plan to spiritualize the universe entirely.  We let that go for now but you are quite a “tour de force.”

“Finally, the UNIVERSAL FATHER says this abou you Ron:

“Never do this again Michael!  He has been a force on Urantia for at least six (6) years and we mus mke amends to all of you that Dominick is a close second to Ron after spenind over two (2) years in a daily dilution with each other for the course to bring Dominick up to speed.  Dominick is up to speed!  But he must rest and that Ron provides for by giving his a huge property to live on for the rest of his life.  But I digress.

“For reasons of our own, we are starting a new program to prevent another Ron from entering this kind of work entirely.  It is both personal and caring and we mustg make sure the future is allowing a person like Ron some freedom from want and wish him well, but the CABAL made it impossible to develop what Ron presented to us so easily.  We hope that Dominick understands enough to cooperate with what Ron gives Dominick to operate shortly.

“FINALLY, this:

“All of you know of the past and the promise for Urantia missions.

“No more.

“WE are sure the planet is ready, but the cabal must be rounded up and Ron is leaving shortly, and all of this upsets the timing we hd planned for MISSIONS to this planet.

“For our own reasons, URANTIA is not longer going to receive a spiritual Mission, but it is going to receive a divine visitor.  NO LONGER IS IT JESUS.  But a facsimile and that is all I want to say.  Learn it when it happens!


« on: August 02, 2024, 12:20:15 pm »
Ron Besser here: Troubles abound at this time 1215PM, the Second of August, 2024, and the following information is being made available to you.
August 2, 2024
Michael of Nebadon
Subject:  THE TRUTH
T/R: Ron Besser

“I am not MICHAEL OF NEBADON, at the moment.

“I am indeed the head of the Kabal.  That spelling is alternate for also spelling “cabal,” which is the preferred spelling.  Ron, use “cabal” for now

The  C A B A L
“Until now we have represented this situation using the spelling, “cabal.”

“We do not change the spelling, but we do realign this transmission with another transmission made in 1937.

The 1937 Transmission:
“ WE repeat portions of it, and it reads as follows in part\
            You read properly:
            The ANCIENTS OF DAYS has ordered Urantia closed.

            For that reason, URANTIA no longer is considered a part of the Planetary System of SATANIA.
            And for that same reason, Urantia must not be reopened until further notice from us, The ANCIENTS OF DAYS from UVERSA.
            WE are quite sure this ends over one million years of an open and free sphere, and it must remain that way when the problems on it are resolved. 
            (Signed) The ANCIENTS OF DAYS

 A 1939 Transmission

            We ORDER the FOLLOWING:
        1 - No further openings are permitted on Urantia until the recent rebellion is ended around Nebadon and its environs, and make sure until the WAR is included as finished, that there is no further discussion about revelation.  K


Transmitter Ron Besser: We have now reached a new low on the scale of lows.  Today ends the ability to hear transmissions in general.  I doubt I know a thing to help us all.

MICHAEL OF NEBADON - “I have just decided to envelope Urantia inside a restrictive policy to last as long as necessary.  Except for Ron here, we have no further communications here.  Lightlines may continue at cost and schedule.  MICHAEL OF NEBADON.

“Further, it is declared unsafe to produce messages now Ron, so close it down again.  K   MICHAEL OF NEBADON.  


Discuss This Web Site / Category "General" edited for space
« on: July 31, 2024, 11:18:59 am »
This is Ron Besser as Admin and to advise all of you that I have edited the GENERAL CATEGORY to remove posts prior to most of July, 2024 due to space clearing for new posts.  In general we have cleared out anything but the July 2024 posts for  the General Category for good housekeeping.  But cleaning does remove posts dated in June 2024 and earlier.  Please make copies of discussions important to you as admin has to do this once in a while for space for new posts. 
Due to space requirements please be advised this happens once in awhile to keep relative space available for your new postings.  I apologize for the edits for space but I remind you if you value a particular subject or post, to either print those sections out or otherwise save early posts.  This time the moderation of several old posts  in GENERAL category are relatively minor and we have plenty of space for posts again.   Thank you for your patience and care. 
Ron Besser/admin

July 28, 2024 at 0017am New York Time -

There is an important announcement on today's Lightline.

There is a link on the top of the discussion forum to listen to it on the Internet.

I am MONJORONSON and I authorize this announcement for all to hear.  2 PM New York Time Sunday today see Link at top of the discussion forum to tune in if you wish to.

I am MONJORONSON and I wish you all well and please be there if you want to hear an important announcement then. 

Thank you all.

MONJORONSON at your service/

« on: July 27, 2024, 11:20:59 am »

- I am posting this unfinished as there is a major attack or settlement as I was writing this and they want me off posting right now.  Read it as far as I can take it so far . . . .  MORE TO COME WHEN WE KNOW MORE.  k  RON BESSER
- - - -   this starts normally enough .  . . .
The Magisterial Son, MONJORONSON speaks:

“I am MONJORONSON, and I am a MAGISTERIAL SON.  You all know me mostly thanks to Ron and his way of pressing this news to all of you.

“I want to say this and quickly:

“The entire message today is to remain SEQUESTERED!

“That means to keep your doors and windows out of worry and just stay comfortably home this day (27 July noon and beyond) and listen carefully.


/ / / / / / / / / / - MICHAEL OF NEBADON.
It is 10:41 AM as Ron attempts to produce this.  I am asking him to hold back momentarily. MONJORONSON has been cut off by high officials under the DEITY ABSOLUTE.  

THE DEITY ABSOLUTE speaks conditionally:

“WE are now experiencing a huge shift in consciousness.  That is very rare in earth history, and for that matter Ron, is waiting for a message in the middle of this shift.  Good luck, Ron.   W   A   I   T  -

(A lot choking is taking place with me, Ron.  I have trouble easily getting my breath back.   What? )
About 6 minutes later in surreal time. . . . .

( I am being told to stand down for now. . . It is 10:39 AM NY time zone USA as that order is received.)

10:41 am NY Time Zone, USA:  

“The DEITY ABSOLUTE wishes t o convey to Urantia, the following perception of the truth:

“WE are no longer considering Urantia a viable planet of welcoming humans at all.  The planet earth has not been attacked by aliens but by the conscription of the past several years of attempting to resume normal peace talks over various concerns on Urantia, and that they go no where due to the liberty consciousness forced on t he people of Urantia, without consideration of what that does to the System Sovereign of the Norlatiadek and the following concerns:

1 - No further concerns are to be enunciated by the System Sovereign over Urantia until it is understood just what may be happening to its PLANETARY GOVERNMENT and to its neighbors, particularly to the human planets of Algar [??? not quite right]  and Panoptia.  Algar is not known to you but it is even closer to Urantia than Panoptia is, and both of those planets are obscured now by a dense cloud of hydrogen vapor.  WE wait for additional information, Ron.  I am your Chief of Seraphim, from  Ensa.”

Ron here - I am connected but I personally have no sense of reality yet. . . .  What am I connected too besides to the local universe of Nebadon and close to the Planetary Commission of Reality and to the local  manifestation of the Trinity court.

Breaker 10:34 AM . . . . .

Breaker 11:08 AM.

[Ron here - -  they send the word Breaker to show we are still connected  FYI]

Breaker 11:12 AM

Breaker 11:15 AM on 27 Oct 2024 New York Time zone . . . .

11:15 AM New York time - MACHIVENTA MELCHIZEDEK reporting:
I am insisting you close this now Ron and let them imagine what may be changed.  Allow me some time and pick this back up when we allows it . . . .

Thank you MACHIVENTA.  I suspect we have a major shift in planetary purpose at least and I close this off way early to keep out of the way. . . .  Thank you.   R

This is Ron Besser.  I operate much of this communication work in order that there may be a free exercise of views about what is happening with the spiritual concerns for the people who do have a view of what is to happen with the spiritual side of life.

So far, however, what is actually happening is taking plans that were issued a few weeks ago (started mostly as of July of 2024), about which we reflect a burden on those of us who hold the universe leadership well and caring.  I have not changed my mind about that at all, but it is thrown back on us too, and we are alone yet to this day without a good action philosophy to address what seems to be a malfeasance of care.  That happens particularly in the United States and followed easily by t he EU.  Africa and South America are beset with political problems yet but there is deep interest in them too, and that is to take what is wrong and make it economically and spiritually right.

But all of you must have noticed that the thrust of the changes the universe wanted are not being addressed hardly at all at this point.  The nature of change right now is political and not morally.   I look toward the improvements the spiritual Missions may address, but my life is ebbing and flowing out of existence due to age mostly.
For that reason I address this discussion forum for increasing the probability that there is much more to come without me, but I will take an interest in what happens to Urantia, whatever they hand me to do in spirit land.  But for now there is precious little to say to a planet nor ready to face their spiritual makes, but fighting to survive day to day outside of the American largess which is so powerful when it moves financial markets move in unison around the world with it.  But that does not matter especially, as I am also sure that the matter to be truly discussed is not American power, but the loss of MICHEL OF NEBADON if this unusual and God forsaken planet is not well addressed with the truth.  Here is Michael of Nebadon then on more of this:

The SPIRIT speaks through MICHAEL OF NEBADON  now:

"I am MICHAEL OF NEBADON.  That is my formal title.  I lived life on earth as Jesus and now I am forced to review the planet again as though it were a cheater in a penny arcade just to feel what it is like to get away with an unfair action to be wealthy.  Not so now, as I address you fully again:

"MY address is this:

"Want not!  Because the United States is highly miserable about its self now, that does not mean it is right to feel that way.  Rather it is the trial of a spiritualizing nation that cannot make up its mind to be good, or just be a nation state without kudos from anyone to measure its moral worth to the future it must grown into shortly.

"For that reason, I am providing this transmitter a big lesson on what might happen to this planet given your proclivity to not care about anything but your own life and its environs.  It is this:

"The ideal life is led without all of this on you.

"But it is all over you now, and that is because there is no one at the gate to keep some of this happening to a Bestowal Planet I lived in the 1st century AD, as JESUS CHRIST on earth.

"For that reason there is nothing to say to you except that JESUS is here on Salvington, the headquarters name of the planets that oversee t he spiritual administration over earth.  Due to pressing needs I cannot give a full account here now, but I tell you this:

"No one gets away with anything now, as I am insisting that the entire nomenclature is available very soon.  You Ron may not be here and that is my decision too, as you are more valuable up here then down there trying to fathom the moves the MAGISTERIAL SONS,  or JESUS, or OTHERS  of the divine dignity, with you an for you to explain.  I am not sure there is an explanation left at the moment to talk about, and that is your bread and butter transmitter of old.

"You transmitter are old now and bitterly waiting for a transition to spirit you do not want, but age is dictating it must be done soon or you are trapped on earth forever as a man without pedigree as I will not use you to bring forth the changes in style you do now.  That said you are still presenting the heart of God necessarily, and that is well done.  However, it a few short weeks, let this be known to all of you!

"Life without spirit is entirely possible unless I get permission from the Universal FATHER that all things are coherent in the world to stand what must be done to this sphere of little worth right now.

"Let this be known, and I will hold more of this for the near future for you all, but leave this message for now:

"NO ONE gets anything without deciding the value of Jesus Christ, and no one gets to do that without doing some hard thinking just why all of this feeling of gratitude for Jesus is not enough to save Urantia, the planet earth's name you live on, if it is decided no one can cut the mustard to stand tall and meet your responsibility to become much better done.  The United States as you know it may become so wealthy it feels it can ignore my credentials, but it may not leave the Universe of Care I hold for the people of earth, Urantia.

"For that reason this transmitter is trialed not but wishes to see how I handle the problems and be part of it, but he is so long n the tooth, there is not much left to help him become a higher being in suit and to let all of you decide what to do about the American way, when we withdraw all favors and let the whole matter become a competitor's mess.  That said, let me state this for you:

"NO ONE  GETS THE APPLE PIE before I DO!  What does that mean?

"It means that there is nothing left to distribute to a spiritually bankrupt nation like the United States could become if it follows all that Biden wants for NATO and the North Atlantic Treaty Organization as it is called, for we dare not entertain WAR while we try to hold a Mission to this world.

"I will have a lot more to say either later today or find a good reason why the Lightline for Wednesday is not being held in general terms of announcements for us.

"Dominick, you are being asked to hold back on your plans with Lemuel.  Take this Lightline on with Ron if you can.  It is very important for both of you and the world.  K   I AM MICHAEL OF NEBADON at your service.  K"

"I also want you to know Ron, this is not your last Lightline either, as you are too important to hold on for now.  More on this later to you.  In the meantime I let this go for now.  K  MICHAEL OF NEBADON  speaking. K


July 23, 2024
York, Pa
Ron Besser, transmitter:

I AM JESUS.  I clarify a small note to all of you especially that now Ron Besser has been forced to extrude a great deal of information about two things:

1 -  The DEITY ABSOLUTE is now spokesman for the UNIVERSAL FATHER NOT; however, it is now apparent that JESUS wishes the highest possible level of God to speak to his issue to the planet URANTIA.  Here is his JESUS's response:

2 - JESUS CHRIST speaks to you all:
"I am sure that we have concluded a momentous series of posts that only Ron seems to be capable of doing.  They are said and done and search them out on this site.  

"However.  This:

"WE are now deploying a choice we never thought we had before.  MICHAEL OF NEBADON has concluded that any Mission to Urantia right now is forced into oblivion by the American presidential race.  No one expected the outcome of what has happened to Joe Biden, but his sudden decision to not run for a second terms has caused irreversible damage to the JESUS ADMINISTRATION and the appearance of OUR MISSIONS to Urantia.  We are withdrawing NOT.  

"However, Ron has become seriously ill, and we are not going to work without a good human to help prepare the way.  WE have solicited the good works of Ron and others to get noticed of a permanent appearance of the divine on Urantia, but as always it seems, we are forced back on positions we did not want or even entertained.  FOR that reason we state the following:

** [Jesus speaks emphatically]
"WE are now conditioning our Return to a Secondary position of Trust:

1 - No longer do we trust the governments of certain areas of the world to hold back any war;

2 - No longer do we present the Gospel of the past, but are concerned we dare not present any Gospel, and stand back with any religious connotation of what We wish to achieve; 

3 - Ron here is fighting the cabal tooth and nail to keep this dictation on line and square, and I for one do not know how he does it for so log, but he does, and for that reason I am taking on one last statement for the future now:

STATEMENT BY JESUS for the future:
"I shall RETURN.,  However the fight is on big time to clear this planet of the evil it keeps being heaped with, and I now remove my candidacy as a Second Return for now.

"That should be honestly searched by those who are nuts about the subject of JESUS, but I am not making any promises any more over an issue that is now so overblown that I have no real sense of what my reception would be.

"For that reason I state the following:

1 - No more pandering to the presidential race on Urantia.  It is a subject of little interest with us, but be assured the outcome is important, but we are not sure the BIDEN will stay back and not run again.  I warn you all to stay the course with the spiritual plans and to ignore what politics might do to the mind.  There are some high surprises coming folks.  Watch out and use a CALM MIND to asses the probabilities of a huge fight over the presidential examination of what is to come to all of you soon enough:

2 - The Local Universe of Nebadon has recently acceded to running a DOMINION of neighborhood Local Universes.  Today that group of Local Universes in the Dominion are recalling their ambassadors and to reconsider the entire operation in view of the current conditions operating in the Local Universes as now considered a Dominion of broken hearts.  This is not familiar territory but it is to Ron, and we let it alone for now.

3 - I am CHRIST MICHAEL, and Ron is feeling correctly that an era has ended.  What to do? 

4 - Do nothing.  At least not yet.  Mr. Mo Seigle: rhis is a warning to the URANTIA FOUNDATION to stop meddling in universe affairs as Ron is fully aware of what you do and why you do it.  Do not become a secondary proscription to the fact, and we are warning Mr. Seigle that the end is near enough for enterprises if you dare make more false statements.  You are not in the position you think you are.

5 -  To the URANTIA FOUNDATION in particular,  there is no present danger unless your bring it oh yourself.  Keep away from drafty comments about ":you will show them!" materials because you are inciting a small upheaval quite unnecessary.  Keep the air cool and watch out for further plagiarized announcements not.
6 - I AM MICHAEL OF NEBADON, and I repeat a warning to the URANTIA FOUNDATION:  If you persist in the unnecessary cessation of the publication of a worn out Urantia Book, you will have ME, the Creator Son, to answer to.  The book is totally adequate for another 10 to 15 years run at most, but by then we have an answer for your cursed view that there is something wrong with a book that did not prepare for a future like this one is turning out to be!

7 - I am MICHAEL OF NEBADON, and in spite of the Urantia Foundation's dislike for this kind of communication, it is the one communication I will keep on Urantia for the foreseeable future.  I insist you learn to transmit and take the Deities more or less directly as Ron Besser has learned  to do directly now.  WE enjoy the rapport as well as learn his mind which is hilarious at times over your doings alone.   And now this:

THE ENTIRE REASON for t his communication is to make URANTIA aware I am insisting on a MISSION to the planet!  Do not cross me sir!  You are not forgivable for several things you have said and done and I let them pass for now; however, you have some answering to do for spending the kind of money you do t hat does no one any good except to salve your own egotistical drive to see to it the URANTIA FOUNDATION may always remember your generosity.   That you have been premier in, but you have also turned the Foundation into a bipartisan eventuality that makes it extremely difficult to use as a Universe affair.  I am warning you of the following Mr. Seigle:
     a - Do not forsake the Magisterial Foundation when it discovers that the new book to be issued does not necessarily contain much or any reference to the old Urantia Foundation;
    b - Ron Besser is not at the root of the rot in the Foundation, but you pretend you have no problems of a drop off of readership now, and while that IS NOT CAUSED BY YOU, it is caused by an ancillary accident of time that has found a new use for religious proscriptions in the various sectors of the Urantia population.  I am MICHAEL OF NEBADON and you Ron are clearly a choice so long as you remain silent about what you know otherwise.  I am making nothing available to anyone else right now, but please be assured we have a long talk for the URANTIA FOUNDATION  shortly and that is when I am clear of the Urantia problem of a threatening nuclear war again.  I am fully ascertaining it nuclear war, will not but the world will become quite different if that threat appears, including the likely end of the URANTIA FOUNDATION if this war keeps up with you and most of the readership. K"
BREAK - - -

Ron here -  I think you all should be aware I have been transmitting solidly for four (4) hours, and the heat from SALVINGTO HOUSE is red-white hot.

I do not have much of anything to add to these three posts. But let me remind all of us that we observe today the following for your own sense of where Urantia and we stand.

First, I am consolidated out of work soon as my sudden illness is taking a toll not, but I see a long period coming of no issue to come forth over participating in a divine Mission to this planet.  IT should happen, and JESUS is something of a wild card  in all of this, but I also assure you I feel the heat of a Creator Son, that cannot believe what he finds to change on this planet.  I am not fully informed and I should not be, but please inform yourselves of this about URANTIA:
    1 - It is saturated with long lost care for its environment, and the population is soaring in spite of governments trying to control it.  That is going to cost Urantia big time and not too long for the future to show us what it means to be on the wrong end of a populatio curve endlessly up;
    2 - I see no redemption planned for Urantia at the moment.  Michael is like some of us: you put your nose into the  drug trade it is likely to cause you and then harm if you want things legal.  It is not possible yet to be legal about the drug trade but over half of the American population, according to Michael of Nebadon, employs drugs as a way to get through the week.
    3 - I am no longer a mover shaker on this world of cost reduction to do anything anymore, but I do not spend a lot of money anyhow over the use of so many people to obscure the simple message from Jesus over two thousand years ago:  "Keep simple your life.  Keep away from vice you know is not good for you.  And above all, love the Lord as you love yourself, and all will be well.

Thank you all
Ron Besser

Folks we have gotten by the kabal and have permission to open the Lightline today, Sunday th 21st of July.  2PM and ready to go now.  Thank you.   Ron Besser

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