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Topics - Ron Besser

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I am Ron Besser, as you all know, and sometimes this individual is allowed to kibitz over issues that are not in the 5th epochal revelation or any epochal revelation in our era of life training inside our Master Universe.  Let me review a couple of things with the reader however, before we get to the concept I wish to put before you to ponder.

The Shape of Creation
The Master Universe is an elliptical unit.  Most of you tend to know that if you read anything the astrophysicists have determined as the shape of the universe.  It is elliptical because Father so willed it, but the real mechanism behind its shape is the FATHER  decreed that all creation revolve around Paradise in an orderly fashion.  In truth this is just another way to say that all creation orbits Paradise.  What provides the elliptical shape to the Master Universe is that the gravity on Paradise holds the creation orbit around its shape, an ellipse, and hence we see our own creations in Nebadon take that shape too.

The Master Universe is Already Almost Infinite but Divided into 7 (Seven) Rooms with locked doors.
The seven rooms are seven unique space areas one is either born into or personality achieved in it.   When we say personality achieved, Deity and the Divine are not "born", they appear as brand new personality when the FATHER says it is time for them to be alive and working to help the Master Universe grow.  We are born and go through a materialization of matter that forms our appearance by the rules of procreation and its genetic instructions to make our forms.

The seven different rooms that exist in the Master Universe are seven different styles of appearance of life and how they live, and some of that life appearance  is so different from each other, FATHER sequesters those rooms off limits to each of the seven in order to have peace and quiet over so many differences.  I am over simplifying it but that is essentially why man cannot take a ticket to Paradise if he could travel there.  It is too different and man just has no business getting confused about it yet.   There are seven of those difficult rooms and not all of them are occupied at the moment.

Even Infinity Has Variation We Dare Not Touch
You hear me talk about hyperinfinity.  That is an Infinity style we do not use in our Master Universe.  But the Father Infinite, which is how our FATHER evolves to be seen by all as Infinite in the lst stage of building in our Master Universe. is related to hyperinfinity and admist at the outer most edges of our Master Universe, lies a vast concourse we will never see or understand, but it is ancestor to our Master Universe type of Infinity we are.  It seems its use, hyperinfinity that is, an answer to pundits who say once the Master Universe is Infinite, all development works ceases, as it really does, but what do we do with ourselves if that happens.  Sit and watch TV eternally?  Ugh!

No, of course not.  Those of us in those far future days that made it through all the universe changes necessary for it to become Infinite, get what I would thinks is a rest period before we face new work, and believe me, it is not explainable, but we can point to it being that the outside surroundings that contain hyperinfinity, is also inhabited by the Consummators of Universe Destiny, and they are not the new FATHER, but FATHER himself is a Consummator of Destiny (number 6 thank you), and He is right a home with such a place and takes his workers with Him.  Maybe.  No one says.  But just know we do not get to stop working even in perfection.

Here is a Shocker Concept for YOU!
Remember the ellipse that is the Master Universe creation spoken to first above?  The shocker is that the ellipse while being divided into 7 locked rooms for very different life types, is also divided under the floor of all those rooms.

The seven rooms are vertical walls of different reality forms as we said,  But somewhere below the depths of the Paradise center to our Master Universe, another line is drown, not vertically, but horizontally right through the ellipse. 

Above this dividing line under the floors is a whole new section that has no galaxies in it, no life in it, and no plans for development in it.

It is beneath floor of the universe we all see and love with starts and planets and flying squirrels and even angels and the Deity on Paradise.  More than half of the Master Universe is below the horizontal line drawn through the Master Iniverse, and it is not empty, but contains all of the machinery and apparatus necessary to run Infinity and to specialize creation into individual units.  Those specialized units of life are ourselves and the angels and the Sons and Daughters of all creation which all live about that horizontal line.

I discovered this through a normal transmission broadcast with a Mighty Messenger who spoke to me about why Ultimatons have to be cooled below that horizontal live o nothing in it.

First remember that Ultimatons arrive in time and space from the Paradise room level, and everyone please not this:  when creation is materialized it gets boiling hot.  That is what happens for any such creation that comes directly out of Paradise:  it boils to the electronic boiling point some 35 million degrees Fahrenheit/

Ultimatons must be placed in a very cold place and lay there until the boiling is over.  For that reason the SUPERUNIVERSE galaxies, must be kept above where electronic boiling is taking place, and so even the sSuperuniverses float, must float, above this line.  IT is a top secret and I guess I accidentally found it when talking about Ultimatons and how they must be cooled down and then float about that line to become the materializing influence of all matter so it can be seen and lived on and eaten  and form bodies like ours.

Talk to yourselves about this and learn it is real and is beyond imagination even.  The cellar of the Master Universe is even bigger than the visible creation level, and what that might tell you about the future?  Honestly I do not guess at it because how would the FATHER explain rusty creations no longer used in the basement?  They say there are already a few there and FATHER refuses to discuss it further.

I hope you enjoyed the trip!

Ron Besser

As I write this the cabal is thick around me and they discharged the first post by deleting it as I wrote the message.  This time I have a guard around me to get this out.

We have discovered that when we download an Electron to broadcast electricity form the air, so-called free electricity, we can turn that Electron into a Muon by kicking one Ultimaton in it to force it out.  Now there are 99 Ultimatons in that body, and mother nature rearranges the Ultimatons in it and forms a Muon.  We discovered that when we download Electrons from the air, sometimes even the air supplies Muons we can use without having to convert to them through our induction sphere hanging down the middle of the 385 foot high tower.

When we take Electrons freely floating in the air we pass them through two normal generators and into a third generator we call a slave.  In the slave generator we take out all of the magnets, and therefore it cannot create Electrons, but passes the Muons out to the tower we sent to it from the other two generators.

What the big news is, that when the Muon forms inside the slave generator, that Muon suddenly becomes like a daisy with four new Muons as petals and the original Muon is the center of the daisy.  What this does is then forms with other Muon daisies in the slave chamber and they connect together like miles long strings and go up the tower leg that way.

You could stand under the tower and the only thing you would feel is a little tingling on the back of your neck hair and is totally harmless; however, we nevcr allow workers under the tower because once in a great while a Tachyon attaches itself to the daisy string and that is a viscous bolt of lightning if one ever gets close to one.  For that reason no one is allowed around the tower as we generate electricity for the world.

You all should learn that antigravity does not behave like normal preparticles which have a valence and stick together.  Muons form daisy like flower blooms totaling five Muons to each bloom.  This forms such a rapid exchange of Ultimaton energy, they become frazzled trying to move up the tower leg, and we must introduce a proton inside the slave chamber generator which organizes them into long and unbroken chains of daisy wheel muons.  We thought you would like to know about this discovery.

Thank you
Ron Besser/patent owner for the Magisterial Foundation

Subject: The Last Remaining Days of Sanity on Urantia
T/R Ron Besser
York, Pa at 730am NY DST
August 16, 2022

Dear List,

“I am GABRIEL, and I stand like I usually do at the top of the predators list to remind you we are coming to get you!

“I am not Golgotha or other Japanese monster movie character skit, but the true GABRIEL who announced the coming birth of Jesus to Mary so long ago now.  Two thousand one hundred years ago not, it is slightly shorter of that number, but long enough in reality to know that the world has suddenly changed itself into a ruthless number where young people have no inkling of their place; they have not good reason to celebrate much of anything, and today, the 16th of August, neither do your for that matter.

“Ron read the Lemuel transmission already and says to his Adjuster, yes the here and now is vital to any reasonable approach to reality, but the reality is, there is nothing to really celebrate EXCEPT it is designated per the Internet, quote:

“2022 Daily Holidays that fall on August 16, include:
National Airborne Day. National Bratwurst Day. National Roller Coaster Day. National Rum Day.”

Ron - Yes, I asked th internet through a Google Search, what do we celebrate today, and Rum Day stands out with the rest of them as important as roller coaster day does too.  

GABRIEL - “I insist Ron your write me a note to tell me what any of that means to young people who cannot fathom why life is really important anymore.  You wrote a Urantia Group this week on Facebook with astounding news, and all they can muster is why it happens to someone like you and not them, maybe?  In any case the entire matter of the Jesus birthday is totally empty to you Ron as the inane date of 21 August is no longer that important to the Urantia Foundation anymore either.

“For reasons of State, I telly you this: last year this time we were ready to go too.  Today we are ready to go once more yet it is a year later.  Ron says, ‘I am never sure I care about birth dates anymore, but this one is important if it represents the true body worth and presence of a man thought dead, but is in reality fully prepared to act the part of another Bestowal. ‘   We agree with Ron but with one importance difference: he, Ron is at the end of his rope over these issues anymore and so are most of you.  However, look at the bright side:

“Jesus is a warm blooded individual in the flesh anymore and so is MICHAEL OF NEBADON, as He is fully ready to participate as Jesus once more.  Yet, Ron sets the tone just right: ‘So you think you are celebrating?  For what?’  Maybe you all can tell GABRIEL, other than the date is the birth of Jesus, what about it?

“We celebrate the fact Jesus was born.  Truly.  But we wonder what to do with it?  Oh yes, make your iced cakes and the scrawl, ‘Happy Birthday Joshua!” on the top of it.  There are plenty of takers for sweets like that today, but what is being celebrated?

“As GABRIEL, I remind you: a great deal but what is not known to the vast majority who celebrate the date without knowing what portends, You know a little, and I let this settle with you for the time being.  Here is MICHAEL OF NEBADON to set the character in this post further:

MICHAEL - “You are all wondering why this should be written at all?  Ron knows and so should you– the Day of Infamy is at hand.

“What does that mean.  Think. I am not spelling it out.

“Where do we celebrate such a day?  We do not celebrate it on Urantia!

“How do we celebrate the Day of Infamy for Urantia any place else?  We do not show it to anyone as a lesson never more, but face it soon and wonder how you got here in the first place.

“I am MICHAEL OF NEBADON, and I rue the day not that Jesus took on my last Bestowal to gain My Universe as an absolute ruler I need to be to set the record straight again, especially on Urantia.  We now celebrate the 16th of August, as National Airborne day and simultaneously as National Bratwurst Day too.  That is the ultimate in trivia and the best Urantia can do– how pathetic!

“There is coming a National Day or Mourning for the United States.  It deals with a huge loss of life.  It deals with a huge financial loss.  It also deals with the morality of a nation ready to go to war with itself again over racial moralities and worst yet, sexual misconduct beyond the pale.    I dare not get into these things, but Covid 19 will die soon as will all the other Covids as they are retro-viruses as Ron spells it for emphasis.  Retroviruses have no place on Urantia anymore and they will disappear for good soon.  That is part of the good Jesus legacy if I have to remind you.

“Finally this: the trial we must be aware of is that Pennsylvania is one of the few States in the United States, and where Ron happens to live, that is not slated for tectonic plate revisions so harsh some or many buildings will not stand well after we arrive.  That is not our doing but you will blame us nonetheless.  So it is!  Finally:

“The 16th of August is not your cup of tea if it is looked at carefully, as I must authorize a final go-ahead to MONJORONSON, and to SERARA, and to SEN-SEN, and to RAYSON and a few others you have no names for yet.  They will start the visible appearance of JESUS and for that reason so will Ron become a multi-millionaire to help us teach you more lessons than you thought possible.  The rest of the world will participate with a great deal less understanding as well.

“I close with this:

“No one dare speak about the 21st of August with knowledge, and Ron agrees with Me to say nothing really.  We are sure this entire matter is to be packed up and forgotten except by you and a few others who are savvy enough to get the picture this year.  Stand back and let it pass through without sticking your foot into it to say anything.  It is too dangerous to do so.  Let the entire world celebrate 21 August if it dare!

“MICHAEL OF NEBADON at your service.: K


T/R Ron Besser
York, PA
August 10, 2022 930am

Dear Members and Guests:
I have asked for a moment of time form Ron to decipher my issues with some of you.  Most of you are just fine and okay, but today there seems to be another force unleashed on some, and that causes also sorts of physical injustice and mental fatigue with all that accrue to this site.  Never mind how I know; I KNOW.

I have several wishes for you now.  I am ready to stand tall and eliminate all of this fahlderah but I am hampered by human attitudes here that you are sick and tired of the same old, same old, same old, rehetoric that Ron produces and then says nothing until we react positively.  IT is a well worn and tested theory of all of us, that once you as members who feel this way, either will or will not join the troops to follow the course for your own benefit.  My occurrence this morning is because Ron himself asked for a transmission, and usually he does not have to, but today it is like the oil drillers, "a dry hole," and that is not funny to those in the petroleum industry. 

Finally this: I am here to tell you that the cabal, those are the INSURRECTIONISTS are like flies on  your window to the point you cannot see out of it clearly.  They are harming everything they can, and for that reason I am, as Planetary Prince of 4 (four) total planets now, ready to bring down the hammer on all of them, and this regardless of rank or file.  For that reason the planets are now under the lock down for transmissions and other issues you feel but do not understand why you feel as you do.

For that reason, and very soon, shortly, we demand they disappear into the woodwork or face extinction.  Ron has called for extinction for well over a year, and he just might get his regard for what to do with evil and sinful behavior that refuses to be rectified.  Lately Ron has been furious over extreme pain and loss of eyesight and care for himself he cannot do for himself at the moment.  This morning the cabal turned on the pain badly again and he knows they did it.  For that reason that portion of the cabal is removed permanently from URANTIA and placed in the prison worlds of Nebadon until the Ancients of Days can make a determination.

Now this:  for Reasons of State, we now release Ron and others who determine the height and width of transmissions on URANTIA so they may adjust to the tones and meanings of THE CHRIST shortly.  Ron has been advised of the precise date of the arrival of Jesus and holds it sacred.  Dominick was with him so he knows it too, and they have been sworn to secrecy or else.   I tell you this because Ron is so ill, like Phyllis, he cannot get to the computer to go on line easily all the time and just sits back to avoid breaking an appointment.   This is MANTUTIA and Iclose now with hopes you are soon relieved of these USELESS FEELINGS OF DESPAIR, as even Ron has them this morning too.  THIS IS MANTUTIA IN YOUR SERVICE!  [Thank you Planetary Prince Mantutia, and until later. Ron]


Due to severe spamming issues we get hit with I had to turn off the registration box to the discussion forum recently.  Thanks to Dominick who can find his way into re-registering issues in the software, question filters were installed that should prevent spam easily by asking the question, "What is the universe name of our planet?"  You know and I know but do not answer it here please as that question can only be answered by someone who knows something about the Chicago doings of many years past.

I am pleased to announce then registration is back on as of late last night and is working in the respect no one has attempted to register we know of because of the filter is only for what we know together.  Let us see if the world has any interest left to deal with a site like this one is for all of us.  Thank you for your patience and a good day to all!


Discuss This Web Site / New Member Registration Cut Off 28 July 2022
« on: July 28, 2022, 08:21:12 am »
Dear Members,
It is with regret I had to close an open registration form to join this web site as it is an inundation I cannot handle mostly by people who email forms like ours to spam the proceedings.  Yesterday after opening we had 25 subscription requests mostly from ISP's known for their spam practices, and this morning (the 28th) before 8am, we had over 200 attempts to join.  I cannot handle any of that horde to discriminate what might be genuine to approve as it will likely turn into inappropriate postings from drugs to purses and I refuse to subject ourselves to such a practice anymore.

What caused me to open registration early yesterday was the fact I cleaned up the membership list earlier and discovered of the about 100 members on the forum, about 25 of them are dead registration uses with no posts for years in some cases.  I eliminated the dead brush which was about 22 or 23 names, and saw because there was no open registration we could not add members to the list.

But today is not like it was even a few years ago and we have people all over the world looking for free advertising space, and when a forum like ours opens registrations, we become a free advertising closet for anything hunting such a place.  I cannot go through hundreds of applications and have any sense which is here to spam and who might be genuinely interested which I am sure a few were but had to be cut as I had no idea who they are and their motivation.  I am generally informing you of this attempt and it ending within 24 hours of initiating it.  Thank you for your attention.

Ron Besser

Discuss This Web Site / LIGHTLINE ADVISORY 28 JULY 2022
« on: July 28, 2022, 08:08:49 am »
Our spirit leadership has requested a momentary shut down of Lightline for about two weeks.  Part of the problem we are all having is the constant interference of rebels and insurrectionists breaking into the Lightline transmissions.  The speech misinforms the audience and now spirit wants that eliminated entirely and must gain control of the airwaves again.  As this is attempted to be done, they cannot guarantee they can stop the cabal from doing interference again.

Therefore mostly until further notice we curtail the regularly scheduled Lightline timing until sometime probably the second week of August this year.  This notice is meant to clarify any questions any of you may have and is not directed to Hosts if they want to try anyhow.  If you want to do it anyhow, be our guest, but the general idea is to close off until the cabal situation is better controlled.  I thank all of our loyal audience for keeping with us on these Lightline calls, and look forward to resumption in a few weeks.  I will inform you what is to be rescheduled when I know too.  Cheers!
Ron Besser

The news has been so slow about the progress of our WTP patent I was beginning to wonder if it was being processed at all.  However, on Tuesday, the 26th of July, I received notification that the patent was in for a final review and, final approval was being considered to issue the patent to us. 

What was received was the document indicating the law in these matters and some idea that the issue would at most take six more weeks.  Looking at the history of this review, it was reviewed before and some departments (mainly DOE) were slow to release it but no explanation really given.

Our Attorney pushed it hard about two weeks ago and it forced action we think and hence the pending notification yesterday, the 26th of July.

Now this:

WTP is coming soon once these preliminaries are worked through.  RAYSON says we can have activity through the RAYSON CORPORATION as early as next week if all of this gels just right for us.  The utility that brings WTP live to us will be called RAYSON ELECTRIC, and both the Rayson Corporation, and a new entity corporation to be not yet applied for, Rayson Electric, will be on line as soon as we can understand how to finance all of this,  

The Magisterial Foundation has carried the burden of getting the patent costs paid for and will have to pay out more, about $5,600 more to apply for a world patent as soon as the US patent is in our hands.  Right now that is the news we have to share and we thank you for your interest and waiting to see just where we are going with all of this.    Cheers to your day!

Tape Lesson 01 is to be posted here in a moment as Lesson 01 hit the fan with the insurrection and the tape is temporarily down.  Please expect this to be posted shortly without a further problem.  Thank you for your patience.  Message posted : June 19, 2022  23:30 NY DST   Ron Besser

Tape Volume 3 of the Ohrbeck Tape Transmissions
June 11, 2022

The transmissions Dominick Ohrbeck receives mostly on a daily basis will be posted here as they are seriously good information with regard to what has happened on Urantia as well as what we might expect.  That is not just about our proposed Missions, but for other unidentified issues that have yet to be placed on notice for us to hear about and eventually read about.

Admin places these tapes for your edification and warrants that each Volume is to be placed here so we may keep them together as a unit for historical purposes and references.  This tape is 52 minutes long and properly examines the Lucifer rebellion and its effect on the biological uplifters as well.  No one expects the transmitter to do lengthy lessons, but they may turn out that way from time to time just because our world is in such terrible shape spiritually, economically, and other poorly developed aspects of all of our civilizations.

Let us see how these lessons develop for us and we thank Dominick for sharing his hard and willing work with us.

Thank you/ADMIN
MICHAEL OF NEBADON - "I see Ron has made this work again in a way I thought perhaps should be done long ago, but nobody on this site uses their abilities to do tapes like this, yet your should!  For that reason Dominick is sharing these tapes in hopes other might do the same, and Ron will highlight you for doing it as he has done here too.  Lemuel's tapes on Calumnia started that way, but the insurrection cut it badly and he (Lemuel) attempts it no more.  Yet we need more of this contribution to our knowledge base from all of you who can transmit.  We seek your advice on these tapes as well as they are true lessons and not just the news.  I am MICHAEL OF NEBADON at your service.  K"

« on: May 08, 2022, 13:20:13 pm »
MAY 08, 2022
T/R Ron Besser

" THIS IS RAYSON.  Be aware we are very sure that the circumstances surrounding this transmitter will change abruptly in minutes, as the trial to service URANTIA is now on, and for that reason, URANTIA is going to be fully charged to receive a blessing unexpected even earlier this morning.

"I AM NOW THE DEITY ABSOLUTE, and my vectors are squarely placed on the group surrounding this transmitter fully, and their issues are now removed and we have clear channel again in spite of the vicious son around to arbitrated with us and who is now fully removed to a prison world he richly deserves.  RAYSON needs a clear channel to speak, and Ron needs a clear channel for the impending LIGHTLINE to be held later today.  K [DEITY ABSOLUTE AND WE THANK YOU! R]

RAYSON - "Our substructures on high are slowly eroding the vicious cabal circulating on URANTIA.  For that reason we are sure the entire matter will accede well and that this awful start to your day Ron ends better again just like yesterday did for you yesterday as well.  You are glad the way it ended and no one notices you at the moment on high since we are all so very, very busy over the issues of the SECOND RETURN and the issue of JESUS becoming sorely tempted to eliminate the cabal through a method known as the "ZOOM LENS."   The zoom lens is a method spirit uses to remove obstructions out of the way as though they are just objects, not unlike a fallen tree over the road.  We can do that to entities who obstruct our Mission paths too, and Ron would love to see it operational, and that is what I have recommended to the PARADISE AUTHORITIES be done.  They acquiesce for the moment, as the DEITY ABSOLUTE has little much more to say on the cabal on URANTIA, but he has instructed Ron that the cabal which surrounds him so tightly, is now a cabal that is removed in seconds from now.  That is guaranteed shortly as we all like to say. [so speaks Jesus in this paragraph with Rayson]

JESUS - "WE are attempting to sound out a good reason to continue with wireless electricity for the world, but at the moment we are in a big argument over another frightening development, as Ron has decreed he is not benefiting from physical repairs at all anymore and finds the intrusions into legs and stomach and so on so demeaning he prefers to be on his own and to take the consequences as they may prevail.  That has so upset the Bzhutu contingency he threw down his habit of calm and let Ron know it was no longer possible to serve a human who cannot wait out a simple procedure.   Ron, the truth of the matter is there is no work and that you are sure of and dislike the excuse of hitting your legs for anything else.  I command no one around you anymore says Bzhutu, and Jesus is unaware of our work on you on high, (or was), and that ends this relationship permanently not but fully for the time being. [says Bzhutu]

BZHUTU [ABC22 MIDWAYER A LONG TIME AGO] - "I am sure you did not fully trigger the results, but the cabal is taking advantage of our work and scouring out improvements if we can make them and you did receive one briefly and were delighted but it disappeared in minutes and we lament that is the case now with everything we have done for everyone on URANTIA, and now I see why Ron threw the entire group out as sewage to be treated later.  What a patch work of evil!

"AS BZHUTU, I am now delivering an ultimatum to God the FATHER not, but to the regime which covers the work around Him:  DO NOT PRETEND YOU ARE WORKING WELL! Be assured we are not making progress they way your timorously review our work on the material planet URANTIA.  For that reason that team is now disbanded and a more robust attitude revived and Ron you must lay down your life now and take the consequences as intended a long time ago: no special handling except as your ADJUSTER may decree.  Thank you.  BZHUTU."

DEITY ABSOLUTE - "WE are now sure that the entire matter of the cabal on URANTIA is in error as Ron points out to them this morning, and that they will suffer the consequences of rebellion entirely now.  This transmitter is sure of his place but not of his handling, and for that reason we state he is handled judiciously first as is his choice, but that he is not lost in the melee of new arrivals but is placed at once in the proper landscape and drill to revive himself entirely for our use alone.  His life already is more than sufficient for a landscape in the Major Sectors of Orvonton.   Be assured we watch his development here and elsewhere as MICHAEL OF NEBADON cannot afford to let his life slip out of control into  the paradigms of thoughtless decisions that become automatic if a soul must pass through all of the regimes now operating on the mansion worlds.  

"YOU ALL SHOULD KNOW THAT THE MANSION WORLDS ARE NOW FAR DIFFERENT THAN WHAT YOU READ ABOUT IN YOUR 5TH EPOCHAL REVELATION.  The last revision last month occurs to remove mansion world four (4) from the service of the Lanonadek Sons, and replaces them entirely into Mansion World Six (6) and Ron informs me you are not and no longer aware of the first new arrangement the year (2019) the supreme removed himself entirely from service.  MANSION WORLDS 4, 5, 6, 7  and two more added 8, and 9, are no longer fully arranged for ASCENSION SCHEMES.  For that reason Mansion World (4) and Mansion World (5) are the graduation spheres of mansion world ascenders to become first stage spirit once they are moved to the Constellation worlds of NORLATIADEK itself.

"RAYSON Himself now wishes to speak more fully concerning the trial on Urantia for the introduction of wireless electricity for all of the world eventually.  We are also going to stipulate that Ron, this transmitter, be relieved of this tedious keyboard and remove it to the MICHAEL OF NEBADON keyboard for his own comfort level again.  K [the DEITY ABSOLUTE, and we a grateful for our lesssons here DEITY ABSOLUTE.  Ron]

RAYSON - "WE are sure you are no longer very happy about any of this Ron.  But be aware that your life if not forfeit at all as BZHUTU now realizes you had to do something to be rid of the pest near you and you did and finally I can hear and see you again without all that fuzz over your picture.  I am sure your LIGHTLINE  will go well now as the cabal is in disarray and so  are we to a certain extent over your feisty refusal to be entertained further by a cabal at every step of your thinking and you sense a better mentality right now? [Yes, Rayson, there is a sense of better space in thought whatever that means to anybody . . . R] - and we understand and for that reason we also pump a little more energy into your surroundings and clear a stupid seraphim which does not truly sense what is going off the charts requiring so much energy to operate . . . .

"Lastly, the entire reason for this post to being with, is to affirm to the readers that wireless electricity is to be performed on URANTIA this year and so near to reforming an American jurisprudence that it will never question someone like Ron again.   Ron has no idea what is up, but he is quite sure he knows nothing, but he knows so much they are no longer going to ask how you know but that you know.  Be assured the mathematics are astounding if they ever catch up, and they may someday, but Ron and Dominick had a good talk yesterday, and we spoke briefly with MONJORONSON, SARARA, SERARA, and RAYSON, myself,  and determined that the office space required for all of these operations required a large building and that the "L-SHAPED" building Ron originally requested was the proper building to secure and it has been ratified that its costs will be afforded, not by MICHAEL OF NEBADON, but by the MAGISTERIAL MISSIONS themselves.

"You who read these posts casually have no idea what is involved, but Ron fully does and insists that we accommodate VIP's, should they arrive, have secure and proper accommodations to stay with us while in York.  That is to be afforded well, and the empty three story bank across the street is to be a Museum showing  the planetary wares of our Universe and of our Order of Authority well scripted for all tourists to read.  Be assured it is a coup we did not expect, and for that reason as Ron says, 'YOU BETTER GRAB STUFF SOON!' because York is yanking businesses to fill empty spaces on its streets fast now due to a better economy they think.

"AS a result, there are now several bids in for the bank but we want that property secured for us and MICHAEL now agrees with all of us Ron, the bank is a perfect place to show our wares. [FATHER REQUEST]

FATHER - "WE are taking it harshly that the DEITY ABSOLUTE decrees nothing more than a removal we must do ourselves, and it is done!  But we are also sure that Ron has taken a terrible hit again and says nothing but to remove the sewage the cabal is proffering URANTIA again, and that it is to be treated finally to make it wearable on our face again.  BE assured we are not taking this lying down Ron, and that your care for BZHUTU and others is not in vain, as you did not mean to hurt or hit BZHUTU but accidentally did when he tried to intervene and you shut everything down briefly and he took as hostility when it effect it was self protection and we fully guarantee is is found properly now.  BZHUTU has nothing to crying about now, and you laugh naturally, but he could not understand the trial at 10am this morning when you saw a drive on a wooded Interstate and wondered how pleasant it was to do but where were you going?  To New York, probably, but it matters now, as the Adjuster placed it on your mind level  to show you how we travel on the continent of NORTH AMERICA ourselves, and that is a MELCHIZEDEK PLEASURE too as the INTERSTATE HIGHWAY SYSTEM in America is priceless.

"WTP, wireless electricity, is affordable now, and we insist you and RAYSON get busy at once Ron, as RAYSON moves mysteriously when he has to and for that reason we use the old keyboard style to slow you down a little, and to support a trial I wish spoken to in your next editor window below this post and it is a different subject but show response to to this post with a change of subject this time.  Thank you. THE UNIVERSAL FATHER. " [Thank you Father for providing this additional information from all of us.]


Discuss This Web Site / Test Post - to be removed later
« on: April 28, 2022, 11:52:11 am »
We have cleared the Discuss This Web Site of very old posts that mean nothing today, and that means all of the posts for the past year and to today.  I will remove this material later but we need to hold this category placement for future use.  Thank you.  Admin.


How true is this?  Here is the Magisterial Son Science Officer to explain to me and you what this drawing represents that is shown above.  I speculated that a black hole is like sitting a big iron on gor-tex, and it’s a wonder it does not tear it.

  RAYSON - First of all Ron, a Black Hole does not form a vortex, but it does form a swirl and that is acceptable to explain that it does not only dent space, but it also dips below the central axis line you show as the letter X in the drawing.  That is the first thing to note.

    Second thing to say is that the X axis, the center of the Master Universe does not quite exist as a straight line.  The X line dips under Paradise and then comes back up to exist the Master Universe volume to the other side as a center line too.  The Black Hole, those being the biggest and strongest, dip blow the X line when in time and space, but they also form near Paradise, when the home file network exudes a type of brush cleaner around it– a fancy way to say Paradise clears all debris that may form near or around Paradise to keep ingress and egress open and clear.

   For that reason Paradise allows open access only in certain times of its age long permission to live on Paradise if your meet the specifications to do so.  Sometimes a Black Hole forms near the Central Univers (but not in it), and when Paradise sprays the cleaner into that area, the Black Holes evaporate almost by magic.  This is very instructive to you who live in time and space, where you are plagued with too many Black Holes sometimes, and then Paradise must issue orders to clear them away too.

    Your drawing Ron is excellent for it attempts to understand the Mystery of Black Holes, by showing their effect is more than in space, and it gets high marks from us for not going too far.  You show the ellipse of the Master Universe correctly, and one can draw those lines as in a three dimensional graph, but the Master Universe is not that easy to construct as a simple ellipse, and that is because the entire structure is not completed and closed-end as you show it.  In the end with the X on the drawing is a ragged open area that is sealed to prevent any extra-source Infinity from permeating it.  In a another drawing you do not show you show the Master Universe being coated all around by Absolutum.  That is essentially correct although there is an inner seal that nothing can penetrate except the existential Deities themselves.

    WE congratulate you on feeling this to be the proper way to show the Black Hole influence that penetrates under space sometimes, but the vortex is a little too dramatic for it is more low a bowl gouged into the non-space areas below the X center line that does exist and can be shown better in other graphics you have done in the past.  
    I am RAYSON and here is the UNIVERSAL FATHER:

“WE are prepared now to speak the truth to you, and especially to you Ron: This little graphic is worth a billion words on Urantia, as the cannot conceive your view that the Master Universe is an entire ellipse.  Well, no, not yet.  As RAYSON explained the east end of the ellipse as you show it has no continuous shape or dimension yet, and we leave it that way in order to preserve the idea of Infinity at its best.  For reasons of State it cannot be revealed even for I am not confident I need all that for now or in the future.  For that reason we must advise the insurrectionists, or the cabal as you call them, that their entire plan to control time-space is outrageously simplified in you Ron, as they now see the point that should they control time and space, what are they going to do about the reality that huge areas of space and unlimited creature numbers appear beyond their control.  It finally struck home when you said it to a group around you as they never think of future space areas beyond time.  One of them said to ME, Father, where do we put time and space if we have no control beyond time and space?  I said leave it alone for now and try to amalgamate your decisions with mine and that is to insure you that time and space is not the end, and that the end never sees you again if you insist on this petty annoyance to me to take something that does not belong to you in the first place.  That seems to have cooled them considerably, and you make it clear you want nothing of them around you or even near you.

“FOR that reason I suggest to you Ron, that the entire matter of Black Holes, and Dr. Hawking, be left alone for now, but show the forum these pictures and let me rest a moment before I bang on you head to show the world something they could never have imagined in the first place.  You are good at this and I love the idea of showing off revelatory prowess, but let this cease for the moment, and yest work it up for the COSMOLOGY OF INFINITY book you are still writing and you say oit just seems endless, and I agree.  But for now let us concentrate on MICHAEL OF NEBADON. And his petty annoyance with you again over feeling totally removed from life at times.  I AM FATHER and I wish you a good day son.  K”

GABRIEL - “YOU are still in a tandy mode and MICHAEL OF NEBADON is mincing nothing at the moment.  HE wants you to know there is nothing left for you to do now but ponder the legs and has you on his side cart in a moment just to be sure you know that the irregular surfaces of your heart and mind are being eschewed at their own pace and for good reason you feel terrible, but that ends in a short period of time for you are to be embraced by a certain infant terrible for your own good and happiness shortly.  RAYSON must see you very soon and I must see you very soon too, as the entire operation of the MAGISTERIAL FOUNDATION nears quickly and well and you love the idea of an office building but that must wait a few months yet as the entire matter of the JESUS SECOND RETURN is not over but waning slightly over your intemperate comment to Me yesterday with Dominick spouting that Tarkas and all those called ONES WITHOUT NAME AND NUMBER had to be called Ones Without Issue and calmly stated it so well you broke into hilarity.  We are sure that others around you got a good chuckle.  That day called Easter in the Besser living room was full of huge amounts of spirit talent and you enjoyed every moment of it with Dominick adding to the cheer.

AS MICHAEL OF NEBADON, "I want you to realize, all of you that this story about Black Holes, was triggered when Ron and Dominick watched a CD on the wide screen TV about Marconi and Tesla and their competition to electify and have the world easily communicate with all of its parts easily.  The second documentary bored Ron to pieces but is not even registering in his mind over Black Holes and Dr. Hawking break through to physically describe them well enough to know that Black Holes exist and are extremely dangerous to be around.  That said Ron said to Dominick, ‘I have just one problem with the statement physicists make, and that is a Black Hole once entered there is no escape.’  

“I heard Ron explain to him, that if you or he fell into a Black Hole, we can escape because the will of God overcomes gravity easily and personality survives even if the Black Hole claims the material body.  I thought to myself, now there is a perfect explanation to offer the scientist that he needs to study the Cosmology of Infinity to understand that science cannot continue to separate the Undeified from the Deified.  Dominick has always said the same thing, but the Black Hole analogy makes it so clear– and that is in spite of over-power material prisony traps of death and destruction at the hands of a Black Hole, the spiritual aspects of life prevail in defiance of material death.

“Ron you are near death and destruction yourself and mince no words this morning when your body complained about being sore, chilled, crippled, and broken, yet wise you got up, got assembled, and made this report to get it off your mind at once.  I insist you walk a little today to try out a change of muscle tension in the legs and see how that works.  Jesus has verboten to say either, and we let it all ride for now as things are coming to a head soon and RAYSON is bringing you some good information including not a check but some somebody’s language barriers removed so you hear something you never did before.  I am sure RAYSON knows what He is doing, but listen to your name at times Ron, as your afro is now a tad old and you are slightly bent over soon by the weight of responsibility, but you are fun enough to work through it easily, as the entire matter is well achieved up here already with WTP and the money to build that plant without further ado.

“How we get through the next few days is impossible to state as the entire matter of a Second Return is burnished to the point that JESUS is insulting everybody sometimes, and He knows you are there mostly too, and it has to do with the inane Urantia mass media reporting that is driving nobody nuts but you Ron, and you see it as repetitious and creating tensions far in excess of where they need be and that is interfering with the idea of the Second Return considerably.  There is MYSTERY yet in all of this and we allow no more to be said now.  Meanwhile happy Black Holes everybody.  


Threads for New Transmissions / What Is Truth? Machiventa Melchizedek
« on: April 16, 2022, 11:05:57 am »
 April 16, 2022

Ron: Eighteen years ago we had on Urantia a going list of people who transmitted independently of the Teaching Mission at that time.  I do not recall what the Academy of Light was or is but they transmitted a large lecture from MACHIVENTA MELCHIZEDEK, I saved as part of the TMARCHIVE.ORG web site.  It is a treasure of lessons in the thousands from the divine and take a look at it to enjoy the wisdom archived from our recent past as transmitters and students.

Here then is from the Academy of Light MACHIVENTA speaking about what Truth is:

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Machiventa - What Is Truth - Apr 06. 2004 - Carolyn Holtgrewe, Academy of Light

Machiventa Melchizedek: What Is Truth?
Through Carolyn Holtgrewe
Galactic Foundation Academy of Light
5929 Murray Road ~ Whitehall, MI 49461 USA
Copyright 2004 All rights reserved

The following message may be freely shared as long as the message is shared in its entirety, credit is given to Carolyn and the Galactic Foundation, and the copyright is included.

Carolyn Holtgrewe and Machiventa Melchizedek
April 6, 2004

Warmest of greetings, beloved bearers of the Light! I convey to you the good wishes from all of us in the celestial realms for a joyous celebration of your springtime as Mother Earth brings forth her multitudinous manifestations of glorious renewal for all to enjoy. I am Machiventa Melchizedek and today we bring you a message about Truth. Your ability to discern that which is or is not truth will become ever more important in your lives. The planet took a great leap upward in the light level during the time of the winter solstice and the subsequent ushering in of the New Year, and we will say to you all, well done. Nevertheless, this is another challenging year for all as the divine light continues to flow into Earth and all its lifeforms, forcing old issues to the forefront for resolution. This incoming stream of light is also asking you to review your truth, what you believe is true, or not true as the case may be.

Truth, like beauty, lies in the eye of the beholder. In your world there are as many truths as there are people on the planet. Each one of you has your own individual set of beliefs that comprise your truth and govern your life. These are formed according to your perceptions and understanding of the world around you and the cosmos as well. You will find that the higher you raise your vibrations the more simple truth will be for you and the more comfortable and sure you will be with your truth, even if it flies in the face of what most of society holds as its truth.

Now, there are different levels of truth as well. There is your own individual truth. Then there is also group truth which are perceptions that a given group has adopted as its truth. Each group perceives reality in its own way for its own purposes and according to the shared beliefs of the members of the group. What brings them together in the first place is their shared beliefs and perceptions. There are many many examples of this all around you so I will not dwell on that and just say to observe and discern for yourselves what are the group truths evidenced in any given organization.

Then, too, there is national truth for each nation has its own set of beliefs and truths. And nations which have formed an alliance have their own sets of perceptions and beliefs which they are bound up in together. Take this a step further and you find there is a global truth combining the basic beliefs of humanity as a whole. So you see, dear ones, there are layers and layers of truths that individuals, organizations, nations, international alliances and even the world has adopted for themselves, and it is upon their truths that their actions and interactions are based. We will say that this is a very big onion to peel and many many of these truths come with quite an odor!

So now, what looks like Truth but isn't? What sounds like Truth but isn't? What feels like Truth but isn't? How do you tell the difference between purported truth and true Truth? If you cannot trust your seeing and you cannot trust your hearing and you cannot trust your feelings, what are you to do? You go to the one part of you that doesn't mislead you, that cannot lie to you. And that part, beloveds, is your own precious and beautiful physical body. Tune into your body and learn to read its messages as to what it is telling you is true or not true. It has definite reactions to the truth and lies that comes into its consciousness. You know when it resonates to truth. It may react with chills, warmth, pains, pings or something that is its unique signal to you. And you know how it reacts to untruths that come into its consciousness.

Thus, you will hear again and again from us, go within and learn to discern the truth for yourselves through your own direct connection to the spiritual realms and your own body consciousness. This may be difficult at first but eventually you will become quite amused by all the purported truths that are being espoused around the planet. Just remember to release judgment upon others for their beliefs and truths. Send them unconditional love from within and know that eventually they, too, shall know the Truth for all paths lead to God. So resist the urge many lightworkers have to become evangelistic and "set someone else straight" in their perceptions of the truth for you do not know the divine plans which others have brought into their incarnations.

In these times of great changes our advice to you is to keep your ideas about truth fluid for as you grow, you change and you alter your perceptions and, therefore, what is accepted as your truth changes right along with you. Know that what you accept as new truth today may vanish tomorrow as another newer and higher truth comes upon you. That is spiritual growth, dear ones. Welcome it with open hearts and minds. These years can be so exciting for you!

Those who are not willing to change their truth do not grow and become locked into the past. The present eclipses them and soon leaves them behind to live in an old and unchanging reality. Observe those who persistently cling to the past, who are unable or unwilling to move into the present times and they will appear to age right before your eyes.

Again, what is truth? How do you know truth? God's truth is. It doesn't change. For example, God is is Truth. I AM or I am is Truth. The descriptive words that you choose to add to either "God is" or "I am" may or may not be the truth for that is colored by your perceptions of God and yourselves. "I am" is a most powerful statement and be very careful of what language you choose to use after those words for you are describing yourself and also God since you hold the light of God within. My advice to you is to focus upon positive identifiers about yourself to follow the words "I am." Also focus upon what you can do rather than what you cannot do for what follows the words "I can" or conversely "I cannot" carry great power. In short, release the negative identifiers that you have allowed yourself and others to place upon you and fill yourself with positive ones.

Write out positive affirmations and state are restate them until you have made new grooves in your brain that says emphatically "Yes, I am this" or Yes, I can do whatever" even if you don't accept them as truth at this time. State and restate them until they become your truth and your four-body system knows it right down to your toenails. And back up your statements with some type of positive action in the physical that will reinforce them. However small a step it may be, it will begin the building process.

Release the limitations that you have placed upon yourselves. Allow yourselves to become the glorious light beings that you already are. Undo the shackles that have held you down. Fling open your self-made prison doors and walk in the freedom and light that awaits your venturing forth. Ah, dear ones, it is so beautiful to look ahead and see you all walking in the light and truth of your being! We have faith in you. Have faith in yourselves. You are still in the early years of a new century and it's time to build a new self-image. Go for it! as you are so fond of saying. Call on us for support for we are waiting to fulfill our side of the agreement. Open your channels and then listen for our counsel.

We see that humanity in general currently regards the art of channeling with much disdain and disbelief. It is not highly regarded as a way to obtain truth. However, the time will come when those who elect to stay upon the earth plane will be required to become pure and conscious channels. Think of it, dear ones, everyone is already a channel for at the very least each one channels their own life force energy into the body and of course this life force energy is what is keeps one alive and kicking, as you say, in the physical world.

Most people go through life with their access to this channel blocked for they have adopted limiting beliefs about it and their abilities to consciously use it. In the times to come it will be necessary to open this channel to connect with the soul, the higher self, the oversoul and on up the ladder right into the heart of God. These are the parts of you that know the divine plan for your life for before you incarnated, you planned it all together. They will bring you the truth of the moment, the information that you need to act upon whatever is in front of you.

What you read you may or may not take on as your truth but what you experience certainly becomes your truth. Allow yourself to be open to new ideas and experiencing so you do not become entrapped by your old beliefs about yourself and your relationship to God and the world around you. Keep your beliefs fluid and be willing to let go of that which used to serve you but now only holds you back on your spiritual path. Let newer, higher truths take their place. Know that God and Truth are synonymous terms and indeed the Truth shall set you free! Reach, dear ones, reach!

These times are resplendent with opportunities, and we would wish that all of you lightworkers in particular would doggedly pursue your quest for the truth and forge a stronger connection to God. Loose the bonds on your belief systems and be open to the ways that God may be revealed to you. We would also request that you put at least an equal amount of energy into your spiritual seeking as you do into your questing after the comforts of the material world. We urge you to keep seeking for ever higher truth until you create your own experiencing of your connection to God. There are no words to describe the measure of divine love that will flow to you. That will be for you to take into your hearts and experience and that experiencing, beloveds, is totally and utterly beyond words.

May the light and love of God fill you and bless you. I am Machiventa Melchizedek wishing you a joyous dance down your path to enlightenment!

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