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Messages - Lemuel

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Threads for New Transmissions / TEMPTATION
« on: October 24, 2022, 01:52:07 am »

Speaker: ARTHURA
Subject: Temptation
T/R: Lemuel
24th Oct 2022  07:00 Local

I am ARTHURA and I come to you this morning to remind you all once again
that your real worth, as a human being, is beyond your understanding, within
the context of your involvement in the upcoming Missions.

Each and every one of you, throughout your lives, have sought answers to the
eternal questions that haunt all humans from time to time but there are few
who continue searching until they begin to receive answers. You are some of
the few and that is why you are valued and admired so much.

I also need to remind you that there is always the danger of you being tempted
to change your focus onto what you think may be a better or more satisfying
pursuit. Even the most advanced of spirit beings can be tempted. You all know
the results of the Lucifer rebellion.

Being aware of danger of any kind is to be forwarned, and your normal
human instincts will generally kick into action when necessary, but the ego
is an expert in putting doubt and mistrust into your mind unless you have
learned to recognize and control it.

It is sad to see that there are some who have fallen victim to such temptation,
and yet it is understandable when, once again, the disappointment of yet
another postponement is so deeply felt. But as you know, there is a reason for
everything and one needs to be patient enough to learn the reason why and 
those who have left did not have the patience that maturity would have
given them, but they may return.

Finally, I remind you all of the utmost importance of continuing with your
transmissions for two reasons. The discipline of regular practice will improve
your transmitting and we are able to see those upon whom we can depend.

Good day.

Lemuel:  Thank you ARTHURA for the timely reminder.

Threads for New Transmissions / JESUS
« on: October 23, 2022, 02:22:11 am »

T/R: Lemuel
23rd Oct 2022  07:00 Local

I am indeed the one you know as Mark, the Apostle. I take this opportunity 
to speak through this one to tell you of the joy and pain you will receive in
serving your brothers and sisters. Joy is in the evidence you see as a result
of your service, pain is felt on realizing there is nothing more you can do, 
under certain circumstances.

I loved Jesus with all my being although there were many times when I,
as well as the others, could not understand all He was trying to teach us, but 
we developed faith and trust in Him. We could feel and see the love that He
had for us and so it became impossible for us not to love Him in return.

You may not realize it but you too are His apostles. Your desire to serve and
to do the Father´s will is the same desire as Jesus had and that indeed was
His mission. To serve Father by the teaching of His fatherhood and the love 
that He had for all His children.

I left this world through an early and violent death, as you all know, and I
experienced tremendous disappointment that I could no longer serve Him,
but mercifully, that was of short duration. 

Be thankful that even in your waiting and disappointments you are still
serving, by displaying your love and trust in Him. You are few in number
but your light shines. So, continue to let your light shine by serving Him and 
your brothers and sisters. There is no greater joy or fulfillment to be had.

I am Mark and I bid you, Good day.

Lemuel:  Thank you, Mark, for the great pleasure of receiving you.

Threads for New Transmissions / UNIDADES
« on: October 19, 2022, 01:38:54 am »

Speaker: Unkown
T/R: Lemuel
19th Oct 2022  07:00 Local

Just write, Lemuel, who or what I am is not important for the moment. 
I know you are not interested in these things and this is the reason why I am
coming to you to see if you are able to receive this in spite of it not being 
your "cup of tea".

UNIDADES,  are used by Vectors to organize into easily identifiable subjects,
modified ideas from Father. These are entered and stored in the Infinity
warehouse and they become the accepted "norm" until the next modified
idea from Father.

Since the inauguration of the New Universe Age, NUA, the modified ideas
from Father are numbered in the millions and this has greatly increased the 
work of Vectors and the Unidades. It is a constant process that ensures the
Infinity warehouse is kept up to date.

This is all for the moment. You have done well to receive this and shows you
that you are indeed able to receive material that is not of your liking.

Good day.

Lemuel: I thank you, sincerely and hope that this is the case!

Threads for New Transmissions / Pronouncing Pleiades
« on: October 17, 2022, 01:31:22 am »

Dear List, the word, Pleiades has four syllables. The three vowels should be

pronounced separately:  e  i  a    Ple i a des. The first is Pleh, and not Plee,
the next is  i  as in pee, next is  a,  as in apple, and the last is des.

Ple  i  a  des, with the accent on the third syllable  a.

Hope this helps.




Threads for New Transmissions / MIDWAYERS
« on: October 15, 2022, 01:50:12 am »

Speaker: URSULA
T/R: Lemuel
15th Oct 2022  07:00 Local

I am URSULA  a secondary Midwayer and just one of the many that have
recently been assigned to Urantia, not only to help and support you humans
but to also participate in the Missions in any way we can, and we are assured
to be here for a long time.

As you have already been informed, we Midwayers are very close to you in
terms of our status in the hierarchy of beings, just one step above you, but we
are so gifted by being able to do all sorts of things for you but always with
the approval of your Thought Adjusters. We can do what most other celestials
cannot do, except the Melchizedeks, by the mere fact that we are so very close
to you.

We love you humans, our younger brothers, and sisters and we also so admire
you. We know of your problems and trials. Your world is a school of hard
knocks and constant obstacles put in your path just to see how well you cope 
with them, and considering the aftermath of the Lucifer rebellion, you are 
coping very well indeed.

Now, at this moment in the history of the planet, you are facing your biggest
challenge. With the impending return of JESUS and the implementation of 
REGENCY in governments, you will witness a complete turnaround from
how not to govern, to a way of governing never imagined before. In order
for the planet´s survival and the continuance of your ascension plans this
DIVINE INTERVENTION must take place and succeed in its objective.
It is the only way that Urantia will proceed along her path to Light and life.

We Midwayers, along with almost countless others, are here to assure you that
Urantia will not only achieve her destiny but that you humans will graduate
from this school of hard knocks like no other humans in all creation.

Remember, we are here to help. Call on us,

Lemuel: Thank you, URSULA, nice meeting you.

      The time signature is 4/4  Lento


 LEMUEL, I COULD NOT COUNT IT!  you could and I thank you.  Ron at 330am my time as phone rang without a number showing too at the same time.  I am going back to bed and read this again later.  Happy Friday the 14th!  Ron


          How strange!
Gremlins at work, I suppose.




I am at a loss for what to say. It doesn´t make sense, that´s impossible.
Yesterday, I sent a personal message  to Dominick thanking him for an
excellent transmission re: REBELLION DOCTRINE REFUTED
                                         GABRIEL OF SALVINGTON

Ron, I have never sent an email to Dominick, on the few times I have written
to him, it has always been via the forum´s personal message.


  :Lemuel, and that is where I received it.  It is a note between you and I pay  no attention as it is routine.  But it is rather odd i got a copy, don't you think?  That is the only reason I said so to alert you to nothing really.  Don't know. . . .  Ron

Threads for New Transmissions / INFORMATION
« on: September 30, 2022, 01:50:28 am »
Speaker: Thought Adjuster
T/R: Lemuel
30th Sept 2022  07:00 Local

I am glad to see that you do not waste your time trying to come to terms with
information that has no bearing on your present circumstances. So many 
others do. You are all bombarded with information coming to you from all
quarters of the globe all day and every day. It is a great pity that so many of 
you seem unable to protect yourselves from such a tsunami of information.

Information is be usefull or useless. You would think that it is easy to
distinguish between the two, and it is, but many of you think that you must
show interest in what others think you should be interested in. Not so!
You do not need to demonstrate anything to anyone, other than what is true.

It is true that information can be very interesting, but it is just information
and not knowledge. Feed yourselves on that which is beneficial and leave
behind that which is not. Your time is better spent following those impulses
that I give you, as they always lead you to the information that you are in
most need now, and not in some far off distant time and place.

You are fully aware of your need to be available at all times for the work that
you will soon be called upon to attend to. This is why you are here and this is 
what you are wanting to do, is it not?  We who Indwell you, know your heart
and mind and we are gladdened by what we see.

Continue with your normal daily routines, focussing on the here and now,
and don´t allow yourselves to be sidetracked by useless information. You will
accomplish much more this way.

Remember, turn inward to Me for information that is always usefull.

Good day.

Threads for New Transmissions / WHEN THE GOING GETS TOUGH
« on: September 29, 2022, 01:46:48 am »

T/R: Lemuel
29th Sept 2022  07:00 Local

I am MANTUTIA MELCHIZEDEK, your Planetary Prince, and I

come at this very difficult time in the history of Urantia to remind you all

that although everything seems to be running wild  and out of control, there

is the constant monitoring of all global events and if it becomes necessary,

we can intervene to ameliorate the condition as much as possible.

The information that you have all received recently is very disturbing and

we can see your deep concern, but I want to encourage you to keep the faith.

You have the saying: "When the going gets tough, the tough get going", and

you are all so tried and tested that I have confidence you will all prove to be

what WE want you to be.

The meek and mild and those without the necessary "get up and go", will find

themselves lost and forlorn and bereft of what to do. You are not of that ilk.

You have dedicated your lives in service to FATHER, as WE all have, and you

will continue to do so, come hell or high water, as they say.

I, as your Planetary Prince, am so proud to have those, such as yourselves,

that we can depend on you to do your duty to the fullest of your capacity,

when called upon to do so. 

I leave you now.

Good day.

Lemuel:  Thank you MANTUTIA for your words well received.

Threads for New Transmissions / MIDWAYERS
« on: September 28, 2022, 01:34:51 am »

Speaker: NANCY 
T/R: Lemuel
28th Sept 2022  07:00 Local

Yes, Lemuel, my name is NANCY, and indeed, I am the Midwayer assigned

to you. I am so pleased that you accepted my prompt so quickly. My previous

attempts were not successful but now you are here. Actually, it is now easier

for us Midwayers to establish contact due to the increased  numbers of 

circuits recently made available. You are all fully aware of the importance

of contact between yourselves and Celestials. The constant problems of 

interference by the cabal and insurrectionists have been greatly reduced and

will soon cease altogether.

You thought that I must be female, having the name of Nancy, which was a

common name on Urantia some time ago, but not so much now. We do not

have gender but I can tell you that before we are  assigned to a human, your

personality is taken into account along with an overview of your modus

operandi and we are able to assess the best way for us to influence you.

Of all the spirit beings that are assigned to humans is it we Midwayers that

are the closest to you. We love you humans  and there is so much we can do

to help you. 

We never do anything without the knowledge of your Thought Adjusters.

We are the closest to you, as I mentioned, and we can act very quickly to 

step in and prevent an accident or other occurrence that would be detramental

to your being.

Now that you have, for the first time, received me, I know that it will not be 

last. We shall speak again.

Good day.

Lemuel: Thank you so much, Nancy, it is a pleasure to know you.

Threads for New Transmissions / ENCOURAGING WORDS
« on: September 27, 2022, 01:21:19 am »

Speaker: JESUS
T/R: Lemuel
27th Sept 2022  07:00 Local

I am JESUS and I come to you this morning with a few encouraging words.
Keep your eye on the prize although you do not seek recognition, your
reward will take you beyond anything you can imagine at the moment.
I have work for you and when you work for ME that, in and of itself, is your

There is joy and satisfaction you will experience when serving others.
You will be uplifted by the knowledge that comes to you from unknown
quarters. You cannot give but receive. These two go hand-in-hand.

Now is the time for you to remain calm, patiently waiting for your call to
duty. It will come just at the moment I deem you to be ready. In the mean time,
carry on with your normal daily routines and keep practicing transmitting.

Be of good cheer. I shall be with you soon. Remain in MY peace.

Good day.

Lemuel:  Thank you JESUS for these comforting words.

Threads for New Transmissions / WHAT´S THE TIME?
« on: September 22, 2022, 01:32:44 am »

Speaker: Lemuel

Subject: What´s the time?


22nd Sept 2022  07:00 Local

How many ´times´ have you asked that question in your lives? 

Many ´times´. No pun intended!

It will take ´time´ for this new revelation to sink in.

For the ´time´ being, don´t think about it, just accept it and wait to see what

transpires as ´time´goes by.

It really is tremendous! Mind-blowing! Yes! 

Don´t need to look at your watch anymore, it´s useless, throw it away!

How do we know when we have an appointment? 

Will we never celebrate another Christmas or birthday?

How do you know if your egg has boiled if you cannot time it?

Living a timeless and therefore ageless life is going to be very interesting,

to say the least. Personally, I am thrilled by the news.

How about you?


Threads for New Transmissions / GRATITUDE
« on: September 20, 2022, 12:08:21 pm »
Speaker: THE QUEEN
T/R: Lemuel
20th Sept. 2022  17:00 Local

I am your recently departed Queen Elizabeth.

I have been granted permission to communicate through this one, my most

profound gratitude to the multitude of people throughout the world who have

shown their love and regard for me. I did not wish to attend my funeral but I

did express my desire to see all those of you who traveled from the four

corners of the world, who waited so many hours just to spend a moment

before my coffin with love and gratitude in your hearts. I cannot tell you how

such a sight moved me.

Seventy years as your Queen was indeed a marathon, you might say, but I

always felt sustained by the knowledge that I was simply doing my duty and

that above all, my faith in GOD and my love for JESUS CHRIST gave me

the strength and resolve to carry on regardless, through some difficult times

that I had to face.

It will, undoubtedly, seem very strange to you, that I am able to speak to you

this way but I received information that it is possible now, due to recent

advances in communication with those in Spirit. I do not understand how but

I am thrilled to learn that it is so.

I have one regret, and that is I did not live long enough to see JESUS as HE

will appear to you all, very soon, but I am, nevertheless, profoundly

grateful for the honor and privilege of serving GOD and man for so many


I leave you now with the wish that you may feel the love that I have for you

all, as I have felt most deeply the love that you have expressed for me.

I am Elizabeth.

Lemuel:  I have been advised by Ron to modify my post for the following

reason:  The cabal got hold of this with their usual mimicry of famous people

 for deception.

If I had remembered a previous posting by Ron about the Queen requesting

a rest from the Creator Son and that Phillip had asked to rest by her side, that

was granted, I would not have accepted this as genuine.

The post is still valid in a sense because it is probable that a guide of one of

the seraphic Duty Officers around her transmitted this.  The seraphim 

didn´t mean to do harm but they need to sleep and she probably didn´t know


She didn´t know and she apologized to me through Ron. She was an

attendant to the Queen who knew her well enough to say those things.

Threads for New Transmissions / What a difference a day makes.
« on: September 13, 2022, 01:41:19 am »

Speaker: Thought Adjuster
T/R: Lemuel
13th Sept 2022  07:00 Local

Lemuel, you need not be concerned because of the difference from one day
to the next in your ability to transmit. It is obvious you will not be able to
transmit if you do not receive and you must accept that. 

You are still transitioning and the resulting changes taking place within your 
body are many and complex. I am overseeing this process and it is I who
am also controlling your transmitting. It is enough for me to know that you are
constant in your openness to receive and your sincerity never wavers.

Yesterday you transmitted CALUMNIA after a rest of several months and it
was I who gave Her the "go ahead".  You tire easily and you sleep very little.
Your age is a big factor in all this and it needs constant monitoring and that
is why I control everything. I am your Indwelling Spirit and I will ensure that
when the time has arrived for you to do what I and others have been
preparing you for, you will be in an optimum state of readiness.

You may be able to transmit later today. In the meantime, have a good day.

Lemuel:  Thank you, Beloved. I must stop worrying about this.

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