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Messages - Lemuel

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Threads for New Transmissions / Re: GOD's LOVE
« on: April 27, 2023, 23:28:08 pm »

What a beautiful posting, Elise. 

Thank you so much.


Threads for New Transmissions / WILL YOU?
« on: April 22, 2023, 02:32:33 am »

Speaker: GABRIEL
Subject: WILL YOU?
T/R: Lemuel
Girona Spain 22nd April 2023  07:30 Local

I speak to you through this one this morning to ask, Will YOU?
The reason for this question is to alert you to the fact that we are approaching
the time when final decisions must be made pertaining to your participation
in the Missions.

You have been informed many times that you are known, you are monitored,
you all have your Thought Adjusters and all are in constant communication.
We know the problems you have had to face and overcome in your lives.
We have observed how your faith has grown and your increased desire to
serve FATHER. 

You have come to know and cooperate with your INDWELLING through
the countless prompts and urges that have brought you to your present state
of spiritual awareness. Your patience has been tested many times. You have
dealt with the frustration of constant changes, the ups and down, on and off,
and yet your faith and hope for a better tomorrow have carried you through.

A final decision must be made by you, we know what you can do, but will you?
If your answer is, "Yes", and you are accepted, you will be required to take an
irrevocable oath of service to FATHER.

We know that you can, but will you?

I am GABRIEL and I take my leave. 

Good day.


Threads for New Transmissions / REGROUPING
« on: April 21, 2023, 12:22:13 pm »

Speaker: AMADON
T/R: Lemuel
Girona 21st April 2023 18:20 Local

Threads for New Transmissions / Re: ALL IS NOT LOST
« on: April 21, 2023, 03:41:29 am »

Thank you, Wendy, for your kind words. I tried to send you a PM but you
are not found on the member list!
Good to hear from you.


Threads for New Transmissions / ALL IS NOT LOST
« on: April 21, 2023, 01:35:59 am »
T/R: Lemuel
Girona, Friday 21st April 2023

Yes, Lemuel!  You have recently been reflecting on your life and overall, you
are quite satisfied. You know full well that what you have done cannot be
undone, and what you have spoken to cannot be unspoken.

All that happens in the outer lives of everyone is just a never-ending series
of experiences that are brought to your door to see how you deal with them.
At the end of your days, all the results of these dealings are put on a scale
to see how you have done. 

What you have experienced has been dominated by the interest in your
inner life and through your cooperation with ME you have achieved a level
of Spiritual understanding that is quite remarkable, given the conditions in
which you have been brought up with, and this applies to all of you here.

What is lost are those things that have no value, they never did, and you
realize that, but there are other things that are never lost because of their
tremendous spiritual value.

As each day goes by you realize more and more that you are not of this world,
you are merely passing through and gathering to yourself only those things
that are worth having. Abide in ME and you will only receive those of
everlasting value.

All is not lost, only that which was worthless.

Lemuel:  Thank YOU!

Threads for New Transmissions / MAINTAINING INNER AWARENESS
« on: March 22, 2023, 15:05:00 pm »

Speaker: Thought Adjuster
T/R: Lemuel
22nd March 2023  19:30 Local

You have asked and I respond.

All of you here on the discussion forum have come to realize that you live
double lives. This level of awareness and final acceptance has taken years
for it to develop in you, but it can easily recede into the background if you do 
not take sufficient care, especially more recently, when nothing appears to be
happening to remind you of who you really are and why you are here.

Maintaining inner awareness is simply observing what is occurring in your
outer life, without getting too involved in it, if it is possible. You can become
quite emotionally detached from your outer life, as your inner awareness
increases. You are all aware of periphery vision, where you are able to see
without actually looking, so you can also live a periphery outer life if you
really want to, and this is potentially the biggest danger that some of you
are now facing.

As the weeks and months go by what you want may change, and you may
begin to forget. Beware of your ego, it will sow the seeds of doubt in your
mind and suggest that you have been living in cloud cuckoo land. Don´t
pay any attention to the ego. 

You have all spent many years arriving at where you are now, but it can
easily become clouded over with doubt and even despondency.

Maintain your inner awareness and flex your faith muscles. Remember the
steadfastness and patience displayed by Van and Amadon. 

WE, your Thought Adjusters, have displayed the same throughout your
lives, with a love that only WE are capable of displaying.

Do your part, remain connected with us by maintaining your inner awareness.



I would just like to say a big, Thank You, to ARTHURA for the work He has
done, trying to get to know us, trying to bring out the best that He can find
within us.

ARTHURA, I wish you, Bon Viaje, and may you return to us someday.

A big "Thank you" too, Dominique for your beautiful transmitting.


Threads for New Transmissions / STAY WITH ME
« on: February 01, 2023, 10:51:50 am »

Receiver: Lemuel
Girona, Spain
1st Feb 2023  16:30 Local

Lemuel, you know very well that I will not allow you to pass over if there
is a chance it is avoided. You are tired, yes, and you are content with what
you have achieved in your life, and you are prepared and even happy to 
leave your old body behind and head for the Morontia hills

You have come a long way, always heeding my input and following through,
no matter what. You have tremendous faith in ME, Lemuel, and you
love ME very much, but I love you More!

You have come close to death a few times during your life but you have
survived because it has been MY WILL that you continue to live so that
what I have planned for BOTH of us, comes to pass, whilst you are still
in the flesh. Therefore this present health problem will not be the end.
When it is over and you have recuperated, you will be more ready than
ever to continue being about OUR business. 

You still have a long way to go, Lemuel, if I have any say in the matter,
and I DO.

Stay with ME, and be in MY peace, and all will be well. You´ll see!

Good Day.


Threads for New Transmissions / PAY ATTENTION
« on: January 31, 2023, 02:01:03 am »

T/R: Lemuel
Girona, Spain.
31st Jan 2023  07:30 Local  06:30 Z

Yes, Lemuel, pay attention. I have been on your mind for days now, trying
to get your attention but you thought it was your own imagining. It was not!
Being assigned to you by Father Himself, I will not leave you until Father so
desires. I am here to remind you that I am still here.

I understand very well your reticence, but you still have not taken fully on
board the importance of our relationship and your responsibility to fully
respond. Your age and present state of health concerns you, naturally, but
you will not be allowed to pass over without the permission and readiness
of your Thought Adjuster. 

Trust more, in your receiving and resume the habit of carrying with you
your voice recording machine so that I and your Indwelling can converse
with you at any time. At the moment, all seems to be quiet, but I can assure
you that there will, most likely, be an avalanche of information coming down
that will need to be broadcast immediately.

Like your Thought Adjuster, I am always in touch with you, Lemuel, 
remember, and remain conscious of the fact.

Good Day.

Lemuel:  Thank you so much CALUMNIA for reminding me that I always
have the honour and pleasure of your company.

Threads for New Transmissions / WE ARE CLOSE
« on: January 27, 2023, 01:15:50 am »

T/R: Lemuel
27th Jan 2023  07:00 Local 06:00 Z

I want to speak briefly to all of you this morning to remind you that we are 

close. Close in the sense that we are nearing the time when a more direct

communication will be necessary between us and some of you, and as our

Missions get underway and new information flows out, you are expected
to respond immediately.

Those of you who are offered a staff position will be required to take the
Oath of Service before confirmation of such. This will be an ongoing 

process of appointments that will be few, to begin with, but we are foreseeing

the need for many more in a relatively short period of time.

This is indeed the time when those of you who have dedicated your lives in

service to Father will take that irrevocable step forward, for which, your 

Thought Adjuster has been preparing you. 

Take your time in finally deciding whether to take that step or not.

This is MONJORONSON and I bid you a Good day!

Lemuel: Thank you, MONJORONSON

Threads for New Transmissions / LAUGHTER
« on: January 21, 2023, 02:13:06 am »

Speaker: Thought Adjuster
Subject: Laughter
T/R: Lemuel
21st Jan 2023  07:15 Local

You all know that a sense of humour helps you through the day and that a 
good belly laugh can work wonders. There are those of you who have 
attended classes in laughter therapy and found them to be of great benefit.
It could be argued that instead of taking anti-depression tablets, you could
perhaps take a laughter tablet if they were available. There is no denying
that a healthy sense of humour, with hearty laughter, is a tonic and a general

Those who spend their lives trying to make others laugh are worthy of great
praise because so many of them experience tragedy in their own lives and
know that laughter can ease away pain, even if it is just for a moment.
This is one reason why people seek to escape from the constant problems
that are faced daily, and so a good film or theatrical play can take them into
a different, and more enjoyable reality, if even for only a few short hours.

How blessed are you to have established contact with your Thought Adjuster,
who is your constant pick-me-up, when needed, and how different the world
would be if everyone had such access to their Indwelling Father fragment.

This will be the norm, in times to come, as when Urantia finally enters into
Light and Life, you will not need to seek momentary relief from your daily
chores, and taking medicine for any physical ailment will have been long
forgotten. Laughter is a joy that so many are not able to experience, but you
can help them laugh by sharing your experiences, many of them, I am sure,
were very funny. Do you remember?


Threads for New Transmissions / TRANSMIT
« on: January 17, 2023, 01:24:34 am »



T/R: Lemuel

Girona: 17th Jan 2023  07:00

As you all know, we are at war again with a new enemy who is demanding

that they take over Urantia because they think that they can bring Urantia

back to how it was when under the supreme´s control.

That is not going to happen!  But you need to be aware that they are using

all and any way to get to those who have influence and some  degree of 

power and that includes all of you members here on the discussion forum,

especially those of you who transmit.

I am allowing some to transmit because it is vital that we keep you informed.

Just be careful, look after yourselves, remain focused, and keep the faith.

Good day.

Threads for New Transmissions / I AM HERE
« on: November 28, 2022, 08:02:39 am »

Teacher: JESUS
Subject: I AM HERE
T/R: Lemuel
28th Nov 2022  14:00  Local

This is JESUS and indeed, I AM HERE.
With a gentle nod from Lemuel´s Adjuster, I have come with this special
message for all of you who are interested enough to read these postings from
the various transmitters.

You are not, nor could you be fully aware of the immensity of what is about
to occur on Urantia. There has never been such an event to have taken place
anywhere, especially with the present circumstances prevailing as they are.
There are many throughout the world, connected with the institutionalized
churches who are awaiting my return but they are waiting for a jesus who is
not me. I have not capitalized the name because I do not identify in any way
with the person they are anticipating. I am not going to appear floating down 
from the sky on a beautiful fluffy white cloud, nor am I going to separate the
wheat from the chaff, as they are so erroneously expecting. No!

When I appear, all will see me as I am now, dressed in a smart suit with a
collar and tie and I will be looking directly at the camera, and you will all feel
as though I am talking directly to you, and I shall be. My words will enter
into your conscience, and you will either feel an immediate response in your
heart of love and gratitude or you will simply deny the reality of what you see.
Many of course, will be confused, many will be fearful and many will be

My first appearance will be of short duration, even so, no one will be 
unaffected. I will briefly outline, by heading, my initial program for those
changes that are to be put into effect as soon as possible and that will be
sufficient to cause panic in many quarters, but I am willing to allow those
chips to fall where they may, as you say.

The forces that are with me are well-prepared to deal with the 
immediate fall-out, along with the Melchizedeks and the more specialized 
security forces. The world´s media will not know how to respond, there may
be a short black-out of communication, to give them a little time to get their
act together. We are hoping that we can coax someone in high authority to
deliver a message shortly after.

Whilst we are able to do all within our power to protect all of you who are
of my flock, I will repeat again the advice you have been given many times.
Remain indoors as much as possible. Keep a low profile and don´t speak to
anyone outside of your normal daily associates. YOU KNOW NOTHING!
Is the best answer to give to a stranger. You will know when the time is right,
for you to resume your normal daily activities, although having said that, they
will never be quite the same again. Your Thought Adjusters will also have a
vital role to play in this, so stay tuned to Their impulses.

I leave you now but I shall be with you soon. Believe me, it is my dearest

I AM JESUS. Remain in My Peace, now and forever.


Threads for New Transmissions / WE ARE HERE
« on: November 26, 2022, 02:01:23 am »

Subject: WE ARE HERE
T/R: Lemuel
26th Nov 2022  07:00 Local

Yes indeed, We are here, and you have decided to put us to the test, so to
speak, and your faith in us will prove to be well-founded. It is indeed the first
time that Father has deemed it necessary to allow such a group as ourselves
to be formed and for very good reason. An end to all the shenanigans that have
plagued this planet along with all of you for so long.

What will soon take place will shake the world and everything in it but it has
been long in coming for the reasons you are all aware of. You are ready to
serve and serve you will. You are very small in numbers but that will grow
quite rapidly when others who have been simply observing from the 
sidelines can see that it is now much easier to transmit and they will be  
eager to come on board.

We are here for the sole purpose of clearing the highways and byways of
communication that has become so cluttered up with all kinds of garbage that
something simply had to be done, and we are here to do just that, along with
a few other things as well.

We are open for business all hours, we do not even take a lunch break, but we
recognize you do and so we are quite happy to watch you taking yours.

So, this is for all of you. We are here, and we hope to see your willingness
to take full advantage of our presence. There is so much information that will
be coming to you and such information will save many lives when all the
earth´s changes begin.

This will be all for now and thank you for taking us at our word. We shall
speak gain.

Good Day


Threads for New Transmissions / TAKE NOTHING FOR GRANTED
« on: November 22, 2022, 01:56:31 am »

T/R: Lemuel
22nd Nov 2022  07:00 Local

You all know that your life can end in moment. It can end instantly in a car
accident or in a hundred different ways. You can be alive one moment, and
dead the next. So what does this tell you, or should tell you? You cannot take
your life for granted, in fact, you shouldn´t take anything for granted, but you
do, all the time and every day.

Familiarity breeds contempt, so they say, and in part this is true. You do not
feel contempt for the beauty in nature, although you are very familiar with
what Mother Nature provides, but you do take so much of it for granted.
You also say you do not appreciate what you have until the day you do not
have it, and this again is true.

How are you going to feel when what has been so familiar is no longer there
for you to enjoy, did you ever really enjoy it?  Did you ever show gratitude 
for the beauty that surrounds you?

There are many lessons to learn as you progress through this school of life
and not taking everything for granted is one of the most important.  You have
all seen how others have had to come to terms with the changes in their lives
from taking things for granted.

I am here this morning to remind you that it would be a good idea if you were
to give thanks to Father every day and for everything, because one day you
may no longer have it, except His love for you, and That you can always 
take it for granted. Can Father take yours?

Good Day


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