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Messages - Lemuel

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Threads for New Transmissions / The Gift Of A Smile
« on: November 21, 2022, 02:38:39 am »

Subject: The Gift Of A Smile
T/R: Lemuel
21st Nov 2022  07:00 Local

Have you noticed that when you smile at someone it is almost always returned
and it pleases you?  A smile is a gift that you can give freely to all that passes
you by. How many times have you appreciated a smile from someone when
you needed uplifting and you were, every time.

When you consider all that is happening in the world today you may wonder
what is there to smile about. You see so many faces full of concern with the
hustle and bustle to get to where they are going on time. They are not
thinking of sending the gift of a smile to a stranger.

How blest are you who know what a smile can do. You can look in a mirror
and smile back at yourself or even chuckle. It is a gift you give yourself.
You have already discovered that true happiness springs up from within, like
a fountain of water that refreshes you. Others have not yet achieved this and
so many never will but they still appreciate receiving a smile, especially from
a stranger.

Nowadays, with your iPhones, taking smileys have become a popular way
of sharing a happy moment with friends and they are easily circulated around
the world. This is one of the positive effects of modern technology. You don´t
need an iPhone to send a smiley you only need to continue expressing what
you feel from within,

You are all sons and daughters of Father but how many know that?
A simple smile from a stranger can restore a lost faith in humanity to someone 
who has lost it.

What´s in a smile?  A most precious gift that you can give to all your brothers
and sisters.

Good Day


Threads for New Transmissions / Parent and Child
« on: November 18, 2022, 02:53:37 am »

Subject: Parent and Child
T/R: Lemuel
18th Nov 2022  07:00 Local

Those of you who are parents have experienced what parenthood really means.
It is a tremendous responsibility that calls upon all your virtues as you learn
to be a parent, and although you may receive help and advice from others, it is
you who have to deal with the demands that parenthood brings.

In the beginning, is the joy of welcoming your child into the world and
seeing how quickly they grow, within your tender loving care, as you also
watch them take their first steps. How quickly time passes. They are babies
for such a short while.

It comes as a complete surprise to most of you when you learn that you have
another child within your very being, your Soul. I capitalize it because it is
the Soul that is destined one day to fuse with your Thought Adjuster.

All children need tender loving care, of course, and your Inner child also,
but the nurturing and nourishing of your Soul is of a different kind. It thrives
upon all the loving thoughts you have, all the precious words you speak, and
all the caring deeds you perform.

This also is a tremendous responsibility but it is the only way of assuring your
Souls survival. You have received Inner guidance all your life from your
Thought Adjuster to aid you in this, as He too, wants nothing more than to see
your survival and accompany you to the Mansion worlds where one day your
fusion will take place.

Whether you have earthly children or not, you are all parents of your inner
child and it is this child that needs the most attention. I can see that all of you
are loving and caring parents of your child. May you always be.

Good Day


Threads for New Transmissions / LET IT GO
« on: November 17, 2022, 00:34:32 am »

Subject: LET IT GO
T/R: Lemuel
17th Nov 2022  07:00 Local

One of the hardest things you will face on your inward journey is letting go
of the past. What is done cannot be undone and what is said cannot be unsaid.
You must come to terms with this fact, forgive yourself, and move on.
Easier said than done, yes, but it must be done. You have all done and said
things in the past that you regret, especially when you remember the negative
effect they had on others.

Your lives are a never-ending chain of experiences from which you learn how
to choose, those you would like to repeat, and those you would prefer not to.
In other words, through trial and error, you obtain a degree of wisdom that
simplifies your choices by taking away the fear of making a mistake.
Letting go of the past is never a mistake, the mistake, is allowing your fear of
letting it go. Learn from it, yes but let it go.

Those of you who are interested enough in reading these lessons have already
let some of it go, but there is always something that you cannot bear to part
with and those are generally precious memories. There is nothing wrong with
remembering bygone days, but the longing and yearning for them can hold
you back from moving on.

Others of you have long since left all behind, and the freedom you experience
is the result. You need no baggage. You Inner life is all you need to lead and
guide you to your destination. The fact that you are reading this should
indicate where you are on your journey.

Good Day


Threads for New Transmissions / Re: Only Time Will Tell
« on: November 16, 2022, 23:36:59 pm »
Hi, SongatSunrise, 
                                I agree that punishment fit the crime and that it should
be administered quickly.
Keeping prisoners on death row is cruel beyond words, in my opinion.
With or without time will not affect our choices to do one thing or the other,
good or evil but it will certainly make us live in the present and concentrate
fully on what we are doing.


Threads for New Transmissions / Only Time Will Tell
« on: November 16, 2022, 05:14:44 am »

Subject: Only Time Will Tell
T/R: Lemuel
16th Nov 2022

What´s the time"?  A question that is asked by millions of people around the
world every day. Time is money, they say, and the clock rules their lives,
almost from birth to their death.

Now, consider what would happen if time was taken away from you. This is 
impossible for you to consider even as a concept, but consider it, you must!
You are used to time regulating everything so how are things to be arranged
when time no longer exists, and why must it cease to exist?

The UNIVERSAL FATHER has stated that all rebellions, evil doings and all 
other manifestations against the light are committed in time and the only
solution to prevent such happenings is to remove, or at least, manipulate time.
The Time Force Organizers and other beings are among those who are already
working on how to bring this about.

The Master Universe is evolving in time and space and any change in time,
as you are used to it, will obviously have a dramatic effect on how your
daily lives will continue.

You may also consider that without all the crime, corruption, and wars, 
Urantia would be able enter the first phase of Light and Life more quickly,
and your ascension journey´s also.

It remains to be seen how this will be done but I can assure you, that above
all else, Father´s Will be done, and that includes the safe homeward journey
of His children.

Good Day

Lemuel:  Thank you, CALUMNIA

Threads for New Transmissions / Followers and Leaders
« on: November 15, 2022, 07:18:49 am »

Subject: Followers and Leaders
T/R: Lemuel
15th Nov 2022  13:00 Local

Today, I want to mention some aspects of your life that perhaps you have not
thought about before. You all know that there are those who lead and those
who follow. Some are born to be leaders while the majority will always be
followers. This is also demonstrated in the animal kingdom. There is one
dominant male, (alpha) and the rest look to him to lead them in the hunt for 
food and everything else they need. Equality between the sexes does not 
concern them, it instinctively is, and readably observable.

Humans are very similar. You have similar instincts, needs, and something else
that animals do not have;  the desire for learning and self-improvement, which
stems from an inner yearning. You tend to follow those who appear to have
what you lack. The young generally need a role model and it is unfortunate
indeed that their choices are so often based on lower levels of human

Those of you who read these lessons have been following the impulses of
your Thought Adjusters. You felt, deep within, that you were being led to
that which you deeded most, and this brings us to the crux of the matter.

Leaders lead from the mind and followers from the heart. You are both at the
same time. You use your mind to follow your heart. When you need to think
deeply about something it is your feeling that gives you that ah, ah moment,
upon arriving at a decision.

Yesterday, we talked about letting your light shine, and today, followers and
leaders. As you continue along your ascension path you will become more
and more aware of the fact that these cannot be separated, one from the other.
You feel, you think, you follow and you lead, and you truly know where you
are going.

Good Day

Lemuel. Thank you, CALUMNIA

Threads for New Transmissions / LIGHT A CANDLE
« on: November 14, 2022, 02:02:47 am »

T/R: Lemuel
14th Nov 2022  07:00 Local

Today´s lesson happens to be one of my favourits because it shows you that
no matter how much you love others, it is never exhausted, it just spreads
and grow. 

Everything is attracted to light. If you are lost in some dark place and you
don´t know which way to go, if there is the smallest glimmer of light in the
distance you will gladly and joyfully make your way toward it. Nothing
gladdens the heart more than to see that first glimmer of light after being
surrounded by darkness.

How grateful you are, when there is a candle lit in a darkened room.  You feel 
an immediate sense of relief and hope springs up from within your being.
This is the wonderful effect that a single candle can have on a person.  

You know that a candle´s flame can light another, in fact, the flame from a 
single candle can light many, many more until it expires.

You are like a candle and your light never expires and no matter how many
people you light, yours never diminishes. It is a wonderful fact, and beautiful
to behold, the light that Indwells you.

"Let your light shine and glorify your Father, who is in Heaven"

Good Day.


Threads for New Transmissions / TRUST
« on: November 11, 2022, 02:00:37 am »

Subject: TRUST
T/R: Lemuel
11th Nov 2022  07:00 Local

In any and all human relationships, trust is, or should be, the common
denominator that binds all together. Once trust is lost it is almost impossible
to be fully regained. In your societies, you have all seen those who have 
fallen from their high positions of authority, due to the loss of trust by those 
who helped put them there.

In times gone by, a shake of the hand was enough to seal a deal, but not now.
"I give you my word" was also sufficient and it bonded many relationships
for many years. So what has happened to trust?

Trust is earned and not easily attained. It takes time and much effort to build
the confidence necessary for any lasting relationship, business or otherwise.
This is well known by all of you. It requires your sincere concern for others,
your honesty, integrity, and above all, the golden rule of treating others as you 
would want them to treat you. It is the simple things that are really the most 
fundamental for the stability and sustainability of any society. Everything is a 
question of trust between all parties at all times.

All of you who read these lessons can be trusted to do what you have been
preparing for many years now. You have experienced the ups and downs
that life has brought to you, just like everyone else, but with a difference.
You have acquired knowledge and understanding of things spiritual from
the influence of your Indwelling Thought Adjuster. Your dealings with others
will reflect this and they will instinctively know they can trust you. Your
future work for the Missions will test and try you in many ways, but it is
trustfulness that will be the most demanding.

You all seek to serve Father by serving your brothers and sisters and this you
will do, with the love that you have for all, and they will love you in return,
knowing that you are someone they can trust.

Good Day

Lemuel: Thank You. A lesson well received and appreciated.

Threads for New Transmissions / Re: AUTHORITY
« on: November 09, 2022, 01:17:21 am »

Hi, Ron, Thanks for the info.

I knew that from the 23rd Oct to 21st Nov the birth sign is Scorpio and so

I logically thought that the full moon on the 8th Nov is in Scorpio, but hey,

what do I know? It´s obviously not as simple as that.


Threads for New Transmissions / Re: AUTHORITY
« on: November 07, 2022, 16:26:10 pm »

SongatSunrise, yes, you are right, thank you.


Threads for New Transmissions / AUTHORITY
« on: November 07, 2022, 02:12:18 am »

T/R: Lemuel
7th Nov 2022  07:00 Local

I want to talk to you today about Authority and how you need to use yours.
These are exceptional times you are living in and there are circumstances 
where you must use your authority. When you are in danger, your instincts
tell you, your adrenalin flows and you become totally awake and aware of
the situation. You have all had this experience from time to time but I want
to mention another type of danger, and that is when you are attacked by the

You may have already noticed that you are having unhealthy thoughts, or
thinking negatively about something that you were always in favor of.
You all have a weak spot and the cabal will find it and take full advantage
of it. When you first notice it you may shrug it off as being of little importance
but you need to stop it immediately. Use your authority and tell them, in no
uncertain terms, that you will never have anything to do with them, and they 
are wasting their time. They will use all and any means to get under your
skin, so to speak, so don´t let them. If you find they are too much for you,
then call upon your Thought Adjuster for help and you will receive it.

You are of the Light and the cabal will try to influence you to be otherwise.
USE YOUR AUTHORITY, BE WHAT YOU ARE, and they´ll never get you.

Good Day

Lemuel: Thank you, CALUMNIA, I am so pleased to receive your message.

Threads for New Transmissions / Re: REST ASSURED
« on: November 06, 2022, 10:14:14 am »

Yes, Ron.

I don’t know how I made such a mistake in the


It was indeed from CALUMNIA


Threads for New Transmissions / REST ASSURED
« on: November 06, 2022, 01:47:08 am »

Teacher: CALMNIA
T/A Lemuel
6th Nov 2022  07:00 Local

I come to all of you today with a simple message. Rest assured.
It is a most difficult time when there is no news and your patience is being
tested again and again. 

You all know that what you cannot see doesn´t mean it doesn`t exist and you
cannot see the tremendous amount of preparation taking place on a higher
level and if you could see it, you would hardly believe it.

Urantia is such a unique planet for so many  reasons, some of which you are
already familiar with but with so many occurrences coming together almost
simultaneously, including a New Universe Age, it has resulted in some very
difficult decisions being taken, whilst at the same time a constant battle against
forces that do not recognize the need for such a change. They remain loyal
to the previous age that is dead and gone but they are on a road to nowhere
and this is the main reason why I want to say again, rest assured.

Father´s Will, will be done! You are so privileged to be alive at this moment,
although some of you may not agree, but the truth is you are witnessing
such history being played out before your very eyes and in the future when
you have moved on to the Mansion Worlds you will look back and say to
yourselves, "I was there then" and you will remember with justified pride.

Good Day.

Lemuel: Thank you for such a welcoming message.


Great news, Ron, and what a relief!  At last, you have a green light for WTP.

It was beginning to look as though you would never get it.



Threads for New Transmissions / Time Out
« on: October 26, 2022, 01:45:03 am »

Speaker: Thought Adjuster
Subject: Time Out
T/R: Lemuel
26th Oct 2022  07:00 Local

The subject today has a double meaning. Time out for a period of rest or
reflection on what or how to do something and now, with the latest change
coming out of Paradise, a modification or even the disappearance of time.

You have been advised that until what is being considered has been decided
upon, everything else is on hold. Nothing has been removed from the table,
so to speak, but don´t hold your breath.

Now is a very trying time for all of you again but stay the course, you have
come too far to give in to the temptation to throw in the towel. Don´t be that
someone who has waited for a bus for so long that finally decides to start
walking, and after, just a few moments later, the bus passes by. How would
you feel then?

There will be no news of import and transmissions will be few, but there will
 be the use of normal time out for the revision of plans and perhaps the 
relocation of personnel. 

Just carry on with your normal daily routines, whilst everything else continues
to simmer on the back burner. In any case, what else can you do?

Good day.

Lemuel: Thank you, Beloved.  Advice is well taken.

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