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Messages - SongatSunrise

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AUDIO TAPE Links - Comments - Schedule inside / Re: Doing THE FATHERS WILL
« on: December 03, 2024, 12:39:46 pm »
Thank you gcmeyer83!

God knows we all can do a whole lot more than we think we can! It is said, "I can do all things through Him who strengthens me!"
And by the way, don't expect perfection the first try. It takes a while to get it right, whatever it is. :D
Thanks for the encouragement :)


General Discussion / Reiki
« on: November 09, 2024, 14:32:50 pm »

Nov. 9, 2024


Hello everyone!
I have a question for Occerpa: And for anyone who would like to join the discussion:

Do you do reiki?

If not, why not?

If so, what are your experiences?

Thank you for your words on this!
Carole, aka S@S


Thank you so much Lemuel for such a thoughtful and inspiring Light-Line lesson!
I took a few "notes".  I hope these are helpful for our readers.  
Hello Everyone, good Morning Friday 8th of Nov. 2024
This is Lemuel
I am in Gerona

I hope you are all allright.



We shall continue with the same subject we talked about last time.

Your Soul.
I have a question for you: we.
How is your Soul? how is it getting along? It is like a child. It is your child. and that child needs nourishing to make it grow strong and healthy.


So what are you feeding your soul? I hope you know by now, that your soul needs love, loving thoughts, loving words, and loving deeds. Care and compassion and patience and acceptance, and forgiveness, and all these things that come under the umbrella of love.

What drives your future body, your soul, is thoughts words, and deeds of love. When you die, you leave your body, but the possibility of your resurrecting depends on the state of your soul.

Your soul, which has been brought to you by the fragment of the Father, has been with you since you were a child. When you die, your Thought Adjuster will wait for you on the mansion world. that is one of the so-called heavens

If your soul has grown and matured, it will indeed be resurrected, and stand in the resurrection hall. The time will come soon after, and you will be rejoined by TA. You will not see him, because your soul cannot see it. It is pure spirit. and fragment of Father's Love and light.


I hope that you all will become much more aware of this tremendous responsibility you all have, to make sure that you are nurturing the child-soul within you.
Remember, it is your soul, and only your soul that can continue on an ascension path, all the way to the Father, in the company of your Thought Adjuster.

Remember this is most important work you can do for yourself while still living in the flesh.

The TA's research your ancestry before they came to you. They know the capacity of your spiritual  gifts. The TA's need to become personal They need and want your personality.
We are saying that Father, the fragment of Father in you and every normal thinking person on this planet, want to fuse with your personality. That is saying that the Creator wants to become one with its creation. Wow. Yes. indeed.

So created man becomes one with the Creator. This is the fusion in the future. The TA gains your personality, and you gain the pure spirit of Father in you. There is nothing more important, more wonderful, more glorious that any one of you can still do in the flesh.

So, friends, remember these words.

This is Lemuel speaking now. I am thinking of my own personal experience that I had many years ago, that made me realize the responsibility, and the joy of knowing of what we are becoming.

I am reminded of the things we have been talking about.

Way back inn 1957 things were coming to my attention.

Prompts came in 1960, and on. I read anything I could get my hands on, Reading about other peoples experiences is OK, but what about my own?


My TA got me thinking of not looking at the outside, but rather looking within. There are many other things to live beside what is outside. As a concept, Look inward. It takes time.

I have been so very fortunate, with so many blessings in my life.
You still have your responsibilities living in the outside, but remember your child, your Soul, Make sure you are having loving thoughts, words and deeds every day. Please. And your TA will help you to know who, what and why you are here.

I sure you understand.

It has been a tremendous week here, a tragedy with all the flooding in Valencia.

And in the States, you all know the results of the US election. Even here in Spain , we just cannot believe it.
We shall see what happens between now and January. l
My dear brothers, and sisters, give thanks to the Father, especially as He lives within you.

All right?
This is Lemuel and my Beloved saying Bye Bye for now.

Thank you Lemuel!  S@S

November 6, 2024
Good day to All!

Today is the day after the election in the United States. Many of us have been following the promises, the accusations, the judgments and opinions of the various candidates. We are tired.

We have finally heard: Trump won the election. We all have our own particular response, and our own joy or grief, accordingly. What would you like to say, TA, and Pleiadeans?

We have been watching closely. The road ahead is not going to be easy. Like Lemuel said today, "What do we do now? What do we know?" And as Michael said, "Attend to your brothers and sisters whenever you can, stay close to God and take the time to keep thanking Him for the good that still can be found on your world".

Breathe easy.

We, as your spiritual helpers, do not participate in human politics. You may ask, does spirit have anything to do with the situation we find ourselves in here on earth?

Rather, we listen. We are engaged 24/7 in supporting, nurturing, and caring for your individual spiritual salvation. The evolutionary process of spiritual growth is linked directly to your faith. You don't know what is going to happen next. That is part of the design!
That is why free will choice is so important. It is the challenge of making America great again by fully subscribing to the importance of character that builds, sustains, and nurtures the planet, each other and ourselves, with a complete dependence on Father for moment to moment guidance, as we
seek Him.

Your prayers for the good of every elected official is of great value to us. Not trying to change what they do, but that rather, that the outcome of their actions will, in the final analysis, bring forth the greatest good.

May peace be with all of you.

Thank you Pleiadeans!



November 3, 2024
Good day to All!

We have some wonderful discussions here. Is there anything you would like to add, TA?


In the past, Carole, you have warned of the possible dire consequences of misuse of Artificial Intelligence. It is possible to spread misinformation, create realistic images, copy voice recordings, and create totally false information about whoever.

Microsoft repeatedly refers to AI as a "Product" and I am sure there is a monetary component to AI.
Profit is foremost to those that think in that direction, and it is possible to acquire information from AI that would contribute to that mindset of gain.

AI uses information gleaned from all kinds of data-collection sources, and the idea is to target YOU with information and products--if you will- that meet your expectations.

This AI data base has access to the whole Urantia book, all the Teaching Mission archives, and probably even all the posts on this forum.
I am quite certain that spiritual entities of all sorts also have access to this "fountain of knowledge".
Cabal is quite capable of messing up everything on the airwaves -- as we have seen with Ron's experience. Good entities may also have the ability to contribute unique viewpoints that may well be called "revelation". But I feel that revelation is entirely in the realm of the Heavenly Father's intent, and that He would not allow such a thing as AI to impart true "revelation".

If what you find is "revelation", and it comes from a conspiracy theory source, you can know it is not "truth".

Here is quote from Emanuel Swedenborg's book "Life on Other Planets" :
"Ultimately the doctrine that truth is a matter of individual opinion is an outright self-contradiction. Swedenborg emphasizes that truth holds throughout the universe, as a standard that is common to us and the inhabitants of other planets". (from the Foreword, page xxv.)

Father imparts to us the spirit of discernment, as we ask Him. Truth is not what we want to believe. It is not what other people say we should believe. Acceptance of truth does not require a hypnotic spell of suggestibility. What we believe is up to us to put it to the test. Logic and common sense will be easy to find on AI, but so also is perversion of that very thing. AI can be very useful, if used properly, and if the right questions are asked.

Thank you TA!


General Discussion / The Frailty of Democracy
« on: November 01, 2024, 10:40:57 am »

Good morning everyone!  Here is a message from George Barnard, still applicable today. 
Carole,  Song At Sunrise

Samuel of Panoptia.
Subject: “The Frailty of Democracy.”

Received by George Barnard.

Samuel: “Good evening my dear students. This is Samuel of Panoptia. My brother, Aaron, is by my side, and we have prepared for you a simple lesson on democratic government.

“Well may you agree with us that the best method of government is some form of democracy. However, the difficulty with democracy is that after a period of time things tend to go awry. As we spoke earlier today, I will again repeat how this comes about. As a community grows, people concern themselves with rules for this community, and naturally, as it grows and grows, rules and rights that are fair to all will be noted. Some will object to some of the rules of the community and a democratic system of voting does then come about.

As the clan, the tribe, the nation grows even bigger, a structure, a hierarchy will establish itself to ensure that everyone knows the rules, and that everyone sticks by the rules. Some will have to, as is often spelled out, become more equal then others. Indeed! Someone will need to be at the head of the community, perhaps, more than a few will need to be at the head of the community. Very often these positions will pass on from one member of the ruling class to a descendant, to an offspring of this ruler class, and there, all of a sudden, you will have something quite less of a democracy.

“And, as ‘the heavens’ have witnessed again and again, there will be those who are power hungry from a young age. They will have little care for others and only care for wealth and control. These are the psychopaths, you would call them, who must control the moneys or the currencies, the goods and many favors, for friends and themselves. These powerful individuals represent the frailty of democracy! As one generation takes over from the old, they will care less and less for the common pawns – those who were always led or used.

“Soon all will find that certain members of the community will have advantages over others because of their position. We find this to be much the case among the financiers of various projects. Sooner or later you will have an absolute ruler, perhaps an absolute tyrant, in charge of the community, and that is then the end of your democracy. Democracies often regress into dictatorships. And so, certain rules must go into place in order for this not to happen. Firstly, not a single individual must be in charge of an ever growing community.

There needs to be a number of them. They need to be balanced. They must not be professional politicians. They must be those that come from the law, or from the medical professions, and that have shown in their lives to be caring of others, that have shown in their lives that they have not filled their pockets with whatever currency is in use. These are the ones that will ensure that a democracy stays a democracy. It is simple for me, and this is why I am your spokesman at this time, for this is the way of Panoptia.

“All have to show that they are from a profession where they care for others, where personal wealth is only of moderate importance, where they are proven to be bright, decisive, working in the interest of others, where they prove to have their minds about them even at an older age. And then again, they have to learn what the community and its rulings are all about, and they stay in that government position for only a few years. This is the reason why Panoptia remains so very successful – it has for ages – millenia.

“I leave you now for you to give this your consideration, and I would like to see you transcribe the words and make them available to others. This is Samuel, signing off for both Aaron and myself. Goodnight.”

Good morning! Today is October 30, 2024


Good morning Michael, and Melchizedek, all our celestial helpers, and Pleiadeans!

It has been a while since we talked. Is there anything, Pleiadeans, that you would like to talk about today?


Well yes, Carole. Here is something many of you have on the top of your minds, That is the topic of Peace.

What is peace? you may ask.

Jesus often said, "Peace be unto you" and "Peace, be still!"

Peace is not something that comes up behind you and grabs you. It is not imposed upon you, Someone cannot say it into existence. It cannot be forced.
First and foremost, it is a choice YOU make.


Everyone who experiences peace has the intent for peace to happen.
Many people are stressed out about the social situations on this planet right now. Many are experiencing physical and mental symptoms that are unfavorable. It is easy to blame their feelings on other people, and other situations. That looks logical, but understand that peace comes from within you.

Peace just doesn't "happen". It has a long prior history.
Our planet, like yours, was and is evolutionary. We have come a long way. You have too in many ways.
When there are only animals on the planet you can expect animals to act like animals. They go on instinct, but they can also learn things. They can learn to take advantage of others, be sly, clever, or even be good at masquerade. Humans do this too. Do animals have "peace"?
We know that peace is a fruit of Spirit. Father is at the core of peace.
When humans acquire a Thought Adjuster, the potential for fruits of the Spirit become ours to seek out. They don't just happen. The Thought Adjuster can't do it for us. We have to seek these fruits of the Spirit, of which peace is one. We have to actively look for ways to implement the peace process in our own experience.
Peace is a process. First there has to be a recognition of the need for peace. Awareness of a need is the first step toward spiritual growth. It was spoken recently that there is now a low level of spiritual yearning. People want to solve their own problems, their own way. In the Western United States tradition there was a gun named "the Peacemaker". Is peace silence? Is it a truce? Is it a sullen response to abuse?
Of the many possibilities of peace through violence, does any of them seek Father's way?
Father's way incorporates all the spiritual fruits of love, joy, patience, tolerance moderation and kindness. These qualities exist regardless of the worldly situation surrounding us.
We believe in the Father. Belief is the starting point. We can believe all kinds of things. Beliefs come and go. Beliefs can be poorly founded, or otherwise. But when the beliefs grow into a life style, they then can grow into trust. But is that trust well founded?
That trust which is the foundation of Godly faith, looks beyond the present to a future fulfillment. Our faith in God leads us to trust the outcome of the Father's choosing whether we can see manifestations or not. That trust helps maintain our vision of the Father's will.
And the Father's will is that of peace, not only on this earth, known by some as "Urantia", but also throughout all the universe.
When trust is broken it takes a lot to rebuild it. Faith is shattered by a lack of trust. That is why we keep saying, Hold the course! Don't give up! Perseverance and ingenuity and a willingness to cope with all adversities are qualities employed in "staying the course".

You many never see the "missions". If they are going on right now (remember October 10th was proclaimed as the day of the beginning of the Magisterial Mission), we haven't heard any announcements yet. Do you see anything? Spirit can, but you are not spirit. That is why faith and trust are so important.

So what is peace? Peace is the total settling of all conflict that is harmful. Peace brings with it joy and love. You will know when you have it! And it is right in front of your eyes if you wish to reach out to it.

Go in peace, my friends!

Thank you Pleiadeans!


Oct. 4, 2024
Hello Pleiadeans!  Is there anything you would like to speak to today?
The recent Light Line with Lemuel got into a discussion of Jesus and the "Way, The Truth and the Life" .
The idea here is inspired by the book "Mister God, this Is Anna". We as people have our own individual "point of view". But Mr. God has millions of viewing points. The "Way, the Truth, and the Life" are God's manner of work and existence. Valerie spoke of the Bible saying that Jesus IS the Way, Truth and Life. And that there is no other name by which we are saved. These comments are for the little ones. and does not encompass the "millions" of points of view that God has. Valerie was upset that there are happy people in heaven who have never heard of Jesus. How can that be?
God has many "viewing points". As we, as his children, choose the ways to live, the truths that sustain, and life actions that promote soul growth, God is happy. Jesus embodied these things, but we do too in a limited way, and we continue to grow as we employ the Ways, the Truths and the Life actions that originate with Father himself. The Thought Adjusters lead us step by step in these directions. Who are we to shut out the kingdom from anyone? God knows our hearts! Yes, and Yes. Jesus IS (the embodiment) of the Way, the Truth, and the Life. And Yes, there are people in the mansion worlds who are happy, and who will in due time learn more and more about the Ways, the Truths, and the Life Actions, that Jesus so wonderfully revealed.
Jesus said something to this effect: if they are not against us, they they are for us!
Thank you Pleiadeans!




Good morning All!
I am reposting this because it is so appropriate for today's day and time.
Alabama, US of A, May 8, 2014.
Teacher: Thought Adjuster.
Subject: “Intensity and Purpose”

Message received by Oscar. 

Thought Adjuster: “When the children of God begin to awaken, they realize the great opportunity that has been given to them when they consider their life and all the great things they can achieve with their time. It is through progressive spiritual enlightenment that a person acquires the discernment to choose things of eternal value instead of the temporary and the vain.

Human life is designed to be a school, a learning ground where everyone can acquire and practice the skills that will serve them throughout eternal life. The plan of mortal evolution is so full of wisdom that it is virtually impossible for a human being to avoid the experiences and opportunities that will help them grow spiritually. It is only human free will that determines whether the opportunities are taken advantage of or whether, on the contrary, the personality becomes self-centered and materialistic.

In this world, regardless of origin or initial conditions—whether you are rich or poor, whether you live in a developed country or the most primitive, whether you have outstanding intelligence or average—all human beings have what they need to find the Father and live a life full of true spiritual satisfactions and spiritual progress. The environment in which you live guarantees that regardless of the talents you possess, you will have the opportunity to explore them and choose to use them.

Learn to live your lives with intensity and purpose. Take control of your evolution and see every challenge, every problem, and every unexpected situation as another opportunity to express the best of your personality. Remember that it doesn’t matter the season you are in at this moment in your life. What is more important is where your will and your intention are directing you, for it is through your will that you will help your Heavenly Father create beings of light for universal service. Yes, you have in your hands the opportunity to create a new being like God and indispensable for creation—your own being forged under the yoke of experience and polished by your desire to become more and more like the Father.”

© The 11:11 Progress Group.
Faith is just curiosity tinged with hope — Thought Adjuster.

Threads for New Transmissions / Re: 'ALERT PLEASE
« on: September 28, 2024, 18:12:41 pm »
Thank you so much for the transmission, Ron.

But. . . please excuse me.  Did you mean to say Taiwan?

Now it turns out that the ready lands of southeast Asia are getting mixed up with a war  call to defend Thailand from the precursor to all war, a land dispute with one of its neighbors.

Thank you Dominick and Arthura for Tuesday's Light Line.

Here is a sentence I don't understand.  Could you please reword it and give  some comments about it?
And while some of you in the attempts for transmission, too much of a personal or a social risk, nonetheless, all religion of the spiritual source of true reality.

Thank you!
Carole, aka S@S

Sept 20 2024
Good morning All! Good morning Pleiadeans! Would you like to speak with us this morning?
Certainly. We spoke to all of you recently about "Prepare Ye the way of the Lord!"
That might not mean much to many people, but we would like to elaborate a little bit on that.
Jesus spoke to his disciples about the little children coming to him, saying "Suffer -- that is allow -- the little children to come to Me."  And he also said, "Come to me all you who are heavy laden, and I will give you rest".  

When we come to Jesus, or high spirit, or when we come to you, there has to be a way prepared. The biggest preparation is the receptivity of the human mind and heart, to receive Jesus, Monjoronson, Father, and the many high spiritual helpers ready for you.

The quote "Prepare ye the way of the Lord" continues with "Make straight in the desert a highway for our God".
Can you imagine how difficult it is to plan, and pave a highway in the desert? The next sandstorm will cover it completely. But for humans, we are talking about planning a meet-up as some say. There needs to be some preparation, putting out the welcome mat, as it were, sweeping the porch.
When national leaders meet for a conference, there is much planning, and preparation.
If Jesus is to be welcomed into one's life, many things have to prepare that person for that. Sometimes it is a total trauma, or something else extreme. Jesus doesn't necessarily require such an event for us to open up to Him, It just needs our AWARENESS.

The people of Urantia are facing every sort of challenge and temptation to disregard Father, and spiritual solutions. Quantum computers that generate Artificial Intelligence words, pictures, ideas, philosophies, are all based on previously placed input on the internet. Then humans generate the commands that bring forth the desired responses. That is not Father!
REVELATION does not need Artificial Intelligence!

But it does require an open mind, willing to hear new spiritual applications.
Nothing to be afraid of.
But what people are afraid of is the negative responses of those around them, persecution, and the like.
We bring this up so you are not surprised when it happens. Believe us, it will.

Be in peace, people. regardless of outside interference. We love you all.

Thank you Pleiadeans!

Sept. 5, 2024

"Prepare ye the way of the Lord!"
Hi! We are the Pleiadeans!

Well, hello Pleiadeans! For a minute there I thought you were about to introduce a commercial!

Pleiadeans: Indeed we are!

How, you may ask, do we "prepare the way of the Lord"?
Many times the missions have not started because the "Way of the Lord" had not been prepared.

A little while ago Ron asked you all to pray for a white light to surround the transmitters so they can transmit clearly.
Well, we say this: Pray that a white light surround all those who have any level of faith in God, by whatever name their culture may impose. Everyone who believes needs that white light to keep them safe from the intrusions of the cabal. We have been here a long time and have seen how the entire world culture has been infiltrated by rebellion, apathy, inconsideration, selfishness and greed. Etc. Etc. Etc.. . . But there are people who really want to believe, even though they are surrounded by all kinds of unwanted happenings.

This is what we would like to see: a white light around everyone who looks forward to the coming of Jesus, That includes the friendly spirits who are coming to your planet right now, the Melchizedeks,  all those who plan to participate in the missions, and all those who have only a flicker of faith in God.  

A fire is one. When it meets another fire, it becomes one also. Many fires merging become one.
When the word goes out, that fire can flare up into a world conflagration of light, of truth, and enlightenment. Because those seeking truth will recognize it right then and there.
Here are famous words from the beginning of Handel's "Messiah". Also from Isaiah 40:1-3
"Comfort ye, comfort ye my people saith your God. Speak comfortably to Jerusalem, and cry unto her that her warfare is accomplished, that her iniquity is pardoned. The voice of him that crieth in the wilderness, "Prepare ye the way of the Lord! Make straight in the desert a highway for your God".
"The Lord whom ye seek, shall suddenly come to his temple, even the messenger of the covenant, whom ye delight in. "Behold, He shall come!" saith the Lord of Hosts." Malachi 3:1
"But who may abide the day of His coming? And who shall stand when He appeareth?" 
"For He is like a refiner's fire!" Malachi 3:2

So we as Pleiadeans join with you in praying for the white light to surround all of you, because there is nothing like that clear white light to drive away the spirits of darkness. We together can "Prepare the Way of the Lord!"

S@S Wow! thank you Pleiadeans! Is there anything you would like to add to that?
Pleiadeans: Yes. We are all in this together! And a quote from your text: "All creation groans together waiting for the manifestation of the sons of God!" Romans 8:22-23. All who love God may be designated as "sons".
S@S Thank you so much Pleiadeans. It is good to know there is something WE can do!

Here is a link to the famous selection above:

Threads for New Transmissions / Re: Jesus speaking, August 21, 2024
« on: August 23, 2024, 12:55:19 pm »


Helder Poeta:


It is very hard to remember this date as Jesus ' birthday because my whole life, in fact, almost everyone thinks about december 25.

Hello Helder Poeta, This is Carole writing this time.

You are so right. there are many people with the same question.
When I was in high school, I wrote a paper on the subject that Jesus was not born on Dec. 25, and I got into serious trouble.

Jesus said that he did not keep a specific day as his birthday during his days on earth. That is because the Jews had lunar calendar. It was based on the moon, and approximately 28 days a month. Periodically during the designated 19 year time cycle, there were several years that had an extra month.
The Jewish holy days and festivals were based on new moons. The Jewish new year fell in the fall on a new moon. But the sacred new year began in the spring as a memorial of Passover and the escape from Egypt.

The Romans did not have that calendar. They used a solar calendar. That is similar to the one we have now. Even still, we have to add a day every four years to come out even.

The Romans had a very special holiday in December called Saturnalia. There were gifts, parties, and all kinds of celebrations on Dec. 21 on because it was the winter solstice. The days were now starting to become longer. It was the "birth of the sun" (This later became transposed into the "birth of the Son" -- the Son of God, who brought "enlightenment". ) Christmas (Christ-Mass) became standardized during the reign of Charlemagne, who made "Christianity" in its new compromised form the state religion of the empire. It has not been changed since.

The Bible did not state when Jesus was born. The angels in the sky, and the shepherds and sheep story, and night time are all from another religion Mithra-ism, which was also prevalent at the time of Jesus' birth. Luke wrote these things into his narrative, because he got his information from interviews with people, and he had no way to prove these things right or wrong.

Jesus is always happy when we remember his special day, but normally he doesn't think about it much, because it is not a spiritual issue. The Urantia book was the one to reveal it. Even still, who is going to have a major celebration on August 21st? The kids are getting ready for school!

So we will live with it for now. Jesus loves to be remembered any time. If Christmas is the time, he is OK with that.

Thanks for the question, Helder Poeta!

Carole Dawn/aka Song At Sunrise

Hello forumites!

There have been a number of references to "The House That Jack Built" that may be a little strange to some of our readers. Here is the original poem, a nursery rhyme from Mother Goose:

The House That Jack Built


  • Quote
    This is the house that Jack built.
  • Quote
    This is the malt
    That lay in the house that Jack built.
  • Quote
    This is the rat,
    That ate the malt
    That lay in the house that Jack built.
  • Quote
    This is the cat,
    That kill'd the rat,
    That ate the malt
    That lay in the house that Jack built.
  • Quote
    This is the dog,
    That worried the cat,
    That kill'd the rat,
    That ate the malt
    That lay in the house that Jack built.
  • Quote
    This is the cow with the crumpled horn,
    That toss'd the dog,
    That worried the cat,
    That kill'd the rat,
    That ate the malt
    That lay in the house that Jack built.
  • Quote
    This is the maiden all forlorn,
    That milk'd the cow with the crumpled horn,
    That tossed the dog,
    That worried the cat,
    That kill'd the rat,
    That ate the malt
    That lay in the house that Jack built.
  • Quote
    This is the man all tatter'd and torn,
    That kissed the maiden all forlorn,
    That milk'd the cow with the crumpled horn,
    That tossed the dog,
    That worried the cat,
    That kill'd the rat,
    That ate the malt
    That lay in the house that Jack built.
  • Quote
    This is the priest all shaven and shorn,
    That married the man all tatter'd and torn,
    That kissed the maiden all forlorn,
    That milked the cow with the crumpled horn,
    That tossed the dog,
    That worried the cat,
    That kill'd the rat,
    That ate the malt
    That lay in the house that Jack built.
  • Quote
    This is the cock that crow'd in the morn,
    That waked the priest all shaven and shorn,
    That married the man all tatter'd and torn,
    That kissed the maiden all forlorn,
    That milk'd the cow with the crumpled horn,
    That tossed the dog,
    That worried the cat,
    That kill'd the rat,
    That ate the malt
    That lay in the house that Jack built.
  • Quote
    This is the farmer sowing his corn,
    That kept the cock that crow'd in the morn,
    That waked the priest all shaven and shorn,
    That married the man all tatter'd and torn,
    That kissed the maiden all forlorn,
    That milk'd the cow with the crumpled horn,
    That tossed the dog,
    That worried the cat,
    That killed the rat,
    That ate the malt
    That lay in the house that Jack built.

There is no mention of the house itself! It is just all the"stuff" that went on in and around it. (;-p)

(I used to love to hear my mother read this to me when I was little. She really put some rhythm into it!)
Smiles to all, Carole



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