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Yes Dominick, I was a full witness, and it was sad to see. 

I have known and worked with Ron since about 2011.  At some point he began to view me as an enemy (which I never was, nor will ever be), simply because I questioned.  But we now know that illness most likely contributed.

I have an update on the Teaching Missions data, and links you gave me.

It appears to be at:

On my own, as time allows, I will do some analysis to see what the overlap is, as well as the usefulness of their site vs, then report back to you.

Thanks Much!
I'll be frank with you PJammer,
I don't fully know or understand the full reasons Ron took actions he did when he did, other than to share the bafflement of the explanations at times, followed by the frustrations of him being unassailable because he's acting on authority of MICHAEL.

This kind of collaboration left Ron on a high ground that isolated himself and antagonized other groups. They quarantined him and he became 
non compos mentis /nŏn kŏm″pəs mĕn′tĭs/

This is why I compare him to Ellen G. White when Ron continued full time on Lightlines to declare the other groups near apostate for not recognizing his updated revelations, timelines etc.

Thanks PJammer! I'll support your efforts. They are worth preserving. 

You also want to check out

Their latest efforts are through Center For Planetary Management (copied here from their newsletter email yesterday)

Center for Planetary Management
A Co-Creative Design Team of the Future

in Cooperation with Daniel Raphael

Spiritual Consultants: Machiventa Melchizedek, Sondjah Melchizedek
Kona Lisa Mahu, Facilitator
Jacques Reverseau, Facilitator
Marthe Muller, Content and Editor
Juan Ramirez, Content and Technology
Steffen Patrick, Content and Technology
Bea Ngai, Inquiring Member
Bob Wilson, Inquiring Member
Recording done via AI
Thank you Domminick, for this tmarchives update.

A google search on "Daynal Institute" turns up two main sites:

Nowhere have I been able to access Teaching Mission documents.  At first I thought because I am not a member, but the sites sign up is not working.  Also I came across this explanation at:

"You don't have to log in to read any public MediaWiki wiki. You don't even have to log in to edit, normally: anyone can edit almost any page, even without logging in."

It appears our site is not the only one becoming outdated.

My memory is that Machiventa has several times in the past mentioned that the Tmarchives material is worth saving for current studies and posterity.  If that is still the case, and if this is something you would support, I am willing to take a lead in assessing this situation, and if warranted, working with other groups who may also share my concerns.
From what I learned in the discovery and dialogue phases a month ago with Mission Urantia, is that Rob Davis re-created TM Archives at the Daynal Institute.

There's probably not a direct 1:1 match of records. You can kind of reverse engineer the timeline based on the newsletter disruptions in Ron's version of the archives, about when the split(s) occurred. 

What we ended up, therefore, are two silos of archives and Ron's position that his archives were official, while the rest of the movement moved on without him because Ron kicked them out of his TM Archives by literally removing Rob from the login credentials. That leaves Ron in a karmic position of people like you and I naturally wondering if something like the Daynal Institute would be willing to take them, but given the history, why should they?

The databases are proving to be too outdated for a seamless update. That's certainly the case for this forum as it is several versions too late to run an update from the Admin panel. Instead the whole thing needs a fresh install of the newest version. Hosting is not our pain point, but legacy software is that these databases are on. Ron relied on individuals who came and went, just like any other small business enterprises reliant on part-time and volunteer IT help. On top of that, Ron didn't keep up with tech advances and like many of us who are older, prefer to remain with something as long as it's still working. Think of it this way. Ron never upgraded from Windows 7 and that same approach to the servers and database carried over. And someone like me doesn't know server migrations well enough to handle it. It needs professional help and that takes money.
Thank you Dominick, Carole, Elise, Michael, Moses, and any others who played a part, for keeping us informed.  Dominick, how can we thank you enough for your great service to Ron, his estate, your leadership skills, and all you do for this forum!

We will move our prayers for Ron to the forefront.  We will keep you all in our daily prayers, thank you so much.

My question is for Dominick.  It concerns the domain, software, and database.  With the "forum in general is about to wind down and age out", has any thought been given for the future of tmarchive?

Tmarchive contains the records of the Teaching Mission, the lessons of which have great value now and into the future.  There is nothing quite like it anywhere on the internet that I can find.  Thank you in advance for any insights, discussions, or plans you might be able to share with us.

Thank you occerpa. 
One example, supporting your statement is how Ron probably came up with one of the best philosophies on the subject of Certitude this century.
Good morning, understood Dominick; thank you very much. I too had thought that something like this might be the case. However, above all circumstances, I will continue to believe that Ron is called to an even more glorious role here on the planet and that for this reason, whatever his current health condition, his case will be another great triumph of good over evil in this divine game. Thank you Dominick and ask the Universal Father to give you even more spiritual strength and mental fortitude.
TRANSLATIONS / 4.2.2025 – Odczuwanie innych
« Last post by Andre_P on Yesterday at 01:48:24 »
Ta sama wiadomość po angielsku :
Podał : Rene A Duran, członek bohater
Kategoria / Temat : Wątki nowych przekazów / ODCZUWANIE INNYCH
« 3 lutego 2025 r., godz. 17:50:38 »

Grupa 11:21 Przekazywanie prawd, Phoenix, Arizona


Od Dostrajacza Myśli
Odebrane przez Evelio Rivasa
Salwador, 1 lutego 2025, godz. 7:25

Dostrajacz Myśli :
„Tu twój Dostrajacz Myśli. Dzisiaj skupimy się na temacie odczuwania innych.”

„Zastanawiałeś się, jak można uznać w czyimś umyśle planowanie upadku innych ludzi. Chociaż wydaje ci się to nielogiczne, to dzieje się właśnie teraz. Chodzi o siły, które ugruntowały swój tron w umysłach tych, którzy planują. Są to połączone siły, które rządzą. Udało im się zdominować scenę i wiedzą, jak to robić. Jeśli zauważycie, że są jak sprężyna, wypływa z nich ból, który rozprzestrzeniają na swoich bliźnich. Myślą o tym, jak wygrać z innymi. Nie są oni postrzegani jako bracia. Definicja rodziny jest dla nich bardzo ograniczona. Uczucie jest w nich bardzo małe. Wykorzystują konkurencję, a współpraca odbywa się tylko na ich własnych warunkach ... Jest oczywiste, że dobro innych stanowi kwestię a priori, na którą nie zwraca się uwagi. Sytuacja staje się trudna, gdy ci ludzie są przyzwyczajeni do osądzania innych. Faktem jest, że nie wiedzą, że im niżej są w ewolucji, tym bardziej się boją, a to sprawia, że chcą, żeby inni myśleli tak, jak oni chcą. Nie są w stanie pozwolić innym być wolnymi.”

„Kiedy zdobywacie wyższe poziomy w ewolucji, ufacie, że inni postąpią właściwie i skorzystają ze swojej wolności. Pozwalacie innym być wolnymi. Uczycie się, że musicie szanować wolną wolę tych, którzy są blisko was.”

„W tym przypadku powiemy, że odczuwanie drugiego jest bardziej związane z sercem. Tak długo, jak ludzkość nadal myśli, ryzykuje osądzanie równych sobie i planowanie ich zdominowania.”

„Ta dynamika rozciąga się na Urantię. Ta rutyna pokazuje brak wiedzy o tym, dlaczego są wcieleni. Powiemy, że są siłami, które zostały wzmocnione przez rutynę. Współpraca i braterstwo muszą jeszcze poczekać. Chcemy powiedzieć, że sytuacja staje się interesująca, ponieważ zamieszkujecie planetę dotkniętą ludzkim zachowaniem. Priorytetem jest, żeby jej mieszkańcy traktowali ją z miłością, jako żywą istotę.”

„Ogromną prawdą jest to, że chcemy bezpiecznego przeznaczenia, a to może nadejść tylko wtedy, gdy nauczycie się dbać o drugiego i o planetę. Jest to bezpośrednio związane z rozpadem sił, które dominują w umysłach ludzi, którzy nie czują swoich bliźnich. Jest to nieco niewygodne do wyrażenia, ale każdy może znaleźć techniki dezintegracji zaktualizowane przez Skrybę na Facebooku.”

„Tu twój Dostrajacz. Zamykam ten interesujący temat. Kochamy was wszystkich. Życzę dobrej nocy.”


Evelio Rivas
AUDIO TAPE Links - Comments - Schedule inside / Re: Sunday 02.02.25 Call Recorded
« Last post by Dominick O on February 03, 2025, 23:35:31 pm »
Because we cannot reconcile Ron's decisions to ignore his earthly doctor's recommendations to treat diabetes and high blood pressure, or healthy diet, exercise and medications.

Instead, Ron told us, repeatedly, his condition was a rare universe condition not normally seen on this planet; or that Lanaforge poisoned him, or Mother Spirit created such conditions attempting to kill him, etc.

Under those conditions, you respect his claims from a distance. He made his decisions and banked on life extension and Mission-go. He suffers the same fate he promised anyone else with life extensions that are not in the making.
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