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To all herb-lovers, I am looking for a natural remedy to cure my heart-burn. Anyone ?
« Last post by Rene A Duran on January 24, 2025, 15:00:19 pm »
Group 11:21 Truth Transmission Phoenix AZ. 


By: The Pleiadians. 
Received by: Evelio Rivas. 

El Salvador, January 23, 2025, 5:51 a.m.

 The Pleiadians:
"We are the Pleiadians, today we will discuss the subject of portals"

"On Earth, one of the great challenges is in the portals, this is directly related to changes in routine, if you observe, in this sphere people welcome routines that petrify them, and at the same time are degrading, yesterday you observed people close to you, who as children vibrated with spiritual concerns, but, as adults they welcome routines that tie them to darkness, how can this happen, and seem normal in the psyche of these people? Here one of the greatest deceptions occurs, is this a self-deception in reality, the issue is that each person feels that they are doing the right thing, and the ability to look at themselves has been lost, basically, among all the voices that stir in the mind it is a very weak element, and it has no option of being heard. The person does not even remotely feel that they are forces that are activated, and nourished with each routine that is repeated, with all due respect we have  to express that the forces that dominate them are alive in the minds of the people themselves, they are like doors that open to let in the food that makes them dominate the scene, so an effort is required from within to alter this established order, in short we will say that accurately closing such portals is equivalent to disintegrating such elements in one's own personality, now it is the case that no one can do this act for another, only the person himself can do it, we can call this a dream that is legitimized by the free will of each one"

"There is a cultural detail that plays a defining role in this picture, and it is that the person fills himself with these forces, believing that in this way he becomes great, and consolidates his character.  The rebellion shaped the concept of manhood in such a way that humans assume that with these habits they look better, the concept of righteousness is taken as weakness and weakness"

"As you see, we find ourselves with avenues that do not open to the entrance of clarity, and they close when each one chooses to lock the door by choosing such behaviors"

"It is all news on this side of the veil, when someone in humanity decides to look at themselves and chooses to look for how to close those doors, these people receive all the attention that can help them, with everything they can digest, it is called awakening in time, and fixing the changes in the psyche, we are not elements that instill fear, humans are free to use their free will, in Urantia this constitutes a challenge that prevents them from helping, it is about dissolving these forces that act as feeding doors, we want to express that in all of Urantia these forces are noted to be active, and we must wait for the moment that allows us to give help without altering the freedom of the person, our FATHER  UNIVERSAL is here, and we all cooperate in the execution of the tasks of help, in accordance with the universal protocols"

"We are the Pleiadians, pleased to contribute to the care of Urantia, we love you all, have a good day."


Evelio Rivas.
Thanks Rene, now I know where to turn to when I need advice on some of my health issues.

General Discussion / Re: Antichrist
« Last post by PJammer on January 24, 2025, 09:56:06 am »
Well, since this thread appears to be highly speculative, I will add to the speculation.

When I was twenty years old (long time ago), due to my fortunate discovery of The Urantia Book I had become a very spiritually motivated man.  In my studies, the Holy Spirit (TA?) inspired and directed me to study the writings of a man, a preacher in the Evangelical tradition named Neil Frisby.

Here is a reference to what Neil Frisby said about Donald Trump (I believe circa 1970-80s):
Captain Kirk speaks into the Computer: 
Create a table of the bolded concepts in document, Glossary Reference for Web Transcriptions, and a second column classifying the first column as either a personality noun, or non-personality noun, or verb

I've created a comprehensive table classifying all bolded terms from the glossary. The classifications are:
  • Personality Noun: Names of specific beings or personalities
  • Non-personality Noun: Concepts, places, groups, or things
  • Verb: Action words
The table is sorted alphabetically for easy reference. Let me know if you'd like any clarification on the classifications.
AaronPersonality Noun
ABC22 (Bhzutu)Personality Noun
AbrahamPersonality Noun
Adam and EvePersonality Noun
Adjudication Lucifer RebellionNon-personality Noun
AdjusterNon-personality Noun
AgondonterNon-personality Noun
Ahbaron MelchizedekPersonality Noun
AhmaNiden MelchizedekPersonality Noun
AmbrosePersonality Noun
Andite RaceNon-personality Noun
AndonitesNon-personality Noun
AndreaPersonality Noun
AndrewPersonality Noun
AndromadeusPersonality Noun
AngelNon-personality Noun
ApostlesNon-personality Noun
ArchangelsNon-personality Noun
Architectural worldsNon-personality Noun
Ascending sonsNon-personality Noun
AscendingtonNon-personality Noun
AshaPersonality Noun
AttunementNon-personality Noun
Avonal SonsNon-personality Noun
AyaPersonality Noun
BeatricePersonality Noun
Bright and Morning StarNon-personality Noun
Brilliant Evening StarsNon-personality Noun
CaligastiaPersonality Noun
Celestial beingsNon-personality Noun
Central UniverseNon-personality Noun
Christ MichaelPersonality Noun
CircuitsNon-personality Noun
CitizensNon-personality Noun
ConsciousnessNon-personality Noun
ConstellationNon-personality Noun
Cosmic CitizenshipNon-personality Noun
Cosmic MindNon-personality Noun
CreatorNon-personality Noun
Creator SonsNon-personality Noun
DalamatiaNon-personality Noun
DeityNon-personality Noun
Descending SonsNon-personality Noun
DispensationNon-personality Noun
Dispensational Roll CallNon-personality Noun
DiviningtonNon-personality Noun
EdenNon-personality Noun
EdentiaNon-personality Noun
Epochal RevelationNon-personality Noun
Eternal SonPersonality Noun
EvolutionNon-personality Noun
Experimental planetNon-personality Noun
FaithNon-personality Noun
Father FragmentNon-personality Noun
Father FusedNon-personality Noun
FinalitersNon-personality Noun
GabrielPersonality Noun
God ConsciousnessNon-personality Noun
GormanPersonality Noun
Grand UniverseNon-personality Noun
HamPersonality Noun
HavonaNon-personality Noun
Indwelling FatherNon-personality Noun
Infinite SpiritPersonality Noun
Inhabitable PlanetsNon-personality Noun
IonahPersonality Noun
JerusemNon-personality Noun
Jesus / Joshua ben JosephPersonality Noun
JosephPersonality Noun
Kingdom of HeavenNon-personality Noun
KnowingnessNon-personality Noun
KuwayaPersonality Noun
Lanonandek SonsNon-personality Noun
Lantarnek MelchizedekPersonality Noun
LegionPersonality Noun
LesterPersonality Noun
Life CarriersNon-personality Noun
LightPersonality Noun
Light and LifeNon-personality Noun
LinElPersonality Noun
Local SystemNon-personality Noun
Local UniverseNon-personality Noun
LuciferPersonality Noun
LuminayaPersonality Noun
LuminerionPersonality Noun
Machiventa MelchizedekPersonality Noun
Magisterial MissionNon-personality Noun
Magisterial Son of UrantiaPersonality Noun
Magisterial SonsNon-personality Noun
Major SectorsNon-personality Noun
Malvatia MelchizedekPersonality Noun
Malventia MelchizedekPersonality Noun
Malvantra MelchizedekPersonality Noun
MandateNon-personality Noun
ManotiaPersonality Noun
Mansion WorldsNon-personality Noun
Mantoube MelchizedekPersonality Noun
MantrinayaPersonality Noun
Mantutia MelchizedekPersonality Noun
MargulPersonality Noun
Master SonNon-personality Noun
Master SpiritNon-personality Noun
Messenger Hosts of SpaceNon-personality Noun
Michael SonsNon-personality Noun
MidwayersNon-personality Noun
Mind, Body & SpiritNon-personality Noun
MoirayaPersonality Noun
MonjoronsonPersonality Noun
MonmatiaNon-personality Noun
MorontiaNon-personality Noun
Most HighsNon-personality Noun
MotaNon-personality Noun
NebadonNon-personality Noun
NebadoniaPersonality Noun
NoditesNon-personality Noun
NorlatiadekNon-personality Noun
OcilliayaPersonality Noun
OmniaphimNon-personality Noun
One Without Name or NumberNon-personality Noun
OrvontonNon-personality Noun
ParadiseNon-personality Noun
PersonalityNon-personality Noun
Planetary PrinceNon-personality Noun
Quickening of timeNon-personality Noun
Rantarason MelchizedekPersonality Noun
RaysonPersonality Noun
RebellionNon-personality Noun
Remembrance SupperNon-personality Noun
RevelationNon-personality Noun
Sacred worldsNon-personality Noun
SalvingtonNon-personality Noun
SatanPersonality Noun
SataniaNon-personality Noun
SeconaphimNon-personality Noun
SERARAPersonality Noun
SirayaPersonality Noun
Sleeping SurvivorsNon-personality Noun
SolitaringtonNon-personality Noun
SonaringtonNon-personality Noun
Sovereign SonNon-personality Noun
SpiritingtonNon-personality Noun
Spiritual growthNon-personality Noun
SplandonNon-personality Noun
SupernaphimNon-personality Noun
SuperuniversesNon-personality Noun
Teaching MissionNon-personality Noun
TertiaphimNon-personality Noun
TintantiumNon-personality Noun
Thought AdjustersNon-personality Noun
TrinityNon-personality Noun
Trinity Teacher SonsNon-personality Noun
Universal FatherPersonality Noun
Universe BroadcastsNon-personality Noun
UrantiaNon-personality Noun
Urantia BookNon-personality Noun
Urantia ReceiversNon-personality Noun
UversaNon-personality Noun
Vorondadek SonsNon-personality Noun
WelmekPersonality Noun
WillNon-personality Noun
WisdomNon-personality Noun
YoganandaPersonality Noun
Last edited 8 minutes ago

General Discussion / Re: Antichrist
« Last post by ur606 on January 23, 2025, 19:53:05 pm »
The way religions have misused the 501c3, I say revoke them all.
Pleiadeans Communications and Other Human Civilizations / Re: Varginhas ET
« Last post by Dominick O on January 23, 2025, 18:21:22 pm »
No, they won't. They will talk about religious and spiritual matter about Father, their relationship to it, your relationship to it, all of ours. Not these curiosity type of questions. 
And that will always be the general policy related to these kind of questions. Don't take it too, personally, Helder, we have all been reminded of this constantly. And we all ask them from time to time.
General Discussion / Re: Antichrist
« Last post by Dominick O on January 23, 2025, 17:16:03 pm »
How do you sue a Sith Lord? You can't, you don't even know who to sue. The organization is secret and de-centralized.

Satanic church principles are anathema
to civic governance and ultimately based in super-human intelligence. Devoid of Deity connection and founded in principles of Deity blasphemy. And damning to the ideals of ideal democratic governance.
General Discussion / Re: Antichrist
« Last post by Dominick O on January 23, 2025, 16:52:08 pm »
Alfred Webre speculates Trump's MAGA corresponds to the highest levels of the satanic church.

If you look at the way the satanic church operates, it runs like a de-centralized terrorist organization, except it's goals are different than terror, and more like The Great Work (of Rebellion).

Would you guys support a candidate for office who had a policy platform of revoking state-recognized religious and church status? Revoke 501c3 status for their organizations and in the Federal Gov and Military? Might as well revoke scientology, too.

It would be interesting to see who opposed that.
General Discussion / Re: Antichrist
« Last post by Dominick O on January 23, 2025, 16:35:57 pm »
I fail to see the usefulness in this observation. If he placed his hand on the bible it just feeds the conspiracy that he's a white nationalist nazi. So either way, he's fits your antichrist. Meanwhile the people who voted him feel they voted against antichrist-like polices of the previous administration, whose policies are globalist, and not native to the United States.
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