Local Time: MONDAY 17th, AUGUST; 2020;08:25mn; Antananarivo afternoon time;
The Host: Albert.
Hello Dear Ron and all Dear Sisters and Brothers, also Dear Guests on the forum here.
We held a LIGTHLINE session on WEDNESDAY 12th, AUGUST; 2020; 04:30mn; Antananarivo afternoon time;
The Teachers were MACHIEVENTA MELCHIZEDEK being as well the M.C., and MICHAEL OF NEBADON.
There have been five (5) individuals as being the attendees of whom :
* One woman on her third session ( turn );
* Another one lady for her second (2nd ) session( turn ) * and same to her in the case of a man on his second turn (2nd ) ;
* two (2) men for their mere first (1st ) session as they have just subscribing this time to be attendees.
There have been three (3) questions asked :
Q1-> How / what to do in order to hear well what the inner Voice ( of GOD ) inside myself is whispering to me ?
This has been answered by MACHIEVENTA MELCHIZEDEK;
Q2: Question of myself the host Albert -> It is obvious that in some ( many ) cases, ones might be in some very inappropriate, even unvolunteerly in very bad conditions so to speak, so then, ones could lost ones' chance and being one unlucky person and become one that is unaware of what people are well instructed of, but he not being at all: in such case would he being a ' lost ondividual ' for the future survivalness in such conditions. ?
This one has been answered by MICHAEL OF NEBADON.
Q3-> I am being a practiser of the martial art of the SI- JO MIZAËL . May I work this teaching of the LIGTHLINE for other people by sharing it through face book ?
This one also has been answered by MICHAEL OF NEBADON.
The session has lasted that day for three hours and fourty five minutes (03:45mn ).
Every body was very glad to participate and to listen to such educating teaching.
Another session of the LIGTHLINE OF THE HEART OF MADAGASCAR was held on the SATURDAY 15th, AUGUST 2020; 01:30mn; Antananarivo afternoon time.
There have been four (4) Teachers:
The attendees were five (5) individuals of whom:
* One lady on her fourth session (4th )( turn) that day;
* One man at his second (2nd ) turn;
* Three new subscribers men on their first ( 1st ) turn to atteend the LIGTHLINE session.
The Questions have been:
Q1-> We appreciate the real high valued teaching of RAYSON in the one hand, in the other hand we are being so pressed by the material necessities for physical survivalness: need of foods, housing, obligatory duties as humans amongst other humans as refarding the society/ laws and so on... that I am very interested to know what kind of helps we must hope to be beneficiaries from such GOD's High Emissaries, and that above all concerning the so many material human necessities ?
That has been MICHAEL OF NEBADON Who answered the question .
Q2-> Some precision that I , Albert; as the Host have again reinforced with emphazisingness for more details to be given to us all about such eventual material helps from the Celestial Family ?
The responder to that question has been again MICHAEL OF NEBADON.
Q3-> The nowadays mess on this planet cannot be described, being of so mult- faceted in all sectors of the whole human environmental living place and living manners such as modern civisation artificial items, and the whole problems of different illnesses provoked by or related to that and perhaps due to all that mess the disequilibrium in the natural bio- interactions inside our planeto- spher that forces us to state the huge rate of human beings' deaths that occured in the period of now by: disasters of any sorts, among them, for example: pandemics ( Covid-19 and so on....). So then, the question is : what actually must mean then to live (the life ), and how to explain such " human decimation " possible causes ?
There were FATHER and MICHAEL OF NEBADON who responded the question and that clearly as that could be said ( in my point of view as the host ).
Those have been the questions.
The LIGTHLINE OF THE HEART OF MADAGASCAR of that SATURDAY 15th, lasted for five hours and sixteen minutes ( 05: 16 minutes ).
In the name of all the attendees I am thanking GOD and the Powerful Sons of GOD being : MICHAEL OF NEBADON and also MACHIEVENTA MELCHIZEDEK for Their Love and care for us Their creatures as being Their Children/ Wards.
END of thosee REPORTS.
The Next sessions of the LIGHTLINE OF THE HEART OF MADAGASCAR would be respectively held:
¤~¤ On THE WEDNESDAY 19th, AUGUST; 2020; 01: 30mn ; Antananarivo afternoon time ;
¤~¤ On the SATURDAY 21st, AUGUST; 2020; Antananarivo afternoon time.
I am inviting You GOD to assist, to protect and to support us while facing those scheduled sessions when those days come. Your name should be honored and glorified through our succeess.
We are also praying for Your so helpfull and needed Presence all our divine TEACHERS and You are being invited too to assist and ti educate us.
Any supporting prayers of Everybody my friends are welcome and thanked heartfeltedly.
For my part, I am prying GOD" so help me GOD, help us GOD. Amen.aoi ".
Thank you all reading.
I bid you all good evening/night/day.
The Host :Albert.