Author Topic: Under the weather.  (Read 6401 times)

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Offline Rene A Duran

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Under the weather.
« on: February 18, 2022, 19:29:38 pm »
Hi everyone  the following transmission I had decided keep it, but as I got more from Father and my Adjuster I am sharing it so, we all know  that we are still under the weather.

Here is:

"Under Attack"

February 16, 2022.

I share this transmission so that we realize that we are still under attack by the rebels and in this case Mother Spirit took the initiative.

Mother Spirit:

-Yes, here I am, who is calling me?

Mother Spirit:
"I am your Universal Mother, the one who threw away your votes.

-Mother, are you upset with us?

Mother Spirit:
-Extremely upset.

-And why then?  We have only wanted to exercise our freedom, our right to vote.  Why do you harass us?  Why did you decide to change and betray Michael of Nebadon, my Father of this local Universe?

Mother Spirit:
-It is indeed a simplicity, but we will win.

-I only ask you to leave us in peace, we have decided to do the will of the Father and you must do the will of the Father too.
- Mother repent, that is a gift of repentance, do not throw it away.

- Repent!!!

Mother Spirit:
-This is your Universal Mother, defying the powers.

-Remember Mother that the Father is in control and do not harm your children that you have abandoned.

Mother Spirit:
-You like the  great work.

-Don't keep defying the Powers.

Mother Spirit:
- And they will surrender at my feet.

-I doubt it very much, we are a contingent over which you have no control.




"Idle Ideas"

By the Universal Father.
Transmitter: René Durán.
February 16, 2022, Phoenix AZ.

Many words and names at the same time without any order.

"Indeed, I am your Universal Father, that was a deliberate motion to check your attention now that you have become the focus of attacks by the insurrectionists. We will warn you in such situations and develop a system of protection that is sufficiently elevated and that it is not bridged as they are used to doing.
I am your Universal Father declaring inoperative the idea of the mother spirit of putting in check the authority of the Father, it is for this reason that we weigh the systems that we had previously and we will put new measures to avoid his incursions.
This is the Universal Father leaving the scene."




"About Mother Spirit mental health".

February 17th Phoenix AZ.

As always prompts lead me to more extended definitions this one is particularly interesting because it shed more light on why Mother Spirit is behaving the way She is,...

I Listened to the phrase <has dementia>

Later I went to  listen to my  Thought Adjuster and this is what He said:

- Father, my Personal Adjuster please I request a clear channel for this contact.

The Adjuster:
"In effect, I am your Personal Adjuster providing what is necessary in this contact.
Mental health both in human beings and in entities originating from the First Source or Second, or Third Source is obviously a fundamental requirement to exercise the trades that have been assigned to it, and in this particular case that concerns us today we will talk in detail about the functions of the  Mother Spirit that were truncated as a result of the demerit of the mental functions.  It is for that reason that she has been totally unhinged in the thread of her conversations like the one she had with you.
" We are very pleased with the attitude that you had when asking her to return to sanity, however, we observed that it did not give any results.

" I am your Universal Father, it is laudable, for whatever reasons you had for pleading with her to return in her footsteps.  Here we have seen, ...we will be monitoring for any signs of improvement however, the last response was marked as determined by its destruction purposes, which will not be tolerated under any circumstances.

" I am the scribe's Personal Adjuster.  It will be until next time, we are signing and out".



« Last Edit: February 18, 2022, 23:26:05 pm by Rene A Duran »

Offline Ron Besser

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Re: Under the weather.
« Reply #1 on: February 19, 2022, 10:18:49 am »
Yes, Rene.  You recognize how outsized we are to listen to this power play by a spirit commander who cannot keep sanity long enough to deliver helpful information, but chews on our ears to be what?  Recognize we all are subject to it unless you get a Creator Son to clear the air around you and do not have to listen to this kind of interference.  Do go on with your work Rene and it requires a certain amount of bravery and that you are in spite of repeated warnings to make your life miserable and they make my life miserable too.  Blessings to you and yours Rene.

MICHAEL OF NEBADON speaks:  "You are brave and so is Ron to keep hammering them this way.  They do not make sense to themselves either and Ron is badly under the weather this morning too but refuses to give into their weak pleas to stand the cours with them.  They are slowly dying out Rene, and you hear it in the dictation from the Mother Spirit too.  I am your Creator Son and this entire matter is lost to the good guys soon enough but lately it is very difficult to cut in and say anything from the Salvington side of these issues.  My wish for you Rene is to stay the course in spite of this interfering horror.  We now close this with but one comment left:  'EAT WELL and keep the faith always!'   MICHAEL OF NEBADON. K"

FATHER - "Stay on the beam Rene for you are slipping for the lack of a good connection most of the time.  The good connection will return but not at this moment on a Saturday morning on the east coast where Ron battles them all over the place and refuses to let them in at all.  I congratulate all of you who have run your schedules through a cabal of seraphim who are losing heart over this entire matter too.  Ron speaks to them ckindly but the cannot make up their minds and he loses the initiative all the time, as you do Rene.  Stay the course and I wil lretun in full measure shortly.  FATHER of ALL. K"

GABRIEL - "So it is this again for you Ron and for us and for Rene and Clency whether he recognizes it or not.  Clency speaks of the tape but hardly has much to show for an hour of work that went no where and for that reason we keep this short too as they pound you all the time Ron but I can keep this clear channel as of the moment.  Let all understand that Ron and Dominick received quite a revelation Friday night sitting together and Ron is loathe to parade it in front of the cabal but I leave it up to him to decide how to introduce it.  Good day."

Ron - If I am able to produce much for all of you on this subject, I will use the JESUS Category near the top of the forum,  But at the moment there is a heavy hand around me and I do not trust spending time writing this morning when interference is so strong.  I am subject to interference too like most of you have recently and that makes me wary and slow to respond to prompts to deliver what I consider rather newsy material for all.
Keep in there Rene!  R

Located in Historic York, Pennsylvania