Author Topic: Volume 3 - The Ohrbeck Tapes - 11 June 2022 - Missions Present and Past History  (Read 26138 times)

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Offline Ron Besser

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Tape Volume 3 of the Ohrbeck Tape Transmissions
June 11, 2022

The transmissions Dominick Ohrbeck receives mostly on a daily basis will be posted here as they are seriously good information with regard to what has happened on Urantia as well as what we might expect.  That is not just about our proposed Missions, but for other unidentified issues that have yet to be placed on notice for us to hear about and eventually read about.

Admin places these tapes for your edification and warrants that each Volume is to be placed here so we may keep them together as a unit for historical purposes and references.  This tape is 52 minutes long and properly examines the Lucifer rebellion and its effect on the biological uplifters as well.  No one expects the transmitter to do lengthy lessons, but they may turn out that way from time to time just because our world is in such terrible shape spiritually, economically, and other poorly developed aspects of all of our civilizations.

Let us see how these lessons develop for us and we thank Dominick for sharing his hard and willing work with us.

Thank you/ADMIN
MICHAEL OF NEBADON - "I see Ron has made this work again in a way I thought perhaps should be done long ago, but nobody on this site uses their abilities to do tapes like this, yet your should!  For that reason Dominick is sharing these tapes in hopes other might do the same, and Ron will highlight you for doing it as he has done here too.  Lemuel's tapes on Calumnia started that way, but the insurrection cut it badly and he (Lemuel) attempts it no more.  Yet we need more of this contribution to our knowledge base from all of you who can transmit.  We seek your advice on these tapes as well as they are true lessons and not just the news.  I am MICHAEL OF NEBADON at your service.  K"
Located in Historic York, Pennsylvania

Offline Dominick O

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How about we just label it, Lessons for the Mission, if that is what resolves as a good categorization.  No need to call out Ohrbeck tapes.  Is that an applause track you inserted at the start, Ron?  -- Dom

Offline Ron Besser

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You are stuck with a series name Dominick..  The applause came from Midwayers.  Ok?    Is there a Vol 4 today by chance the Midwayers are asking?  R
Located in Historic York, Pennsylvania

Offline roger krupa

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I really appreciate these transmissions and am learning much from them, but to call them the Ohrbeck Tapes sounds like a Robert Ludlum novel.  This information really needs to reach a wide audience.  
If people treated each other as they would like to be treated we would have heaven on earth.  Let us love one another as God loves each of us 💗!!!
Cell: (603)293-6014


Offline Ron Besser

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Hello Roger, and I agree with your assessment and asked Dominick to follow and keep doing the series I think these tapes represent.  We labeled them in a unique way in order to make sure you understand who originates them as a transmitter and the subject which are lessons again in the older style of a teaching mission.  I for one and am very glad to see the lesson style re-emerge and for that reason I encourage you, and the audience, to keep them somewhere in your own computer or notebook archives.  These a re keep-able lessons and not perishable news bulletins.  Make a notebook of the print outs like I said as they will be usable for the far future too.    Ron
Located in Historic York, Pennsylvania

Offline roger krupa

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I have downloaded most of these but the one for June 11 doesn't seem to have a download option.  If I can find the time I would like to transcribe these recordings.  I would then be able to make a notebook of them and print it out as many times as needed.
If people treated each other as they would like to be treated we would have heaven on earth.  Let us love one another as God loves each of us 💗!!!
Cell: (603)293-6014


Online occerpa

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Greetings Roger, I hope you can decide to make the transcriptions of the OHRBECK tapes, which would be a great contribution and a much appreciated service, especially for those of us who cannot follow the tapes for language reasons. God bless you.
"If you develop Love, you don't need to develop anything else"

Offline SonsofGod

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Transcript of Volume 3 - The Ohrbeck Tapes - 11 June 2022 - Missions Present and Past History

York, PA, Juny 11th, 2022, the morning of Saturday. And the topics coming to mind today are regarding the missions, defying the mission, what a mission is like in modern times, what and who it might encompass, and so on. At least that's what came to mind when settling in. So, I turned the tape on when I started receiving a pretty good thought stream that seemed to be more than a thought. So, …

Missions in modern times have an advanced civilization beyond primitive institutions. Say of .. animal husbandry from the Council of Tamatea is quite different today. Yes, you would like to raise chickens as naturally as possible, that is the best way for nutrition, but today we have chickens going for quantity rather than quality. Missions of a Magisterial nature are experienced and dealing with and working within more modern planetary environments. By this stage a bestowal for a planet is typically mature enough, developed enough, to withstand the honor and Majesty of a Divine Son of such high stature, such as a Deity bestowal. A high Paradise Son of Deity nature after an Adamic material son and daughter bestowal, in succession after a planetary Prince and his counsels are instituted prior to that.

So, Divine Sons have experience working with modern civilizations. And you can rest assured there is experience with modern technologies, ways of living, problems for its fellow sons and daughters of a lesser than Deity nature. It is natural to descend amongst their fellows who have fellow Sons of God of partial and or potential Deity nature, to show them and model and guide and help plan the home of the planet to foster the true goal of the Deity Adventure. Ascension and survival after material dissolution, death if you will. on the material home planet of your origin build a better home civilization on the planet for future generations to produce healthy souls for the same adventure you are honored to enjoy.

We of the Deity nature of descending Sons of God place ourselves among you to do this. When the potential and rare occurrence in the universes of time and space, and we say universes even though all you should truly care about is your own, just to stay focused on what's in front of you. Sometimes in these local universes there occurs within them some places and people in the various orders of beings that are not necessarily human but angelic or of differences that you don't even know about exist. The fact of the matter is you should compare the unseen personalities of the universe to the species’ diversification on your own planet. Now, add sanctions, consciousness, and intelligence and will to these species of orders of beings, and you have quite a thriving and robust ecosystem that needs universe governance, administration and coordination. It is no stretch of the imagination to understand what I am getting at is in these smaller sections the sickness and cancer of rebellion attitudes manifest in the structures, spiritual and material, for example spiritually say in the person and material in the organization. They manifest rebellion like an immune system. We teach the potential of the rebellion is overall good for the universe, even though it is seen as immediately bad, for the immune system builds a stronger healthier system overall, and when the sickness is over the system always seems to come out better for the survival of the experience. And so it is no stretch of the imagination to understand there is a sickness, something perhaps not so natural within your domain of a planet where irrational things happen to the detriment of the human condition to the extent that you question the goodness and beauty of the human nature itself. Because of the twisted animal nature of an intelligent animal that has rejected through its own choices and circumstances the spiritual facts of beauty, truth or goodness principles, and has made decisions with values antithetical to life, like being one of the most fundamental and primary values shared by the species of humans.

Material sons and daughters had a primary mission on your planet known as a planetary Adam and Eve to evolve at a species level the human condition. And this was meant to occur after the planetary Prince before it evolved the planet with a more stable and sustainable civilization, where a culture could receive an Adam and Eve, if the culture and civilization would have been stable enough to have a normal Adam and Eve mission. That was not the case because many years prior to that event, which you can equate biologically to the evolution of the frontal lobe from the Adam and Eve bestowal, and its biological repercussions. Prior to their arrival hundreds of thousands of years before there were also, quote-unquote, Gods on the planet. There was war in heaven outside of the just solely jurisdictional area of your planet. There was war in heaven in so much as a middle tier son between near the borders of what determines an ascending Son of God and a descending Son of God. Such Sons are so close to Deity status, yet they have the longest road of an ascending Son of God, which as a suborder of sons of God from the highest to the lowest, still qualify as an ascending Son of God. They must rule and oversee their material domains for a very long time, until they themselves fulfill their destiny and ascend to Paradise on the Father Deity Adventure, the Trinity embrace, as they have fostered all before them to do so.

These Sons of God instead chose ways, and when we say ‘ways’ key in on this word because when you choose a way this relates to, toward mission or purpose, or eventually a series of decisions and attitudes that determine your values and behavior. And these particular sons of God followed one of these such near Deity Son into rebellion. And when we say a series of decisions and attitudes, such a rebellion fostered over many years in the mind of such a Son, to the extent that this cancer we label rebellion occurred in the jurisdiction known your planet belongs to within the local universe of its Creator Son Michael of Nebadon. A rebellion happened in a system, you could say a quadrant subunit, of the entire and large local universe, comprised of many such systems.

I am just giving you a prepuce to appreciate the environment now that a descending Son of Deity status is inserting themselves into to correct and realign the planet, its inhabitants, its purpose. There was a past struggle as well between such orders of Sons, and their administrations, so to speak.

The unique event of the Creator Son mentioned previously, Michael of Nebadon, chose this particular planet to fulfill one of his seven bestowals that's such and all Creator Sons are tasked to do when they journey from Paradise to create and pattern such a local universe in time and space and evolve to perfection through alignment sustainably attained with Paradise values and principles, and a civilization and culture. Such a Paradise Son descends at least seven times into his creations to experientially attain what it is like to be and live as such Creations he has made. Just as the Universal Father himself bestows a fragment of his own Deity nature within his loliest order called a human being to bestow such a creature with experiential status for the Universal Father himself. Otherwise he cannot fragment himself, rather distributes himself into his associate cortes. What I am getting at is a historical event to bestow as this creature called a human was done by Michael of Nebadon. He had distended into such bestowals as progressively high to low orders of beings. His seventh and final one being a human being on this planet called Urantia, an earth planet called Urantia, which had then part and within the quarantined and cancerous participation of rebellion many years prior. And so much as the attitude of Michael of Nebadon displaying all attributes of Trinity combinations, with the mission to reveal the Universal Father to all of the universe, not just the planet or series of planets of the rebellion, but to all his universe the way of into and in the Father.

This was a major event, as such, I remind you again, it displayed all attributes of Trinity combinations and therefore, was in no minor respect a revelation to the universes of time and space themselves, even super universes outside of your own superuniverse. You might call that even a different dimension. Further, not only did Michael of Nebadon displayed all the combinations of attributes of the Paradise Trinity, but he further volunteered to display, amalgamate, honor, and coordinate with the Deities ruling time and space, known as the Supreme, whose status has the ruler Deity of time and space, and the grand universe of all dimensions of time and space, not just your own, was to be worked with as well. And so doing such a Son of Paradise represents the Universal Father. When the Father distributes himself in time and space, the primary representation of the Father is your Creator Son. And this is the Crux of an ascending Son of God's ultimate faith crisis. And if such a faith becomes cancerous rebellion  occurs. Quarantines become necessary. What has become of this quarantine is the complexity of its exposure based off of the nature of all that this local universe connects with through all the dimensions of the grand universe is that the interconnectedness of the body of the grand universe was exposed. Now, let's take it down a notch, because what needs to stay relevant is the planet that you work on. The grand universe will once again have such an exposure to the antibodies, the immune system of the descending Sons of God.

We must present this as an immune response, not just a growth evolutionary response. Growth in itself can be painful because it is new and therefore not perfect, let alone know what is to occur, but when there is sickness as well it is a real fight, a real struggle. Not just discomfort and inconvenience but a real honest to God stressful time to do just what was once taken for granted is now a plea to ‘Oh! I would just love to be able to do this basic thing, breathe, eat’, and so on. So, the descending Sons of God have this unique circumstance on this particular planet with its history of default and rebellion. There was rebellion followed by a series of defaults together with a very unique bestowal which occurred out of order as well of the normal series of bestowal between ascending and descending Sons of God to help the planet, populated by lowest orders of humans. Who are nonetheless themselves endowed with the potential of Father Deity fragment endowment to attain the Deity Adventure to the Father and the Trinity.

So, there is much to be said perhaps in later didies about this history, but descending Sons bestow themselves for purposeful missions, and in this case, you are due a Magisterial Mission. However, it will be out of order of its normal sequence and operations as well, due to the extreme and diverse nature of the Divine Son representing the Father himself, none other than Michael of Nenadon who shares a contributive and coordinate likewise Father- Son Representatives of fellow Michael Sons, belonging to a Dominion of associated local universes, and it's personnel who you are familiar with and somewhat regard, such as your planet has to know and experience. Such as an order of a Melchizedek Son, a material Son and Daughter, a Midwayer, and a Creator Son itself. Who, when they bestow, create that incarnation that bestows a creature fully as a human being. That human being does not just disappear. Such a human being lives on and if such a being is created to attain the Deity Adventure as an ascending Son of God, we invite you to understand that that has been done. Accomplished, perfected.

And he has promised to return, and in such a return you now have a scope far greater than just your planet, but all the dimensions of time and space itself. Could you ask for anything more in terms of an epic adventure when it comes to the meanings and values of correcting the planet’s condition. The Magisterial Sons of Deity status themselves work with this representation of the Father himself. Though we are likewise a different expression of Father status ourselves. Nonetheless, Michael of Nebadon, created this and we differ to his sovereignty within this universe patterned after him.  

And we together show the way through missions and guidance for your home, this planet. Just remember this, when the scope seems a little small in your mind, because you are so overwhelmed in the moment of being such a sick planet and your lives are so terribly difficult, that the universe is there with you, sharing in the moment the experience of the moment from its highest levels to its lowest levels. We are all experiencing it and you have been answered in your call for assistance. That when you hold out hope when all hope is gone, it will be answered. And those who understand that their natures are not to embrace evil will correct and amend their ways. as they are offered a road map and an off-ramp from and with Mercy into a better way for themselves. It benefits themselves to follow such a way. Take this medicine or you will perish is the parental role of the doctor or parent to the patient or child: Take this medicine, or you risk death. Take it, or you will suffer even more. Or perhaps a Mercy for medicine is forced. Such is the case of an emergency, and the dawn and relief of feeling better, and the recovery from weakness to strength. And a renewed vigor for life, and learning, and belonging.

So, frankly, if this is not inspiring, we don't know what to tell you. But we wish you a good day and remember these words when at your lowest or most dire points in your life. We are there and we will answer the call. And our mission is the medicine with the ways out during these emergency moments. We thank you for listening and go about your lives renewed. Good day.

Thank you for speaking to all of us and we thank you Father, and thank you Michael, and everyone who brought us this message today.
« Last Edit: August 22, 2023, 13:17:23 pm by SonsofGod »
"See what great love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called the sons of God!" 
"For in him we live, and move, and have our being;"