Author Topic: FORGIVENESS  (Read 6714 times)

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Online Lemuel

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« on: June 27, 2022, 01:50:52 am »

"Father forgive them for they know not what they do".  
Words uttered by Jesus whilst on the cross and words that have become
embedded in the minds of Christians the world over. As Jesus was able
to forgive them for such an atrocity why is it so difficult for the rest of us
to "forgive them who trespass against us", words from "The Lord´s Prayer",
given us by Jesus himself.

Nobody goes through life without suffering "the slings and arrows" that are
thrown at us from various quarters and they can cause deep and lasting
wounds. When you are hurt and offended by others, have you ever questioned
what is it in you that hurts and has been offended? Probably not, because most
people are not ready to face themselves with internal inquiries.

My friends, the answer is Ego. I capitalize it only to emphasize the fact that
it is only the ego that suffers these things because the soul has not yet attained
the maturity to control it. As you increase your spiritual knowledge through
experience, you will learn to recognize ego, control it, and it will serve you
as a loving devoted servant, should.

Those of you here on this discussion forum have traveled a long way on your
spiritual path and your souls have acquired a certain level of maturity so that
you do not have a problem with forgiveness, or do you?  Remember you are
not your ego. Ego has often been referred to as the false personality and
it grows from infancy, long before you receive a Thought Adjuster. It is 
through the influence of your T/A that the ego is finally "put in its place" and
it suffers no more.

Forgiveness flows from you, as it is the soul that forgives, and so with a 
mature soul, you are able to forgive all and everyone, including yourself.
