Author Topic: Father and Eternal Self - Lesson Four - Extinction (Part Two)  (Read 9557 times)

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Teachers: Father and the Eternal Self
Subject: Lesson Four - Extinction Part 2
T/R: Sue Whiley aka 7inOcean
Location: Geelong aka 7inOcean
Date/Time: 10/07/2022 10.00am (AEST)

This is a continuation of the previous discussion in Lesson Three - Part One. There were some afterthoughts to what was relayed and the mind does ponder from that discussion. Sue’s thoughts were to do with what happens to the children in this case. They are taken to the nursery to be given due care until they are mature enough to make their own decisions on their journey. Most do succeed and make great progress. They do meet up with their parents eventually and are well enhanced in these unions as it brings closure and meaning to all those involved. It truly is a wonderful experience for these ones. 

As to those who perish, Sue wondered how it is they are simply ‘no more’, such a lived experience must have to go somewhere in some sort of repository for record keeping. How can it be that they are simply gone, what does it really mean? Could you, Father, explain further how this works?

Yes Sue, it is a touchy subject and one that is sure to come up in the morontial classes numerous times. Due to the Lucifer Rebellion many non-spiritual and spiritual entities were caught up in these losses of souls. Simply put we all agree it is a tragedy. The sadness is truly felt by all. Now due to this Rebellion, there are many who simply lost their Adjusters and are no longer of value for ascension life as these ones are what is called ‘spiritually dead’. That means there is no aspiration, belief or inclination towards all things to do with the Deity or the deity adventure. These ones simply reject it and rebuke it and choose to not pursue any interest in the Divine field. As it so happens these ones do have a choice, and in rejecting on numerous occasions they know the consequences of such a choice. That choice for extinction, death or ‘no more’ is made abundantly clear to each of these souls. Some who are still hesitant are given rehabilitation and the chance to redeem their own aspirations toward godly life. That is still available. For those who emphatically reject outright then the extinction is administered on the spot without any more further to do. 

These extinctions are recorded and archived and their experiential components are also placed on record due to the Adjuster’s who have left them for the reasons they have. Their wards are simply unco-operative and are purely animalistic in their orientation. There are simply no mind adjustments to allow for growth in consciousness in spirit influence. There is a reason for free will to be placed to ensure there is agreement in the heart and mind and soul of an individual and a desire to pursue more than oneself. It is for this the Adjuster strives in their ward and that requires attunement over the course of the individual’s life in the flesh. So many experiences are felt and considered and with it so many decisions to be made as paving the path forward. Each individual has a pilot light that causes the individual to seek, to find and to inquire in the mind the meaning of one’s life. Such a quest is explored and much is learned. Upon entering the spiritual dimension after natural death in the flesh, one is able to seek out and find that pilot light that drives them forward. It is this light that allows them to find me, the Father of All. Without which the soul will most certainly be wondering and floundering and lost. As a result those whose Adjuster’s have left them are in such a state. It is the reason why extinction is looked upon in these cases mercifully as it eliminates the pain of the suffering of such a lost state of mind. 

There are so many more things to be said to this, but it goes into a huge essay to explain all the aspects to it. Suffice it to say, the choice for life or death is truly up to the individual and that is to be respected. Let me say that on the whole in the Trial Universes, the vast majority of souls do succeed and choose eternal life. It is when it comes to rebellions such as what is seen in the Lucifer Rebellion and the Supreme’s as well, it is here that extinction does stand out more so than at any other times due to the huge number of souls choosing extinction rather than eternal life. It is in these times that it is seen more tragic than at any other time in eternity. It is in these moments of rebellions that much is being learned of how the mind works and why it becomes so anemic towards the goodness of the Father. That too requires studies in themselves to understand the ramifications of rebellions and its consequences. 

Yes the subject of Extinction is certainly a hotly studied subject as is the Lucifer Rebellion in the schools on the Mansion Worlds, so many aspects need to be covered and given due regard to each before coming to certain conclusions regarding them. However, for those who choose Eternal Life, this also deserves much more emphasis as there are so many adventures yet to be discovered as it also has a great story to tell. The lives of so many souls who have reached Finality is truly remarkable and these ones do go on to meaningful work in various fields that cements the cause of Universal Life everywhere. 

Sue this is your Eternal Self here, I have to add to that to what Father is speaking to in regards to the Universal Life everywhere, it means the Finaliters are fully Trinitized and they work not only as Cosmic Citizens but as Paradise Trinity Entities in roles that represent them and allows for them to grow even further. In the fullness of time, when the Master Universe has reached its completion, there is another surprise coming; we all do not know what that is yet until then. 

Father here, that event when it does come, will be quite something and while I cannot speak to it, I can direct your attention to the space beyond Infinity itself to grant you the sheer scope yet to be realized. This is too large to comprehend as of yet for any one in the Master Universe, as it takes that to complete to get to that part. Due to the sheer magnitude of Infinity, it requires all these steps to take to be prepared for such a scope of magnitude. If one were to cheat and beat the rat pack and enter such a place, it would only cause that one to be lost and confused. This is why it is so essential for all in the Master Universe to traverse the course outlined in order to fathom those parts and to better comprehend what it is they must face in my Infinity. 

The subject of Infinity does get explored the further you go in your Spirit stages of development, like steps in a pond, one step must be acknowledged before you leap to the next one in the pond and the pond is an endless one at that. All those steps must be taken in its stride and fully appreciated. This is enough for now and I look forward to more discussions with you my dear one. Good day my love. 


Offline Ron Besser

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Re: Father and Eternal Self - Lesson Four - Extinction (Part Two)
« Reply #1 on: July 13, 2022, 12:08:59 pm »
Sue this is quite an exposition on the tof removing the failed spiritual assent and depersonalizing the Adjuster's former human ward or other style of ascending entity.

Your Adjuster is making it clear it is essentially an act of mercy to remove the failed attempt for spiritualization and to accrue to the work of the Father.  But you, I think, have sent a thought wave up that should be examined and corrected to some extent.  I do not impune you or the Thought Adjuster or others speaking through you in this case.  For instance you write:

Sue: "Sue this is your Eternal Self here, I have to add to that to what Father is speaking to in regards to the Universal Life everywhere, it means the Finaliters are fully Trinitized and they work not only as Cosmic Citizens but as Paradise Trinity Entities. . . . "

  Ron here:  The Finaliter spiritual status, Sue, is not Trinitized.  To be Trinitized means something else in spite of the Finaliter taking an Oath to serve the Trinity.  Trinitized ascenders become Mighty Messengers and a lot of other things, and while they were first Finaliters, the Trinity embraced them (trinitized them), and they become a variation on Thought Adjuster premiership as something other than an instrument of Ultimacy.  That sounds like gibberish if you do not understand that the FINALITER is designed to serve some return back into time and space for now, but His future as a Finaliter, is to serve in the development of the idea of ULTIMACY and not of the old idea of Supremacy

I am making the complaint that words matter.  Finaliters are not Trinitized as a Mighty Messenger or One Without Name and Number or One in High Authority result as being Finaliters first and then Trinitized, or Trinity embraced, to become Son of the Trinity Attainment values.

Lastly, life extinction and depersonalization are not synonymous.  What happens to life extinction when it has to be done, is that such an entity record is wiped off the archives of GRANDFONDA permanently.  In depersonalization, the subject of individuality is cancelled and such an entity who is depersonalized is no longer "A WHO",  but a "what or which."  The Lucifer  rebellion lost ten million seraphim by depersonalization.  After the adjudication, most were repersonalized, and they have become, again, the center of the awful insurrection occurring in the Local Universe of Nebadon and related areas of space in the time zone.

I am being fed new statistics too over why depersonalization of many of these seraphic hosts is taking place again, as the Universal Father has determined that the entire matter of depersonalization IS INSUFFICIENT to maintain a balance of thought and actual Master Universe deeds done to revive the Master Universe toward its eventual goal of Infinity and its perfection.  For the reason everybody and Sue listen to this:

Yesterday (July 12th), I had a long conversation with CONSUMMATOR (5) and for that reason I was seriously informed that the entire matter of ASCENSION is now on the table for a complete and total revision.  This is so important, as it relates to the subject of extinction first, and depersonalization second, that I put a separate title on it as follows:

Those of you who have followed this response to this point need to put on your thinking hats now.  For this reason:

The Universal Father has decreed that the ASCENSION CAREERS now undertaken on all of our mansion worlds, is entirely inadequate to form a Finaliter basis alone for the extension of spiritual values into what is now called the Outer Space Levels (OSL1, 2, 3, 4).  HE states that an additional step shall be required for you and me and all others that upon becoming FINALITERS, we are to address the inadequacy of a true education as to what the meaning of GOD really is!  What is the meaning of GOD?  Most of you view it as a means to perfection and to serve as a perfected spirit someday.

I have done that myself.  I am willing to be most of you see the spiritualization of yourselves as an amalgamation of your effort to perfect yourself in spirit as through the GOD standard.  However:

GOD THE FATHER says that is inadequate.  That is not the perfection of spiritual attainment ever or at all!  Then, HE  asks, what is it so many are missing before they become Finaliters?

The answer, HE says, is this:  Pre-Finaliters need a thorough life to be lived in the abject poverty of useless provision of wealth and greatness (status seeking) as things the Finaliter had to learn to want and then to discard, and to be discarded so that the entire matter of wants are relegated to a useless provision for the imperfect soul.  To do that to each of you before you become Finaliters requires AN ADDITIONAL ASCENSION STEP.

FATHER did not speak to me about that additional step process at all, and I did not ask come to think of it, but what should be added by FATHER'S example we do not include in our ascension careers he would add to it?  [Ron side thought: I think this going to be added now lucky you!]

"I think you should hear ME, Ron.  I am now speaking through Ron this morning to elucidate this arrival of new thought even he has a problem dealing with.  The additional thought that must be added to the ASCENSION  career should be something like this:

"Man is too quick to assume if he follows a course of action it results in reward.  WE ARE GOING TO STOP THAT!  Ron Besser is one of the few humans on this planet to have perpetually failed at finalizing his life with terms of the endowment of the spirit being fully employed without personal reward.  He could care less if he gets a reward or not, and for that reason he fully exhumes the spiritual idea of reward for effort.  He fully discards the idea that man is good at heart, and lives life for them anyhow, and requires nothing for you or him without being sure it pleases his Master, Michael of Nebadon.  For that reason Michael is trying to avoid confusion for all of this effort and insists he must deliver himself first, and then we as spirit deliver him further.  That happens to hit a vary painful subject and is boiling again today; however the point to be made is that MAN ALLOWS TOO MUCH THOUGHT and not ENOUGH ACTION, for his spiritual career to mean much to Us (Spirit), and for that reason most Finaliters work anonymously in spite of their great achievements.

"FATHER wishes to insist that each ASCENDER become fully anesthetized to status or implication of severing all earth times as relegated to the past.  Ron insists on memory to continue to supply him his lessons and/or his triumphs.  He cares for them as much as what he has to do today and likens them as his children to always review again for their lessons.  For that reason Ron has been granted supreme importance on Urantia to get things done no one else ever thought to ask a human to do ever before. 

"Consequently, by this example, and by other examples unknown to any of you yet, the entire matter of your Ascension Careers is reviewed with you today, and you will understand what you must enter to become a perfect soul, (Be you Perfect as I am Perfect), and that starts with his Urantia MISSION.  From now on, you are required to pray for yourselves more often.  You are asked to stand at attention when God enters the room you may be gathered in as an incarnated Son of God working on Urantia from Midwayers, to Melchizedeks, to Paradise Sons of God, and so on.  And finally, Ron you are not delved out of thought or careless regard, but your mind revision is a failure by your own standards and it must revert to that which serves you best.  For that reason we state this with regard to the exposition SUE GIVES ABOVE. 

"SUE you bobble some of your transmission work as Ron points out because you insist on seeing to it that things are stated per your understanding.  Ron is aware you lack a proper foundation quite often but stays quiet because you disfavor intellectual discourse, but my dear, you have to discourse the policies through the intellect and your stubborn view that your thought prevails better is simply not true.  As a consequence we have to state that the concomitant view that Ron holds is sufficiently correct to restate some things you state as being dictation when in fact you force your views often upon the diction meanings themselves.  We and also Ron do not want to disrupt this series of Lessons, but you need to clear your mind of control amd let the true speech develop in all cases.

"Further, Ron is of the opinion you come and go at your own leisure and that is his calling too, but that when you develop a series of Lessons like you are now doing, let the Lessons prevail as long as they dare, and then allow yourself to revise them with new Lessons to follow.  You are not easily done on any of this as your upbringing is an ecclesial nightmare, and for that reason you shy words you were not allowed to develop concepts around as a youngster. 

"We are quite sure that this revision to the ASCENSION career is almsot over for Ron, as he has developed all the tools we require for the new ascension career.  However, he stubbornly refuses to enach a morontial favor to intellectual discours and insists that the entire matter of revelation must be kept in terms man understands on Urantia, and has revised his output to delay full understanding of epochal revelation in book form.  He now favors epochal revelation to be revealed in science and industry and makes great advances to do it this wya entirely.

"For that reason his revision to his own ascension career is to include the matter of epochal revelation to a planet that has no regard to teachings about God, but regards God as too familiar without benefit and out God goes for that reason on Urantia. 

"Finally, to you SUE in particular:  look at how Ron responds to you here:  He corrects a mild error in statement but hugely important to know why the Sue statement is egregious to millions of entities who are working as ONES WITHOUT NAME AND NUMBER as TRINITIZED SONS OF ATTAINMENT.  That is the Urantia Book designation which you never read Sue.  For reasons of State this post is fully declared moribund by you mostly but you are going to learn, probably the hard way, what to do when Australia hits the Divine Missions, now already operating and fully while Australia lament of it being too lame to understand why it has to heel under the yoke of a  REGENCY.  It is coming to your country too.

"WE are also sure that you Ron clear the worst of your problems very soon and wish you well without us for a moment or two as we learn to deal these things without you entirely looking us over as a jacquard of decision making losing the essence of our words. K"  THE UNIVERSAL FATHER SPOKE.

Located in Historic York, Pennsylvania

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Re: Father and Eternal Self - Lesson Four - Extinction (Part Two)
« Reply #2 on: July 13, 2022, 18:20:03 pm »
@Ron, You ask a most riveting and splendid question, I thank you for it: What is the meaning of GOD? This question deserves and demands exploration to the fullest extent. I wonder if you could divulge more of your long conversation with CONSUMMATOR (5) on the entire matter of ASCENSION revision beyond perfection attainment. You dropped some delicious crumbs and I would love a few more. Please and thank you, Wendy :)

Offline Ron Besser

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Re: Father and Eternal Self - Lesson Four - Extinction (Part Two)
« Reply #3 on: July 14, 2022, 00:09:42 am »
Wendy thank you.  That is very hard to answer since it was meant to be rhetorical to get people thinking-- as you did-- and to me the answer is as hard to ask what is the meaning of a double meaning?  I am not sure it is easily answered because it draws the answer back into its own inky blackness of the meaning of Infinity.

As the Consummator pointed out we are all describing the acts of God and not the meaning of the acts themselves.  What is kindness for?  What is mercy without kindness?  This is like asking why I look in the mirror after I know what I look like.  We know God is, but what is?

That is a real convolution of language to me, and I do not know how to get out of my own way to talk about it at all.  Consummator (5) knows these answers, not as language making tracks over itself, but as real meanings to even higher authority which pre-exists Infinity.  That should not be stated that way, but we have learned that our Infinity is a system, and that God invented first what to put into a system, and then how to run what he put into it.  That sounds too glib by far and is probably so correctly stated; however, understand Wendy that God is a strange word out of Sanskrit I am told, and the Sanskrit translation was that it means, "ONE WITHOUT A MUSTACHE."   I kid you not!  To the Hammurabi world of Kings that spoke Sanskrit any male that had a hairless face was divine and they designated the divine as first cause and always hairless.

Do not forget that the Hammurabi were a civilization in the Middle East only decades after the Caligastia default, and the gods of men were now living in lands seized by the old department heads of the Caligastia one hundred.  IF I remind you all,  apply what you know but do not know how to work it, as we still have remnants of that civilzation in astrology today and those wise men knew more than you do or I do about the old men with magic sticks.  Jesus was born well after those who were of the divine transfusion of the new blood line of the Caligastia 100.  The Adam and Eve blood line did not yet exist when the term "god" was coined to describe the magic of the old men of power who were transfusions of the dying embers of the Caligastia 100 torn apart by the Caligastia default.

True man, such as you and I Wendy, have no reason or inkling these things could exist, and the term god is to the child's mind a word like tinker toy as such terms carry the same weight until we divide the idea of meaning into them, and tinker toy is superfluous, but we relate "god", not as one without a mustache because we are Baptized many times with  of God with a halo.  Without the oral tradition of history we would not Christian either and that doubles the probability that the meaning of God is without a good meaning without a history to relate to we school children it means something more than you and I mean to each other.

For that reason the meaning of God is more than a definition.  We make it into an abstraction that God is mostly not understandable because of this or that reason.  But the matter of the meaning Christ now becomes the meaning of God if you are Christian.  And that has it own problems of social bias.  But the rest of the world recognizes a supreme being, and not God, to be the chief protagonist of their destinies without understanding it is a live and transforming force in the aire surrounding them. 

I think you can get a definition of the meaning of God from most people even though they are not theologians.  The theologian is a declare person of theism; that is the theologian marks scripture as require interpretation of the meaning of God too, and for that reason that interpretation falls way short of the true meaning of God, but falls seriously bad into anthropomorphism.  I do it to God all the time, like when I say, "well that should set God off into a tirade!"  God is not a human pantomime of human angry arguments, but his Justice is the answer in its own terms to the human idea of anger that must be propitiated in a fair way to judge anger as proof immaturity of a spirit cabal or rebellion tonr Lucifer on high.

To some extent this defines the meaning of God mostly as an "upholder," of laws we recognize to as the way to live fairly and equitably, but it does not answer the question of the meaning of God when we fall to worship.  For that reason here is MICHAEL OF NEBADON.

'WE ARE SERIOUSLY concerned Ron this goes on too long, but Wendy asked for it with a very fair questions.  She finds you fascinated with things we do not ordinarily talk about or if we do it we do it poorly.  However, you never discuss things poorly if you are asked about these things at all and she did and we thank her to hear your thinking.  Let Me state for the record Wendy, Ron correctly states the obvious but stays out of the comprehensive field of why worship, or for that matter, adoration.   I know he does not feel competent to discuss it as he considers a mind craving for the personality endowment which is from God and not a natal, (mother ) endowment.

"For reasons of State we say little here, but worship is conjoined with wisdom in the old idea of adjutant spirit encircuitment.  We are truly sorry you Wendy dropped out of the old Lightline idea, but Ron also knew you were struggling with very unfair burdens and he felt that was fully unfair to you, and we saw how right he was to fully support your wishes to get out of the way of so much unfairness.  However, the consequences are sad too, as we have lost the impetus of the idea and now Australia has no real representation of what Ron had to take on by himself to keep it going.  No one blames you Wendy, and Ron is the first to signal that you had the right idea and the others could not really comprehend it. With that said, understand that the meaning of God is truly a major question today especially in Australia.  And the good reason to be so is that Australia is being parched again by the failure of the trade winds to favor its location.  You are headed for drought and fire and powerful coastal storms that makes it hard to recover what Australia is so good for:  a good talk about important things in spite of how hard it is to talk about them.

"As a result of the loss of the trade winds for now, Australia is destined to turn dry and cracked again and only the fair winds lost for now can bring that back to you,  However, learn that Australia may be cleaved in two by the sea right down its middle due to subsidence and for that matter it may actually turn icy cold if there is a polar shift.  Ron worries that all the time for that changes how to access the Magnetosphere to do WTP he has managed to hobble together in spite of very difficult support circumstances.  You in Australia need that in great ways and hope Ron can get it out of greedy America above all, and he has plans for England to have it first anyhow.  That might make the Commonwealth countries available in it too.  Lastly but not least, God does mean more than discussed here but Ron is peckish about discussing all of right now but he has a mind which can do it surely.  K MICHAEL OF NEBADON at your service (P.S from Ron.  He is standing almost beside me as He is on Urantia right now as this is written with a cast of thousands with Him too. K]

Located in Historic York, Pennsylvania

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Re: Father and Eternal Self - Lesson Four - Extinction (Part Two)
« Reply #4 on: July 14, 2022, 01:34:00 am »

Hello Wendy.
                          In answer to the question, "What is the meaning of God",
I would like to offer my two cents worth. It can never be answered by the 
human mind. Leave your mind and enter your heart. Don´t think about God.
Feel God, as the Love that embraces all and everything.



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Re: Father and Eternal Self - Lesson Four - Extinction (Part Two)
« Reply #5 on: July 14, 2022, 06:48:50 am »
QUOTE: "when you develop a series of Lessons like you are now doing, let the Lessons prevail as long as they dare, and then allow yourself to revise them with new Lessons to follow..."

Hi Ron and all, 
My thoughts in response is simple, "okay great lesson for what more can be learned from it even if it means a few errors on my part". What the Consummator (5) reveals is on another level and yes it changes things on our level. So it seems the "system" of our Infinity lacks something and so a bit of twitching by the Inventor to cause a better illumination of the God meaning. I really like your take on this subject. The question of 'what is the meaning of God' really comes to down to how we, as individuals, look at God in the way it works the "system" of this Infinity we exist in. For now it is a lot of looking, for us, before we even get to the level of the Finaliter. And that is now being changed. It appears one 'twitch' has far reaching implications right down the line when we are looking at ascensionary careers. Thanks for an interesting subject, at first look in the initial paragraphs you wrote , it reads as if it is like an oxymoron to state it the way it is stated and then state that it is not. Only for it to be explained for such by the Consummator who is changing the very idea of the Finaliter and so on. I guess it can get a bit confusing for us humans to read these sentences.

I will need to think on it more. And take the time to review the Lessons before I post them, thanks for the advice. Cheers.
