Author Topic: Adaptability  (Read 6650 times)

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Offline Clency

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« on: August 23, 2022, 11:26:44 am »
Adaptability…..what does that mean ?
“I am your Thought Adjuster, let me help you with this one. As the word itself indicates, it is the ability to adapt to changes, so how can you do that ? If you are used to do the same things every day, it is what we call an habit and when there are changes coming your way, you are in panic and you say to yourself whether you will be up to new situations. First of all, you must not fear changes because they represent new ways of doing things that work better than the old, so it is in your interest to embrace them wholeheartedly.”
“There are things that you do every day that become boring, because you do them mechanically and by the end of the day you feel like being a robot. When there are things that do not work well, changes are beneficial and even desirable for the wellbeing of all. It is obvious that where there is progress, there is adaptability to changes. Imagine yourself working in a company where the tools are outdated, whereas others of the same category are far ahead by using new technologies.    So it goes in the invisible – the old that no longer works is replaced by the new. So, be cheerful and know that I will always be with you for help to adaptability. Have a good day.”
Thank you my Thought Adjuster for uplifting my apprehension to changes.
I am your servant, I am your liegeman, it is my will that your will be done.