Author Topic: THE ADJUSTER TELLS  (Read 11523 times)

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Online SophiaVeronica

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« on: September 17, 2022, 14:21:13 pm »
September 17, 2022

These hours of being together are times of rest to get ready for the day. This is your Adjuster speaking Elise and I tell you of the days when you were a young child, full of joy and gladness and eager to learn, and where your loving parents each in their own way, answered your questions to satisfy your curiosity.

You lived in the Heart of God and were always happy and joyful, you could not know that it was I who fed you with Spiritual food and the water of the Spirit to quench your thirst that you absorbed and lived from.

You as a joyful child of God loved to be dressed in the white organdy dresses with flowers in your little hands to go to church for special ceremonies that took place annually. When you got older you turned your back on the Church and you had your reasons for that, you didn't like what you saw or heard, so you let it go and left the Church for good. 

But you never turned your back on God. Within yourself you continued to search for God and His existence, outwardly you lived your life as a young adult. Interested in the spiritual side of life, you began to read anything that could bring you closer to the concept of God, until you found the Urantia Book. Your heart opened and for the first time you found true words about God, about the universe, about creation and much more that satisfied your hunger for spiritual knowledge. 

In your excitement you told others about this wonderful gift, but you were left alone with your book, there was no interest, which you could not understand and you kept what you had discovered to yourself. 

The rest you know all too well and after all these years you are now on the eve of a new and exciting period in your life. I am your Adjuster, you know Me better now than you did in those years of searching, but I am the One who led you to that search and I still do, for I will always continue to direct you in God's ways, for that is why We are here, to approach the Father and live His Ways, His Will, His Love. Stay close, I am your Adjuster.

Thank you, my beloved Adjuster, for this little story.


Online PJammer

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« Reply #1 on: September 17, 2022, 23:19:28 pm »
Elise, truly you are my/our Spiritual Sister.  Your Adjuster's story reverberates in each of us, your Forum Family.  Thank You for sharing this.

Offline prozonov

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« Reply #2 on: September 18, 2022, 02:38:34 am »
September 18, 2022, Samara, local time 9.30. Call from the installer. Dictate.
Exactly one month remains before the second return of Christ Michael.
And have you done everything to adequately meet this event and be useful to the FATHER.
Think about it, analyze your thoughts and actions, change or correct them if you are not satisfied with something.
Now is the time of saturation not with physical, but with spiritual food. It is necessary to return to important publications on the site recently and make a short summary, which will be very useful to you later in communication with mortals. Take it as an assignment for the rest of the days. You can post this message on the site.
This is Proventin. Until communication.
- Thank you dear tuner for the wise advice, I will try to implement it.
18 сентября 2022, Самара, местное время 9.30. Вызов от настройщика. Диктуй.
Остается ровно месяц до второго возвращение Христа Михаила.
А все ли ты сделал, чтобы достойно встретить это событие и быть полезным ОТЦУ.
Подумай об этом, проанализируй свои мысли и поступки, измени или поправь их, если ты в чем-то не удовлетворен.
Сейчас время насыщения не физической, а духовной пищей. Надо вернуться к важным публикациям на сайте за последнее время и сделать не большой конспект, который тебе очень пригодится в последствии в общении со смертными. Прими это как поручение на оставшиеся дни. Можешь выложить это сообщение на сайт.
Это Провентин. До связи.
- Спасибо дорогой настройщик за мудрый совет, постараюсь его выполнить.