Author Topic: Machiventia Melchizedek & JESUS - The Work of Machiventia, JESUS & More  (Read 15220 times)

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Speakers: Machiventia Melchizedek and JESUS
Subjects: The Work of Machiventia, JESUS and the FATHER’s House
T/R: Sue Whiley aka 7inOcean
Location: Geelong VIC Australia
Date/Time: 19/09/2022 6.45am (AEST)

This is Machiventia Melchizedek. There has been a computer problem you had that did not allow you to type or edit the last message I gave you yesterday and I advised you to stop and leave for another day. Here we are and let's get going on what I have to say. As Planetary Manager I have the position that oversees most of what traffic is occurring in and out of the planetary grid and to get reports from the Most High of Norlatiadek who have their delegates on the planet that do some very important work behind the scenes to prepare the way for the Missions soon to be visible before long.

I am getting the reports daily and I also see to it that the insurgents, insurrectionists and rebels who dislike anything to do with the human involvement in our missions are placed in quarantine and are facing the court for adjudication. Most will face extinction if they persist. Others who are repentant and loyal will be pardoned and sent elsewhere for rehabilitation.

That side of things is being sorted and for now we have a road cleared and the work of establishing an organization that has real dough in the eyes of men. The Magisterial Foundation is that organization that we work from and make real progress through many of its subsidiary functions. The free energy WTP patent will make its way throughout the entire planet to ensure that humans get this energy freely and uninterrupted when it gets built and transmitting to the exact instructions laid out in Rayson’s descriptions in the WTP Patent. That Patent is now approved and will make its way to Ron Besser the Administrator of this website and the current Director of the Magisterial Foundation. The WTP Patent will not be sold or transferred as it is the property of the Magisterial Foundation. It is to be used by humans and for humans and not to be abused by other corporations for monetary gains. For so long, energy production and consumption has been used and abused by utility giants that must be stopped. No longer will they have that as the Free Energy we produce on our side is for the benefit of and for humanity. As the Planetary Manager, I will keep a close watch on the Patent and its use thereof in the decades it is to be used.

As for the Magisterial Foundation it is now operating and will be funded by the Michael Fund from Salvington as the monies that is sent is to be used to allow the WTP to get built in various locations and be operating as it is designed for. Also, much of the funds will also go to assist in the work of JESUS and the Melchizedeks who are now stationed in the geographical locations to assist in the planetary renewal soon to take place.

There will also be the Adam and Eve School that also will be funded and supported, as the education they bring will uplift the spiritual progress of Ascenders already receiving their Adjuster’s guidance.

JESUS is here to speak and I hand it over to him.

JESUS is speaking here, dear scribe. I have a few things to add to Machiventia’s work.

Machiventia is a huge personality and a great brother I admire very much, he is to be fully respected by me, as I work closely with him and with Mantutia, the Planetary Prince. These two are the bulls in the park and Urantia is greatly blessed to have them in this work. I am deeply honored to be working with them as they have helped me tremendously in my ascension journey long ago. It is the Melchizedeks such as these that make all the difference to our education and training in our ascension. Mine included with yours, is very much well instructed by such great Masters of Thought and Heart. God bless them and their work!

Now this: as your JESUS, I come with a few words to all in a few weeks time to express some stern views, as well as, some corrections to make to who and what I am. I am not the JESUS in my first bestowal you know of in the biblical writings of old. That is old hat by now, so much has changed since then and so have I and you. You know that. What I bring is big news and new revelations that ought to have made it through the day two thousand years ago, but got lost along the way. I bring the truth as it should be told and I bring the team with me who you know as Apostles but they are much more than that when they work with me. Paul of Tarsus, Peter and John and a few more are here to speak in the Missions later on after I have set the record straight, on what needs to be understood on the outset before all else. No more gospels of the cross are to be preached, because that is not and never ought to be my gospel. My gospel is to be about the Fatherhood of God, the brotherhood of man and the sonship of man. This is about the Cosmic Universal family in which we all belong in the Father’s House. For that reason, I am about the Father’s House. Once upon a time it used to be called the Kingdom of God, I would much rather call it the House of God or the Father’s House. That is my gospel and I preach the UNIVERSAL FATHER as that is who indwells you as the Fragment of God or the Mystery Monitor, the Pilot Light, the Thought Adjuster and Controller. You are HIS CHILDREN and I am your brother and friend. Machiventia and Mantutia are to be viewed as such and as Masters.

When that time comes for me to appear publicly, I will make this known about the House of God and my gospel. The Apostles, the Melchizedeks and the Most High Delegates who are present will also speak in the same terms that I speak and it is wise that you learn the vocabulary and terminology we use in reference to the Universal thought and way. For now, the humans badly require correction and education into the new gospel and as to the new life we bring unto you. Soon after the upheaval, the renewal grows and then there will come a time for the early stages of Light and Life for which the Magisterial Sons will bring, as well as, the Trinity Son Margul, who is the teacher for all things to do with Light and Life.

I am JESUS. This name is in capitals because it is a new JESUS to the old one of years past as I have ascended and am now deity in my own right in my own Local Universe. I work with your Sovereign Father of Nebadon who is Michael of Nebadon, I have my own called Titanium and that is far away in another galaxy if you like Star Wars. That is another story to tell some far away time when you are ready to receive it. For now, I am back in a second return or what is called the Second Bestowal  which is a first in the Universe of Time never done before, but because of the unique situation that Michael of Nebadon is in, it is such to bring back the children of Urantia into the Father’s House once more. The Lucifer Rebellion caused so much disruption that it left some planets such as Urantia, Panoptia and a few others, out of the usual transition paths of ascension work. For a long time, these planets were placed under quarantine to curb the spread of rebellious infection in the system of Satania, Nebadon and beyond. For this reason, your planet Urantia has suffered under the worst kind of rebel attacks no where else seen in the Universe.

Urantia is Michael's first bestowal planet where he became as Jesus in the Levant before he became Sovereign of His Local Universe. It is in this work, Jesus brought much enlightenment and could have brought even more had he lived further beyond the awful untimely death. That was the work of rebels who are now adjudicated and extinct. There are still some remnants of rebels, and they are being removed and adjudicated appropriately as we speak. This clears the way for me as JESUS, to begin very shortly after the Queen’s funeral is passed and our work can begin to pave a new path for all to see who matters most in our hearts and minds. I bring the message of eternal life in the Father’s House and for all to know they are loved by Father and all are welcomed and embraced by me who are willing to follow me, as I walk with FATHER.

That is it for now and we close this with a prayer:

OUR FATHER, hallowed be thy name, great is your name and greatly are you to be praised in your sanctuary, may you grant us all that we need to learn and grow in the love of God and in the love of our fellows, thank you FATHER, blessed by thy name, Amen.

To you all, know that I am with thee and may my peace be with you, Shalom.


[Oh thank you so much Machiventia Melchizedek and JESUS, wonderful message well received. Blessed be the FATHER.]

Offline Moses Ouko

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Re: Machiventia Melchizedek & JESUS - The Work of Machiventia, JESUS & More
« Reply #1 on: September 19, 2022, 06:36:52 am »
Thank you Machiventa Melchizedek and JESUS for your wonderful message.
Thank you Sue for posting.

"I am JESUS. This name is in capitals because it is a new JESUS to the old one of years past as I have ascended and am now deity in my own right in my own Local Universe. I work with your Sovereign Father of Nebadon who is Michael of Nebadon, I have my own called Titanium and that is far away in another galaxy if you like Star Wars."

From the above quoted; I think JESUS' Local Universe is TINTANTIUM if  I'm not wrong.
Thank you and God Bless.

Love and Blessings,

Offline Ron Besser

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Re: Machiventia Melchizedek & JESUS - The Work of Machiventia, JESUS & More
« Reply #2 on: September 19, 2022, 08:59:53 am »
Moses you are correct, the spelling is Tintantium,  Sue missed the last "t" in th3e word, at least that is how we received it six months or more ago.

Sue that was a wonderful review with their attitude shown and the important information regarding what to do when the moment becomes visible for us through the appearance of JESUS.  Capitalization is an issue with all of the celestials right now, and they insist I capitalize names and titles where appropriate.  JESUS has started with you Sue and MICHAEL OF NEBADON should be all capitals too.  It is also proper, and it is for most people who do not know this, that the word Deity is always capitalized.  That goes for all of its forms such as Deified but undeified gets no capitals because it does not refer to a person.  Deified refers to the Father's Hose.  You of course capitalize to honor Him.

Finally, Sue your talk with MACHIVENTA MELCHIZEDEK is excellent  as He sets the tone that all plans that have been approved by Paradise, will be implemented!   He is here to see to that!  The Planetary Prince, MANTUTIA, is now speaking:

MANTUTIA - "I am now sure that you Ron are out o your hide more than you are in it and you feel horrible because of it.  That is not our doing but the work of the cabal attempting to isolate your choices to be seen and heard to prepare the Urantia Foundation and others to prepare for a huge change in the work of the Kingdom as you still prefer to use it, but you are most happy to comply with the JESUS intonation, "The Father's House."    I am intrigued you take it easily either way as I too prefer the way to speak of being in spirit as the KINGDOM.  We shall see what JESUS prefers when the actual time comes to exhort people to look higher than they do now.  I am MANTUTIA and this:

"Next year, that is 2023, we will be evident in all eyes.  Be assured I cannot be, but MACHIVENTA MELCHIZEDEK has designated MANITUBA to be the visible MELCHIZEDEK with the Magisterial Foundation, and the rest of what has to be done for electrification of the United States and the world coming soon too.  Your work Ron has studded this entire mechanism with hope and frail cheer for all of mankind until you can get funded.  That is working well and is ready for your use as soon as JESUS is visible.  Then go to it. 

" Lastly,  I MANTUTIA see to the reformation of your heart and soul Ron so soul is okay again as he is pressed severely to stay the course but not force him appearing in your place as was originally intended.  That is so complicated even I do not know what that is entirely myself.  You are doing fine in spite of being severely crippled but keep everybody producing and your Lightline on Sunday was magnificent in spite of our preference to keep it closed.  Not so any more as you know how to handle the time very well and Lemuel needs to copy it as he has the same problem you do now and that is something he has to learn to fight.  Sue is worrying no one and is providing excellent transmissions again.  Now she needs to become socially fragrant as does Lemuel who refuse patronizing anyone so he can be heard better,  You Ron keep them all going with your boisterous view that this is too good to pass up and we agree fully!

"I am MANTUTIA MELCHIZEDEK, and the entire matter of capitation will be standardized under us Ron.  Salvington has insisted that all capitals are useful and they prefer it that way.  However you correctly point out to Moses and Sue that the word Deity must always be capitalized, as is the word Deified but not undeified.  I love it when someone can say those things and not upset the clientele who use them incorrectly.   We close with this:

"You and Sue an Lemuel and  Elise and Phyllis are trial lawyers at best to all of us to stay the course, and that you do well enough but it is you Ron who carries the day with the will to achieve without making it difficult for others to follow along.  We are quite sure your work stands tall in a little while as does MICHAEL OF NEBADON,  who is now considering making you a knight of the round table and the let you ride something white around town to see them swoon at someone who knows how to dress and be presentable in the invisible too. For that reason I MANTUTIA remind you it is I who must make the judgement as to just what must be done for Sue and Lemuel and for others as this approaches the end of preparation,  and for that reason we say this to you Ron:  stay the course soon in comfort in spite of you soul wondering what happens when he is forced back to the morontial worlds of distaste as she loves being with you.  IT may be done anyhow but we are unsure how that can be done under the present circumstances that there is no morontial grid around Urantia at the time to prevent its misuse.  We can remove it and we did.  Now there is a direct transport figurement in secrecy further. 

"Let me call one more thing down for all of us, and this is for SUE and MOSES and RON and all others who TRANSMIT.

"Do not get concerned when blanks appears suddenly in the middle of your transmissions.  That has to be done to keep them guessing what to do with themselves when they get a blank too.  That is our trust for you Sue in particular and for you Lemuel watch out for strange conditions you find at times, and for Dominick you are losing you art of transmission ebcause ou refuse to take it when your head hurts.  DO NOT EXPECT any transmission dear son until you learn to stay the course without complaining to anyone you are improperly disposed being sore and painful, as that is the cost of fusion and a change in cell structures.  Ron knows you and knows what it is mostly and is disturbed you are making huge changes to keep out of character with him and the work to be done.  You are not a child anymore Dominick so face up to your responsibilities.  You can do it as you show Ron every time and he is veyr proud of what you can produce and do when normally operating.  Let the situation with body and head and other thought concerns evaporate soon, as the true nature of your work is soon to appear.

"Ron, your ability to transmit pictures is one of the greatest gifts you give us.  There are times only pictures will do.  We let this finally end with a promise to all of you there is coming a mighty fine way to say hello toe each other without that damn Christian hug as they have ruined it and now there is nothing but your are Ron to see that all say  NAMAST ,  That is the word JESUS uses to say good day to all without hugging them.  As Ron says, JESUS would rub himself raw with all he says hello and goodbye to if he did not adopt a word to salute them and say good day.  And now Namast to all of you ."  MANTUTIA.

MACHIVENTA MELCHIZEDEK - "Ron we are at the cusp of better news for you and them.  Be assured this entire regimen of posts and character changes among all of us soon is ending for the better and you all will be accommodated well.  I am the MANAGER and for that reason we say it largely because it informs all we are super heroes without saying so [and modest beyond words too - Ron]  and we leave with one word, what is that hole with a door on it? [Sire, that is what you get when you open a door- Ron].   We leave with a great debt to the wisdom of Ron and say good bye to all.   MACHIVENTA MELCHIZEDEK.  K"

Located in Historic York, Pennsylvania

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Re: Machiventia Melchizedek & JESUS - The Work of Machiventia, JESUS & More
« Reply #3 on: September 19, 2022, 09:41:03 am »
Thank you Ron for taking your time to respond to this.

Thank you very much MANTUTIA and MACHIVENTA MELCHIZEDEK for your words. 
It is satisfying to know that the Morontial grid around Urantia has been removed to prevent its misuse. 

IT may be done anyhow but we are unsure how that can be done under the present circumstances that 
there is no morontial grid around Urantia at the time to prevent its misuse.  We can remove it and we did.  
Now there is a direct transport figurement in secrecy further. 

Thank you once more and God Bless.

Love and Blessings,

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Re: Machiventia Melchizedek & JESUS - The Work of Machiventia, JESUS & More
« Reply #4 on: September 19, 2022, 12:43:41 pm »
“There is coming a mighty fine way to say hello to each other without that damn Christian hug as they have ruined it and now there is nothing, but you are Ron to see that all say NAMASTE.”
NAMASTE, sometimes called namaskar and namaskaram, is a customary Hindu non- contact manner of respectfully greeting and honoring a person or group, used at any time of day. It is an expression of veneration, worship, reverence, an “offering of homage” and “adoration” in the vedic literature and post-vedic texts such as THE MAHABHARATA.
In the contemporary era, NAMAH means ‘BOW’, ‘OBEISANCE’, ‘REVERENTIAL SALUTATION’ or ‘ADORATION’ and ‘TE’ means ‘TO YOU’. Therefore, NAMASTE literally means “bowing to you”. In Hinduism, it also has a spiritual import reflecting the belief that “the DIVINE and SELF (ATMAN) is same in you and me, and connotes “I bow to the DIVINE in you”, which means “the SACRED in me recognizes the SACRED in you”.(source Wikipedia)   
Having been grown-up myself among the hindu faith community, I regularly used the NAMASTE, particular during a gathering where a deity is celebrated.
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Re: Machiventia Melchizedek & JESUS - The Work of Machiventia, JESUS & More
« Reply #5 on: September 19, 2022, 16:50:26 pm »
Ron, should I be capitalizing the full name of everyone who is Deity in the transcriptions?
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Re: Machiventia Melchizedek & JESUS - The Work of Machiventia, JESUS & More
« Reply #6 on: September 20, 2022, 00:20:09 am »
Thanks Clency, interesting; In other words, NAMASTE could be seen as the evolution of the greeting from the greeting with clubbing in the primitive and dark stage of the human being, and after successive stages, reaching the passionate greeting of the Christian hug that criticizes Jesus, until reaching the Namaste or the greeting with a reverent bow of homo espiritualis, aware of the presence of God within each human being. SAI BABA even instructs, to greet any unknown person to whom we have to speak, mentally expressing: "Divine Lord, I love you", of course addressed to our Divine Indweller. Thanks
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