Author Topic: JESUS - A New Christmas, New Tidings and Good Health and More  (Read 11052 times)

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JESUS - A New Christmas, New Tidings and Good Health and More
« on: September 25, 2022, 18:21:26 pm »
Speaker: JESUS
Subject: A New Christmas, New Tidings and Good Health and More
T/R: Sue Whiley aka 7inOcean
Location: Geelong VIC Australia
Date/Time: 26/09/2022 7.40am (AEST)

Alright Sue, this is JESUS. I speak here mainly because there is soon to be a Divine Mission to be presented. At first I come with no fanfare as I get to see the Magisterial Foundation get duly organized and functioning with the funds Michael of Nebadon makes to it. How that is done is kept secret for now. It will be disclosed in a later time when the WTP Patent gets up and running and a lot of resources will be made available as the necessity of free energy becomes increasingly demanded. You have wondered this morning, dear scribe, that it already feels like Christmas and you are correct to think it. I am here already, even though I may not be visible to you, but, lo and behold, I am speaking and you are keen to be about this with me. My second coming will set a new Christmas date in your calendars as the first coming will be superseded by all that I represent to the world at large. It may come to a surprise to many that the 25th of December is an incorrect birthday date, as I was not born at that time of the year in my first bestowal as the little Jesus of the Levant. The true date of my birth is recorded in the Urantia Book as the 21st of August. Urantia Book readers will have already known this fact and celebrate it as to my life and work. Now these dates will change to a new one soon and that is with newer meaning and a statement of intention for the work of God to and with you all. 

I, as JESUS, will present some policy changes, educational courses with the Adam and Eve School, and the WTP project with the RAYSON Corporation. All these will culminate in a fitting exercise in grace as to how it serves you as a child of God in the Father’s House. It is with this that I toil to ensure you who read this and many more will come to learn of a new consciousness in the way of the FATHER of All. There is a New Universe Age in which we now operate and that means there has been a lot of changes to the way Universal Life works and functions in line with the Paradise Trinity and not of the old way of the experiential deity once called god the supreme (no capitals), as that was the previous design before that deity chose to blow himself up and is no more. However, we now have a new experiential design now incorporated with the Deity Absolute. Who takes it to task to ensure the experiential life is well cared for and respected as to the mortal education and life experience so important for growth in understanding and wisdom. 

The Adam and Eve School will most certainly have courses to bring out these elements for you all to learn how and why the mortal life, as well as, your morontial life, brings so much depth of meaning in your journey with the indwelling Father Fragment who leads you and guides you in each step of life, even in eternal life as well. Your life is truly a gift from the Father and one that is greatly cared for as to the wealth of experience, wisdom and adoration that all life brings upon oneself. It truly is an amazing life to be in and thrive in to explore what infinity is and how one can seek the unknown force of God. [Unqualified Absolute(UA)?] 

The scribe had a flash of thought as to the UA in my words, and that is right to question it. Of course there is a hint by your Adjuster with reference of the unknown force as the UA and that is rightly there and not expounded upon because it is yet to be understood the steps in the Master Universe life before we even get to the UA part, which will be, in all respects, every part and parcel intrickly involved in the working order of the Master Universe. So much is yet to learn for you as you are on the verge of a great education buzz that will greatly inspire you and enhance your life journey. 

This will be all for now. I am JESUS. I am here and know that the new Christmas is about to be a real new day to celebrate as it brings great new tidings and good health for all. I bid you a good day and be ready for a new day that I bring soon. Shalom.


[Thank you so much JESUS. So good you bring new tidings and good health and more. May the Father’s will be done. Amen.]

Online Moses Ouko

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Re: JESUS - A New Christmas, New Tidings and Good Health and More
« Reply #1 on: September 26, 2022, 05:19:39 am »
Thank you JESUS for your words.

Thank you Sue for sharing,

May the FATHER's will be done always in all ways. Amen. 

Love and Blessings,

Online prozonov

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« Reply #2 on: September 26, 2022, 13:39:20 pm »
Subject: Patience.
Transmitter: Probius
Accepted: Prozonov
September 25, 2022¸ Samara, Russia, local time 21.03.
The theme of our today's lesson will be PATIENCE.
A person is born clean in terms of body, brain, consciousness. He has several cells that give impetus to his moral and physical development. However, its future depends on its environment. If he was born in an African tribe, his fate is one. If in a prosperous European family - another. However, in the first case, with proper education, a respectable citizen can grow out of him. And vice versa. If a child grows up in a dysfunctional family, if everything is allowed from birth, any immoral acts, then a biorobot will grow out of him without a soul and the ability to survive.
Why do I mean this. And to the fact that only the love and patience of those around this young being can form in a child those high moral and spiritual qualities that are able to accept and know God and open the way to eternity.
I especially want to say about the need to cultivate the patience of an adult who has embarked on the path to eternity.
There are a lot of things that annoy you in this world. It happens that even a small trifle causes an explosive reaction. And if a person does not show restraint - the sister of patience, he can greatly harm himself, his relatives and colleagues.
I think you, mortals, need to analyze your behavior, your thoughts and motives for actions more. By showing impatience, you humiliate not only yourself, but also God, for you violate his main idea of love.
Think carefully before you say or do something: is this in accordance with the will of the Father, do you offend him in the person of another person ...
Be healthy both morally and physically, understand, it is not in vain that it is said: heal yourself. Your kind thoughts and deeds make you not only strong in spirit, but also heal your body. And we, the tuners, help you with this.
It was Probius.
- Thank you dear tuner for the wonderful advice.
Тема: Терпение.
Передатчик: Пробиус
Принял: Прозонов
25 сентября 20222¸Самара, Россия, местное время 21.03.
Тема нашего сегодняшнего урока будет ТЕРПЕНИЕ.
Человек рождается чистеньким в смысле тела, мозга, сознания. У него есть несколько клеток, которые дают импульс его нравственного и физического развития. Однако его будущее зависит от среды его обитания. Если он родился в африканском племени его участь одна. Если в благополучной европейской семьи – другая. Однако в первом случае при надлежащем воспитании из него может вырасти добропорядочный гражданин. И наоборот. Если ребенок растет в не благополучной семье, если с рождения ему позволено все, любые безнравственные поступки, то из него вырастит биоробот без души и возможности сохраниться.
К чему я это виду. А к тому, что только любовь и терпение окружающих это юное существо могут сформировать у ребенка те высокие нравственные и духовные качества, способные принять и познать Бога и открыть дорогу в вечность.
Особо хочу сказать и необходимости воспитывать терпение взрослого человека, вступившего на путь к вечности.
Вас в этом мире очень много что раздражает. Случается, что даже небольшой пустяк вызывает взрывную реакцию. И если человек не проявит сдержанность - родную сестру терпения, он может очень сильно навредить себе, своим близким и сослуживцам.
Думаю вам, смертным, надо больше анализировать свое поведение, свои мысли и мотивы к поступкам. Проявляя нетерпение вы унижаете не только себя, но и Бога, ибо нарушаете его главный затеет любви.
Хорошенько подумайте, прежде чем что-то сказать или сделать: а соответствует ли это воли Отца¸ не обидите ли вы его в лице другого человека…
Будьте здоровы и нравственно и физически, поймите, не зря сказано: исцели себя сам. Ваши добрые мысли и поступки делают вас не просто сильными духом, но и исцеляют ваш организм. А мы, настройщики, помогаем вам в этом.
Это был Пробиус.
- Спасибо дорогой настройщик за замечательные советы.