Author Topic: UNIDADES  (Read 6885 times)

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Online Lemuel

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« on: October 19, 2022, 01:38:54 am »

Speaker: Unkown
T/R: Lemuel
19th Oct 2022  07:00 Local

Just write, Lemuel, who or what I am is not important for the moment. 
I know you are not interested in these things and this is the reason why I am
coming to you to see if you are able to receive this in spite of it not being 
your "cup of tea".

UNIDADES,  are used by Vectors to organize into easily identifiable subjects,
modified ideas from Father. These are entered and stored in the Infinity
warehouse and they become the accepted "norm" until the next modified
idea from Father.

Since the inauguration of the New Universe Age, NUA, the modified ideas
from Father are numbered in the millions and this has greatly increased the 
work of Vectors and the Unidades. It is a constant process that ensures the
Infinity warehouse is kept up to date.

This is all for the moment. You have done well to receive this and shows you
that you are indeed able to receive material that is not of your liking.

Good day.

Lemuel: I thank you, sincerely and hope that this is the case!

Offline Ron Besser

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« Reply #1 on: October 19, 2022, 08:55:17 am »
Lemuel, you have produced what appears to be a new idea concerning vector aides.  But I am not sure I get that correctly either as the Unidades name does not quite to want to stick in my mind as just an entity.  Here is your contact speaking to me now to affirm what his role is:

UNIDADES - "We are not entities Ron, we are living VECTOR FORCES.  We are not personal in your sense but we are rightfully aware of you and others who speak for us if we can use you.  Lemuel did us a favor by taking us on and you easily take us on because you are fully informed your life is over not but they cannot produce a living entity well enough to stand forthrightly with anyone right now.  For that reason we bypass you fully not but curiously when connected to you we see much clearer what is going on with Urantia that must be abolished fully.  You are truly out of mode with them and fully in mode with us.  For that reason we state you are well done so long as you can work our side of the street and they are filling you with blood not but a historical statement of the past which was satisfactory as they want to know who and what I am and filling you with the light of their day to hear me.

"For that reason we stand our course on Urantia to understand the care you exist in and how little you are allowed to motion things you are proud to have achieved but are smacked hard by man himself for providing work far too issue related to other concerns they have to move you easily into their purposes.  You are not happy with the Biden administration at all and would prefer another chief executive but you have this one for now and let it lie.  We are fully aware of their missteps and that is all we have for now.  K"

Ron here Lemuel: Your natural response Lemuel is to arrive at the conclusion that anything unknown to you is suspicious.  I do the same, but with me they have can prove themselves useless or useful by my reception of them first.  IT is easy to be rid of the cabal as they trip themselves up all the time with what they say and sometimes how they say it.  I encourage you to take on the unnamed influences coming your way as that is the true value of being a transmitter in service.  All transmitters right now are being warned to stay the tried and true route, but not to taste the unusually done to see what it is first, does all of us a disservice.  I am appalled that UNIDADES has much to say and is pressed back by the freakin' cabal this morning, so much so he broke communication with me entirely.  Again, I encourage you and all transmitters to step up and bat the ball at least to trial to see who wishes to communicate to you and maybe give us down here a taste of something we could never know about again.  UNIDADES is a perfect example I think of what we would miss without a transmitter, as you did, steps up and transmits.  Thank you. 

MICHAEL OF NEBADON - "Ron you risk hyperbole not.  I am fully aware of such Vector driven entities, but I was not aware of them able to listen in on these transmissions so well they can entitize enough to speak intelligently to this very low level of spiritual comprehension.  For reasons of State, right now is a bad time to take a transmission, but later today Lemuel has a LIGHTLINE, and he needs to step up to the plate and take these entities.  They are rare and I never heard them speak before and you Ron are not just brave but comprehend they are of a nature you could not fathom otherwise.  Take this for what it is worth:

"Your work Ron is precious and laying dormant but well received on high and on Urantia if they can get their ducks in a row at all in the UFO organization.  You let them have a taste and they want a lot more but are fully discouraged you left no phone number but a house address they can ascertain as belonging to you and no one else.  That is a marvel of technology but they also know you are a book reader and fear you are cultish, but not so as you do not drag any of that into the conversation, and they take it you just read it.  For a change normal thinking prevails well enough, but you have a great deal more than that book and they should amortize you just enough to make use of an interview or two and that is what they intend to do, but you are dying rapidly and that is not easily understood here either, but you feel victimized and not helped by anything we offer since it cannot be afforded by us at all right now.  I cannot state harshly enough that your work stands but you do not if we have to put it that way.  For reasons of State let this lie for now.  K"

Ron - "The contact for transmission is impossible to ascertain as providing time information that can be called dependable, as some of you sometimes figure out too and leave alone.  I am dropping it for now until this improves enough to report.  Lemuel you have the same objections but be alert and take the good even unnamed. 


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