Author Topic: Being Our Sharp Pencils  (Read 11095 times)

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Offline Ghost Dancer

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Being Our Sharp Pencils
« on: November 25, 2022, 17:50:30 pm »
This is VITABYS, we congratulate you for being the first volunteer after Ron Besser to take this leap of faith to try and transmit us.
Like Ron Besser has already  stated, we are a conglomerate of the DEITIES voice from high to low here.
With a little "faith of a mustard seed" as your JESUS once said. You should, like this one transmitting be able to hear us loud and clear from now on.
Indeed, there is more to be said as this one has humbly asked. We are here in full force. You need not concern yourselves with buying up property to house us, as we are everywhere. 
If you are willing to devote the time to take down our messages ? We will indeed employ you all as our personal scribes or secretaries. 
As our secretaries, you will not be required to keep the coffee pots full or send out bouquets of flowers to loved ones. (A little Urantia humor there.)
What we do require is an open heart to hear us and to keep your pencils sharp to take down our dictation. Your paycheck for this work will indeed be waiting for you in the heavens in succession of your brief temporal life here.
We already know you have what it takes.  Your commitment  starts with the very first attempt at transmitting us now.
This has been VITABYS and we stand down now with this one and wait for the rest of you to clock in, so to speak. Good day.

Offline Ron Besser

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Re: Being Our Sharp Pencils
« Reply #1 on: November 25, 2022, 20:46:23 pm »
Yes, Ghost Dancer.  I did enjoy this and congratulations on being able to hear this group of  the highest beings you can take via a frequency testimony.  I am convinced, and I am sharing this with all of you now too, that the transmission of vibrational frequency means is going to eventually come to an end.  It appears with the Vitalbys we are going to experience a new transmission experience by being able to hear very clear signals and extra clear warnings to the Vorondadek groups who haunt the air waves their days are completely numbered and they will disappear from honoring Lucifer in so many ways.  

Meanwhile Ghost Dancer, keep your dance routine simple and receive directly as you have above.  I am delighted to see it and with a new voice you represent to us.  Please transmit at every opportunity you may have to get on the record here.  The trial we have in all of this is to remain placid in the face of total harassment and today is typical of that crap they pull.  I also conjecture Ghost Dancer you are going to likely get a lot more transmissions because they tell me you are a very stable foundation to work with.  We need transmitters badly and this is an excellent sign, along with Paul, that a couple of transmitters have been sent our way that are highly dependable.  I thank you for taking the  Vitalby group on and let us hear more as you connect to a very promising group to speak to these days.

Best wishes in your hopes for all things too.


Located in Historic York, Pennsylvania

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Re: Being Our Sharp Pencils
« Reply #2 on: November 25, 2022, 21:32:02 pm »
November 26, 2022, Samara, local time 06.13. Strong challenge on the left. Please dictate.
We have come to tell you about the approaching coming of Christ the Savior. The world will tremble and not believe. Confrontations will begin, but natural disasters will put mortals in such a position that they willy-nilly believe in the only salvation through faith in the Father, who sent Christ to save your souls.
You will have no other choice: either eternal death or eternal life. The main thing is to believe. Without faith, a person is dead, he is almost an animal. With the coming of Christ, you will have a chance to become a man in the full sense of the word. Open your heart to God, love near and far, treat others the way the Teacher treated his disciples, and you will become worthy followers of the Father's work on long-suffering Urantia.
God, Christ is at the door. Open your heart to him, trust him and you will know the indescribable happiness and joy of being sons and daughters of the eternal God. Forward, through troubles and hardships, forward through deprivation and death for the sake of continuing life on your wonderful blue planet.
Thank you Friend for such a wonderful message.
26 ноября 2022, Самара, местное время 06.13. Сильный вызов слева. Пожалуйста диктуйте.
Мы пришли, чтобы сказать тебе о приближающемся приходе Христа Спасителя. Мир вздрогнет и не поверит. Начнутся противостояния, но природные катаклизмы поставят смертных в такое положение, что они волей-неволей поверят в единственное спасение с помощью веры в Отца, который прислал Христа для спасения ваших душ.
У вас не будет иного выбора: или вечная смерть или вечная жизнь. Главное верить. Без веры человек мертвый, он почти животное. С приходом Христа у вас появится шанс стать человеком в полном смысле этого слова. Откройте свое сердце Богу, возлюбите ближних и дальних, относитесь к окружающим так, как Учитель относился к своим ученикам и вы станете достойными продолжателями дела Отца на многострадальной Урантии.
Бог, Христос у дверей. Откройте ему свое сердце, доверьтесь ему и вы познаете неописуемое счастье и радость быть сынами и дочерьми вечного Бога. Вперед, сквозь беды и невзгоды, вперед через лишения и смерти ради продолжения жизни на вашей замечательной голубой планете.
- Спасибо Друг за столь прекрасное послание.