Thank you very much again SophiaVeronica, for another impeccable transmission to which you have accustomed us. In that message Jesus (the beloved for all), presents very clearly the situation we face very tight to what is expected of each one who aspires to be called to take part in this monumental event. It is a call to persecute in the purpose of: "That your will be done not mine, that is my will." The situation no ceases to be complex, nothing easy, and although at times it seems that everything is going to change returns and is complicated again.
I think that as regards each applicant, it is not only the one that reuns a series of requirements, whether intellectual, social or others, but above all for what I can perceive, it is about seeing who is capable of supporting the maximum the string temperate, to see who breaks, and who not. Because what we experience here between one and the other transmissions in the forum, is that the task looks attractive, fascinating, (what else can be aspired to be part of the second coming?), but at times exhausting. I think I heard Father Michael Himself, to say: "I'm tired", what can be expected for a poor mortal.
For the rest, as for what my person is concerned, I only have to say: · Until the body endures, but I would like to be there, but a doctor, at least as barber. Thanks