Author Topic: "THIS IS JESUS"  (Read 10485 times)

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Online Rene A Duran

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« on: May 24, 2023, 23:38:20 pm »
This transmission was received by Evelio Rivas 

San Miguel El Salvador, May 21, 2023,

 "I AM JESUS. Addressing Humanity, I am back on the planet of my birth where I incarnated approximately two millennia ago, I know that my return expected by many will come soon at that moment when I publicly announced the energies that truncated my mission at that time they have not loosened control of this world and this time I come to heal it, all hope to straighten it rests on my presence it is logical that they will not meekly surrender their dominance is the reason why we wait for the opportune moment and reduce the margin of error In fact, in terms of control and domination of public affairs, they have strengthened and my sheep must know that the only way to contribute to this transformation is to embody that transformation so that patience is vital and in each act be consistent, try to others as if I would do it only when they are filled with My Love and act as such they will be adding to the cause of the changes that this world requires, the opposing team fights to maintain their command posts and maintain dominance is a network of forces that act in synchrony and still maintain the dominance of the populations, it is clear that their actions are not governed by Love and are framed on the opposite side of light.  Their strategy consists in making the population afraid of making changes, this mess unfortunately includes some religious forms, my sheep must know that they must personally grow and cultivate their relationship with me that I do not need intermediaries to inhabit their hearts, awakening to this truth will make them Make the best use of your free will. Appearances deceive many. Currently, I call for you to dedicate some time each day to seek that relationship with me. They seem to be very busy with their routines, but opening the way to inner presence is decisive and crucial.  At this point, the missions to return this sphere to the FATHER are very advanced in their organization. In fact, events that attract attention will take place. We hope that everything happens smoothly and peacefully. I AM JESUS, renewing my call to enter service to all Humanity, it is false that I represent a certain religion I AM for complete Urantia".

 -Thank you, Master JESUS, we welcome your word, please count us among your partners.

 "I AM JESUS leaving the scene I love you all have a good morning."

 -Your will be done Lord
  JESUS Welcome to us on Earth.
