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Online Rene A Duran

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« on: May 22, 2023, 23:23:15 pm »
San Miguel, El Salvadore May 19, 2023.
Transmitted by Evelio Rivas.

 I AM, the INTELLIGENCE speaking to this world, I AM GAIA, Humanity is currently busy in routines, which do not contribute to the expected behavior and there will be a feeling of abandonment in the majority, this is a planet that will experience changes and its population will become aware of its origin, beyond the but of religions, Feeling the Living connection with The CREATOR is a developing capacity that will provide the opportunity to act sensibly most of the action now happens at the expense of the Creator in such a way that it is conditioned by factors purely external, the depth of each act is not taken into account, ultimately generating a population that does not honor the CREATOR with each act, resulting in conditions that perpetuate pain, one of the most complex tasks is to induce new ways of thinking and Feeling the reason for the Incarnation, we are preparing How the changes will happen is a Monumental organization we are grateful to Mr. Ron Besser for all the organization created up to this moment and that introduces us to the development of the Missions, the moment will come when the phenomena attract attention and together we build a world of Brothers, until now they are not doing it and nationalisms are rooted even fierce competition is imposed, Cooperation and the Purpose of Serving must drive all development and improvement is the understanding of sharing a world of Brothers, which will promote scientific progress, which is currently in a low profile, individual behaviors will focus on cooperating for the massive Recognition of the CREATOR, persisting or relegating the CREATOR to the background is a harmful business now this Humanity is One and its CREATOR is One and Urantia will once again be for the FATHER.
 I AM the INTELLIGENCE delivering this short message, have a good day.
 Thank you very much GAIA-  THE INTELLIGENCE personally we are very grateful for your message and we are pleased to serve.
 Thanks, Father.

Offline Ron Besser

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Re: "GAIA"
« Reply #1 on: May 23, 2023, 10:46:59 am »
Hello Evelio and thank you for this GAIA transmission.
I have two comments and a question first to you Evelio Rivas.
I ask you Evelio  if you could please tell me how you work.  If I understand the work correctly, I assume it is your wife and yourself are now able to produce transcriptions of  the Voice of God individually.  Are you transmitting any of the Voice of God to a group, or are you  transmitting inside the group work of Lightline only?  This very important for me to know.  Your transmissions are very well done, and must not let this development you have within yourselves pass without notice.  I do not know what should be done except to have you develop this access to God in your own style and tell us and me how you are developing the Voice of God and when and how often do you transmit?  Are you also speaking in Spanish with the Voice of God also?  How is Rene Duran speaking with you for use in the Lightline which is so important to you and others.  And lastly, are you looking to find more of other Hispanic speakers to do what you do too?  Rene Duran is so very helpful, and Rene I would very much like to hear from you how you would like to see more Hispanic transmitters come to you and use them more and more with your own talents in this department of transmitting.  IT is truly important to understand how you and the Rivas are providing this ability for us to hear from them and you as often as possible.

I thank you Rene Duran for making sure we do here from all who can do this with you and for us.

GAIA, as reported here by Evelio Rivas is telling us that Urantia is producing far too much competition to achieve a national culture that brotherhood does get a chance to appear.  In small ways it does, but the current political situation on Urantia today is so full of the poisons of competition that the entire population is not surprised by the horrors or the complicity of death being present everywhere.  GAIA sees this to end only by the loss of a large part of the population which does not understand their life feature on Urantia might be their only life, and that tragedy of comprehension not will cause God to reinsert JESUS to reintroduce the idea of good will and brotherhood once more.  But that introduction of necessary change is to what remains of the people on Urantia, and that the death of so many before Jesus appears, might strike us first without any compensation such must happen for reasons never really clear to the population that dies so young.

If I have that interpretation right, then I say this with GAIA  by my side to transmit here too:

GAIA - "Ron, you are the first to advise me this is too important to let it lie in the weeds. 

"Always must man prefer to work hard to understand intellectually that the means to God's salvation is through the spirit of God, but in your case it harmed you first and now you are laying down your life in favor of relief not, but in favor of removing your distaste for such a condition to end.

"For that reason we must learn from you too.  You have nothing against spirit but they have victimized you entirely and I must stand back and wonder what they really mean?  The answer is not clear to you, or Me, or to others who must work with all sides.  Your fear is not in charge, but your intellect is and that makes you a serious contender for the last word of God on Urantia, to say:  'GOD we beseech thee for honesty and no travail over the compensation of work to save Urantia, to save ourselves, and to save the last year of heart for me to understand that God favors truth but not justice when murder happens so frequently there is no counter force to remove the murderers.'

"For that reason as well Ron, you sat well on all developments until God made a move to reintroduce JESUS back in the flesh on Urantia.  Now what?

"That makes no sense to you, or Me, or the FATHER.  But what sense it does make to the world of spirit is that man deserves another round of a BESTOWAL SON without having to work for it as a population who understands and gives back to JESUS all his motions and remotions deserve.  For that reason let your life be one of total absorption that life is not carrying you to a successful conclusion, but to a disaster of effort that has nothing to do with Justice, but the pleasure of preserving the means to reclaim natural use of energy for all sorts of Urantia developments and endeavor. 

"Last night you though there was a chance to finish this patiently and well, but instead you got silly with a resumption of good will and let it die because they could not understand how goodwill translates into humor for you all the time.  They left confused and down hearted not, but totally sure you had no idea why they were there and still do not.  I agree.  I wonder.  And I am sure there is nothing left this monring but you wondering how they work so totally incapable of using you or the world Urantia to finish their concerns that Urantia must prevail well, or it is as a planet for humanity dropped out of existence.  You look at it in those terms entirely and so do I.

"Finally, i am GAIA.  For reasons of your own you have taken to me fully and completely as a great help however I appear.  Not so.  I am not help to Ron or GAIA as She once was, but I am a help to the UNIVERSAL FATHER alone.  I am dedicated to read these words you type to make sense of the situation and then drop back and care no more than you do:   Ask! WHERE IS GOD when the chips refuse to fall down and the population finally understands they are on the cusp of disaster as a spiritual development for Urantia.  I deliver just one more sentence - - -

"WE ON HIGH never say never, but when it comes to Urantia, the entire situation is so dicey nothing is left but to appear on a station for all of you to hear when MICHAEL Of NEBADON determines he must announce rather than appear.  For that reason you hold it well or the other way well,  but you have also decided that without His appearance as Jesus, the road to hoe for Urantia, is desperately done.  We hold the same view together and that makes you particularly vulnerable to changes FATHER wishes to make to Urantia, and for that reason, those changes in all probability annhilate you first.  IT is a horrible scenario, but you hold little for the future unless there is a good reason for the plans of MICHAEL OF NEBADON to appear at once and fully done as planned in andwith all of you reading this.  GOOD DAY! I am GAIA at your service.  K"

MICHAEL OF NEBADON - "I will have my say so you are not drowning in sorrow Ron.  The trial for the mansion worlds today is to stay silent and for Me to instruct you that your life is now truncated once again over the issue of worth.  I am not sure what worth you are anymore, but you refuse to deal the spirit at all as it victimizes the population and you refuse that way of dealing Urantia.  For that reason Ron, I stand with you and the entire matter of the BESTOWAL being exhaustingly vital  to the wealth and health of Urantia.  be assured the birds you h\ear chirping outside your open window this morning, they know nothing but the day, and you wonder if that is not the way to approach life when so much is missing for your day again.  The birds are quite happy with a cool day and sunshine and the sweet smell of new grass and blossoms of a new spring around you.  IT is indeed a beautiful time of the years and it must stay that way for the earth population all over too.  I AM JESUS NOW:

JESUS speaks:  "I am fully determined to make this work.  So are you Ron, yet you run into constant divisions on this site and with people who are designed to work with you, as they cannot understand the nature of the call without you saying how it might be done.  You have never said you are in charge, but you did offer a way to do it and by damn! we are going to use how you set it up, as it works perfectly well and doable.  I never look back twice Ron, but you are making the call that the entire matter of the Second Return can be successful if we force the population to participate more than ever.  I happen to fully agree with that, but the population is not up to thinking and doing enough to make it available to JESUS this time.  If we had done this 70 years ago we could have won it. but no, the Ancients of Days decreed we must wait until the Lucifer Rebellion is over and adjudicated.  We did that, but also lost the opportunity to work easier and better than ever before to move to BESTOW CHRIST again, and did not do it.

"I am JESUS.   For that reason Ron you celebrate it with Me.  However, the time is now upon you for taking no notice of a spirit approach because it did not state what it was or why it was there with you this morning.  You dismissed it as another speech and out the door it went inoculating your leg again which caught a furious response from you.  We will never accommodate you or it or anything they said in passing, and you fully agree they have nothing to offer you or Urantia.  So the world t urns again with a missed opportunity.

"I saw it and wondered why the squandered it.  You wondered what was happening?  You even said what do you want?  They had no answer and washed it away as more of your costume of careless care when something important arrives to speak to.  You never caught it was important and neither did they learn what they have to learn:  you will not listen to babble.  For that reason people, the entire matter is not settled with Me, but with Spirit as they are now glad they have no further obligation to stay on Urantia, EXCEPT GAIA speaks again, and Ron fully considers that very important for him, for you, and for Us.  For reasons of State I provide the following again:

MICHAEL OF NEBADON - "I am fully disgusted, not with you Ron, but with a group that had not prepared to meet an intelligent man who can do so much for all and let it flip on its back and die.  That is what they decreed Ron and you are fully prepared to snake them out of existence in order for Urantia to normalize again.  That will take place and without you or me to start it off as any planned measure to have JESUS appear again.  This is so turned around on its head you wonder Ron why you ever set foot into the planning arena.  But you did and not we are fully turning around not, but going full steam ahead.  For that reason Ron you are removed permanently not, but for a small period of time you have nothing to participate with EXCEPT I am here for sure again and that house of horrors you have to play with is dismissed fully never to walk again on Urantia!

"Lastly Ron, your day has started with a fury over their intransigence, and without my referee in place, as GABRIEL has entirely too much to do to stand on Urantia and keep the two sides you represent apart.  Your fury over them is worth its weight in gold and nobody learns better than the cabal how deadly it can be.  Stand aside with the rest of you to hear me say, this is not over until it is over , and then we will pick up the pieces.  You Ron are a vital link and we will not let it pass this time as they did this morning.  GAIA speaks one last moment:

GAIA speaks -  "I am totally exhausted with you Ron, not.  However, let the rainbow of WTP slip a little as it marks itself well for moments only and you are left with the baraae bones garbage of let us be prudent and stuff this up your face and nose.  We are not sure you know what you are talking about and until we understand how you decide these things you are as dry as the dust we think this patent is worth.  Stop fidgeting with God so much, and fidget with man, and that is enough for him to understand why your sent our hundreds of letters yesterday to explain what is available if they would invest with you to build it.  And finally sleep no more as the entire matter is under review at the highest of levels.  You were never asked anything and never give na moment to reflect but got a drop of good will sowell it made you silly and that is normal for you all the time.

"I AM GAIA, and listen well:  ALL of YOU are out of the box and stating you are prepared.  So is GAIA prepared, and we work well with FATHER, but it is not easily understood that Ron represents the best and finest of the human efforts to participate with God the Father and God the Son, and God the Spirit, to get this done perfectly easily and well, and the the spirit is too slow, too late, and to misunderstood, to portray any work on its own until it is rehabilitated to do the work as it needs to be done on Urantia.  For reasons of State Ron, you rung the intellect easily and well and find my words accurate and necessary.   Good day."  GAIA at your service.

MICHAEL OF NEBADON - "To you Rene Duran, you are making this difficult for Ron to ascertain developments you yourself do not understand.  Ron caught on yet you are unaware of most of it.  Answer Ron as he asks you at the beginning of this post.  Ask the RIVAS what their intention is.  Too much goes to waste at times and you need to be awake to understand the Rivas need to participate in your Phoneix Lightline and Ron expects you to develop the Lightline with those transmitters.  Once they are used to it they will work very well for all of us who transmit to Urantia.  Thank you and good day to all.  MICHAEL OF NEBADON at your service once more,,  K."


Located in Historic York, Pennsylvania

Online Rene A Duran

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Re: "GAIA"
« Reply #2 on: May 24, 2023, 00:25:37 am »
Thank you Ron for your comments about the Evelio Rivas transmissions.
 Actually, we have been working on this for a long time in other different projects.  Now that I started transmitting the voice of God, we incorporated the techniques learned and now He has started very well.
 There are also others who attend the Lightlines who have already reported some lines.
 In addition, I would like to add that we have already started for several months works programmed for each day of the week as stillness, and lately the practice that you published of starting transmissions with 'I am...'
 I hope that some more come out who can hear the voice of God and transmit it.

 For now, I hope to incorporate Evelio into the Spanish Lightline when appropriate.

Evelio is preparing his answers to your inquiries as he only speak Spanish I help him in getting his post translated into English.

Thank you Ron for all your comments and to Michael of Nebadon for his words.


Online Rene A Duran

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Re: "GAIA"
« Reply #3 on: May 25, 2023, 09:52:44 am »
Hi Ron Besser here are my answers to your questions:

 Q-How do you work in your practices?
 A/ It's a bit hard for me but I love doing it, I arm myself with faith and hope and I get ready to sit in an armchair and ask the FATHER for help to filter everything that comes to me, I wait quietly and start to write what comes to me mind

 Q/ Your wife produces transmissions with you?

 A / My wife is very suspicious, she prefers not to be deceived, she says.  This can change suddenly.

 Q/ Do you transmit the voice of God to a group?
 A/ Only inside the forum

 Q/ If I trsnsmit for a group?
 A/ No. My effort is part of the forum.

 Q/ Do you trsnsmit  only within the Lightline's work on the forum?
 A/ Only in the forum

 Q/ How are you developing the voice of God?
 A/ It was my internal condition that held me back, today I feel I have entered into a stable and firm relationship, the truth is that I always wanted that and I asked GOD EXPRESSLY for it.

 Q/ How often do you stream?
 A/ I started every day, then every other day and today at any time, I am open, my fear is dying.

 Q/ Are you transmitting in Spanish only?
 A/ Yes.  I speak only Spanish.

 Q/ How does René talk to you about the Lightlines?
 A / He does it by motivating me to practice and showing the need for more receivers of the Voice of GOD.

 Q/ Are you looking for other Spanish speakers to learn how to transmit?
 A/ Yes, we support a group mostly for El Salvador, but open to all other countries, without barriers of any kind.

 Thank you for your motivation to help me.

 Sincerely: Evelio Rivasl

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Re: "GAIA"
« Reply #4 on: May 25, 2023, 10:28:26 am »
Evelio Rivas,  I address you directly.  My remarks are as follows:

I am asking Rene Duran to ask you to transmit on his Lightline, as he is the host of your Lightline on Sunday.

Rene:  Do you mind if Evelio takes some of your time to transmit with that voice when Evelio is ready to connect with he Voice of God, and transmits the Voice of God in your Lightline work? 

If you do not mind and Evelio is agreeable to it, ask Evelio to transmit a message on your Lightline in any language he prefers which I believe is the Spanish language.  Please do this so we can get more done on these Lightline schedules and to help you Rene gather the people around you you deserve them to hear these messages in their own language.   I am not forcing this.  Evelio will you transmit if Rene gives you the place to do it?  Rene do you mind giving up a piece of your time so Evelio can speak the Voice of God on your Lightline.  I am all for it and I think it is very helpful for Evelio to do this for all of us. 

Let me know please what you finally decide.  Thank you Evelio for your answers, and thank you Rene for helping us to understand better. 

Ron Besser
Located in Historic York, Pennsylvania

Online Rene A Duran

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Re: "GAIA"
« Reply #5 on: May 25, 2023, 11:54:49 am »
Hi Ron,
In fact We talked about that yesterday and I asked him to get ready for Sunday to receive the invitation during the Lightline and He agreed in all those terms to conduct a call and transmitir he getS his connection.
So he is willing to do it Ron.
I will talk to him again to let him know your wish for him to transmit in our Lightline.
Thank Ron and God the Father for his helping hand.


Online Rene A Duran

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Re: "GAIA"
« Reply #6 on: May 25, 2023, 12:01:16 pm »
To Ron:
This is René and just talk on phone to Evelio about your request for participating in the Lightline and He  agreed and thank you for your invitation.
