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Online SophiaVeronica

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Lightline Netherlands International
« on: March 04, 2024, 17:06:21 pm »

EVE (from Adam); JESUS and OCILLIAYA (Master Spirit 4)

and the MIDSOMERS who never forget to light the candles for Ron in the evening.

Here is the link to the tape: 

Online SonsofGod

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Re: Lightline Netherlands International
« Reply #1 on: March 05, 2024, 14:09:30 pm »
  • 030424 Audio Tape Lightline Netherlands International; host: Elise Sophia Veronica; other transmitter: Ron Besser
  • Subjects: the Missions are open again; Machiventa Melchizedek returned to work with us on Urantia, Magisterial Sons and Melchizedeks continue their Missions; Father is calling us to come to him and spoke about process and true values; Adam and Eve preparing to return with a staff of new teachers, and offer their help to us; Jesus has questions for us and teaching us; Ocilliaya spoke on getting involved in the Missions voluntarily, Machiventa Melchizedek through Ron Besser touched on important subjects for the future; Midsomers are offering their wonderful service to each of us;    
  • Speakers: Machiventa Melchizedek, Universal Father, Eve (of Adam and Eve), Jesus, Ocilliaya (Master Spirit 4), also spoke through Ron Besser Machiventa Melchizedek, and Midsomers
  • Transcriber: sonsofGod
  • Link To Tape: 
Hello, everyone. This is Lightline Netherlands international on Monday, the fourth of March 2024. I'm Elise, your host, and I welcome you all and thank you for being here. We have 13 callers, including me as a host.

I want to take a short moment to thank our Father for bringing us together once more. We ask you, Father, for your blessings for us and for the world. We pray for our world, for the thousands of people who have no home and live in fear and uncertainty that they may be protected, and that light may shine again over Urantia, Thank you, Father. We also ask for clear channel and a clear reception of your word. Well, let's see who is there today to lead us through this session.

Machiventa Melchizedek    
Hello, good day to all. This is Machiventa Melchizedek. I've been listening to your conversation with Steven Gitz, and we consider him a real good person to stick his nose into something we have no clue about, but he will learn. So let's see what happens.

Well, in the meantime, we are gathered here for your Lightline, Elise. We have heard some news on the Sunday Lightline, the Missions are open again. We all are adjusting ourselves and realign a little, allowing things to be a little different. Maybe that's not much, we just go and do our work. We are full of hope, and to tell you the truth we actually never gave up. We as the Melchizedeks, have gone through many trials and many things we have seen happening on different worlds, and we could help the world to solve their problems, to teach their people, and to make things every now and then a little better.

I myself, Machiventa Melchizedek, have returned to Urantia because I love this planet. I feel attached to it, to its people with their endless troubles and their warlike behavior, not to forget. But well, I also see many good things happening in little corners here and there, and in groups gathering together striving for a better world, a better life for their children and grandchildren, and I would really like to see this planet advance and take its first steps into the era of Light and Life.

We, the Melchizedeks, we have been guiding this planet from the beginning of its existence, and we are of course very familiar with all Michael’s wishes, which he likes to execute and make real for you. Your Creator Son, Michael of Nebadon. has done and does always everything for his universe, and he desires his children to go on into the next world, morontia, better prepared and accustomed to what you are to expect, and what is expected of you, the humans, from the inhabited worlds in Nebadon. And, of course, he is especially concerned for your system Satania, where love and brotherhood has fallen so far behind, and where truth is not something everyone strives for. Many do not even know God.

Well, let me stop this talking and I would like to lead you into the words of our Father, who is present here and wants to talk to all of you. And I stay back.

Thank you, Machiventa, thank you. And welcome to Father. Please, I would almost say take a seat, but please talk if you're ready.

Universal Father
Yes, this is the Universal Father. I speak to all of you here. I want you to know that I'm never gone, remember that. I am approachable and I want to be heard by all my children. I want you to keep up the good work and your good intentions for the benefit of your planet and for all of you, my children. I am your Universal Father. Remember the truth. Remember to search for the truth. Do you remember truth, beauty and goodness? Remember your Father. And although it seems that now and then you are thrown back on your own, that is not true. The truth is that I am Father, the Father of all. I'm always there to receive your prayers. I am with you. Remember I gave you a part of myself to be with you, to lead you where your path is laid out for you.

And for all of you my children, there is so much to experience besides this world of Urantia, where people, not all of them but many, do not seem to care or long to learn about their true heritage. They seem to be caught up in their own business not knowing anything about Father's business. Think of that. It's so easy. You're always doing the Father's business when you attend to others, to your brothers and sisters, whom you're giving your love and care. But you all have your own paths to walk. Everyone among you is different. You all walk a different path, you might meet each other again on one of those paths, but whatever way you go they all lead to me, to your Father. I will be with you on all those different paths that you are going to set your feet on. Many have done this before you and many will do it after you. But for all of you the purpose and the reward will be the same, to be received by me, your Universal Father

This is your Universal Father speaking to you, embracing you all. Keep in my love and do not forget truth, beauty and goodness for all ways in the universe of your Universal Father. Thank you, my children. I am returning this to you Elise, and there is someone waiting for you to speak.

Thank you, Father. Thank you so much. Well, I don't know who is waiting for us but please come forward.

Yes, good day and good evening. This is Adam and Eve.

Well, welcome Adam and Eve. Please go ahead.

Thank you, Elise. This is Eve. Adam is here too, but it is me, Eve, who is going to speak to you. We have not spoken for a while and the reason was not less interest on our part or on your part, but the changes that had to be made to adapt things and to make it working on the planet to be more inviting for the Magisterial Sons to continue with their Mission, as they seek to carry out what to do, and how to use the Magisterial Foundation and many other things you are not quite familiar with. We have been and I have been working in the background, and we could not step into a world that is too dangerous to approach, where there is no possibility to be heard or understood what we have to say. But Michael of Nebadon, your Creative Father, has made a change in the program which became necessary when many high officials in the universe became convinced that the insurrectionists would never voluntarily leave or stop their nuisance if it wouldn't be firmly imposed on them.

We, Adam and Eve, were told that they are being transferred to another place in the universe and forced to find something better to do. They have continued to disrupt our schedules and have kept us somewhat at a distance from Urantia. We do not know if they will be reeducated, but we have all seen the wrong way and how one can become disconnected from reality, making it very difficult to understand the truth. But eventually, everyone will learn that a universe without the laws and will of the Father does not exist. Father is both the Creator and Upholder of all that is, and that can be a hard lesson to learn for some.

We Adam and Eve hope that this will be the beginning of a better time to reach out to you and work, since the Missions have restarted and will soon become more clear when the Magisterial Sons will make their entrance into your world to begin their long-awaited Missions for Urantia. And that will be a sign for us to prepare for our departure and get ready for our new arrival on your planet. We have an expanded staff of teachers who are very eager to make themselves known to you and to begin their educational work for many in the future.

In these last months, you have all experienced a little of what it takes to begin a Mission on a world in darkness, and how many efforts from the heavenly side have been in vain and had to be withdrawn. At this moment, we need a little time to adjust and to re instruct ourselves for such a huge undertaking as these Missions on Urantia, which will involve much more than you can imagine. You have witnessed the difficulties and the attacks. And what you have heard or seen is only a small part of what has been going on in the universe, but now, steps can be taken to get assistance from the other side, and we pray that this will continue.

We will be working also with the Melchizedeks. The Melchizedeks have never left the planet and are working hard to find ways to reach those of your people who are making decisions. You know that they are stationed on many places and are trying to see to it that things do not get out of hand and lead to disastrous events. Almost an impossible task when we look at what is brewing in the minds of your, or some of your leaders.

We, Adam and I, suspect that we will be on this planet when the Missions are in full swing, and the Magisterial Foundation is a place where everyone can go for information and to get acquainted with the divine work that will become present and visible to you. You will hear many more speakers from the other side speaking to you in times to come, as new circuits will open up for those who want to be part of the works that will take place here. There are many of you on this world, and we need many to be strong and persistent to become an example to those who cannot hear us, for them who are deprived of the communication that you are so fortunate to receive. And of course, everybody has the right to live a dignified and peaceful life, including Urantia, a planet for which all necessities had been provided but which is corrupted to the core. And in many respects abused to such an extent that it is almost impossible for your children to grow up in a normal and healthy way, and to develop into a better human race destined for future evolution.

We, Adam and Eve, wants you to know that we're here for you, you can always ask for a transmission, we will be glad to come, and know that you are not alone. There are always people who can help with your difficulties that need to be overcome, and to ways that need to be adapted. We are here to help to find better ways, better methods to learn, to care for the people, and its habitats. And once again, stay the course and it's never easy. We ask again for your patience, your cooperation, your willingness to serve, and to be a part of what needs to be done for Urantia. And we thank you. This is Adam and Eve, and we take our leave. Thank you for listening.

Thank you, Adam and Eve, thank you for coming and speaking to us. Okay, this is Elise. Let me look at the dashboard and see if it's still … oh, it's up to 16. Well, welcome all those who came in later. I am going to see if there is more for us tonight, or today for you. Is there anyone else who would like to speak to us?

Hello, yes, this is Jesus.

Welcome, Jesus. Please speak if you wish.

Yes, this is Jesus. What can you say when you wake up and look at the world? What has changed? How is it different from yesterday? People get more frustrated as wars continue, and as countries suffer from lack of everything and even food, no homes, no expectation that the end is near. I'm just giving you an example of a few countries you know, but there are many other places you do not have images of, and where the situation is the same, where the circumstances are just as bad.

In the midst of all this what do you think I should do? What do I, Jesus, do? Do people expect me to perform miracles or make everything new again? I could not and I would not want to do that. Because when I leave everything would start again in no time, and people would not have learned their lessons. The lessons of life, which means living together and seeing each other as your neighbor, as family members who share, who care about each other. Who help each other. Not because they have to, but because they feel the love as family members for each other.

Oh yes, I know it's much easier to love those you grow up with but take a look at families around you. Do they live in peace with each other? It's sometimes difficult to get alone. Where then is that sense of compassion? Some of you decide not to see each other any longer and you break up. What kind of peace is that? Is that peace of the heart, peace of mind? You say, no not at all, and I agree.

Peace, my dear ones has to come from within. It comes from the heart. It will be felt fully. It encourages people to work with and for each other, and to stay at peace. Which means doing for each other what you wish for yourself. That is something completely forgotten. But it's always still the most important thing to raise your children with. Do for others what you like to do for yourselves without regret, with love, even passion for yourselves and for the other. And there's nothing, really nothing that makes a person feel batter by, and more satisfied, than the feeling of love for one another. The feeling that you give to make another happy. To help someone in the difficulties of life. Doing good to others not only makes you feel good, but makes your heart swell with love and satisfaction, and it makes your soul grow.

Well, this is something that humans seem to learn through experience. And it will be learned through the trials that humanity goes through. It's true, when more than half of the world's population is living in misery, the world will have to change. Because it is no longer able to care for so many sick physically and mentally ill then your population cannot live a dignified and decent life, and will go down to its own demise.

Demise? Demise I hear.

I am Jesus. These are harsh words, but they are true. And a way must be found for different solutions. The Missions are open. We are all happy and we'll see what it brings. The Melchizedeks are still working hard among your people to find an opening and bring about changes in agencies and companies to run their business in a more honest way. The Melchizedeks are present in areas of your world where change is most needed. And remember, they are the Emergency Sons who come down and help where things seem almost impossible. But they are always almost successful in their ways of steering things into another direction.

I am Jesus. I'm with you. Pray that there will be success. Pray for the Father's blessing. Pray for a different world, for the world to be healed. Pray for the innocent. Pray for the soul of many who go astray. Pray for their return to Father, the one and only God. This is Jesus. I give you my peace and I leave you in my peace. May you be blessed.

Thank you, Jesus. Well, this is Elise, these are no hands up, no questions. I'm looking at the dashboard and I see. Let me see if there is someone else for us?

Ocilliaya, Master Spirit #4
This is Ocilliaya. I am Master Spirit number four from Superuniverse number four. I want to take this opportunity to reflect on the fact that changes have taken place. And even though it seems that there is not much progression, there are things starting and going on. That gives your world a new opportunity and more space to once again participate in the upward flow of development, and to be open to the renewals and refreshments that are being given to your planet.

Do you remember the New Universe Age decreed by the Father several years ago that became necessary, because of the chaotic condition that the supreme had created, which made it necessary for the Father to provide his universe with new structures. All of this is still taking place and some of it will take a great deal of time, because it involves years of adjustment at thousands of levels in the universe. But many adjustments or changes have already taken place or are at work in a universe that is beginning to adapt to new structure, a new structure of governance. of divisions and changes, about which you have been regularly informed. But, this time just a day ago your Creator Father, Michael of Nebadon, wished to make a new opening, a refreshed start, and he wishes it to begin immediately. You have all been informed. And this new approach is not going to take ages. It has already started and as you have heard, the Divine Son will be visible on your planet shortly.

We see a lot of ways opening for those who have the intention to be with Michael, and to set themselves to the work with Michael of Nebadon in whatever way you can. You do not have to get a job offer, you can do it in your own environment. Look around and try to feel the changes, and if you don't make your changes or can make a change, ask for it and pray for it. The whole universe is linked to everything else. Whatever progress you make on your world Urantia is felt by other worlds, in other universes also. Every attempt you make for piece in your environment is felt by others.

I am a Ocilliaya. I just wanted to come here to speak some words. I'm going to retreat and I give this back to you, Elise. Thank you for listening to my words.

Thank you, Ocilliaya. Thank you. Give me just a minute to see if there's anyone else here. No. Let me look at my dashboard and I see that, oh, there are 17 callers, and Ron is here. Ron, I'm going to ask you, I'm going to unmute you and ask you if you have anything for us.

Ron Besser
Thank you, Elise.

I hope you have a voice.

Machiventa Melchizedek  
This is Machiventa Melchizedek. I am speaking through Ron, who has a husky voice due to the changes in the mouth that is being made by an overture, by the Uversa Administration to maintain his ability to transmit, and to also obtain a slightly deeper voice. For that particular reason, let us obtain a certain amount of information that might be helpful to all of you.

Number one, I am Machiventa Melchizedek. Ron has been fighting extradition to the mansion worlds now for two days. Don't worry about it. He is not worried about it, but what it takes is a revision within the body system itself. That makes him tired, sleepy, and sometimes just not very bright. For that particular reason, he has been very careful not to do a lot of serious posting. However, this morning, he decided to write a bulletin to the Board of Directors of the Magisterial Foundation. The resulting dictation is really great to read. However, Michael of Nebadon requested not to send it. So we have not bothered sending it.

And for your final information, let us conclude this. Elise, you are about to go on vacation. Ron isn't quite sure when you're going to do it, but it's to Spain. And there you will enjoy a few weeks of relaxation. In the meantime, the Magisterial Foundation must be counseled. No more Lightlines, at least until you return. Except for the Sunday Lightline that Ron will always hold, for me in particular.

And for reasons that I do not exactly describe, we are about to ensure Ron's life that whatever happens, there will be a Ron around for some considerable time. Ron says,

Ron Besser
Well, I hope so, and that I might feel better.

Machiventa Melchizedek  
And you will, Ron. Thank you.

And finally, this. Since this is just a piece of information, we are not going to particularly worry about it right now, but in the future, we will have a big talk about it. And that is the idea of poverty. Ron was dictated to this morning by an evangel. He didn't know who dictated it, but it was on poverty, and it is really terrible to read.

For reasons of state Ron has asked not to post it until there is a reasonable amount of time that has passed, and so that we know if this is something we need to post and address. For the most part, Ron considers it the work of the cabal. Not that it's bad, but that it is not directly associated with the Missions.

We are announcing that, for example, in El Salvador there are 30 million people, and most of them do not have a waste disposal plant to process waste. As a result, the countryside is beginning to fill up with burials of human waste, and that it is beginning to leach into the groundwater. And that is going to cause a serious outbreak of cholera. That's just one example. I have nothing further to say, Ron.

Ron Besser
All right, I got a flash. That's all.

Machiventa Melchizedek  
Thank you. You did indeed.

Ron Besser
And I'm letting it alone. Well, I don't mind, and thank you.

Machiventa Melchizedek  
Thank you, Ron. And finally, this. The truth of the matter is Ron, your head is as sharp as ever. Your need for sleep (is) continuous, and the need to keep warm is vital. You've been doing it by wrapping yourself in a big robe and putting blankets around you. That is scheduled to end in about a week.

Ron Besser
Yes, Machiventa. There is nothing more miserable than being chilled and cold all the time. Except maybe hunger.

Machiventa Melchizedek  
And for reasons of state, you Ron, are one of the few that knows how to be addictive to the … a…

Ron Besser
Yeah, they're fooling around with memory, Machiventa. And its to the blanket that you plug in. If it weren't for that, I don't think I get through the night.

Machiventa Melchizedek  
Thank you. That's what I wanted to know, Ron. Thank you.
And now this. Elise, you are soon going on vacation. Please announce then when you are not holding Lightlines, but wait for it for me to give it back to you.

And finally this to you, Ron. Your Sunday Lightlines are carefully monitored by a group of people not in El Salvador, but in Canada and other places on Urantia you would not expect. There is a neighbor you know quite well who hears the Lightlines, and wonders why he's connected.

Ron Besser
I do not know which neighbor it is. But thank you neighbor.

Machiventa Melchizedek  
And finally this. The entire matter over the entire Mission supposition is this. Michael intends a Mission. The discussion forum has dropped off considerably. Ron doesn't mind but is reminded that sensational news is not our intention, and we will not use it. But it cannot happen (to) be anything but sensational with this announcement. The following makers are now available to be heard.

We are the … we aren't really named in the Urantia Book. And now I have to sit here and make up a name. Let us call ourselves Midsomers or Midsomer! M I D S O M E R. We write and light the candles on Ron's mantle every night at 8:30. On go the candles. They have one battery in them, and they are very much looking like wax. They are a very comfortable addition. And Ron loves to see them come on.

I want to announce this. Anybody of you who gets some candles and that is the electrical type that has no wires, but a battery inside, put it somewhere you can see them. And every evening we will establish a schedule when it gets dark. We will light your candle that is to show you we are here, we keep your company, we are ready to be seen when we can. Remember, get yourself a candle with a battery in it. Ron's candles turn off. That's automatically inside them. Get a candle that doesn't light unless you turn them on. We will turn them on.

And finally this. Call us the Midsomers, M I D S O M E R S, not a double M. Ron knows us almost like the Midwayers. We are very similar to the Midwayers, but we originate on a planet that is not human.

Machiventa Melchizedek  
They look human, but they're not. And this Ron, you're not going to get your hands on them.

Ron Besser

Machiventa Melchizedek  
Yes, Ron. The truth of the matter is, no one is caring for you very much these days. But your time is coming. Nobody knows what you've done. Nobody will know until the Midsomers are in action. And for now dear Elise, we are turning this back to you, and thank you for the time. Back to you. Bye bye.

Thank you, Ron, and thank you, Midsomers for, well, for the idea of lighting our candles and I will certainly do that. I guess we all want to do that and have our candles lit at a certain time. Beautiful. Thank you so much.

Well, thank you, Ron, and thank you, Machiventa Melchizedek, and everyone else who has spoken on this Lightline. The Universal Father and Eve with Adam next to her. We'd like to thank Jesus, of course, and Ocilliaya, and I also want to say that I'm going on a short vacation. I am waited especially for after this Llightline and I will be away tomorrow, but I will return before the weekend to be back for the Lightlines on Sunday and Monday, the coming Sunday and Monday. I'm only away for a couple of days. So, I don't think I have to post it on the forum, because it doesn't get in the way of anything, and we are not missing, I'm not missing one Lightline.

Okay, this is the end of our Lightline, and I thank all my listeners for being here with us. And it has been a pleasure for me to do this again. I thank everyone, and as I just told you, I will be there next week on Monday as usual, at the same time. So till then, goodbye and have a good day for whatever is left of it. Thank you.

« Last Edit: March 05, 2024, 14:13:54 pm by SonsofGod »
"See what great love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called the sons of God!" 
"For in him we live, and move, and have our being;"