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Online SongatSunrise

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Pleiadeans and Transmitting
« on: February 17, 2024, 17:20:08 pm »

Good morning all!


Thank you Father! and Michael! Thank you Albert Einstein for the clarification of Quarks and for the explanation about the star in the constellation Cassiopeia.

Hello Pleiadeans.

A quote I saw on Thursday: "Be the driver of change"

It saw this on a poster in a waiting room while I was waiting for my car to be fixed.
Is there something you would like to say about that?

The Pleiadeans:
The post today from Rene inspires us with joy to know there will be more of you starting to attempt to transmit.
It is scary to some to allow your thoughts to be guided, in so much as that you will continue the thought by typing it down. We look forward to working with many new folks who want to have celestial guidance in their lives, and are willing to take a risk. It looks to us that there is no spiritual leader on your planet that is universal in appeal. Everyone is going after their own ways. They don't know what is right or wrong, so they just "play it by ear" as you sometimes say. That is why it is important to recognize spiritual guidance in your lives, because there is no clergy, no "ministers", no priests, or holy men or gurus to teach us. The teachings are now coming from the very source: The Father Himself.
The Thought Adjusters are the very first ones to contact; and to be comfortable with them is crucial.

Transmitting is exactly that: "playing it by ear". You hear a melody, and put into some kind of construct. Play some chords on a piano or guitar. Try to repeat it in some way. Try to flesh out that fleeting snatch of a melody. Typing words works the same way. This is how music composers compose!
You are all musicians in that way! When you hear a guiding thought, and recognize it as such, you try to catch it, as though with a butterfly net.
When you play a song by ear, don't be afraid of making a mistake. It takes practice, and you become more sure of how things go together. That is how higher guidance works. It is sensible. And loving. It may tell you something you may never would have thought of.

Ron is offering some transmitting light lines coming up Thursday February 22nd and 29th, and March 7th at 2:00 York time.

The important thing is be still, be patient. And thankful.
We look forward to working with many more of you.

Thank you Pleiadeans!



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Re: Pleiadeans and Transmitting
« Reply #1 on: May 08, 2024, 20:46:17 pm »
I saw some Youtube videos about the pleiadeans and acturians, lots of people transmitting about them here in Brazil and famous Brazilian Podcasts. I heard that the pleiadeans has mother ships with healing chambers. I tried to reach them but no sucess... What should I do?