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Online SophiaVeronica

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Lightline Netherlands International
« on: May 20, 2024, 15:24:59 pm »
This is Lightline Netherlands International for Monday, May 20, 2024
with your host Elise

We thank all of the Celestial Speakers who found the time to address the listeners during this call.
They were: Machiventa Melchizedek, the Universal Father and the Pleiadians

Machiventa Melchizedek also spoke through Ron, as did Monjoronson with Serara

Link to the tape: 

Online SonsofGod

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Re: Lightline Netherlands International
« Reply #1 on: May 21, 2024, 11:06:21 am »
  • 052024 Lightline Netherlands International; host: Elise Sophia Veronica, other transmitter: Ron Besser
  • Subjects: No missions as planned; Magisterial Sons do their work on Urantia first; lectures and lessons taught by Monjoronson in the book "Global Sustainability and Planetary Management"; expect sudden changes globally; human life on other planets in our solar system; Jesus will return when people are ready for him; Dominick will take over (until) Ron will feel better in weeks; WTP will be built, a gift to humanity; offer of collaboration; slightly bow before high authorities;    
  • Speakers: Machiventa Melchizedek, Pleiadians, Universal Father, Michael of Nebadon, Monjoronson, and Serara
  • Transcriber: sonsofGod
  • Link to tape:

Hello to all. This is Lightline Netherlands International for Monday, May 20th, 2024. And I'm Elise Sophia Veronica, your host, and I welcome you all. I was asked to hold the Lightline this Monday, and of course I'm here, and we hope to hear from spirit and see if there is anything to say about the situation in the world, or maybe in spirit.

Let's give thanks to our Heavenly Father for this meeting and pray that we may receive some words from our heavenly helpers. We pray for those who have to struggle to survive under very bad conditions of war and disaster, and for all the parents who are unable to offer their children's safety. And we pray for an end to violence and senseless killing, at these the world deprived of what was so perfectly prepared by spirit. We ask also today for a clear channel without interference, and we thank You Father for being together here. Amen

I'm asking if there is someone who would like to address this group today.

Machiventa Melchizedek  
Greetings. Greetings to all, this is Machiventa Melchizedek. I have some words that I want to say about these confusions that occur sometimes with the Lightlines, and to what need or can be done about them, as they are functioning now as your only source of news from spirit. And it is a chance to get updated by your transmitters who are not always receiving much, and are kept at the side one moment, and called upon the next moment. And that makes it confusing to all here on the forum, but you can be assured that we do not blame anyone of you who is not attending such an unexpected Lightline, ever. Although we do appreciate the alertness of those who keep up (with) these unexpected situations, and we know almost all of you do. You want to be present at every single moment and action in all situations. We are aware of that.

But people, there is so much to take into account, because every action we take will affect the entire planet. A planet with so many different geographical spaces and places, and all it's people with their differences in cultures and beliefs. Every action we take affects other planets and systems. For as you know everything is interconnected, and all decisions have consequences, and affect other planets in your local universe, as you are all aware of.

I am Machiventa Melchizedek. I can assure you that we, the Melchizedeks, are always available and are concerned about Urantia, and the things that should take place, the things you have heard about. We do understand your feelings of frustration, or your impatience with the ever shifting and changing announcements. And we would like to be more consistent about these things, but that is not always possible, because so many things in spirits can happen rather quickly and unexpectedly, and mostly must be attended to immediately.

And also, we cannot always be completely as open as we would like. Remember that most missions on the planet take place without knowing, in silence, and people are never notified. We do these missions as they should be done. We leave again, and many worlds have no idea that we came to visit to carry out a mission, but of course we did. And only the records need to be completed and be in order as soon as the ground mission is completed.

Yes, the whole creation is actually one big undertaking. It is an ever busy and lively affair of the Father's creation, in which we all have our part in our specific assignments. And so it is at this particular time on your world. There is not much to say here. And that is not out of secrecy, but very much is beyond your understanding at the moment, which is quite normal. And very soon, we will give you more information when we hope to get the Lightlines back on track, as soon as the planet is completely cleansed of all those who continue to get in the way of the normal procedures of transmitting. And those who are willing to be in a regular schedule to hear the words sent by spirit, and to give you updates, and the latest news that will continually play a major role in both, your spiritual and material life at this time, and much later in times to come as you move on into missions.

And further yet, after you leave this world and move to other worlds that are specifically designed to explore topics by way of new teaching methods in science, cosmology, et cetera, and most importantly the deep inner religious experience with your Creator. Little by little you will learn to understand the things of God. God in collaboration with his divine coworkers, beings of deity origin, and you will learn a deeper truth so fully that you shall need moments of rest to let everything sink in and reflect upon.

I am Machiventa Melchizedek well known by you through my incarnation on Urantia, and through what has been told about my times with Abraham and his place in the history of your planet. I am telling you all this because your place right now is on Urantia, where you need to learn and experience everything from the bottom up, as we follow you in your learning processes through your planetary existence.

I am Machiventa. And I know I can tell you that the Magisterial Sons will come, and they will carry out their mission. Urantia needs one badly and so do other planets in need. There are several Magisterial Sons working together with Monjoronson, Serara, and Rayson, to ensure that everything will be carried out. And that all of these planets will benefit from what they bring and what can be done for humanity, for their lives, for their governments, and the many other issues that need to be addressed.

The presence of so many Magisterial Sons is almost unheard of on a planet that's given a mission, but the Father is taking care of it, and he has decided that it should be done this way. And he has asked the Magisterial Sons to do their work in great detail and prepare everything in cooperation with one another. The Magisterial Sons will use the Magisterial Foundation, because they have always greatly appreciated all the material work that Ron Besser has prepared for them. So that if necessary, they can use any worldly institution or agent agency for what they want to achieve on a material planet. And this is something that has never happened before in the universe.

All Magisterial Sons are well prepared for whatever they encountered. They know the customs and ways of life on this planet, which they have studied long before all this was made possible. They have had many experiences with your planet, they are very knowledgeable about life and about the people on Urantia, and for that matter, other inhabited planets as well.

Some have been very lucky, because many students on this Earth have had the opportunity to experience the lectures and lessons taught by Monjoronson. They have had an opportunity to ask questions about his lectures, which can be found in a compilation of lessons and answers in a book called Global Sustainability and Planetary Management’, which describes a future for humanity as seen through heavenly eyes, and it is transmitted by Daniel rough rail in 2007.

I, Machiventa, would very much like to advance the listeners here, and many other interested people, to read this very well done and comprehensive work for your own insight, and to learn more about the intention and presence of the Magisterial Sons who are coming to your planet. All topics covered are meaningful and very useful in introducing you to the work of Monjoronson and his associates. And they teach the reader about a co-creative effort to heal your planet, and to work towards a sustainable world in an era of transition in building that responsible governance and social sustenance and raising your children in love and harmony and then lasting unity with the entire universe, which provides a pattern for all of this, and much, much more.

These are the most important facts that every planetary citizen should be made aware of, because these are the necessary changes that in the future will interest more and more people and open them up to the ideas of new forms at all levels of society that require change. As it was also touched on by Serara in the book ‘The Crown, the Tomb and the Coronation is some democratic vaults of sufficient care to learn from.

We think that every sensible person on this planet should strive for a better means and goals to save the planet, which will ultimately be achieved many years from now, and which will lead Urantia to a better future for all your generations to come. Try to be aware always of what may come. We are not able to give you dates, but preparations have been underway long enough to suddenly begin on a grand scale all over the world for all of those who have interest and the intellect to work and help the Magisterial Sons to achieve this perfectly outlined project and prospect that is so crucial to this planet, and so carefully defined in all its details.

I am Machiventa. I am your counselor, your teacher, your manager for many things, and for anyone who would like to get advice or help to become more involved and be prepared for the times ahead, when this world will rapidly change before your eyes, and when the days of spirit will be visible and workable on all continents of your world. Keep up the good work, dear listeners. Stay together, keep your faith, and stand the course. I step back now, and I will give this back to your transmitter, Elise. This is Machiventa, and I leave. Thank you, and good day.

Thank you Machiventa. Let's see if there's another speaker there is for us. I’ll also have a look at the dashboard. We are now together with 16, and well, we didn't welc…  did we welcome? Well, George Mayer is there, Roger Raz is there, and Rene Duran, and some internet callers 2788, 9886, and 5233. You're all very welcome and thank you for attending.

I'll be waiting to see if there is anyone else who would like to speak to us.

Good day and good evening to all of you, who are hearing us through your means of communication. We are the Pleiadians, and we're happy to be here and to speak some words.
We do live far away, but not so far that we cannot communicate. We have many representatives all over the universe as advisors. And that includes your solar system.

Your scientists do have a good overview of your solar system, but not even half of what the system contains and what they might find and encounter on planets orbiting your sun. We know as Pleiadians that many planets would be of great interest to them, and not only to your scientists, but also to your entire population. No, you are not the only living human beings In that solar system. There are others like you, who live on a planet without oxygen, or in the waters, and even inside the planet. They live their lives as you do

Excuse me. (clearing throat)

in different forms and cultures, just with as many problems and difficulties to find and solve their planetary problems, and more importantly, to find God.

Remember that the purpose of every creature created with mind is entitled to find the Creator, and that God works through them all just as he does through a human being on this planet Urantia. All planets have their history of primitive tribes growing into small or larger civilized groups, and nations. All with the opportunities that the planet offers them in the special geographical circumstances they face, which are often very difficult to overcome or to find solutions for. And that's just like here with you requires a lot of their technology and time to invent the right things to protect themselves against these sometimes very unusual conditions, of let's call it weather, or other atmospheric layers, or the lack thereof.

So, each planet has its own specific characteristics and conditions, and each planet offers humans the opportunity to make a living. But it is up to the human races that inhabit such a planet, to find ways to survive and create a world that is being maintained in all respects sufficiently, to be ready for the first ages have a period in Life and Light. But as yet, none of the planets in your solar system have reached that stage.

But Michael himself, as Jesus has come to earth, to Urantia, for them all in his final bestowal, and all planets will benefit from his works and his blessings. Wherever he does that work, it will be done for the entire population of his local universe. The universe of Nebadon, of which Michael is the rightful Sovereign Creator and ruler.

We are the Pleiadians, and we belong to another solar system. A long time ago we have travelled for centuries through this universe, and we learned a lot about various other planets and their inhabitants, which you will learn and meet when the time comes. We are no longer traveling, and we help planets and their people in a different mode, in a more spiritual way, but we are always ready to help you in any way possible. We are your brothers and sisters, and you can always rely on us. We love to be here and to greet you, and to say some words to those who are here gathered. We leave you again, we greet you, and we wish you a very good day. Thank you for listening, thank you for receiving us.

Thank you, Pleiadians. That was a surprise, thank you so much.
Well, just wait a minute.

Universal Father
This is the Universal Father. Hello my children. I want to speak to this group of attentive listeners, and you're always full of hope for better times and news to follow. I am your Universal Father, and you have just listened to some words from the Pleiadians about your solar system. You have also heard some very important and necessary words from Machiventa Melchizedek, who has explained to you in a simple way the difficulties that you and we are faced with in this world, and the gang of insurrectionists that is constantly attacking your lives and your normal procedures that run your economies and social abilities. I am fully aware of the problems and are kept up to date by several of my best advisors, of which your Creators Son, Michael of Nebadon, is one.

Michael knows the serious problems of your world, and he has done and still does all the time in all his power to keep the planet safe and healthy. But his work has become so heavy and difficult that we had to take a break and postpone the many things that had already been approved of. Even Jesus had to leave the planet again, and let the people find solutions before he will return and announce his Second Return again. That is how bad and disturbing the situation is. And that is why you get less information, and the word for the Missions seems to have stopped, but that is not the case. The Missions go, and they will continue in a different way until the world is completely ready to receive its mission for all to see and experience.
The Magisterial Sons have taken it upon themselves what they can offer, and they are willing and prepared to go ahead without being noticed at all. But over time you will hear from them, and Ron Besser we'll be the first to know and to announce when that time has arrived, if he is still alive. And that is another difficult thing to take care of with a body so used up, and many times injured by those who have been called back or sent to prison. Or even had to be taken away fully after some very undesirable deeds against created life, not only on your planet, but in the universes as well.

I am your Universal Father, and I thank Machiventa and Elise for this report. More will undoubtedly be coming your way, and you should feel assured that spirit is watching over you and over your planet. You are never alone in your struggle against those who will have to learn the hard way. Go in peace and think of me, your Father on Paradise. I am leaving. Good day. And if you wish Elise, you may turn this over to Ron if he is available and would like to transmit some last words. Thank you, Elise. This is Father, good day to all.

Thank you, Father. Thank you for coming to us. Thank you for your words.
Well, what’s the time? Oh, we still have 15 minutes to go. I think I will do what I am advised to do, and I'll go to you, Ron. I am unmuting you and asking you if you will, if you're available, if you are up to transmitting or anything you would like to say on this Lightline.

Ron Besser
I am available, I think. Let's see what we have.

Machiventa Melchizedek
This is Machiventa Melchizedek, and thank you, Ron. You're sitting all blurred, you have a headache, yada yada yada . That is not typical of a person who has taken on so much for us, and is about to leave, if we are not careful. For reasons of state, we wish to say this everyone! That's all of you and all on the planet. Please listen!

I am Machiventa Melchizedek, and I say this to all of you. The reason that we are having a Lightline today at all is because Ron insisted that it be heard by everyone. For that reason, I made it sure that I would attend and that the microphones were opened. When Ron goes, which may be very soon, he has insisted that Dominick take it over in his place, and Dominick will. Dominick will have the full power of Machiventa Melchizedek when Ron leaves, if he leaves.

The truth of the matter is that Ron has done something for the missions no one has ever done on any planet that we know about. He has made it available as a weekly schedule, and that weekly schedule is populated with at least five transmitters. We have never had this done before. We love it. It gives us an amazing opportunity to spread the good word and see to it that a lot of information becomes available to people who'd like that information.

Now, finally to you Ron. Your day has opened up very poorly. You can barely keep going., yet you made sure that you could listen to the Lightline. They are very important to you, and frankly, now to us.

I am Machiventa Melchizedek I want you to know the following. There is no Mission anymore, that is gone. Michael of Nebadon has decided that the planet is too warlike and too miserable in its approach to the divine word.

We are going to say this to you Ron. Your electric plant is going to be built. Remember us through the miracle of that electric plan. It will change preparticle theory and you will be remembered for … (laughing) for various reason, and he laughs because he doesn't want to be removed by death. And we are confirming that he will be removed, but this. He is the only one on Urantia even to say to us, the patent is yours, Melchizedeks. Use it well, and we will perform as you choose. Well, we choose the following:

1. The electric plan that you propose, Ron, is far too important to let it lie. You will suddenly have an offer to put it into effect.
2. You will live long enough to see it built and operational. That shocks you. Why?

Ron Besser
Well, today Machiventa, I'm almost blind. The left eye hurts and I am weak. I enjoy listening to the Lightline by Elise. She is so ordered and intelligent that it makes it a real privilege. I also hope to hear more about Michael, and you, Machiventa, what is transpiring now that we have no mission, which greatly saddens me. But I'm so disgusted with what has been done in the last two or three months that I understand perfectly well. You don't want to touch into this world. I thank you for allowing me to speak, Machiventa. Go ahead, please.

Machiventa Melchizedek
Thank you, Ron. I want you all to know that Ron is the first person I have ever run into that can undo me, for the simple reason, his speech is so unexpected. Dominick, when your time comes to step into the role that Ron has, may you be as viable in your speech as Ron is. It's so helpful.

Transcriber: The next speaker was unidentified, who will be speaking to Machiventa and the Melchizedeks  in one sentence.

Unidentified Speaker, assumably Michael of Nebadon
Now this for everyone listening. The entire region around New York, Pennsylvania is this. We have sequestered about 1000 Supernaphim to leave the area. They are truly the cabal and Ron is so sickened by what they have done overnight that he's barely able to speak. But he can speak well enough to say this. The cabal is never favored by me, Ron. But I will see to it that if they are compatible with what has to be done for building the power plant and other things. I will see to it that they are included in the masterminding of these projects. I will rely upon Machiventa, Manituba, and perhaps the Planetary Prince to see to it that we are able to do it in a friendly way. But so help me! You fool what you've been pulling over the last two or three years, and I will be very angry. I look forward to our compatible work together and will restrain from complaint. Thank you, Seraphim, for listening and the rest of the cabal.

And further to you, Machiventa. I bow and salute you, and the other Melchizedeks for staying the course. And what is a true rabble of humans I am sick of those who are transmitting today and giving no tip of the hat to others who can transmit and participate. I am convinced everyone that unless we do it together there is no mission. Now here is Monjoronson, who wishes to speak,

I am Monjoronson. Thank you, Ron. I want it to be known that you have adopted a policy that we love. When my name is announced, Ron bows, When Michael is announced, or other high authority, he gives a quick bow. It is so conducive to understanding between people, I would say to you Elise, when you know it's Michael, give a slight bow from your waist. That's all it takes. And Ron forgets sometimes because he's in and out so often. But do it all the time, Ron.

Ron Besser
(laughing) You want me to stand up right? Yeah? (hah)

That truth of the matter is … (he is laughing too) … understood that you could go crashing to the floor if you bow too much.

Ron Besser

Now this. This is Monjoronson, and here is Serara too.

Ron Besser
We welcome you.

Thank you. I am quite sure that Ron's foggy voice will be changed in a few weeks that are ahead of us. No, Ron, you aren't going over. You thought it was possible today. You couldn't even get out of bed at a regular time. Well, for the moment, you've got that problem. But in the week ahead, you will be fine again. And you can even go out and mow.

Ron Besser
I'm sure the grass would love that.

(laughing) Yes, yes. Yes, Ron. (keep laughing) This is Monjoronson. I have never met a transmitter that can do what you do, and that is to undermine my speech. Ladies and gentlemen, please understand, you are transmitting and listening to transmissions. Are there other planets that do it? Well, yes. Everyone, every planet 614 now in your planetary system, all will learn transmitting at some point. You have had to transmit surreptitiously and alone, because your world is full of the fake and the false. It will be cleared. But until it is cleared fully, we are not going to put you in competition with the fakers.

And now this to you Ron. You have reached the epitome of growth that is possible on a planet. You are fused three quarters with your mind. You have full communication not only within the Melchizedeks but with the gratuities of the Magisterial Sons, the Creator Son, the Trinity Teacher Sons, and above all the Father. For that reason, you're going over shortly to say hello. And then you're going to be forced back to Urantia and take up the flesh as you now have it.

You do not know what they mean that your body has been worn out. You think your body is perfectly fine and so do I, but the truth is that if you look from on high to the earth, you are worn to a frazzle. We're going to change that and make you viable for as long as the Creator Son wants you. I am now turning this back to you, Elise. Conclude your Lightline, and we'll listen to what you have to say. Go ahead Elise. Thank you.

Thank you. Thank you Monjoronson and Serara. I want to thank the other speakers. Well, Machiventa Melchizedek, of course, who is always here. I thank you so much. And the Universal Father of course. And we also have to thank the Pleiadians who passed by. Thank you too, and all the listeners for your attendance here on this Monday. Well, I hope to be back next Monday on your holiday, that's Memorial Day, but I will be there to hold my Lightline. So, I wish you a good day and a good evening for now, and I say Goodbye till next time. Bye bye

« Last Edit: May 21, 2024, 11:17:03 am by SonsofGod »
"See what great love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called the sons of God!" 
"For in him we live, and move, and have our being;"