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Online Ron Besser

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WTP and Other Situations affecting These Missions:

March 7, 2024:The Anniversary of Patent #11601013, Free Electricity

I never thought such a wonderful idea for this patent to exist at all has not received one iota of statement or thought over its appearance and its thought to produce a stream of power and no one even thinks it is worth talking about.  I am not crushed but I do question how this can happen to a perfectly good idea.

I see it is now on March 6th, one day less than one year since it was issued last year  in 2023.  Shortly it is March 7, 2024 and I must say I have never seen such a poor performance for any technology breakthrough this patent represents and how poorly it is sent to no one or thought about at all.  I am rather curious, and not angry, why this has taken place?  


You Ron got caught up in the pile of useless reasoning presently given over how to power Urantia, and now must pay the price to go for the higher bidder to resume any work either for it or the Magisterial Foundation.

I am shutting down all presentations of thought and care for URANTIA, and that is not a happy statement for you as you are fully determined that the Magisterial Foundation be presented for us as well.  I doubt there is anything left of the Melchizedek report they were ready and support the Magisterial Foundation to improve the posterity of the Urantia population.  

However, I have something of a problem with Urantia, right now.  It is too small to take all of this population.  Gaza is a good example.  The Gaza Strip is 41 kilometers (25 miles) long, from 6 to 12 km (3.7 to 7.5 mi) wide, and has a total area of 365 km2 (141 sq mi). With around 2 million Palestinians on approximately 365 km2 (141 sq mi) of land, Gaza has one of the world's highest population densities. **


I mention this mostly because the entire idea of power requires burning natural resources we are beginning to exhaust.  Coal is not a problem yet, and natural gas is plentiful always; however, if we presented free electricity, population densities like Gaza would not be a prolem very much due to the fact there is no expense to feed millions without causing the loss of any natural resources to produce all of that home and business electrical services.  I am also informed that the entire matter of Gaza city is worth about half of what it was six months ago, and that the financial loss according to sources is close to16 billion dollars.  That is not much in America, but it is a total fortune of the Palestinians without counting too hard to get to that number.

As a result there is little hope for the Palestinians any more.  The United States wants to see a two State solution, but in all honesty, a two state solution is a terrible thing to put into use.  Why would the Palestinians wish to have a common border with Israel ever again?  Personally I see it like oil and water for both of them as neither population is ever willing to compromise the God of Israel with the Mohammad Allah view that infidel are the Jews in so many rabbinical ways.

Free electricity is hardly useful for solutions but it does free the Palestinians to use natural resources without relying on the State of Israel and allows them, where ever they land, to live a comfortable power life usages.  Let me speak now to another situation you might like to know:

If we provided free electricity to the United States for a very low price (we estimate a year’s cost of free electricity is now about $235/year.  I am not so sure it can be done that cheaply, but it is close I am told by RAYSON, who helped so much to put the patent together with us here on earth.  Here is RAYSON to speak to it:

RAYSON, MAGISTERIAL SON - -  SN: 131521535741764213 -
“You all think Ron is kidding?  Not so.  The trial is the cost to build the plant, and Ron could harldy raise what we now think is $14 to $20 million dollars to build the pilot plant in York County, Pennsylvania.

“For that sum, we can elelctrify the Susquehanna Valley, which Ron lives in, in Pennsylvania and it extends to Scranton to the north, and to South Carolina to the South.  Its width would include the entrie State of Pennsylvania and its depth is a full six miles above the station into the Magnetosphere, and that Magnetosphere actually distributes it for us.  The electricity we send out off our tower at the free electricity plant is calm and cool and only when it hits the home antenna does it bite as natural electrical work.  

“For that reason, please understand we are not harping over this, but the United States as well as the rest of the world, is about to hit an economic crisis it has never seen before.

“We are sure there is no temperance in a few years to hold this world together with a decent financial system it now uses to plow money back into the economy very easily.  That is because the financial concerns you all have are bracketed over using the USD (the United States Dollar).  For that reason we are sincerely concerned over who is President, and we are also sure that President Biden is so old now he cannot easily maintain a schedule a President must maintain, and for reasons of State I am making no predictions about his death, but he is the same age as Ron is, and that makes all of this important to notice alone.      

“Look at what happens if Ron dies too soon: the WTP idea falters for months until it is recognized it is the leading patent in the world to produce a rejuvenation of the financial systems world wide as the high expense of oil and natural gas alone is prohibitive on a normal world.  Add, however, the cost of transport and so on, you end up using close to $1,000,000,000,000 (one trillion dollars), and really not have much to show for it because you burn the oil and there is nothing left but a hot stove after all of that whether that is a car engine or a Boeing 737 stretch airliner. I am not telling you anything new, but this stubborn reliance on a very poor science, and huge and intractable financial system based on the US Dollar, must collapse.  That does not mean it is a bad thing to use, but it has no elasticity and then strectches so hard it breaks.

“Most of you are Americans which read this discussion forum.

“Ron designed it to carry the truth of missions to be presented for the whole world, but realizes that the world is not all that interested.  Further it is recognized that the competing tags which go against the grain of this discussion forum, are likely lost old mission habitudes without any sense as to why the continue to produce transmissions, which do not address current affairs.  

“I have insisted that Ron always address current affairs, and for that reason he is about the only one on Urantia that has a fair picture of what is truly happening at the moment for plans to help Urantia, but for the spirit government to resume normal operations for millions of human planets that need some help too.  In any case the situation has become quite dire on SALVINGTON, the local universe capital, that we are using resources ourselves to keep it from collapsing on itself due to its size and manageability to carry little planets like your earth (Urantia) requires almost daily to stay operating as a useful human planet.

“For that reason then, look at it this way: you earthlings of Urantia, are nearly bankrupt with the spirit allegation that humans are worthy of raising.  Urantia in particular is working hard to d estroy what little evidence there is that there is a God, and that is by past events and purposes of spiritual input you do know about for sure.

“Lastly, we need to understand that people like Ron, are measurably tired of the fight and must fight to be up and at ‘em every day as soon as possible to maintain some idea of the prevalence of SPIRIT input.  For that reason then even this post becomes a record of good will in spite of the awful look you see of it daily, as many now consider this site to be irrelevant.   That is not true; however, age and death will trim back its input if Ron is removed too soon.  He knows the score and the past is his present at the moment, but soon there is a concerted effort to revive his place and means to be present on Urantia for good until the PATENT and WTP PLANT it builds are recovered for natural and original operations.

“I, RAYSON, a Magisterial Son, speak no further to just you, but to the occasional reader, who happens in and cannot make sense of all the services being rendered here for all of you to read and ponder.  I want it to be known that the matters at hand are far to small for you to see as a gigantic wheel of spirit development over you and the rest of this MASTER UNIVERSE, and for that reason, all of you are the poorer for its contents  un-assumed for too long.  Ron has labored over twenty years and cannot make sense of it yet as to why there is cold silence over so much of these developments.  Forty years ago, it would have bloomed.  Now most of our work, spiritual and inventions, lies dormant without a chance to be heard over the ruckus of war and greed beyond compare to other worlds similar to Urantia.

“We close this post to observer there is precious little left of Ron, his Board of Directors, to stomach the loss of care and particularly relief for those who should know better, but quit the search, and then only to learn the very thing they sought is still alive and prepared to stand tall to keep Urantia functioning well.  I AM RAYSON AND I WISH YOU A GOOD DAY. K”

Ron - Thank you very much Rayson.  We need more straight talk, but you and those who habituate our discussions for us and with us, remain together with all of us who appear always to stand with MICHAEL OF NEBADON, and the work which has to be accomplished on behalf of the entire planet.  I am also cheered by the fact the UNIVERSAL FATHER is apparently making amends for us to be heard in important quarters around the world now, and that we might have a chance to speak to our evolution as Physicist of extraordinary talent, since WTP is easy to do, but it is hard to figure out how to put it together.

I am Ron Besser, and it fell to me to put the free electricity patent together, and I am grateful to all contributors, high and low, to make it a workable patent which celebrates its first year birthday March 7th.  I do not doubt we have to make a modification or two to the patent.  For example, we have to add a large glass dome over the last generator producing pass through muons.  We learned after the patent was produce that gammarays are flooding our atmosphere at an unprecedented rate, and gammarays rust muons to use a strange way of saying it.  The class dome is about one hundred feet in diameter, about 16 (sixteen) feet deep, and has to be filled with ultraviolet light.  That light sheers of electrical properties in the gammaray itself and prevents them from harming the muon production below.  That and a few wiring changes too, but then we have no reason to relate all of this now.

Thank you all for reading along.

Ron Besser as Director and in this case, as inventor too with others on high to help.

Located in Historic York, Pennsylvania

Offline HelderPoeta

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I wonder why God just don't create gold to help finance the power plant? Would it be interfering on someone's free will? Would it make Ron and the missions in trouble in the Goverment's eye?

< - > Ron here Poeta -  I like your idea.  If you can get God to it, I'll buy into real fast.  Thanks.  R
« Last Edit: April 16, 2024, 13:29:24 pm by Ron Besser »

Offline HelderPoeta

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Ok, well here's the plan: in the city I live there's a man who buy gold. He's been distributing these flyers for many years, as far as I can remember. We can sell the gold to him and since he is not a government agency or something I think he wouldn't be asking to many questions. All money would go to the electricity project. Simple as that. Here's some argument for God approving this project:

1) Gold was used for many things, mostly selfish in human history. It is time to make it something useful for good. 
2) People would be more inclined to believe that we are using this money for something good because we are not asking people for money, as lots and lots of fake prophets are doing these days. 
3) Make gold shaped as a cross to simbolize it is holy gold.

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or better yet, you can find someone in your city that buys gold and sell it. 

Offline HelderPoeta

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Well, Ron, I heard some news about an asteroid with so much gold that make every single person on our planet rich if divided equally. Well, what about ask God, or a higher spirits, perhaps the Plaidians and Acturians to get some of the gold for you so you can make this Wireless Eletric Usine a reality. Not just for USA but for the whole world. 