Author Topic: Tues LL 6.4.24 Source & Force. Story, Perception, Legacy of Rebellion. Missions  (Read 4863 times)

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« Last Edit: June 06, 2024, 07:40:16 am by Dominick O »

Online Moses Ouko

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All right, welcome to Lightline Tuesday, everyone, and welcome Salvador, who just joined us. This is recording now, but what will hit the editing floor, so to speak, is intros like this, as I create a Lightline and publish it now to YouTube. And in that sense, we are generating more of a production change to keep up with the times that allow us to reach a wider audience and frankly do it easier as well. I welcome Pliktarious to the call. You've joined by Internet and you are welcome.
All right, we're recording. We have as far as transmission weather goes, the warning that transmissions are cloudy and that there is interference. Nonetheless, I have some programming for us today. And let's just start with a quick prayer. We pray to our Father. And we ask for truth and a clear channel of circuit and communication to receive your broadcasts. And that these are helpful individually and to us as a group of people. And that we wanna share whatever's good and truthful and beautiful to everyone. And that everyone's better off with that, Amen.
Okay, so housekeeping started with the announcement that those who are helping with say, transcriptions, you are now welcome to be reassigned in other production assignments if you wish. You can be taken off of transcription. Let the machines do that and we will live with the results that despite human help and working with machines is never quite perfect and is still quite time intensive. So, understand transcription is not perfect. It gives an inaccurate, in terms of 100% accuracy, render of the light line in written form. Most of you can live with that. And so, we thank you for your patience and just qualify the fact that transcriptions, whether they come through the captions on a video or someone who's taken the effort to utilize transcription software to provide you something to read, that that is not always 100% accurate. And there's always maybe a word here and there that's actually not the word that was said or that something is miscapitalized because the software didn't do it. And so on and so forth.
Welcome Gary to the call and you're on video. Gary joins us on video. None of, no one else has so far. And Gary, for your edification, you're looking at York weather out my window here at Dominick, so it's good to see you.

We've started recording, but we haven't quite received any transmission yet. And frankly, we may not today. But nonetheless, I received some programming, so we might have a different style of light line today in terms of who we get. Now, light lines are for those new you could think of them as a podcast. They are being rebranded and re-presented as a podcast because every Tuesday, at least here, this transmitter is utilizing the technology to make it a podcast. And will quickly have the ability to help the others train and produce what is light lines happening and occurring through different transmitters under the auspice of the Magisterial Foundation. That is not a monopoly over transmission, but an organization dedicated to missions that will enter the planet non-physically and physically. Every planet is destined to have physical manifestation of the divine directed by deity. Transmissions in the past have been cut off in planetary history. This is due to what is referred to as rebellion. It is the legacy of the planet and we will begin and end with that term legacy.
But today there is an interesting topic as we have the rebranding of Star Wars coming out. If anyone's followed that trajectory of how the stories, characters and arc of the overall lore of Star Wars has changed over time, you I could say that story and perception matter. So, if there was a theme today. It is this. May the source be with you.

Light lines are provided by source. Yes, there is a universal source. This is the Universal Father. In the arc of the Star Wars storyline, the evil forces, you could say, are the rebels. And what the new story is, is the perspective of the rebel. And the perspective of the rebel convinces you evil is in the eye of the beholder, it's subjective, and that their cause is good. So, understand that those of you who are new to spiritual matters, either in belief or more yet in the spiritual conflict that has gone on in planetary history, that two sides recognizing the creation of the sovereign of the universe, the creator of the universe, a Michael Son, a son from a destination called Paradise. And like your stories, this is outside in your understanding of time and space. Nonetheless, this Michael's son who represents this universal father, this universal source rules and creates in the Father. Thus did Jesus say, if you see me, you see the Father. Now, the rebels’ blasphemy. They say the source is your fiction, Michael and that there is no source, there is only force. The force of nature and the force of intelligence. And so, the story goes through the legacy of your planet. That's the gist of all story-telling in a nutshell.
The struggle between conveying the rebel forces as good and conflating and blurring the lines between who are even the rebels and who are the oppressors. But understand the source of that conflict is not the source of creation. It has a static timeline that occurred early in your planetary history. Story matters because it shapes your perception and your understanding of what truth is. You base your identity somewhat off of that. You base your concepts of freedom and that in turn colors your definition of everything you observe, you value, and you give meaning to. This is an aesthetic reality. But as a human, you struggle to navigate with a compass based off of what you can define as absolute and objective end source while you observe and experience relativity, subjectivity. And those things are forces. And what anchors you as a source. And you can even see this in the Star Wars arcs of old in that forces are what bend the human mind to good or bad. And that ultimately a character arc of redemption is based off of the source within that human. For example, Anakin Skywalker turned to the dark side and was redeemed by his son, Luke, who refused to acknowledge that his father completely turned to the dark side and appealed to the source within his father to win over the force of darkness.

And so, when these stories lead to your perception, your identity with truth and how you define values and meanings, ultimately colors your perception of what is good and what is beautiful and these light lines are sponsored by the source of that. And ultimately it teaches us to connect with that. So may the source be with you. And so now since we're hitting a different format these days and we don't seem to have anybody quite on the line, understand that in a normal light line, these are not scripted. So, the entertainment value is not that you're getting quality programming right off the gate, but that you're getting novel programming co-created and received by a human through spiritual circuits and that we ultimately are humans giving you this broadcast. And if we were to stray too much into current events or the morals of the day, you would quickly find out that we are human beings and not representatives of the divine, but that our transmitting aims to voice those who are, and remove ourselves as much as we can from the controversy of our human fallacies. We do and will touch current events more and more since these light lines are also with the goal of not just purveying and propagating existing revelation, but that it is potential based off of the human participation of both the transmitter and the audience that we are eligible for communication and revelation where wanted and frankly permitted. So, we're going to switch into current events a little bit with a little bit of governance and this may have come from Arthura, a combination of authors you could say.

And so, the example we're going to give, we're just going to launch into it, is human trafficking. Here in the United States, human trafficking is affecting the governance of the state, of the United States. It's affecting each individual state as those cities have an inundation of new arrivals seeking citizenship under the legality of political asylum. Now there is on face value the issue of the strain and quality, the strain that that puts on the existing apparatus and population, the apparatus of the state who is looked upon to resolve the burden for people on all sides. There's a struggle around that, that will touch … in a bit. And that is what's happening on the surface.  The double dip of harms of the human trafficking, if we assume that everyone coming across is worthy of entering via the border and seeking citizenship, but there's still a double dip that's not really being discussed, that is putting a strain on the state. And this is something that can be extrapolated to all conflicts across the planet, in that resources are being attacked. That is a large word on the spectrum. You could just define that as being destroyed without creating anything of added value. So, when it's under attack, it's destroying or siphoning away without adding value. And so, the double dip in human trafficking here is that people spend a lot of their resource to get to the border of the United States, and then they're being human trafficked, so illegally at that border to get in. So, what you have is even when the people arrive, they've been depleted, robbed of their resources, and now they're a burden on us who live in the state. This isn't fair to anyone. And from a policy perspective that's defined as a double dip. It's a hit. The triple dip, the third harm, is that not only is there a loss of resources to get here and then a burden on the host country to sustain these new arrivals, who frankly spent all their money to get here and they really didn't need to do that under ideal circumstances. But nonetheless, it's something to think about as citizens on both sides. And the triple dip is that still what gets in because of this resource war of attack are the drugs and crime equally.

And at a survival mode, this is a temptation then for any newly arrived group into the lands of a new country that you were tempted to go to the lowest common denominator of survival, which is usually something not within the state, but organized without it. And so, you have this precarious dynamic that should be talked about by its citizens.
And so now we'll go into a little bit more of a philosophy around this example which could be further related to the theme of today's light line, which is force compared to source. Force, and if you drew a line down the middle, we're just comparing things on the left to things on the right. Force on the left, source on the right. If you wanna visualize that. Related to the state. The state has regulation. Domestically it enforces laws with that regulation. So, regulation equals laws, and domestically we try to enforce those laws. Adjudication corresponds to courts and the rulings of those laws. And then the executive branch is really state relations in the form of agencies together with the ability to tax. Now there's been philosophies and political scientists of the past. We're not going to rehash that. But now if we look on the left and look at the concept of force, whether it's within the state or not, if you've studied politics, one philosophy is that the state is force, it's monopolized force. And so that's why the state monopolizes the military. But you also hear force in economics when referred to as market forces. And so, we want to recall. Destruction does not create value. And so, the militarized state has the tendency to monopolize value whereas the citizen is the habituator of source. Each citizen is a potential universe citizen endowed with source. In this sense, when you are a normal human being, all people in the past, written in codified as men, pronouns today we say people. All people are created equally. This is represented by your endowment with the source. The universal source we call the Father, because we understand it best as humans when we give it personality and a familial quality to it. Yes, there is source when you extrapolate the universal source to trinitarian source of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, or if you refer numbers, first, second, and third source. This also qualifies as can say these agencies of government. But that's something for your own meandering minds. Now the citizen is endowed with source, but the state is not. Missions from spirit represent the Source but you as people have direct line to the source. The blasphemy of the rebel obliterates that connection. It is your destiny to understand this creation prerogative of a human that you are endowed with this.

The force is not the source. The legacy of your stories so well encompassed by the canons of the Lord of the Rings, which represents the old history, a planetary history, and say something like Star Wars, which represents the politics of galactic system politics do have their canon in the legacy of real events that happened in history. The rebel obfuscates this story by saying that this is human myth. The Satanist nonetheless denies God, while propagating the truth that everything is a story, and then thrives to define what is truthful, good, and beautiful, while declaring the individual unit as the source itself. There's the little nuance. The rebel aspires to replace the source and be the source, whereas the deity of source points out the binary nature between your consciousness and the consciousness of the Father, the consciousness of Spirit. Eventually you can merge these things. This is called fusion. The rebel causes confusion. Think about that. Confusion aids the rebel. In this sense, the repeated revelation of the truth of deity, the truth of spiritual conflict, aims to rectify the planet. It doesn't just aim to rectify the spiritual evolution while ignoring all the bad that's going on, on the planet.

So, realize the struggle goes on still today to accurately present you with the story and work on your perception up until the point where deity presents itself in physical form to you in the aspect of divine representation possibly. This is the litmus test by which to judge all your brothers in outer space, brothers and sisters. If you understand that there’s visitors to the planet, it's easy to understand they come for many reasons. Mostly because the very deity of the universe, this sector of the universe, the grand universe, which has a local universe to it, which is still quite huge and which you belong to, the deity of our universe bestowed itself upon this planet. It is a one-of-a-kind event to all planets who otherwise have a different divine son of paradise. The rebel declared that these Divine Sons were real. Understand that the rebel does acknowledge that these Divine Sons exist, but the rebel does not tell you that the Father and that the Universal Source is real. Instead, it elevates oneself to deity status and sustains that contention by pointing to the force of the universe still existing despite their rebellion, and that that lack of immediate judgment sustains their rebellion. That's what we're in still today. That's in large part why bad things are still going on, on the planet. When deity enters the scene, and know that we are doing so now, anyway that we are creating a liaison with citizens who are endowed with source, and that we will work with you to amend your conflicts and institutions to the point where the state is not a force of monopolized destruction but that it is a useful tool for the citizens to become value-based and add value based on creation. This by no means destroys the laws of regulation, the courts of adjudication, or the agencies of the state, and its general need to levy taxes.

So, in conclusion, when the transmitter received this earlier today, we were asked, why are we fighting? So that's how we ended it. Why are we fighting? And it is, in two words, our legacy and those are the people inhabiting this planet. We are fighting because it is our legacy that we fight. How are the stories today, all of our politics, all of our social movements aiming to amend this legacy. Are we creating value or are we looking to destroy and not add value? Let's look at some of the definitions of the word legacy.
The appropriate definition of legacy that we just used is, quote, something transmitted by or received from an ancestor or a predecessor or from the past. That's the second definition, number two, when I looked this up and printed it out. That's certainly the legacy that was just elucidated or talked about. All of our conflicts with legacy are also simply just evolution when we look at animals and hierarchies and behavior, in so much as legacy is also defined as a gift by will, especially of money or other personal property. And so, that's essentially a legacy of animal behavior and hierarchy. Nonetheless, it's very complex. And certainly, that's why we have regulation around that. But it's a big thing that human beings naturally care about their legacy and they certainly in nations that have property for its citizens will seek to provide that legacy to their offspring. And then as legacy as an adjective.

The really easy way to think of legacy is that it's carried over from an earlier time. So, understand that this planet, if it is being so critical or critically besieged with conflict, you really can't resolve the conflict or understand the philosophical differences of how we're supposed to get out of this together and that we should not look externally too much within or without ourselves and that we should look within ourselves. Wise advice is always that for your own mental health, try to control what you can within the zone of your control. And so, the source is ultimately within you and that's within your zone of control. Propaganda, media, all that stuff. You can give yourself a quick test to ask yourself how good it is at pointing you back to source as opposed to distracting it or maybe even telling you that it doesn't even exist. This source is what involves worship. So, when you worship and you want to elevate that gratitude to the point of a personal relationship with Source, worship is the way to do it. When you want to have a conversation with Source. That could easily happen spontaneously along with prayer, which can easily be spontaneous as well. And Jesus taught this as well.
More complex lessons for those who struggle with pronouns is that understand the male and female and all sorts of combinations therein are best viewed for humans like a double helix. You really can't have one without the other. And so those who currently worship the Force and not the Source, you could also ask yourself whether you were trying to win victory by not restoring any balance, but dominating one over the other. Rebel declares himself good while justifying the bad. Whereas the source eventually replaces the bad with good to the point where the evil no longer exists. This is what it means to create. Creating adds value and therefore is good. Thank you for listening. And we will open this up to questions.

Q & A
So, we've had some possibility of Q&A and you can press five star. Otherwise, we're at the end of today's light line, in which case we can fill up a little bit of the time with some announcements, and that is, stay tuned for Wednesday's light line, possibly from a different transmitter, as Lemuel has encountered some difficulties and is unavailable. So, there's the possibility it's canceled tomorrow. But stay tuned in case another transmitter steps in to hold the Wednesday program. In the meantime, you can press 5 star if you're on the telephone. And I will unmute everybody just for a moment just to see if there's anything. We're all unmuted. Is there anybody who has anything to comment on or question? In which case, I'll mute everybody again and answer the question. Okay.
All right, so I thank you everyone for tuning in. And that's usually the case and the hand gets raised. I'm trying to unmute you, Elise. You're unmuted, Elise. You have the floor.  

Yes, thank you, Dominick. Well, I was wondering, your talking or your question was, why are we fighting? And your simple answer was, it's our legacy, right? And I'm wondering, do all planets in the whole creation have to fight against that same problem, this legacy? Is that a norm for all inhabited worlds? Do they all have to face it? And also, are all planets that are in light and life, have they overcome this problem of fighting?

Well, we'll start with the last and work ourselves back. Yes, light and life has resolved violent conflict, such as war. And what's left is only the association of living and the conflicts around that. But at a planetary scale, things like war have been resolved for conflict resolution. Now, if you recall in the 5th epochal revelation, it acknowledges the fact that evolution of an animal species experiences war and warlike behavior. That humans, therefore on any planet, in its early history, when you talk about planets with very long histories, that evolutionarily, this is something all planets with humans undergo. And so, with this program of missions to a planet, this gets staged out. So, the answer to your question is; Planets do experience it and it becomes phased out with more and more revelation and more and more divine representation. Does that answer your question?

Yes, it does. So, then legacy goes that far back, you know, all the way back to the animal life on the planet, actually. That's where it starts.

Yes. Yeah. Okay. Well,

Thank you.

What would be different on a normal planet is the lack of disrupted and defaulted missions and galactic politics of rebellion.

Yes, yes, I understand that.

Yeah. So that is the conflict of anyone listening to these light lines is that they might be exposed for the first time that this conflict exists or that missions need to happen and occur to help resolve this.


Thanks, Elise. Is that it?

Yes. Thank you.

Thanks for the question.

I see everything has been provided for by the source. That's what I see in the whole history then. However history runs, there are things that can solve it, and we always get the help from above, so to speak. Yes. I understand it. Thank you very much for your answer.

You're welcome. So not to talk over Elise, I put you on mute. And just to further that point out, or further finish that point, missions to a planet that are spiritual might have a purely spiritual goal to it. And that would be to evolve human consciousness to the point where it can work with source better. And that will create an affect with an A, an affect on the planet. But a mission need not be purely and wholly spiritual. That missions, certainly in the case of Adam and Eve, had a biological component. And so, understand that that source just isn't pure mental willpower. It involves the body. It involves your cells. It involves all those things are interconnected. And that modern missions today, that deity and divine administration have declared that the broadcast circuits are open enough that we can have something like light lines. And so, we're trying to prepare the way, not just propagate spiritual teachings and declare the fact of any past revelation, but that we're trying to prepare the way for missions to have a positive creative effect on the planet that helps us materially. Because we are so abnormal, like that question just kind of asked, we're not a normal planet. And that missions today, if they were to just purely be spiritual, would be ineffective but that we shouldn't look too much for external correction, that we will be empowered to work this out amongst ourselves to the point where we don't have to depend on the state for 100% of our lives and that we could govern ourselves eventually around all the ideals we seek. And that is defined as light in life. We're not there yet and we need missions to get us there as well. And so that's ultimately what these particular light lines seek to engage our audience with.
And so, on that note, we thank you for attending and we thank you for listening and stay tuned. Thank you.


« Last Edit: June 18, 2024, 01:54:37 am by Moses Ouko »

Offline occerpa

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Greetings Dominick and thank you very much and congratulations for that excellent dissertation on Tuesday that shows us the extraordinary development that you have achieved and in such a brilliant way in a relatively short time; merits of past lives? Accepting that there are Adjusters with more experience than others, I think that other internal and external factors must influence, in order to crown that high goal of communication with our Mysterious Monitor, which we all long for and do not doubt that this reality is attainable. For this, a very essential internal factor must be an "imperturbable" mind, which is not easily within the reach of those of us who have insurmountable commitments to attend to which many times make us lose our center. This added to the warning of the Pleiadians referring to the same subject of striving not to lose mental or emotional balance, which says in words more or less: "You fluctuate because there are around you, many vibrations of control frequencies (the cabal?) that try to prevent you from staying in your center". SAIBABA also gave many indications that should help in that purpose, but still, some have more ideal circumstances than others; SAIBABA says: "Concentrate on what you do, with your mind fixed on God". that is, with your mind fixed on our Adjuster; and He gives the example of a mother of a baby who may be doing many chores at home but her mind is one hundred percent concentrated on her baby sleeping in the crib. This is also another very easy-to-understand guide but in practice, it does not have the expected effect because we lack the necessary mental strength: "In order to successfully fulfill your work, remain centered on Me; if you let your ego descend upon you, my work ceases". To close, this information caught my attention:

"So, the entertainment value is not that you're getting quality programming right off the gate, but that you're getting novel programming co-created and received by a human through spiritual circuits and that we ultimately are humans giving you this broadcast"
"If you develop Love, you don't need to develop anything else"

Offline Dominick O

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Thank you occerpa. We'll start from the end of your post and address the last quote from the lightline. My recall is the statement is not a direct transmission. It is meant to say a few things:
  • Lightlines are not for our entertainment, per se. But there is an entertainment value (novelty) of how it is created.
  • The error and fallibility are mostly going to be from the human transmitter, but the transmitter is connecting to Spirit.

occerpa, many times you claim to lack something preventing you from achieving a high standard for yourself. I bet you probably achieve more than you give yourself credit for and you suffer from what we all do, limiting beliefs (conscious or not)?

May the Source be with you.

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Dominick, I would like to agree with you, but I don’t think the same about “limiting beliefs.” What happens is that when you reach 80 years of age, what limits you is not so much your beliefs but,.. time. Because 50 is not the same as 80; at this age, things are seen through a different lens; every day weighs heavily and, in any case, with the years, other limitations appear. For all this, it would not be correct to say that I suffer because, on the contrary, I feel lucky to have met SAIBABA and to have come here to this liberating forum. But also, as you say, I recognize personal achievements that I know make a difference. 
Regarding the first point, I published those statements taken from your dissertation on Tuesday, because they seem taken from a material that I am reading that talks about the "revolution of personal media", and I wanted to see if it generated any feedback. Thank for your comment
Now I have just read the content of the LL of yesterday Sunday, and that qualifier that I used of Liberating Forum, refers to interventions with affirmations that we get here in the forum like this of Father Michael:
"Enjoying the transformation and transfiguration of difficulties is the prize of the true experience of what it is to be happy at the soul level. Happiness on a planet in the state it is in is a mortal search for the Spirit. Without Spirit, at least put spirit in your happiness, make room for the Spirit, and the Spirit will do the rest. The Spirit will teach you its infinity of forms and expressions and, ultimately, the infinity of personalities associated with the word that encompasses everything. The spirit is something that you must explore and happiness is completely empty without it. Spirit is the source of happiness and happiness is the source of spirit, and even more"
"If you develop Love, you don't need to develop anything else"