Author Topic: Caution and for your information from Michael and Monjoronson 071524 @1130PM  (Read 3386 times)

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Offline Ron Besser

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This is MICHAEL OF NEBADON.   It is 1030PM as Ron sits down to write this post at my request.

Ron has to repair more than his email but that is not apparent right now. There is a heavy kabal over Urantia at this time and we can get through, but a lot of the normal speakers cannot.  For that reason I am writing t his fairly late at night for Ron.

1ST of All there is a catch to all of this lately and Ron’s computer has the problem it needs repaired and he cannot tell what needs repaired.  He has lost his email but more than that and now the truth must be told:

Ron Besser has been forced out of the game at the moment but he keeps sending posts anyhow to keep his hand in.

The reason is this: Ron disrupts the flow of natural kabal news on the planet.  I do not know how that works but this post disrupts their messaging entirely.

2nd of all, there is no grounding for Ron and his legs have been severely hit with pain and the rest of him is not far behind.  He keeps it clear with MONJORONSON and SERARA, the MAGISTERIAL SONS who are coming to Urantia in days.

For that reason Ron must keep a vestige of himself up and busy and this evening he did a special service by opening the check book and paying all the bills at 1030 PM which is an unusual time to do that work but he did fine.  Nonetheless, Dominick is supposed to be aware of this work and does not think of it because he is suddenly busy with other things with his caring mother at his side.  

For that reason we say this: keep it going Dominick and this: tomorrow starts a brand new view of these MESSAGES.  Take note:

A) There is no further discussion about the proposed MISSIONS to Urantia;

B) There is no further wish list for care givers to provide this take with MICHAEL OF NEBADON, for we are closing off the ease with which you can contact the Creator Son.  Here is MACHIVENTA MELCHIZEDEK:

“WE are quite sure that an event on Urantia late this evening has occurred.  Ron Besser knew something happened but he had no idea what.  It is this:


1 - There is no further Mission to Urantia to develop;

2 - There is no further contemplation as what to do for the Missions;

3 - We, the MELCHIZEDEKS, have not quit, but we are drawing in over 30 (thirty) Melchizedeks from around the United States and other areas of the world, and that is to end the past years of contemplating new Missions to Urantia;

4 - We are the Melchizedeks written up in the URANTIA BOOK, but we are no longer the only Melchizedeks on the planet as noted in the Urantia Book.  

I Machiventa Melchizedek, am the last one standing due to my high office here on Urantia.  The Supreme Court of Spiritual Organization, is now available to charge the Kabal its dirty deeds providentially, and no one has further say on the matter until the court case is settled;

5 - No one is available on Urantia now except Ron Besser, Dominick Ohrbeck, and the present transmitters/speakers of the Voice of God now working.  For this reason they are to continue, but the rest of the world of transmitters are now called off.  For reasons of State certain transmitters on the west coast of the United States are permitted to hold sessions but there is no direct transmissions to them except by Machiventa Melchizedek;

6 - And finally, Ron has expected to be called home in death as he has been laid low by certain extreme causes, and that is now over and they kabal is leaving in spite of their endless protests’

7 - No one will take the place of Ron Besser if he has to leave.  Ohrbeck will be allowed transmissions.  Raphael has no idea why his transmissions have gotten so far apart, but it is this:

No one is allowed further teaching transmissions until I review the entire spectrum on Urantia for now.  Until today there has been free access but we are closing that off except for the transmissions to Elise, Ohrbeck, Besser, and several others until further notice.  The sad case of Australia is well known to Ron, but they caused it themselves and the matter is closed.

8 - The issue of MISSIONS is now done.

9 - The Missions are no longer considered viable to Urantia until there is some understanding that Urantia, while a Bestowal Planet, is under considerable hegemony by the FATHER and the urgency of the moment, as Urantia could be in another World War suddenly if Nother Korea plans fulfill.  

10  - World War II is small compared to this one if it erupts.  Ron is no9t predicting, far from it, but it is part of a scenario with North Korea and China seeing eye to eye over the use of the South China Sea, NOT, but the use of Air Bases in Japan and Okinawa.  These are inherited by the US by victory in WWII, and the US insists on them today, and China is furious they cannot get access to any other country for its air bases and fortunately that will remain the same;

11 - World War III is not being suggested, but the combatants are already lined up by sides and the appearance of Russia as an ally to China has seriously concerned the United States completely;

12 - No one is ready to declare an emergency, but the nation states involved are huge and there is a growing tendency for combatants to line up behind their respective leaders already.  We are a Creator Son, and not an Admiral, but the meeting tonight at the Republican Convention has convinced China, that if Trump wins, there can be war and this must stop at once!

As a result of this statement, I am warning Ron and the others who collude with him and his information, to stay alert for all kinds of sudden interests in the works he places up to peruse.  No one can break the codes he uses and he must repair his email which mysteriously went down and so far has not been able to reappear.  For that reason we are cautious too and keep this posts to a minimum now.  

And finally, those of you who insist on keeping score, Ron has no intention of disappearing, but his email has been seriously damages as parts of his computer and he did nothing to cause it.  We allow all of this alone for now.  I am MICHAEL OF NEBADON at your service.  K”

RON BESSER -  I am privileged to take these messages, but I never herd Michael of Nebadon so angry.
Nor am I sure we will continue messaging, although I have no indication yet of that occurring.
We should stand shoulder to shoulder with this:

Make sure we know what we are doing when reporting these incidences of change.  My only suggestion is to keep your ears pealed for any moderation about future plans.  I continue to hope that Magisterial Sons will take the Missions to Urantia.  Here is MONJORONSON for your edification:

MONJORONSON, the Magisterial Son of Record for Urantia, speaks _
"I am delighted that Ron is so available when something breaks like this. 
"As you know, we have no time, or we do not use time up here much, but when we do, it is to announce things mostly to those people who reside on a material planet that runs on time.  URANTIA is one of those planets.

"WE are about to change plans.  We have already supplied Ron with a timed schedule, but he was told to keep it quiet and he always does when requested.  Listen and learn:

"The MAGISTERIAL SONS, commissioned a joint Sonship event that Father placed in the Universe to inform the lower levels of what is happeing on the upper levels to Paradise, has seen to it that Ron and a few others got the messaging, and Ron is still wondering who else is in his head to report when he rather not.  That is to be found later.   But Ron is in a misery and cannot make changes just yet, but he is quite aware of the proposed Supreme Court to be initiated on high and that the expressed lady of the United States Supreme Court, is now with the organization and asks Ron to become a part of the Court when he dies and goes over.

"However, thanks to Ron questioning this entire gambit, Ron is no longer in the Supreme Court when he goes over but on the gambit of a Council of Foreign Affairs which is comprised of Midwayers and other beings he does not know but will adequately when it is time to sport this Council entirely.

"I conclude these remarks with this:

"No one is capable of much these days on Urantia; however, Ron has a solo mission to accomplish and that for now is to keep fully informed of what is brewing with celestial Missions we have to offer.  This you should know:

1 - No one is available yet to start the Missions;
2 - No rumors of war scare us, but it is a very real rumor on Urantia that war could suddenly break out with the United States as it lead component if the Asian countries do not pull back more than their rhetoric, and sue for peace.  For that reason WE are being super careful about what we say about plans for these Missions.  Further, we are cautioning Ronald Besser and Dominick Ohrbeck and those who associate with this information, to be broadly careful what you say and to whom.  There is a serious reproach to this by the Deity Absolute and he is caring that this information DOE NOT GET REPORTED OUT UNNECESSARILY.   Rather you read it and weep and stay safe please.
3 -  And finally:  Ron is feeling mighty rough.  HE thought he might die today but thankfully did not.  He will be seen briefly and then be removed without burial, and that is all we have to say.  He has petitioned the Courts to please consider this means of disposal and we concur.


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