Author Topic: Arthura helps with some 21st Century context. Tues LL 07.16.24  (Read 3340 times)

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Arthura helps Dominick with some context to the early 21st century through present day

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Online SonsofGod

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Re: Arthura helps with some 21st Century context. Tues LL 07.16.24
« Reply #1 on: July 20, 2024, 11:41:07 am »

Tuesday, Lightline, everyone. Dominick, your host, July 16. Today is a banner day for whatever Arthura apparently has put together with me. And welcome everyone for getting going as we welcome Amado to the call. Welcome Amado. You're on mute. We have pressed record just a minute ago. Arthura, I suppose we welcome you, and we do a good, a quick prayer, as is customary in our universe here before we receive you, so we pray to our Father. And it is so.
Welcome, Arthura, let me prepare to receive you or anyone else.
This  is Arthura. We might have a little bit of a warm up before we go into major transmissions. With that warm up, we summarize that this particular mode of transmitter, in review, has undertaken approximately 125 lessons of various sorts over Lightlines and requested transmissions during certain sprints of time required to produce them. You have been listening to me for a little over two years now, if you do the math of approximation, and you wonder, what could we possibly be lectured on today.

Well, let me tell you, the culmination seems to peak and then peak and then peak again. That's P, E, A, K, as in a crescendo or a peak, which is the opposite of a valley. The heightened tension on the planet is at an all-time high for those who are living it. Now, this is mostly because you live in the present, and whatever danger poses you is the peak danger of that moment, once you survive the threat of yesterday, it is no longer ever the peak. Every day is a new peak. But It behooves you to know where you came from in a retrospective. All you have is your own personal perspective.

But the collective perspective creates a a climate that is quite interesting on a rebellion planet that blasphemies the existence of a Universal Father. The exploration and of the mystery of the universe is not so controversial on a normal planet. Planets that bloom with humans are naturally inclined to inquire about the mystery that the universe presents to the very meaning and existence of life. That religion is so controversial and violent is a very unique extremism on this area of the universe. The planets that surround you, share in this destiny or this tragedy.
Let me fix something on my computer. One moment, folks. Okay. Just try to reduce the noise, Better.
That is the backdrop, as I continue, this is Arthura. That is the backdrop of planetary status of the human condition to explore the nature of existence. You cannot entirely squelch the human need to come up with something, anything to explain these mysteries. These self-evident expressions that life exists and there are mysteries to uncover, both consciousness and physical reality, and to present meaning to a life that ultimately ends in a death, and then ask, what is it all for?

As you seek the rhetorical unity in the coming days, weeks and months, this mystery of life is what unites you, in both, your ignorance and blunt. That life could ultimately lead to some aspect of joy and is not always so serious and sorrowful. And yet that seems to be an unreachable ideal, as every day, time and space offers a new peak for you to overcome. I am Arthura, and I will keep continuing.
And this is Dominick. I welcome Charlotte and Gary to the call. Welcome guys. You Well, shall we? Shall we go on?
The question about what to transmit is no longer about mission updates and mission status. Rather, this is Arthura helping this transmitter read the appropriate editorial and jest without too much graph, whatever that means.

The central theme that binds you all in your journey to these new peaks of ultimate tension and danger is that none of you ultimately have all the facts or the truth, or even know where the field of play is or the scope of what's going on. This is the nature of your creative design that you can only physically see and hear and touch and be in any one place in any one time. The rest is a fill in the blanks attitude, conditioned by propaganda. Now propaganda is simply a word for information, but that information itself is incomplete and woeful in its education of what we have come to define as the responsibilities of a citizen. 

Never mind the responsibilities of a child of God, such as the 10 Commandments. But that cosmic citizenship builds on those basics of the tenets of brotherhood and the existence of a God, and creates advanced systems of ethics and law to administrate the complex civilization that grows up and the technology advances advances that liberate you from the toil of life and into those joys of leisure that produce even more spiritual insight and uncover the mysteries of the physical universe and the interconnection between spirit and physicality and mind.

I am Arthura, speaking through this transmitter. He has prepared it quite a big whiteboard, and we're finding it difficult to interject what's contained there, and without going off on the tangent of this lesson. Nonetheless, we are forced through these times to give you a bit of a recap to even understand where we are in a mission status that is no longer available to the news of these Lightlines. But let us go back to a little bit of prehistory just before the Magisterial Sons were introduced. And this will interweave between the personal history and the encyclopedics timeline that will be presented.
All right, God. I'm in your hands, Arthura, but you're in mine too, I guess.
Proceed with confidence.
Very well.
In 2000, no, pre-2000 in the 1990s is the personal history of Dominick in high school and college. That would be essentially 1990 through 1997. I enjoyed a debate. We had a very good teacher, and it was not a team. It was more of a class, an elective, if you will.

But anyway, one year, I think maybe my senior year, which would put us in 1992 we resolved something about the fixing the dropout rate in the country, that it was something that was to be addressed. And the gist of that was some connection I had made, coming across a document by what would be the future, or was the current head of the HUD, that's the Federal Agency for Housing and Urban Development, that's Katherine Austin Fitz. That's one of the first women to be in such industries in her private sector life just before being on the HUD. And so what I learned was the… one of the canons of the social justice kind of movement, which is that not only are prisons made for profit, which is kind of the biggest contention even today, prisons for profit, but she also found out that funds from the HUD were always being used for new development and could be better used for remediation of any current and existing development. But rather that elections were won by essentially promising new development to companies to build new buildings. So it was never an interest to have sustainable, well run public housing, but always new housing.

Later on, it got into other things, where she came up with software that even pointed this out, and was rather disinvited from government soon after. But that is the prelude of a bookend that comes even today, as we have the same dilemma of the HUD in our politics, where essentially new development is being introduced as social justice in traditionally single-family home areas. Just something of note that HUD does play a significant role. And if you look even further into the esoteric aspects of a Magisterial Mission, you might consider the proper accounting of fiscal responsibility by governments in that regard. Where it was intimated that HUD works with black budget defense. So just to anticipate questions from say, Valerie or Weydevu, the answer is apparently yes. But that's from the human, purely human, investigation of things. So that's a prelude for 1999 where I lived in Seattle during the 1999 World Trade Organization protests. Personal experience of listening to protesters preplanning their vandalism and coffee shops. So in other words, there is a… there's always the… on the middle ground, the citizen of the hometown who gets put in the middle of a battlefield, if you will. And that's just the .., so that's the first instance of property damage being used by protesters as an act of violence.

This would be the political appeal for media coverage using ‘property damage violence’ to get their message better known. And the lessons learned, you can look this up on just Wikipedia as the editorial describes this, that the lesson learned from WTO by the protesters of violent property crime, learned from there on out that violence is what gets the message known and heard. A peaceful protest means no media coverage. So that's in 1999 and 2004 and five. Oh, and then there's a recession in 2001.
In 2004 and five, you have the first indications of rebel…, a political turmoil in Ukraine with the orange, something or another, I can't think of it right now.

In 2008 you have another recession with the financial crisis. I believe that was some sort of… so, you have to kind of the SNL during the Bush administration that we opened up with, and now you have in 2008 those too big to fail financial institutions and recession, and that was the presidential election year of Clinton versus Obama, which forever changed the structure of the Democratic apparatus, and would soon be copied by the Republican apparatus. But what you have today are two apparatuses that aren't very well oiled to accept new leadership from the bottom of the democratic process.

In 2011 through 12, you have the Occupy Movement, which was global. A bit coinciding with that is the Citizens United versus the Federal Election Commission in 2010 together with the Smith-Mund (Modernization) Act or law, basically HR.4310. So those are two things that fundamentally conditioned politics going forward. Certainly, regards to the theme we opened with earlier and understanding propaganda in terms of just the access to information, and access to anything but the sponsored news.

In times in 2008 through 2014 you start to have the beginnings of a border crisis of unaccompanied minors. In 2014 I had, this is Dominick speaking, a personal experience letting a summer of Educational Administrators. I have no personal background in education and administration, but I was positioned to be at their conferences during the summer. I think 2014 maybe it's 13, I'm not sure. And that's when I learned about what was on the mind of Educational Administrators who were working with UN, that's United Nations programs, and that was the genesis of something called white privilege. So that's not DEI (diversity, equity and inclusion) the UN had been working, and this is not a complaint. This is just…, this is just to give you some context. But white privilege was something that, as a UN program had been going on for over… for many years, like a decade, even prior to 2014.

Now, when you look at 2016 election, If you cite something like Pew research, that's P E W, the common aspects of what was most important in that election were things that are traditional in The… like the economy, and terrorism, and the border, and at the very bottom were where the divergence between parties was very acute. In other words, there wasn't much of a big divergence in any of the issues, but when you got to the bottom four issues that were being measured at all out of say 15, there became wide splits between democrat, republican. And Those were with race, environment, gender and abortion.

In 2016 you had the utilization of Russian platforms. And incidentally enough, in 2014 some of the harms being cited by some of the panelists were that white supremacy was on the biggest rise, simply because you could see that they had an aggressive internet presence. Well, at the same time, in 2016 we have the beginnings of bot farms, which is basically setting up individual IP address computers, uniting them all together, creating accounts on social media, and buying up advertising, and then finding any weak point in the state you wish to undermine and press those hot buttons. So interestingly enough, you have the most splits and divergence in those four things, but at the same time, you have a rhetoric or an understanding of citing the very fact that these bot forms exist as proof that your enemies also exist. It either exists at the magnitude that it does, or it's or it's bot farms, but it, can it be? This is the question, can it be? Can it be both? And we haven't even gotten that far. 

Basically, it's been politicized like a sawtooth wave, not a sine wave. A sine wave would be a harmonious coherence, which is an ideal aspect of any… anything. But our… our Civil War gearing up is more like a saw tooth wave, which runs in a peak and valley, where the like a square... it runs up at the peak and goes in a line and then immediately goes to the valley and goes in a line, and then immediately picks up again to the highest point. And that's why it's called a saw… excuse me, that would be a square wave, not a sawtooth wave, a square wave.

So anyway, you have Russia gates in 2016 soon after this, with the accusation of both farms that are proven, but the accusation of coalition… collusion and coordination, that's part of the Mueller report, which didn't come to enough evidence to indicate that it was coordinated and premeditated, rather, seems to just being an understanding. What would benefit both parties was good for both parties, I suppose.
In 2014 you have the Ukrainian revolution, the (recording error) and revolution that both sides today, the Russian and the West, blame each other for the current war in some aspect. Around February 2014 the… you could say the majority of the Ukrainians what wish to join the EU, and Russia, who traditionally exerts an influence over Ukraine, made sure politically that that wasn't going to happen. And that's why the revolution, say occurred, or the coup, or whatever you want to call it, and the Russian backed president was kicked out in favor of a pro West regime, and this was wildly unpopular in the mostly Russian zones. 
And at the same time, Russia annexed Crimea in February of that year.

I'm just looking at my…

So, well, keep going on. We can fast forward now to 2019-2020 covid happens. In 2019 you have an impeachment of the president over Ukraine, which is, you could say, it was two sides investigating the other over inappropriate conduct, and what ended up happening was both sides left unresolved, and both sides continue to push their narratives. In the meantime, there seems to be a continued push for Ukraine to be less corrupt with its use of resources that are being sent to it during this time. And then with covid happening during this time, I don't intend to go into that much. We all been… it's all in our recent memory. But also, during this time, in May 2020 the… you could say, the race riots and social justice riots and protests occur widespread after the George Floyd incident.

That's a different flavor, I suppose, in each each region. Again, this transmitter was still living in Seattle, and everyone was boarding up the windows, and you have the kind of the summer of love, and you have even happening around the world of some of these political factions in the Middle East giving rise to supposedly democratic movements. I don't exactly know how that has turned out. But certainly, the lessons of 1999, by this time, were brazenly being and openly used in the streets. Literally.

This is simply to state that political violence is now an institutionalized means of democratic expression. And if we are to certainly unify, this must be stopped. I don't know personally how to stop it, but I can begin to address some of the harms and identify some of the core problems, and some of the words that we are starting to, phrases are, that is, it's to do or die in the mentality of many at the moment. And this is a very, very risky precipice to be on.

The very nature of this is culminating that there's no or very little reciprocation. What doesn't make sense for one side is almost justifiable, but also the other side is almost equally justified. I don't even know why our president, who had an opportunity to deescalate, doubles down on a phrase of the word ‘bloodbath’, which, if you look in, you simply do some forensic contextualization. It was used in the context of the auto industry and China, trade relations with China. That's the context.

So, if we can't even mitigate that, and you have to double down on that, I don't know where we're at. And so that's a little bit of where we are today. If you want to get involved, you want to get involved with the taxing authority of your local government. Relating to HUD, relating to education, relating to your own property taxes, you fund the state which is educating children to use violence at the lower levels of education, and know the higher levels of education. They are immigrants are entering illegally, and know before they get here, how to use the system to gain resources. And meanwhile, the most important aspects to our very existential existence of a democracy are now the industry of race. It's not just a social thing. Race is an industry now. And it's put into corporate, and education, culture, and everywhere, and it's under scrutiny. You have two camps with almost diametrical philosophies on DEI. A gender is conflated to status, which should never reach national attention. Yes, it deserves attention from those communities, and they deserve civil equality, but they don't garner so much attention in light of what's going on.

And certainly, when it comes to Revelation, it should be put on the back burner. It has no place, none as an issue. And to wear it proudly as such is very damaging to the very real problems that a Spiritual Administration seeks to address. And you should look at yourselves from helpers who wish to have missions. Where are you putting your emphasis and significance on? And clearly, if you're putting it on gender and pronouns and transgender issues, that's the very bottom of what the people and also the highest spiritual administrators find as a priority.

Lastly, we turn to 2019 with El Salvador. We happen to have a majority of transmitters, actually from El Salvador. And so they'll they will be able to tell this story much better than than me, I'm sure of it. But in 2014 a lot of those unaccompanied minors were Salvadorian, and a lot of those issues with gangs and drugs that even plague us today with something, things like fentanyl and human trafficking with the cartels, and drug trafficking, they had made quite a bit, quite a bit more money with millions more people are coming through. However, in El Salvador, this managed to be changed. When the government literally went to war against the gangs and locked up approximately 1% of its population, and the evidence of that is clear today, as it's finally getting some media coverage at the national level. But there's two sides to those stories. Still, you can see how it was presented in 2019 by the US media, and now again, now it's being issued in 2014, now that security has been established at the price of basically constitutional freedoms. Weather that's good or bad, overwhelmingly, the people are deciding it's good enough in El Salvador, and I think Renee is even going back on some sort of trip, at least, in the near future. And so, we support him going back there.

And there's this probably a renewed opportunity, certainly for some work there to be done, And we should work there and support Renee in his endeavors, and because if we don't, the Chinese will. And the Chinese put themselves as a state before God. There is no God. There is only the Communist Party. And so that's everything I have today. If you want to get involved, it's probably best to get involved at your local government and where your property taxes go, and how those get funding in your city government with the city commissioners. After that, you're just more and more susceptible to propaganda of one side or the other, but hopefully this gives us a lesson or a little bit of a level set of how we got here, and some options about where we're going.

And we pray that we can correct the ship and that people understand what unification means, and it starts with without being violent, and then we can worry about justice and prosecution later. And that violence is a sure sign when violence is an expression of political means that those people have very little concern for God. So keep that in mind and God bless you all for listening. We'll now open it up to questions if we have it, otherwise, the Lightline is over. I thank you for being here. Are there any questions? Feel free.
"See what great love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called the sons of God!" 
"For in him we live, and move, and have our being;"

Online SonsofGod

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Re: Arthura helps with some 21st Century context. Tues LL 07.16.24
« Reply #2 on: July 20, 2024, 11:42:52 am »

Tuesday, Lightline, everyone. Dominick, your host, July 16. Today is a banner day for whatever Arthura apparently has put together with me. And welcome everyone for getting going as we welcome Amado to the call. Welcome Amado. You're on mute. We have pressed record just a minute ago. Arthura, I suppose we welcome you, and we do a good, a quick prayer, as is customary in our universe here before we receive you, so we pray to our Father. And it is so.
Welcome, Arthura, let me prepare to receive you or anyone else.
This is Arthura. We might have a little bit of a warmup before we go into major transmissions. With that warmup, we summarize that this particular mode of transmitter, in review, has undertaken approximately 125 lessons of various sorts over Lightlines and requested transmissions during certain sprints of time required to produce them. You have been listening to me for a little over two years now, if you do the math of approximation, and you wonder, what could we possibly be lectured on today.

Well, let me tell you, the culmination seems to peak and then peak and then peak again. That's P, E, A, K, as in a crescendo or a peak, which is the opposite of a valley. The heightened tension on the planet is at an all-time high for those who are living it. Now, this is mostly because you live in the present, and whatever danger poses you is the peak danger of that moment, once you survive the threat of yesterday, it is no longer ever the peak. Every day is a new peak. But It behooves you to know where you came from in a retrospective. All you have is your own personal perspective.

But the collective perspective creates a a climate that is quite interesting on a rebellion planet that blasphemies the existence of a Universal Father. The exploration and of the mystery of the universe is not so controversial on a normal planet. Planets that bloom with humans are naturally inclined to inquire about the mystery that the universe presents to the very meaning and existence of life. That religion is so controversial and violent is a very unique extremism on this area of the universe. The planets that surround you, share in this destiny or this tragedy.
Let me fix something on my computer. One moment, folks. Okay. Just try to reduce the noise, Better.
That is the backdrop, as I continue, this is Arthura. That is the backdrop of planetary status of the human condition to explore the nature of existence. You cannot entirely squelch the human need to come up with something, anything to explain these mysteries. These self-evident expressions that life exists and there are mysteries to uncover, both consciousness and physical reality, and to present meaning to a life that ultimately ends in a death, and then ask, what is it all for?

As you seek the rhetorical unity in the coming days, weeks and months, this mystery of life is what unites you, in both, your ignorance and blunt. That life could ultimately lead to some aspect of joy and is not always so serious and sorrowful. And yet that seems to be an unreachable ideal, as every day, time and space offers a new peak for you to overcome. I am Arthura, and I will keep continuing.
And this is Dominick. I welcome Charlotte and Gary to the call. Welcome guys. You Well, shall we? Shall we go on?
The question about what to transmit is no longer about mission updates and mission status. Rather, this is Arthura helping this transmitter read the appropriate editorial and jest without too much graph, whatever that means.

The central theme that binds you all in your journey to these new peaks of ultimate tension and danger is that none of you ultimately have all the facts or the truth, or even know where the field of play is or the scope of what's going on. This is the nature of your creative design that you can only physically see and hear and touch and be in any one place in any one time. The rest is a fill in the blanks attitude, conditioned by propaganda. Now propaganda is simply a word for information, but that information itself is incomplete and woeful in its education of what we have come to define as the responsibilities of a citizen.

Never mind the responsibilities of a child of God, such as the 10 Commandments. But that cosmic citizenship builds on those basics of the tenets of brotherhood and the existence of a God, and creates advanced systems of ethics and law to administrate the complex civilization that grows up and the technology advances advances that liberate you from the toil of life and into those joys of leisure that produce even more spiritual insight and uncover the mysteries of the physical universe and the interconnection between spirit and physicality and mind.

I am Arthura, speaking through this transmitter. He has prepared it quite a big whiteboard, and we're finding it difficult to interject what's contained there, and without going off on the tangent of this lesson. Nonetheless, we are forced through these times to give you a bit of a recap to even understand where we are in a mission status that is no longer available to the news of these Lightlines. But let us go back to a little bit of prehistory just before the Magisterial Sons were introduced. And this will interweave between the personal history and the encyclopedics timeline that will be presented.
All right, God. I'm in your hands, Arthura, but you're in mine too, I guess.
Proceed with confidence.
Very well.
In 2000, no, pre-2000 in the 1990s is the personal history of Dominick in high school and college. That would be essentially 1990 through 1997. I enjoyed a debate. We had a very good teacher, and it was not a team. It was more of a class, an elective, if you will.

But anyway, one year, I think maybe my senior year, which would put us in 1992 we resolved something about the fixing the dropout rate in the country, that it was something that was to be addressed. And the gist of that was some connection I had made, coming across a document by what would be the future, or was the current head of the HUD, that's the Federal Agency for Housing and Urban Development, that's Katherine Austin Fitz. That's one of the first women to be in such industries in her private sector life just before being on the HUD. And so what I learned was the… one of the canons of the social justice kind of movement, which is that not only are prisons made for profit, which is kind of the biggest contention even today, prisons for profit, but she also found out that funds from the HUD were always being used for new development and could be better used for remediation of any current and existing development. But rather that elections were won by essentially promising new development to companies to build new buildings. So it was never an interest to have sustainable, well run public housing, but always new housing.

Later on, it got into other things, where she came up with software that even pointed this out, and was rather disinvited from government soon after. But that is the prelude of a bookend that comes even today, as we have the same dilemma of the HUD in our politics, where essentially new development is being introduced as social justice in traditionally single-family home areas. Just something of note that HUD does play a significant role. And if you look even further into the esoteric aspects of a Magisterial Mission, you might consider the proper accounting of fiscal responsibility by governments in that regard. Where it was intimated that HUD works with black budget defense. So just to anticipate questions from say, Valerie or Weydevu, the answer is apparently yes. But that's from the human, purely human, investigation of things. So that's a prelude for 1999 where I lived in Seattle during the 1999 World Trade Organization protests. Personal experience of listening to protesters preplanning their vandalism and coffee shops. So in other words, there is a… there's always the… on the middle ground, the citizen of the hometown who gets put in the middle of a battlefield, if you will. And that's just the .., so that's the first instance of property damage being used by protesters as an act of violence.

This would be the political appeal for media coverage using ‘property damage violence’ to get their message better known. And the lessons learned, you can look this up on just Wikipedia as the editorial describes this, that the lesson learned from WTO by the protesters of violent property crime, learned from there on out that violence is what gets the message known and heard. A peaceful protest means no media coverage. So that's in 1999 and 2004 and five. Oh, and then there's a recession in 2001.
In 2004 and five, you have the first indications of rebel…, a political turmoil in Ukraine with the orange, something or another, I can't think of it right now.

In 2008 you have another recession with the financial crisis. I believe that was some sort of… so, you have to kind of the SNL during the Bush administration that we opened up with, and now you have in 2008 those too big to fail financial institutions and recession, and that was the presidential election year of Clinton versus Obama, which forever changed the structure of the Democratic apparatus, and would soon be copied by the Republican apparatus. But what you have today are two apparatuses that aren't very well oiled to accept new leadership from the bottom of the democratic process.

In 2011 through 12, you have the Occupy Movement, which was global. A bit coinciding with that is the Citizens United versus the Federal Election Commission in 2010 together with the Smith-Mund (Modernization) Act or law, basically HR.4310. So those are two things that fundamentally conditioned politics going forward. Certainly, regards to the theme we opened with earlier and understanding propaganda in terms of just the access to information, and access to anything but the sponsored news.

In times in 2008 through 2014 you start to have the beginnings of a border crisis of unaccompanied minors. In 2014 I had, this is Dominick speaking, a personal experience letting a summer of Educational Administrators. I have no personal background in education and administration, but I was positioned to be at their conferences during the summer. I think 2014 maybe it's 13, I'm not sure. And that's when I learned about what was on the mind of Educational Administrators who were working with UN, that's United Nations programs, and that was the genesis of something called white privilege. So that's not DEI (diversity, equity and inclusion) the UN had been working, and this is not a complaint. This is just…, this is just to give you some context. But white privilege was something that, as a UN program had been going on for over… for many years, like a decade, even prior to 2014.

Now, when you look at 2016 election, If you cite something like Pew research, that's P E W, the common aspects of what was most important in that election were things that are traditional in The… like the economy, and terrorism, and the border, and at the very bottom were where the divergence between parties was very acute. In other words, there wasn't much of a big divergence in any of the issues, but when you got to the bottom four issues that were being measured at all out of say 15, there became wide splits between democrat, republican. And Those were with race, environment, gender and abortion.

In 2016 you had the utilization of Russian platforms. And incidentally enough, in 2014 some of the harms being cited by some of the panelists were that white supremacy was on the biggest rise, simply because you could see that they had an aggressive internet presence. Well, at the same time, in 2016 we have the beginnings of bot farms, which is basically setting up individual IP address computers, uniting them all together, creating accounts on social media, and buying up advertising, and then finding any weak point in the state you wish to undermine and press those hot buttons. So interestingly enough, you have the most splits and divergence in those four things, but at the same time, you have a rhetoric or an understanding of citing the very fact that these bot forms exist as proof that your enemies also exist. It either exists at the magnitude that it does, or it's or it's bot farms, but it, can it be? This is the question, can it be? Can it be both? And we haven't even gotten that far.

Basically, it's been politicized like a sawtooth wave, not a sine wave. A sine wave would be a harmonious coherence, which is an ideal aspect of any… anything. But our… our Civil War gearing up is more like a saw tooth wave, which runs in a peak and valley, where the like a square... it runs up at the peak and goes in a line and then immediately goes to the valley and goes in a line, and then immediately picks up again to the highest point. And that's why it's called a saw… excuse me, that would be a square wave, not a sawtooth wave, a square wave.

So anyway, you have Russia gates in 2016 soon after this, with the accusation of both farms that are proven, but the accusation of coalition… collusion and coordination, that's part of the Mueller report, which didn't come to enough evidence to indicate that it was coordinated and premeditated, rather, seems to just being an understanding. What would benefit both parties was good for both parties, I suppose.
In 2014 you have the Ukrainian revolution, the (recording error) and revolution that both sides today, the Russian and the West, blame each other for the current war in some aspect. Around February 2014 the… you could say the majority of the Ukrainians what wish to join the EU, and Russia, who traditionally exerts an influence over Ukraine, made sure politically that that wasn't going to happen. And that's why the revolution, say occurred, or the coup, or whatever you want to call it, and the Russian backed president was kicked out in favor of a pro West regime, and this was wildly unpopular in the mostly Russian zones.
And at the same time, Russia annexed Crimea in February of that year.

I'm just looking at my…

So, well, keep going on. We can fast forward now to 2019-2020 covid happens. In 2019 you have an impeachment of the president over Ukraine, which is, you could say, it was two sides investigating the other over inappropriate conduct, and what ended up happening was both sides left unresolved, and both sides continue to push their narratives. In the meantime, there seems to be a continued push for Ukraine to be less corrupt with its use of resources that are being sent to it during this time. And then with covid happening during this time, I don't intend to go into that much. We all been… it's all in our recent memory. But also, during this time, in May 2020 the… you could say, the race riots and social justice riots and protests occur widespread after the George Floyd incident.

That's a different flavor, I suppose, in each each region. Again, this transmitter was still living in Seattle, and everyone was boarding up the windows, and you have the kind of the summer of love, and you have even happening around the world of some of these political factions in the Middle East giving rise to supposedly democratic movements. I don't exactly know how that has turned out. But certainly, the lessons of 1999, by this time, were brazenly being and openly used in the streets. Literally.

This is simply to state that political violence is now an institutionalized means of democratic expression. And if we are to certainly unify, this must be stopped. I don't know personally how to stop it, but I can begin to address some of the harms and identify some of the core problems, and some of the words that we are starting to, phrases are, that is, it's to do or die in the mentality of many at the moment. And this is a very, very risky precipice to be on.

The very nature of this is culminating that there's no or very little reciprocation. What doesn't make sense for one side is almost justifiable, but also the other side is almost equally justified. I don't even know why our president, who had an opportunity to deescalate, doubles down on a phrase of the word ‘bloodbath’, which, if you look in, you simply do some forensic contextualization. It was used in the context of the auto industry and China, trade relations with China. That's the context.

So, if we can't even mitigate that, and you have to double down on that, I don't know where we're at. And so that's a little bit of where we are today. If you want to get involved, you want to get involved with the taxing authority of your local government. Relating to HUD, relating to education, relating to your own property taxes, you fund the state which is educating children to use violence at the lower levels of education, and know the higher levels of education. They are immigrants are entering illegally, and know before they get here, how to use the system to gain resources. And meanwhile, the most important aspects to our very existential existence of a democracy are now the industry of race. It's not just a social thing. Race is an industry now. And it's put into corporate, and education, culture, and everywhere, and it's under scrutiny. You have two camps with almost diametrical philosophies on DEI. A gender is conflated to status, which should never reach national attention. Yes, it deserves attention from those communities, and they deserve civil equality, but they don't garner so much attention in light of what's going on.

And certainly, when it comes to Revelation, it should be put on the back burner. It has no place, none as an issue. And to wear it proudly as such is very damaging to the very real problems that a Spiritual Administration seeks to address. And you should look at yourselves from helpers who wish to have missions. Where are you putting your emphasis and significance on? And clearly, if you're putting it on gender and pronouns and transgender issues, that's the very bottom of what the people and also the highest spiritual administrators find as a priority.

Lastly, we turn to 2019 with El Salvador. We happen to have a majority of transmitters, actually from El Salvador. And so they'll they will be able to tell this story much better than than me, I'm sure of it. But in 2014 a lot of those unaccompanied minors were Salvadorian, and a lot of those issues with gangs and drugs that even plague us today with something, things like fentanyl and human trafficking with the cartels, and drug trafficking, they had made quite a bit, quite a bit more money with millions more people are coming through. However, in El Salvador, this managed to be changed. When the government literally went to war against the gangs and locked up approximately 1% of its population, and the evidence of that is clear today, as it's finally getting some media coverage at the national level. But there's two sides to those stories. Still, you can see how it was presented in 2019 by the US media, and now again, now it's being issued in 2014, now that security has been established at the price of basically constitutional freedoms. Weather that's good or bad, overwhelmingly, the people are deciding it's good enough in El Salvador, and I think Renee is even going back on some sort of trip, at least, in the near future. And so, we support him going back there.

And there's this probably a renewed opportunity, certainly for some work there to be done, And we should work there and support Renee in his endeavors, and because if we don't, the Chinese will. And the Chinese put themselves as a state before God. There is no God. There is only the Communist Party. And so that's everything I have today. If you want to get involved, it's probably best to get involved at your local government and where your property taxes go, and how those get funding in your city government with the city commissioners. After that, you're just more and more susceptible to propaganda of one side or the other, but hopefully this gives us a lesson or a little bit of a level set of how we got here, and some options about where we're going.

And we pray that we can correct the ship and that people understand what unification means, and it starts with without being violent, and then we can worry about justice and prosecution later. And that violence is a sure sign when violence is an expression of political means that those people have very little concern for God. So, keep that in mind and God bless you all for listening. We'll now open it up to questions if we have it, otherwise, the Lightline is over. I thank you for being here. Are there any questions? Feel free.
"See what great love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called the sons of God!" 
"For in him we live, and move, and have our being;"

Offline alpine_rain

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Re: Arthura helps with some 21st Century context. Tues LL 07.16.24
« Reply #3 on: July 21, 2024, 10:18:30 am »
The goofball on TV who screws up and falls down and poops his pants all the time is NOT Joe Biden. He’s an actor. This is all fake. The “war” in Ukraine is fake. The “war” in Gaza is fake. There seems to be a united global effort to put on a little show for us.
Michael and Ron should be aware of this. Michael at the very least.
The Urantia Book does a pretty good job explaining what’s going on if you read it. Only one group is capable of doing all this, and they’ve been at it for thousands of years.
It would be nice if this forum reflected some form of reality rather than a big fib.
Please Michael. 😀🙏