I believe this thread contains important information. In my attempts to better understand, I often write to my Spirit Diary under the influence (I hope) of Father. Mostly this is private for my own growth. Sometimes I am inspired to share, as I do today, my notes unedited:
Dear Father, I am reading Dominick's transmission via Monjoronson/Arthura on Politics, State, Individualism, and the purpose of life. It's a hard read, my eyes want to glaze over. But my Higher Mind sees/feels there may be great benefit to sticking with this subject.
So I come here to think it over and simplify. Hopefully with Your Blessing and Inspiration.
I restate Important points to enhance my better understanding:
"All people are created equal in their capacity to be endowed with the divine spark of God, the mind of Spirit"
"Good governance is the state of cooperation"
(I prefer to restate: Good governance by the State encourages us all to agree and cooperate)
"Cooperation entails a dynamic tension that fosters growth and innovation. But also creates conflict and error."
Pursuit of self-mastery and soul growth is each individuals real achievement in mortal life. (paraphrased)
Arthura continues this discussion mentioning the two competing civilizations:
"The American Dream, with a social contract with the state"
"glorious religion of the cult of personality at the top of a hierarchy draped in collective Utopian ideals."
Then Arthura warns the West is drifting into corporate collectivism, causing the freedom of the individual to drift away from self-mastery and labor, into the nanny state of provisioning of citizens with an inequality of life that is also beginning to abolish private property. The key indicator of this trend to watch is the government becoming more than 50% of the economy vs the private sector. And further Arthura warns that the private sector, through globalism, is working with the state to buy up the land and water. What will individuals do when the state claims you have no right to the water that falls from the sky, and therefore no right to your own food production.
All this leads to the individual, who's main life purpose is to seek self mastery and soul growth, being crush by the ever increasing state and corporate monopoly of power and property.
Thank You Father, Monjoronson, Arthura. I feel better, also better informed. Just coming here to write is good for me!