Author Topic: Lightline USA - 02 August - 2024  (Read 2503 times)

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Online SophiaVeronica

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Lightline USA - 02 August - 2024
« on: August 02, 2024, 15:43:39 pm »

USA Lightline August 2, 2024 

This is the Lightline for Friday, August 2, 2024 at 2 pm NYT

with Ron Besser, your host.

             There will be an  additional Lightline at 5:30 pm NYT
             also hosted by Ron Besser 

Here is the link for the 2 pm Lightline:

Offline Moses Ouko

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Re: Lightline USA - 02 August - 2024
« Reply #1 on: August 04, 2024, 10:29:40 am »
  • 080224 Audio Tape Friday Light Line USA; Host: Ron Besser.
  • Subjects: Missions truncated at the moment; Italian light line to be opened; The cabal has been pushed back; The US Supreme Court to be reorganized; Ron, Dominick, Stephen and George Meyer assigned numbers.
  • Speakers: Michael of Nebadon, Machiventa Melchizedek, Luly, Monjoronson, Serara, Ginsburg, Universal Father and the Trinity.
  • Transcribed By: Moses Ouko
  • Link To Tape:
…An unscheduled light line for today. This is August 2nd, 2024, and the following information is now made available.

Michael Nebadon
I am Michael Nebadon, and I have this to tell you all. As of today, August 2nd, at 2 p.m. Friday, we are going to truncate not the light lines, but we are going to truncate the missions. Let me repeat that. The missions for now are scrubbed. Why?
The problem we have had all along is being accepted. Urantia has no sense of what is being done. Only you do. And most of you are fine and dandy and ready to listen. However, the majority of the people on Urantia are so childish and so incompetent, they can't hold a true statement for long.

We are abandoning any hope to resume a mission to Urantia as of today. I have asked Ron to hold light lines every day he can. That is not to take the light line away from Elise and Dominick and anyone else, including Rene.
I want to be known that the French connection is just about gone because of the illness of Clency. Get well, Clency, if you hear this. And fully to you, Ron. You have been hit so hard today, you wondered if you would ever see tomorrow. Well, I've got good news for you. You'll see tomorrow. And with the Dominick's help, you'll see some other days. And now here is Machiventa Melchizedek.

Thank you, Michael, and go ahead, Machiventa, thank you.

Machiventa Melchizedek
Thank you, Ron. The trial that I must report to you, Ron, is that the cabal that is over your head has been entirely kept out of trouble. They can no longer enter.

Oh, I'm so thankful. Thank you.

Machiventa Melchizedek
The truth of the matter is you're still sleepy. Because we put you into sleep. Primarily so you avoided contact. The only seraphim that has contacted you is Luly, and that's spelled L-U-L-Y. She is a very old seraphim and is very tired of their behavior. She will see to you and take care to make sure you're okay. To you, Dominick, you're under the joint auspices with Luly. For now. Yes, and she has always stood with you, Ron.

I am very grateful and thank her tremendously. Thank you, Luly.

This is Luly, Ron. I don't particularly like you, but you don't particularly like me. Together we do very well.

Thank you, Luly. Go ahead.

And it's this. The truth of the matter is you have entered a very dangerous area to participate in the establishment of a mission to Urantia. I will not speak to that mission, but I will tell you this. Your bravery has cost you the use of your legs and a difficulty in the use of your mind. But Michael keeps restoring it and I keep trying to protect it unsuccessfully at times, but mostly we keep it in place.

I thank you. I am grateful.

Thank you, Ron.

Machiventa Melchizedek
Now this here is Machiventa Melchizedek by a special circuit. That is to you alone, Ron, because you must keep the communications open while we reestablish what should be done on Urantia.

One moment please.

I am Luly. L-U-L-Y. I am a seraphim over 37 million years old.

You know your way around Luly.


Thank goodness. Deeply appreciated. Go ahead, please.

Thank you, Ron. I now allow you to speak. You are fully well done and available to me and the other Seraphim of good cause. All of you. I'm going to list the names as we have them at the moment. One moment, please. Of course, it's Dominick, Stephen Gitz, George Meyer, Elise, Robert of New York, an unknown individual, Roger Krupa. Lina Capatini, I hope I have that pronounced right, Charlotte from Alabama and that is all I have listed. Jose just joined us, and welcome Jose.

I am a seraphim so old they don't know what to do with me anymore. I want to joke and call you, to you my name as Linguini, but I am an Italian Seraphim. I grew up speaking Italian only. So, I attend your girlfriend, uh, Ron. I can't see her listed. Has she been knocked off?

Let me, I'm checking. No, there's Lina. I lost you temporarily in my writing.

In any case, Lina, to the rest of you who may listen in Italy, we are going to open an Italian language light line. Ron can attend. He can only speak English. You can Lina, but you need training. If you want to do it, please open a light line. If you know how. Speak your Italian and we will provide our people to you.

That's one announcement. The second announcement is, Elise, you are able to speak languages easily. It's your facility. We want you to hold more than one light line a week, if you are willing. If it is too difficult, let Ron know. I will speak to this later to you in your own transmission. And then if you accept, make sure you post the time and places to hear you.
That is the same for you, Ron. I want you to take two light lines. Dominick, you hold one. The rest may hold their schedules if they are able to.

And now this to all of you. Ron nearly met death today. He's been in bed almost all day. Dominick's call woke him up and he is delighted that you called, Dominick. That he finally got to the phone is a miracle. However, now that he is awake and ready to transmit, he is going to be found and fully. Dominick, you need to visit when you can. Don't force it.

Michael of Nebadon
And finally, this to all of you. I am Michael of Nebadon. You know that. But what you don't know is that I have seized Urantia. It will not do anything anymore. What do I mean by that?
Number one, it has no planetary government over it again. This morning the cabal destroyed it and nearly with Ron. Ron had to go lie down or fall down. That's how bad it's been. He slept most of the day and is still groggy.

For reasons of state, his seraphim, one of which you have heard from called Luly, have stayed back to reserve the right to protect him. The fact that he can do this is a miracle. The rest of you can do it, but practice to make sure you can still do it well. Part of the system of how to communicate has been destroyed, not by me, Michael, but by the loyal seraphim to protect what is left of people like Ron and the others who transmit here, including you, Elise, Dominick, and everybody else.

Now, the truth. I am Michael of Nebadon. I have to cancel and translate that to you. The Cabal have eviscerated, torn down, and utterly destroyed my communications on Urantia, your planet. For that reason, I've got to rebuild not only the infrastructure to speak to all of you, but also, I've got to reestablish trust, not with Ron or Dominick, because Dominick sits with Ron and knows the real truth.

But the real truth is hard to speak to in this discussion forum because there is not a lot of interest. For that reason, Ron, keep the discussion forum. But I want you to establish a forum in which we only do light lines. I will instruct you and whoever is able to establish the internet service. You can use this phone company, but use a different name and circuit.

Thank you and understood, Michael. Go ahead, please.

Michael of Nebadon
Thank you, Ron.
Now, this to you, Dominick. Ron had a scare. Your communication was sealed. He didn't know that. But he relies upon you even for his legs now. Please stay in touch. That's all we ask.

To you, Elise, we are bringing, I think, some happiness to you. You are to continue with your light lines, but we are asking no further expansion of your services. We'll talk about it later.
Ron, we are not asking any further expansion of services, but one. You own the patent to a marvelous technology. You put it together and it is now a patent. That must be saved at all costs. You've got it up so people can look at it. The patent office is ready to take it down. You are not going to ask for anything, but it's going to show. I promise you.

Thank you.

Michael of Nebadon
And finally, this from me at the moment. I have decided that there are no miracles to be performed on Urantia for the next several weeks.

We have promised the appearance of Jesus, the appearance of others in a mission to Urantia. Ron considers it the foremost important thing for him to be. He's 82 and he says he has no other interests except to host Dominick and the friends that he enjoys so much.
For that reason, Ron, we are going to foreclose nothing. You are still the point of contact for me and for my staff, for Gabriel and Monjoronson if he wants you.

All right. Thank you.

This is Monjoronson, Ron. You joke. I don't particularly have a need for you now, but the other Magisterial Sons may. So we are keeping the circuits open to you.

Well, thank you, and I enjoy the thought.

Thank you, and so do we, Ron. This is Serara. You started with me, Ron.

Yes. I think it was in 2008.

That is correct. The truth of the matter is you have grown and done well. You have made available the circuitry for those loyal to the Magisterial Sons, Michael and the missions. But you must also understand that you have become well known to certain groups on the mansion worlds. That will be kept open.

I thank you. I miss them already.

Yes. And now this to you, Ron. Because of you, we have established a full broadcast center through you. If you die, it ends the broadcast center. I don't know what Michael plans. Therefore, keep yourself healthy and well. You have not had a thing to eat today yet. You've been in and out of sleep almost the whole time. You do your best and you conserve yourself when under these attacks.
But now the cabal, as you call them, is pushed back so far, they can't make contact anymore.

Thank you. I am deeply grateful for that. Thank you.

Machiventa Melchizedek
This is Machiventa, Ron. You are 82 years of age. You just had a birthday a month ago.
What in the world do we do with an 82-year-old who can still smile and enjoy everything about a broadcast and is even able to go out and drive, but you have decided it is too dangerous and you don't drive. The car needs driven once in a while, Dominick.

Come and get it and use it for yourself if you have to. And finally this, the trial, Ron, that you need most of all is vitalization, being made happy and awake. Right now, you're mostly sleepy. Truly the sign of 82 years of age. But listen. You now have Lina listening. You always worry that she gets information. Well, now she has a better telephone service. And now she is a permanent member.

I'm grateful. I want my Italian friends here. We used to have several more. I don't know what happened to them. But welcome, Lina. May you always have a connection.

Machiventa Melchizedek
And finally to you Ron, there is a connection to Machiventa Melchizedek that is supremely good. He has always wanted someone on Urantia that he can speak to and make sure his message is delivered.

Today you posted three times when you could what is going on and how to handle it. Well, you're going to have to post a fourth transcript today. And I will see to it with you when you have the time. Watch for it for the last transcript. And this, I don't mean it is your last one to do it, but today it is your last.

Well, thank you, Machiventa.
Machiventa Melchizedek
And now this. Here is Monjoronson. He is now a Trinity Teacher Son. He is no longer a Magisterial Son.

Well, thank you, and please go ahead, Your Highness.

Thank you. Thank you very much. I do enjoy that. Ron knows the importance of all of the assigned names of groups. Two have been eliminated. One is Vorondadek and the other is unknown to him, but they have been real rascals. The Vorondadek Sons have been dissolved, Ron. Thank you for acknowledging it. You are also about to be dissolved, Ron. And that is so that you can survive some time on Urantia. Today you slept most of the day. Dominick's ringing of the telephone got you awake.

Thank you, Dominick.

And fully, Dominick is your friend, Ron. He will see to this difficult period coming. He has problems too. You can fix them between yourselves. And now this. The trial that is yours, Dominick, is to stay awake when you're by yourself in your home. We're going to give you some extra energy. And your luck is that you are now sharing the circuit that Ron has. The circuit that Ron has is eternal. That was changed today while he slept. I saw to it. Yes. Yes. Any case, I am glad to do it.

I am very grateful. Do you change your name, Monjoronson?

I may.

All right. Will you let us know when you can?

Thank you. I will. I am also sure that I have changed my attitude to what it takes to do one of these missions. I have been put on hold now since roughly 2006. That is eight years. (eighteen years)

No. Yeah. Yes. Ron's head is hardly working. In those years, I have learned to deal with Ron as an individual. I seldom do that when I do a mission, but the time was taking so long to get started that I had to find an anchor. He’s quite an anchor. Furthermore, Ron, you will maintain your internet presence until you are removed from Urantia. No, we don't know when. Oh, the circumstances. There is a mission.

Wow. Thank you.

I am not supposed to speak to it.

Well, that's fine. Thank you.

Now this, I am in Monjoronson, Ron. I don't know your future plans.

Insofar as I know Monjoronson, I have a future on paper, and that's it.

Thank you. That is very fair. All of you, ladies and gentlemen, and most on this list today, will be part of a group that belongs with Ron on the Mansion Worlds. You are a big enough group to join together as a specialized group in enunciating the voice…

One moment.

The voice of the Creator Son, The voice of Gabriel, The voice of Emmanuel and anybody else that registers well with the Eternal Son. That surprised you, yes, Ron.

Yes, Monjoronson.

Yeah, no, you don't. You don't want to be Ron.

That's right.

Now this is Monjoronson, Ron. You consider each of them well-known people to you.

I am relaxed and I have a sense of their, I don't know if it's personalities, at least how they speak and enjoying with me. Yes. Everyone you mentioned.  is important to me and a friend.

Thank you. I have never had this happen before, Ron. But when you go to the mansion worlds and are in process of training, you are able to speak for most of us.

My goodness.

Yes. You are to join the Supreme Court with Ginsburg. But Ginsburg is not happy to receive a raw recruit.

I can remove the word raw and spell it again. Our.

Thank you, Ron. -U-R. A-W-R. It certainly must be a word somewhere.

Yes, Ron.

Our in any case, Ron, I am grateful this is Ginsburg. I am well known on Urantia yet for being in the United States Supreme Court. You still look at the picture with me in it.

Yeah, it's not the Supreme Court quite well without you.

I fully agree. However, learn this. The Supreme Court is going to be reorganized shortly. That is not the president. That is not the vice president. It is the justice department who will see to it.

Well, hallelujah. Uh, no, they are, as far as I'm concerned, a perfect group. Yeah. The temptations, but I wish the Justice Department total success. We need a group to always look up to. Thank you.

Thank you, Ron.

And now this. Michael, I am suddenly done. Would you take it, please?

Michael of Nebadon
Uh, yes. This is Michael. One moment.

Universal Father
I am the Universal Father. Ron, you are the one that easily speaks to them because they're friends.

Yes they are.

Universal Father
I will now not admonish you because the other transmitters merely transmit but you are part of the friendship circle. I don't know how you do it. Well, you don't, of course. The truth of the matter is, Ron, that you have special training coming. You look forward to the Supreme Court.

I do.

Universal Father
I think it is perfect for your training. Ginsburg is not the person to do it. We have a Trinity Teacher Son who will train you both. Ginsburg, you're so new you do not know the function of the Trinity. They are the court system for time. You are under great training. And anything that the Trinity does is perfect. For reasons of state to you, Ron, you're happy.

Oh, I'm delighted to even be considered. Thank you.

Universal Father
You Ginsburg are looking at a dais with information on it. You won't find it there. You will be instructed privately momentarily. And now this to you, Ron. I find that you are an excellent way to communicate with a larger audience on the mansion worlds and certain functional groups. The truth of the matter is you're looking inside the closed eyes.

Yes, and it's almost close enough I can see almost the veins.

Michael of Nebadon
Oh my God, Ron. What in heaven's name is that?

I'm sure it's passing. My eyes are sore lately.

Michael of Nebadon
Yes. In any case, Ron, we understand now. Now this. We must make available to all of you.

I have no idea why my screen is so bad. I have no idea how many are here, but it's a goodly number. And I thank you for attending.

Michael of Nebadon
The truth of the matter is, I would like you to name the names you've got, Ron. So I know who is here.

Do you want me to list them now, Michael?

Michael of Nebadon

Those who attend this light line today, Friday, August 2nd, 2024, beginning at 2 PM is Dominick Orbeck, Stephen Gitz, George Meyer, Elise Van Ruth, Robert of New York. an unknown, Roger Krupa, Lina Capputini, I'm guessing, I hope that's close. One moment, I've got to scroll. George Huber, Amado Ferrer, Charlotte from Alabama, Jose Vargas, Roger Raz, part of the board in Indiana, and Carol I assume it’s Deptula.

Michael of Nebadon
Every one of you is blessed today for one particular reason. You remembered Ron and that there was a light line today. He could not remember who he told. That's how bad today has been. And from his knees down, he is on fire. But he's so used to it, it hardly notices him.

For all of you mentioned, at least, and there's more that are not here, we're going to extend an invitation when it's available, it's not yet, a separate website. I will instruct Ron and I will invite you by a message to the current board. To recipients. Code word peach tree. It's a message to join a new website like this one. Don't look for it right away. Dominick, he needs technical help. Alright. you have it written down?

Yes, I wrote it down, yes thank you

Michael of Nebadon
And now this. I want it to be known that this discussion forum has ruled the airwaves up here for, oh, six years at least. Yes. And for that time, it has always furnished the truth and what we want. Keep this website going

Oh, I intend to, with your permission. Thank you.

Michael of Nebadon
And I also want you to establish a secret website without telling anyone else, except those who are invited. For that Dominick, you're going to have to get with Ron and figure it out.

And finally this, I am the Magisterial Son of Record for Urantia. We are going to have a magisterial mission. But I'll be darned if I know when it is to be held. I turn this back to Michael to tell us anything he can.

Well, thank you, Monjoronson and Serara lurking in the background. I always consider you part.

Thank you, Ron, and I am. Thank you.

And to the other Magisterial Sons, thank you for your service. May we hear from you once in a while.

Thank you, Ron. I am now Rayson before you go on, Ron.

And on.

Yes, Ron. Yes. I want you to understand that your website with the patent on it for an electric station is still valid.

Thank you.

Furthermore, it will have someone interested. Be very careful. They want it for themselves, and they will pay top price. $100 billion.

That should keep us going.

Thank you, Ron.

If you can get it, I'm all for it. Well, that keeps Salvington running.

Yes, yes, yes, Ron. Yes. In any case. Thank you.

Well, thank you. I deeply appreciate your continued interest, Rayson. I consider you part of the family. Thank you.

Michael of Nebadon
And now this. This is Michael. What about me?

And who did you say you were?
Michael of Nebadon
I'm Michael.

Michael, still Nebadon?

Michael of Nebadon
Yes. Well, thank you, Ron. I do have an announcement.

My, my

Michael of Nebadon
It's this. I Michael of Nebadon. Say this; I am the Master Creator Son of Nebadon. No more. I was Jesus. No more. I was your friend. I still am. Thank you Ron. I will explain that in another light line.

This tape will be posted, Elise, if you would see to it, or Dominick whoever. The truth of the matter is that this tape is unique in one aspect. And that is, it's one of a kind.

Machiventa Melchizedek
I, Machiventa Melchizedek, assign you Ron this number.

One moment. I'm also almost crippled. The cabal has tightened the muscles on my hands and my legs, and it feels like being crippled. Hold on a minute. Alright, Machiventa, go ahead please.

Machiventa Melchizedek
Your number, Ron is one five one three, period. Your number, Dominick, is one three two one. Your number, Stephen Gitz, Write it down. Is 1220. Your number, One moment. That's all the numbers for now. Those who received their numbers, one, two, three. Steven Gitz, Dominick and Ron.

Use those numbers when you're told to enter your number on whatever you're writing. Ron, your number is 1513. Dominick, yours is 1321. Steven Gitz, your number is 1220. There are two other numbers, but I must verify before I give them out. That is right. It's 1531, no it's 1513, Ron. The dirty devils.

I agree. They're 1513. How do we get rid of those, Michael? I didn't realize they were attached. Oh boy. Ron, this won't make a lot of sense to the narrative, but Ron, you have had nothing but problems of one being attached and changing things as you try to say them.


Michael of Nebadon
That is now removed.

Thank you very much. It causes confusion, Michael.

Michael of Nebadon
Yes. Dominick, yours is removed. You and Dominick, Ron have them because you meet almost daily. That is a monitor. The monitors are suspect. The monitors will be returned when we check you.

Thank you.

Michael of Nebadon
No, it doesn't include Luly. Luly is now independent.


Michael of Nebadon
Not anymore, Ron.

I have seen enough of this transaction for your Seraphim Guardian to return. I am Luly, one L, L-U-L-Y. My partner is Sanstrom. S-A-N-S-T-R-O-M.

I've gotta write it down. Hold on a minute.

Are you ready?

And what am I entering? I have no memory.


Write this down. Number program.

Yes, 1513. Now, the numbers assigned to you, Dominick, yours is 1321. Stephen Gitz, you are 1220. And George Meyer.

That's... I lost the number temporary. You are 1222. I hope you write that down. It's important. Remember your numbers.

Michael of Nebadon
And you have it right, Ron.

I don't know why I'm so giddy.

Michael of Nebadon
There's reasons. This is Michael of Nebadon to all of you. The trial that you are hearing is Ron's been hit not with a cabal, but with a Trinity. While he's transmitting, they are feeding information to his mind. We'll keep going until you are settled back in, Ron.

Well, thank you. I've been slowed way down. I still have mental facilities, but it is very slow.

The Trinity
This is The Trinity, Ron. Give us a second.

Alright. Go ahead. Thank you, Trinity.

The Trinity
No. All right. Thank you. This is round robin number forty-four. Write that down, Ron.

Round robin, number 44?

The Trinity
Yeah. And also round robin number forty five. Round Robin has a special meaning to you, Ron. Tell them what that is.

Yes. A round Robin is the name given to military radio stations that test their facilities by transmitting to each other around the world. It starts, say, in California, goes to the East Coast to another station, then to Europe, then to Asia, then to the Pacific Islands, and then back to California. They call it a round robin.
They test the facilities daily with it. And it is a code, word, and some numbers. And when it's done, it goes off the air automatically. It's called a round robin because it goes around the world. And they test the stations in between.

The Trinity
Ron often refers to communications with Michael as sometimes around Robin.

That is true.

The Trinity
How he knows that I don't know, but he does. Now for your information, this message is a round robin. It's going from where Ron is and what he says. It's being picked up by the spiritual groups in the countries that take it around the world as close to the equator as it can. That way we include the test for the broadest width in mileage around the planet. The Arctic Circle can be circled in less than 10 minutes. At the equator, the signal must take at least two hours to go around. That tells you that the width of the planet is of great importance to a radio station or the width they must carry.

Michael of Nebadon
Now that the round robin is completed. This; We are now seeing that it's 3 p.m. and we have not covered anything I wanted to. So I'm going to ask your kindness for another 10 minutes and then we're done at 3 10 approximately.

Number one, Ron is no longer just a single transmitter. When he transmits, he transmits to the mansion worlds and to certain stations that must remain secret. They are not on Urantia. Number two, we insist that Ron stay well and taken care of. Dominick you're the main nurse if you don't mind. If you do, we'll find someone else or a helper at least. Number three, Steven Gitz. You belong in York. Please make your decisions.

Number four, others belong in York. I'm not going to name them now. George, you're fine in Pennsylvania. You don't have to move. Elise, you will move. I think, but that is to be discussed. And number five, Ron, you will live to the ripe old age of a hundred and something.

Well, that's, I have a lot more than I'm looking forward to now. It isn't pleasant at the moment. And I thank you.

Michael of Nebadon
Thank you, Ron. And finally this Ron, you have been loyal and you have built things we can use. You have built a patent, it's marvelous. You have built some communication circuits that are used individually. And above all, you have built this circuit to a discussion forum you formed.

I think it was originally in 2003, it was changed in 2008, and by 2010 you now had this particular discussion forum. It's been marvelous. Lots of people listen and more shout.

And you, Lina, in Italy, you are our first Italian to listen. I hope you get some more to listen, because the Vatican is also in Italy. It's about time they were included, if they can stand an English broadcast. No need to contact the Vatican, my dear. Just someone that is alive and awake.

And finally this to all of you. We have... I don't know how many on this broadcast but a fairly good number considering it wasn't scheduled.

And for that reason, I'm telling all of you, please keep alert to light lines. We can't always announce an emergency or a special broadcast. Ron is always the one told to do it. And Ron will usually be your host. He may give it to the others if he can't do it. Once he tells you, transmitters, then you have it.

And finally, I must go. There is a reason I dare not tell you, but ladies and gentlemen, can I bother you for a light line?

one moment. Michael is checking his schedule. He can't find it.

Michael of Nebadon
I have it, Ron. Call us back for an additional light line in New York time. I got to figure this, 530 p.m. New York time.
For Steven, that's 430 and so forth across the country. Italy, you're quite dark. And so are the Netherlands.
But 5.30 p.m. New York time, I have a special announcement for all of you. Just a minute.

All right. 5.30 today. New York time. And I will have a special announcement for you. I am just receiving it from Father, and I must make sense out of it to you. Alright Ron, we are done. As far as I know, you are done. Unmute.

Ron & participants
There we go. The light line is unmuted. Don't forget, at 530 today we'll resume broadcast with something that Michael wants to get over to you. I have nothing more. I'm delighted that you could attend and I thank you. Thank you, Ron. Bye bye everybody and Dominick if you would take it off the air.
