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Online SophiaVeronica

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Lightline Netherlands International
« on: August 19, 2024, 17:01:15 pm »
Lightline Netherlands International, 19 August, 2024

This is the Monday Lightline Netherlands International on August 19, 2024

Your host: Elise

Speakers: Monjoronson, Christ Michael, Micheal of Nebadon, Gabriel of Salvington, 
the Universal Father, Mantutia Melchizedek and Elise's Thought Adjuster. 

We thank Them all for their much appreciated words.

Link to the tape:

Online SonsofGod

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Re: Lightline Netherlands International
« Reply #1 on: August 20, 2024, 15:25:11 pm »
  • 081224 Audio Tape Monday Lightline Netherlands International; Host: Elise Sophia Veronica
  • Subjects: The extensive works through the Magisterial Missons; further plans for Urantia; Gabriel of Salvington’s message to us; the sixth epochal revelations to Urantia need to wait; evolutionary planets development by revelation; create your own ministry.
  • Speakers: Monjoronson, Christ Michael, Michael of Nebadon, Gabriel of Salvington, Universal Father, Mantutia Melchizedek, and Thought Adjuster of Elise.
  • Transcribed by: sonsofGod
  • Link To Tape:

Hello to all. This is Elise Sophia Veronica for a Monday Ligh night, Lightline, excuse me, on August 19, 2024. And it's Lightline Netherlands International. I welcome you all, and I have you on my screen here now. It has gone up to 11, and welcome Salvador. We're just starting the Lightline. I'm glad to see that there are so many present, and we will thank the Father for making this gathering possible again. Thank you, Father and Michael of Nebadon, for giving us again the opportunity to be assembled under your guidance. We ask for your presence and blessings for today's Lightline. And we ask for assistance from the spirit side, from which we have had the meetings, the privilege to receive transmissions on this Netherland's Lightline for almost four years now. We pray for healing and recovering for our brothers and sisters on the forum for suffering from pain and discomfort, and we ask our celestial helpers to keep the channels clear and open to be able to hear your voices. And we thank our Father and Michael and Jesus, and all other personalities in our celestial family for sharing time with us. I'm asking for this assistance from the celestial side to come to us and please speak to us if you're there.

Good day, everyone. I am here, and this is Monjoronson, and I would like to speak a little to the concerns that may go through your mind asking yourselves, where did spirit go? And what with the Magisterial Mission, which is carried out in silence? Well, I am Monjoronson. I am very responsible for these missions, and of course, we want to make this mission a success. We do our work, and it will, much later, come to a time when we help people find better ways to deal with today's problems and difficulties that have arisen on your planet, where many people have evolved in a very selfish way, and have failed to find solutions to the problems they have created. And with 'they' I mean, all of them, all of your inhabitants, as a group. By this time, you should be able and have a lot of experience to solve your complicated problems. But we are talking about your civilization where egoistic behavior has kept people apart, and where you are deprived of training in the many issues and things that now affect your life on the planet. And your people need change on a massive scale, for the simple reason that you do have the necessary knowledge but have not used that knowledge for the right purposes.

You have been given revelation to get man acquainted with other realities, to understand how to run a society and prepare for higher spiritual status that will follow after you leave this material world. And your written revelation, such as the Urantia Book, is an important tool to become increasingly involved with the universe, with its creator and rulers, and it helps to clarify your vision on how to see things in a more realistic perspective. And all of that in addition to the revelation you yourselves experience in life as a human being, and later on in your ascension career as a spiritual being.

We, the Magisterial Sons, we will assist humanity. We will counsel your official representatives in governments and otherwise. We do not take the place of Jesus. We never would or could, but we assist Jesus by preparing a way to make the world more acceptable and receptive to his return, by carrying out our agenda. And also trying to connect with the world and its people in what we can offer humanity in its efforts to lead your nations in making this world a dignified and livable place without greed, and without leaving waste products to future generations.

I am Monjoronson, and we have told you before that our work is extensive and may even be surprising to us in some respects. But we have vast experience in missions. And we are well prepared for setbacks or opposition from any hidden quarter or opinion on your world. We keep doing our work as planned. And we are well aware of what the world has missed to achieve, or to which no attention has been paid as a result of its decline, and by the pursuit of power and lust for material profits. Which always leads to abuse and destruction, and it distracts men from progression in making full use of the privilege and presence of the Adjuster to help him remember his purpose. Which goes far beyond the purpose of earthly pleasure, and which has been completely ignored, because you're training and education neglect to teach the very important questions of life. And most of all, denies God his place in your society.

So, as Magisterial Sons, we have our own agenda, and we are trying with many others, to get well, let's say this planet on its feet again, to get some healing for the people, for the planet, which is so necessary. We have been looking at some videos about nature and what has been lost, what has been destructed, and what is left of some beautiful places where people, where mostly wild animals used to live. And it's a very, very sad thing to see what humans do to the beautiful planet of Urantia.

But we say again to everyone, let's work together. Train your patients. We are not there yet to ask for you, but we are sure that much must have gone off to a good start before these missions are fulfilled. And that we can and must help you to find ways to look at your planetary problems to heal this planet, and to look for a fair distribution of what the world produces. And of course, get the people to become much more familiar with our Father in heaven, whom we always represent in all our assignments on any planet in God's universe.

You all live in a small and remote part of the universe, but you are a part of the whole, and therefore you participate in the whole. Be aware of that. Be good to yourself, to your neighbor, to your people, to your planet, stay with us in all your expectations and good work to be done for Urantia. We are here, and we will be in contact. Just wait. This is Monjoronson. I thank you all, and I leave by saying good day.

Thank you. Monjoronson.

Christ Michael
My dear people, as your brother and friend, I come to you as Christ Michael, I speak to you all. I am both Michael and Jesus, and we speak as one, Blessings to you all, and we give you our words here to encourage you to continue and never give up faith in our Heavenly Father, who is the Universal Father of all, of all that is and ever will be.

I am Christ Michael. Please, continue to believe in what will come to you in the future, after the world is cleansed of the evil of war, of greed and lust that now occupy the minds of many on your planet. That will change. For there will come a time, after the Magisterial Sons have completed their routine work to assist you in bringing new, refreshing and more enduring ideas, for all to live by with new assignments, new ideas, new work to be carried out by those who will receive our call. Who have cooperated with us to establish a foundation of trust, and who will be able to provide education to all who show an interest in this world that will be freed of war, domination and violence. This, of course, will take time, but the method used to achieve this will be made clear and the majority of the population will then readily follow new instructions for a society that will bring on Urantia the dawn of time for peace and prosperity that you are all hoping for.

But that foundation of your new society must be solid with clear rules and a charter to live by, just as your constitution. Your constitutions have now been adopted by your nations, and as you have sought to bring the nations together in a union of United Nations, from which the new rules will be derived in an appropriate charter. Which will lead to a more economic, social, and hence more spiritual way of life that will be desired and accepted by all. But we can't be hasty, because a lot of time is needed to prepare all this, and slowly but surely, people are willing to start to see those better ways and means and understand how to deal with the multitude of things in your society that need to be changed radically, in behavior and attitude towards life in general.

I am Michael. I am Christ Michael. I know man's efforts and its failures to make this planet a place where you can live in comfort and peace, but we have all learned that you will never be successful until there is a common willingness to give up greed, power, possession. So that there will be a more or less forced establishment of new governments on Urantia accepted by the majority of the population. Who will then take the lead in rallying the remainder of a stubborn group and convince them of new methods of teaching material, and also spiritual knowledge so necessary for all in this world, where God, our Father, has been lost for centuries, and where the knowledge of human existence on this planet has failed to survive spiritually, and have left its people in a mist of ignorance.

I am Christ, Michael. I am your Creator, your Father, your brother and friend, and I love this planet, on which I had my life in the flesh, as you do at this time in history. The times since my birth have not changed much, except for your technical development, which has not been used properly, but mostly to invent weapons that are so dangerous that they could destroy the planet in a few moments and leave it burning to never again become a place for humans to live on.

As Christ Michael, I tell you that I truly love and care for you and your planet. And that all must become responsible and willing to work together. We have tried to reach you for so long, and we have been stopped by the many acts of insurrection and destruction that leave us unable to begin our shared commitment to help healing the planet. And to negotiate with those who really understand that the planet is on the verge of destroying itself if no urgent changes take place, to look for a different future. A time and place for all people to work and live in a community that strives for good, physical and mental health in a healthy society.

Michael of Nebadon
I, Christ Michael, I am now Michael of Nebadon. Your Creator Father and Sovereign over this local universe, Nebadon, which is facing the many problems of rebellion and evil behavior of human and spiritual life together. And where we must settle matters so that everyone knows that I am the Sovereign of My universe, and I will ensure that it returns to governments that cannot be taken over by rebels who think they can have it their way. They will be pushed aside and have to wait for other assignments that will not be given to them in the near future, because we can't trust them in their specific duties as part of the regulations in my universe. I am Michael of Nebadon, and those who want to follow me are very welcome. And they will share in my responsibilities and duties that I have for my universe. I go by the living truth of our Father on Paradise, and I will never forsake His will. He is the Sovereign of the vast universes of His creation. Those who follow me follow the Father, and they will have eternal life in and with him as a true child of God, the First Source and Center forever. I am Michael of Nebadon, and I step back, and I give you Gabriel of Nebadon.

Thank you. Thank you, Christ Michael and thank you Michael of Nebadon, and welcome Gabriel. Please go ahead.

Yes, thank you. Thank you, Elise, this is Gabriel. Listen to me. I bring you some words. My name is Gabriel. Gabriel of Salvington, and I speak to all on this Monday Lightline. So here I am. This is Gabriel, and I am the one you might call Michael's right hand, as I was the first person created by his hands. And I am very much like my Father and Mother, Michael of Nebadon, your Creator Father, and Mother Spirit, the Creative Spirit, who was previously Michael's concert. I replace Michael, and I work with his staff sometimes where necessary, and I know the universe of Nebadon as well as Michael does. I have inherited many qualities from my Father Michael, but not his divine qualities as a Creator.

I am the first administrative executive in Michael's universe, and I take over for Michael when he is away for an extended period of time. As he was during his bestowals, his incarnations in the likeness of seven of His created beings that he created in his universe. I work with and for Michael daily and my devotion and love are for him and his universe, and the many beings that live in his universe. For the evolution and wellbeing of all that evolves from the day I came into existence and realized my task and responsibility as the first Local Universe Son of my parents. I know exactly my place and my duties, and I love Michael as my Father, as I love our Father on Paradise, the Father of all, who you might say is my grandfather.

My duties are many, and I know this universe, and everything related to it very well. I do take care of everything in this local universe as my Father Michael would do himself. I do not go on missions, but I do represent cases in the high courts, as was the case in Gabriel against Lucifer; to name the most serious case we have encountered in this local universe. Where he, Lucifer, took full action against the will and rules of God, the Universal Father, by denying the existence of God, and demanding free rule over the system of Satania, of which he was then the sovereign ruler. And of which he was expected to assist Michael in that part of the universe of Nebadon. Well, this all was made known to you through the text in your Urantia Book. So, I step in for Michael in many cases and circumstances, including approaching humans, or to announce the good news or just messages such as here in a transmission. I am not a teacher, but I express myself in divine knowledge, which is my own through my high position as the first created divine offspring of Michael in this universe called Nebadon.

I love my Father Michael dearly, and I admire his divine attributes and works that are always dedicated to the Father, to the Universal Father, the mighty God and Creator of all, who is and ever will be. My existence and work are dedicated to that of Michael of Nebadon, and I will always adhere to the will of Michael, who represents the will of our Paradise Father. Ather. This is Gabriel, and I had just these few words for you all, to let you know that I am also here for you as much as Michael is in his love and devotion for your existence and your sometimes troubled life here on this world. I bid you farewell, and I wish you a very good day.

Well, thank you very much, Gabriel of Nebadon. Okay, this is Elise, and I will have a look at the ... at my screen. We have Jose and George and Charlotte coming in. So altogether, we have 15 people, and I am going to see if we have more from the spirit side coming to us. Just give me a minute.

Universal Father
This is Father, Elise. I greet you all. This is the Universal Father speaking to all of you. I am your Universal Father, and if you'd like to know me, you have to learn to listen to your Adjuster, who is a real fragment of me that I gave you, to have the opportunity to learn who I am. And to climb up in a spiritual status to finally meet me on Paradise, where I am present and from where I have my place to oversee my creation at all times.

Because most people do not know how to discover me inside of them, how to listen, how to be still, revelation is given to each world from time to time. And it is through revelation that man learns to know about administration, leadership and educational opportunities in my universe, that is there for all of you to experience for an endless time of no time. Revelation comes to all inhabited planets with a purpose to educate the people of the planet about its history, its spiritual management and assistance that is given to every planet, next to the inner individual assistance, each human receives by way of their own experience and trials in their material, morontial and spiritual lives on the planet and thereafter.

Your planet has received five epochal revelations, beginning with the arrival of the 100, coming from Jerusem, and transferred into beings of dual nature, who were sent to your earth to assist your Planetary Prince one half million years ago. To help him in his administration and progression on the planet, which failed in its purpose, largely by the decision of your Planetary Prince to join your system sovereign in his rebellion and sin against the Universal Father. And the planet from there on, was cut off and in quarantine from any spiritual communication for about 250,000 years.

A second epochal revelation came with the arrival of your Material Son and Daughter, Adam and Eve, who had the task to uplift the population with education, and to improve the human genetics on this evolving world. Because of the planet's isolation and the still influential Planetary Prince, Adam and Eve had to leave the planet in default, but nevertheless left many good things to the planet's progression and to the development of the human population.

A third epochal revelation came to your world by the incarnation of a Melchizedek Son, who came to rescue the planet where hardly any light could be found after so many years of separation from spirit influence and contact. This was Machiventa Melchizedek, who volunteered to go to Urantia, and tried to keep of what was left of the spiritual light on Urantia, and in the human belief in the one God and Creator.

The fourth revelation is the birth of Jesus, where your Creator Son, Michael of Nebadon incarnated in the flesh as a little baby, born as a human, to experience his creation and to reveal God as your Father, and the Father of the universe of universes.

The fifth epochal revelation is the written text that was brought to you in a book form by the name of the Urantia Book. Which tells you about God, the First Source and Center, your Father on Paradise and his existential associates, the Eternal Son, and the Infinite Spirit, and his coordinates in the Holy Trinity. It also explains to you the extensive administrations and divisions in staff and personnel in the Grand Universe, and even about the Master Universe. All of this you have come to know about not even a century ago. But has unfortunately been made partly invalid by the fact that there has been such great disturbance in the universes when a high deity decided to blow himself up and bring enormous damage to the Father's administration and his universes. But the book gives you still enough information to go by.

A sixth epochal revelation was due to appear on your planet. And when it does, it will probably be again in book form to explain to you much more precisely what has happened and the changes that are being made in the universe as a whole, and on your world. Many things you have read and have been listening to over the last years will be explained more deeply, and you will get a much broader picture of the life of Jesus on your world, with a deeper meaning of Michael's incarnation and what it really means for his universe, and in fact for the universe of universes as a whole.

But also, the sixth epochal revelation must be postponed and wait until the people on Urantia are willing to strive for cooperation and become more aware of the truth and faith in God on Paradise. This is your Universal Father. I have spoken.

Thank you, Father.

Mantutia Melchizedek
And this is Mantutia Melchizedek. I greet you all. Let's take a look. Planets all develop in their own and different ways, depending on their position in the universe around the sun, or some other heavy source to which they belong, and from which they sometimes receive light.

This is Mantutia Melchizedek, and we see how one planet can differ from another. As you know from the Urantia Book, there are many planets that are formed in different ways. Some are ejected by parts of other planets and sometimes through suns, stars, but there are also planets that were created by collecting bits of material from the cosmos, and which have been grown under favorable conditions and prepared to develop life on them. You also know how the Life Carriers continuously work to make changes in life patterns to improve the life forms, and to increase the quality of material, and to adapt life forms to the natural conditions of the planets. They work on a planet in the beginning of its existence, and so each planet has its own history and has produced different people who live and work on these planets.

Not all the inhabited planets in Nebadon have been affected by rebellion. The number that Lucifer managed to bring under his authority was already more than enough, and everything was stopped when his manifesto went too far and could possibly expand much more. The planets were isolated and separated from the rest of Michael's regime, and remained so until the last century, where Caligastia was adjudicated by the Supreme Court of Uversa, and condemned into nonexistence.

Most planets have not been under the influence of the rebellion and have avoided the encounter with Lucifer. They have been able to follow their normal evolution, but they each have their own developmental problems, and they all receive help from a Material Son and Daughter coming from Jerusem to improve the races. And learn to use new techniques to make great progress in the revolution and in their biological development. All planets have the honor to receive a Bestowal Son, born of a woman of their own human race, who will bring revelation to them. Not all planets in Nebadon have yet received their bestowal sons. But most have been fortunate to have had the birth of a Bestowal Son, and incarnated Avonal Son, who is doing exactly the same work on a planet as Jesus did on Urantia.

However, Jesus was the only Bestowal Son in which Michael of Nebadon experienced his life as a human being on one of his planets, as one of his created beings. Furthermore, all planets are being visited from time to time by Avonal Sons to judge the state of the planet, which includes, very often, a mission with a specific purpose for that planet. And which varies depending on what is most urgent and necessary for that planet to ensure proper progress in development.

And all planets strive to eventually arrive at the first stages of Light and Life, and to pass through its phases until they can be fully regarded. Regarded as perfected planets that will function in Light and Life forever, in which they have reached a state of peace and harmony and are able to live together and participate in worship to their Creator in an individual but also in a communal way with great respect to God and His creation, with all its inherent persons, animals and scientific facts. The possibilities for a planet to get this far are unlimited, and the path is different for every planet, depending on its location in the universe, its location in relation to other systems and stars, and sometimes the size and conditions of the planet itself. With life on it develops in more or less the same way, but the creatures on it are of a wide variety and adapted to the conditions that the planet faces in its own development and evolution.

This is Mantutia Melchizedek, and I just wanted to give you this overview in a few words. I thank you for doing this transmission. I wish you a very good day.

Thank you, Mantutia Melchizedek. Thank you so much.

Thought Adjuster of Elise
This is your Adjuster, Elise. And let me finish off this Lightline with some words to all. In this spiritual mission coming to your planet, about which your Magisterial Son, Monjoronson has informed you, there is now little you can do at this time to assist. But you can try to make your own little mission, and that is the effort you make to maintain connection with the Divine Spirit living within you. I am the Adjuster, and I ask you to help you on a little mission of your own, by making a list of things you can do, how to create your mission, how to get your mission accomplished. What can you contribute to your planet, to your people, to peace? What are your options? What do you see when you look around? Is there a place to offer your services? Through this self-examination, you discover that there is much that can use a helping hand, and in this way, you create your own mission here and now, and contribute to the realization of a great mission led by the Magisterial Sons, who in turn discover people who will seem to be ready and willing to cooperate, and accept a task that matches their desire to be used, and to help the planet to heal. So that it may flourish and develop and remain safe for dozens of generations to come.

Your desire to be part of a divine mission will stimulate confidence. And experience can be gained through the necessary discipline. People often forget the simplicity of what can be contributed by creating and completing a small task you set yourself and engaging others may be in it. It will encourage you to be more than you thought possible. Do not worry about spiritual missions, about where or when. Start with yourself. Ask your friends to join you, and you will participate in building a creative and cooperative body in your society. Working together on any level with a goal in mind provides a good and broad insight into what can be achieved in these times of intolerance, dissatisfaction and unrest, and it will be a start and encouragement for everybody of what can be achieved through taking responsibility and to act. I thank you for listening. This is Elise's Adjuster, and I say goodbye to all of you.

Thank you, Adjuster. Well, I'm looking at the clock, and I see that we have past the hour. So, I'm going to my screen and see if there are any question marks, questions or no. Well, I take it that there's no one would like to add something, and I think we have heard many celestials speaking today, and I thank them for being here. And I thank you for being with us today on this Lightline. I hope you have enjoyed it, and well, I will listen to my own Lightline again later, because I have not really, do not really remember everything that was said here. So, I thank you very much, and I say goodbye for now, bye, bye, until next time.

« Last Edit: August 20, 2024, 15:32:36 pm by SonsofGod »
"See what great love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called the sons of God!" 
"For in him we live, and move, and have our being;"