Author Topic: JESÚS - THE WHOLE SUBJECT/JUDAS August 24,2017 by Ron Besser  (Read 1680 times)

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JESÚS - THE WHOLE SUBJECT/JUDAS August 24,2017 by Ron Besser
« on: August 25, 2024, 16:04:48 pm »
JESUS - The WHOLE SUBJECT / JUDAS Transmission: Jesus Did Not Save Himself
« Last post by Ron Besser on August 24, 2017, 11:57:17 PM »
This is Michael of Nebadon.  I asked Ron to look at his collection of Judas tapes he managed to save from over 100 he had, but we deleted 50 of them as salacious and would not allow him to sort through the 100 available on the computer if he would look closer for them.

HR is a well developed transmitter active during the later years of the 1990's and early 2000's.  We present a transmission from Judas to HR and two others referred to by initials only in the top section.

This tape is the view of Judas as to what happened to Jesus when he died on the cross and just before his own death by suicide and falling onto the rocks below at Gethsemane.  Ron has asked permission to post this transmission so you can truly see the evil in Judas and the heartless view he had of the entire affair  of the murder of Jesus by the Sanhedrin authorities.  Jesus has brought you up to date what happened to him when he was carried to the tomb to the time the Father raised him up and Deified the Bestowal Son to serve with Michael and the Father forever more.

Ron here.  I wish to add some informational points before you read the Judas speech below to early transmitters located near Hawaii and Australia to the best of my recollection.  I knew HR and I corresponded with him, but he as hard to deal with in that he disliked personality association with people he was afraid was going to steal his output.  I promised HR if I could have the 100 transcriptions from tapes he made, that I would bury them in my archive and not release any of them generally.

In 2001, the last year HR produced the Judas material from Judas himself, I culled this year as particularly interesting to future historians.  I do not know if HR kept his out put but Michael tells me I am about the only one in the entire world that has this Judas record.  I also want all of you to know that Judas died in 2014 on mansion world two where he was allowed to rehabilitate his life if he could manage it.  In effect, his depression became so great, he deliberately committed suicide in his morontial cell where he was alone and no one would attend him ever again for what he did to Jesus and the Bestowal of Michael on Urantia.  Judas died in 2014'  I spoke with him in 2004 and declared myself never to ever get close to him again, as he became ecstatic and then ruled that I was insane for not giving him my life for his and that he could be free to roam Urantia again.  Of course this is impossible, and I know Judas was whiley and truly a wonder of an intellect.  Michael reported his death to me and I see all death as tragedy even though I could not stomach what he did to Jesus or to the other Apostles trying to ingratiate himself and they left him cold all except Andrew.  Let me tell you about that man Andrew.

Andrew saw Jesus as totally lost.  When Judas went over they held him on a mansion world prison world.  It was dark, cheerless, and no one could get in except Andrew to see what was once a friend and a fellow Apostle.  Andrews tried to cheer Judas up and visited him daily for six weeks, but Judas threw him out!  In dying Andres, the friend of Judas, Judas spit upon on him and told him he was a fake friend and that he never wanted to see him again.   Such was the agony of Judas, and such was the love of Andrew for Judas, that Andrew petitioned Michael for help.

Michael of Nebadon called Andrew to his home behind the fire and ice of the Great Wall in which the mansion of the Creator Son is built.  Jesus attended the interview through teleportation, and when Andrew asked for the help, Michael tole him that there was nothing he would do to settle the mind of Judas or take him into sanity by fiat.  Andrews shuddered to think what would happen to Judas without mental health application and help, yet saw the impossibility of teaching Judas the light of friendship again.  I conclude this with telling you Andrew went back to his cell where the other Apostles were still gathered in the year of 1737 which is the time when all this took place.  Andrew left the mansion worlds in about the year 1943 during the height of World War II, and has never been back to visit, and Andrew himself is not lost but deeply saddened at this event and the loss of Judas through depression-suicide.

Now let me tell you something ladies and gentlemen of the press and of the membership on this forum.  I spoke to Judas through a transmitter in Washington DC as a guest in the home of Allene Vick at the time.  Vick herself never knew of the assignation I had that day, but the marvelous thing is that I came away from the bond with that Transmitter completely cured of Judas and found that what he did was so revolting I cannot justify even placing my name to that person.  What led me to ask Judas anything was his amazing power to recall the first century life in such detail I sat spell bound listening to him tell the stories of Jewish life in the markets and the streets he visited as a young man and, later as the Apostle who guarded the funds to operate the teaching mission Jesus enjoyed providing the people of Judea.  I wanted more, as much more as I dare elicit from Judas from his memory and he at times seemed happy to recall those events and the days they came forth to him.

The transmission I received that day started off well and I told Judas who I was and most ly why I was interested in hearing him tell the world the history as viewed by one who lived it and was the Jesus Apostle most trusted to carry and protect their funds to pay their way through Judea with Jesus teaching all the while.  I consider it mostly my fault that I sparked the paranoia of Judas that day and have felt very queasy of ever doing an interview with a famous person again just because I had not defense other than curiosity and my interest in history.  Nonetheless he spewed forth such invective I suppose this was nothing compared to what Andrew experienced but there was enough in it I was left without understanding and a loss of words and asked the Transmitter to put Judas out of his misery and to restore peace by breaking the connection.  She did so, bless her heart, and to this day does not like the name Judas anywhere around her and sees me no more because of that awful memory that came through her that afternoon.

Andrew the Apostle speaks: "Ron you completely amaze me with things you remember and that stick in your head as you truly felt horrible for Judas and what torture it must have been to still breathe and not find solace for anything he committed.  I agree with you until he spat upon me in that darkened room and he still faced me with teeth apart ready to let go again, and I was a friend?!  I am Andres and you were brought to tears when Michael told you that I came to see him and how he was so animalistic he could not greet me with the power of anything but the hatred of being found out and could not claim irresponsibility for what he had done.  I too felt it Ron as you fell so ill with the pitiful animal that came in front of you one hot summer day with a broken back and foraging for the last meal it ever had and you prayed for Michael to please release it from such awful misery.  That skunk is no longer enshrined with any of us but you knew it was forcing itself to eat so it could die and you had no wit to put it out of its misery and prayed for divine consideration to place it out of pain and harm forever again.  Strangely, that is how we both view Judas and it breaks the heart entirely to consider it and how the hatred of people toward the man made him so ill he could not sustain his own life and he took it and died forever in history.

"As Andrew, I loved Judas truly.  he was bright and happy and spoke eloquently to all who came before him for the money due them and we paid our bills regularly and fully.  I am not so well done Ron that you allow me much more but you re sure to hear from Michael shortly, as this reassignment of you to the death of Judas finalizes it for you and we hope for the rest of us and that is not something we easily admit as the tragedy still is and that tragedy you feel for Jesus is unforgivable to what happened to him in your heart and full body.  We all feel it Ron and you especially because you are chosen to walk with Jesus yourself, yet you feel entirely unvarnished for the tragedy that happened to him and his bravery far beyond what you could muster yourself as you fully admit to Michael and the rest of us when you cry over this incident of Jesus dying so harshly on a cross of wood and nails and the mockery around him from the dolts who never knew a moment's peace thereafter until they too died like that poor animal that came before you that one awful heated summer day to live one more hour, as it died in its own shadow in a shallow den it cleared for itself moments before.  You ron are like me: you cannot forget what they felt and had to release in death and you are so so very sorry they had it happen to them at all.  We now leave you a little shell shocked that I am still here and contactable and that I was not happily ensconced further up the chain, and yet you see me as I am and I walk with Jesus yet, and he walks with me, and it does not help to clear it.  It never does and he is the gracious the one forever.  Andrew."

Machiventa Melchizedek - "I swore at Ron in 2004 for putting these historical tapes up for reading but not in a general way-- you had to go search for these transmissions if you wished to read them.  He still will not release them as he has come to me to get an okay to put this one up for you to read too.  He loved his transmitter and she quite solidly against further transmitting shortly after this episode such was the power of the attraction to his evil she could hardly shudder enough to get away from it.  Ron flet shattered by what happened and I happened to have listened in on the interview.  ron thinks he triggered the irrational result and he was really not doing well to begin with when Judas addressed him as the Saint of Babble and so on.  Now we come to my view:  Judas has failed forever to convince me that he felt trepidation for what he did.  Ron felt he had no feelings at all, but that he might help historians understand the first century AD better if he woul organize some lessons along the work of the common people in the bizarres and markets of that day.  We see that the real reason Ron approached Judas was also to see how much he and HR could gather the real ilk of what Judas felt and that never transpired because Ron could never find the words to really get started and was thrown off base when his transmitters suddenly jumped and ran headlong into a diatribe that was not easily comforting or understood by either Ron or the transmitter.  It was then on a lost cause and Ron retreated by calling an end for the connection before Judas got even worse.  We understand the meeting and the events that followed, but what we do not understand is how Ron can elicit the pain of sedition against the gentle soul of Jesus for any reason, and Ron deeply feels for the events that ended the life of Jesus then and now.  However, Ron also feels there is a depth to human emotion that teaches reactions that are unexpected and raw and lose their truth, but at the same time such reactions are motivated by twisted misunderstandings that Judas found pleasurable.

"Now, one more thing, when I saw Ron place the Juedas tapes up in a historical archive I was furious and ordered them down at once.  He did so at once and held his promise not to release them before now and except for his one which is rather harmless, the reader and the members must realize that HR felt as Ron did-- ther has to be a good reason to figure this problem out just a little bit more!  Well you cannot do that and we Melchizedeks watch closely as people like Ron seek understanding on their own that breaks our hearts to open old history and its great pain we still all feel including Ron himself.  I let this proceed because it is rather minor to bear, but recall the HR died believing there was nothing to gain by working with Judas ever again.  I am Machiventa Melchizedek and wish you all a good day."

HR - "I speak from mansion world three Ron!  Congratulations on your notoriety as I never suspected you could do what you have done and get us all excited to be the first human ever to be part of one of these divine missions representing humanity to God and to man too.  I am the HR of those transmissions and I know Ron considered me to be top notch and still does and I am grateful for that man's appraisal, but I have retired from the field and I know Dr. Sadler and I know the rest of them in Chicago who slaved to get the first Urantia Book finished and published.  What I fail to understand is how Ron views the Foundation in default as does Michael as does Jesus as does Machiventa Melchizedek, yet ron has little issue with them except to note that the leadership there has blocked every creative effort known to man to become better stated to defend the book and to disseminate it well at all.  Nopw I see the reasons Ron - okay, but you are one rough cookie to take on when someone keeps doing wrong.  I just want to say we all knew the death of Judas when it happened and no dark skies up here, but there was a rumble of disheartening views when he left utterly bereft of soul or heart for anyone to bear to his morontial grave.  Good day as this is HR reporting through Michael to keep it easy for Ron to hear."

Michael of Nebadon - "This takes you through the thorns of the hatred of Judas yet Andrew suffered the slings and arrows that Judas failed to feel at all.  He was not a pleasant subject and he was hardly a man at his death, but he came not to me in his sorrow but to you Ron and to many others like HR to tell his tale of falsehood and never repented one moment for his deed.  I leave your audience to savor Judas below and his version of what happened to me and why I did not escape into the night to fight another day."

JUDAS SPEAKS August 22, 2001
(Ron here - I see there is little use to fold much information out of this transcript, but listen to his prose and reading of the reason Jesus failed to save himself.  This is but a minor scrap in a lifelong full of hopeless concerns for others he had no more feeling for other than all of them choose the wrong thing to do, as Jesus did before him, Judas.

Warning of danger and the choices we face.
August 22nd, 2001
Received by H.R.
Cuenca, Ecuador

Hello H___! You called me, but I see that our connection is not very good. You can feel this, too, because you cannot see me clearly. You are sleepy; maybe this is not the right moment.

Well, if you insist, we may try. But we have to choose an easy topic.

[H.R.: As you know perhaps, some time ago, I asked about self-defense. I received two answers, through A.R. and K.S., from Mary and Jesus, respectively. Both answers agreed in that logically this is a free will choice, but that never, under any circumstance, can violence be approved of, not even in self-defense. They also explained that, when someone prays for protection, this someone would not face the necessity of using weapons, because it would not happen that s/he would be in the wrong place in the wrong moment. In other words, the obtained guidance would lead the person who is praying for protection along paths avoiding dangers.

But I wondered how it was possible then that Jesus died a violent death. He had more guidance than anyone else did. And how is it possible that so many martyrs died violently, of whom we suppose that they were people filled with Love and faith, nevertheless, it seems that they didn't enjoy protection.]

The two messages through A.R. and K.S. tell the truth. And between Jesus' violent death and the contents of the mentioned messages, there is just a seeming contradiction. Yes, it is an easy topic; I will explain it to you in detail.
You read that Jesus had knowledge that he was in danger. First, there is John the Baptist's message setting out explicitly that John had warned Jesus. John was already "dead", but had maintained contact with Jesus from the spirit world. And here enters the principle we discussed in connection with the Law of Activation, that is, you can interpret the warning as a blessing, an opportunity to escape. But a blessing is not mandatory, which means, it is always the individual who has to make the decision.

Jesus took the warning seriously. You can read in the Bible that he obviously camped on the Mount of Olives, or rather, in the Garden of Gethsemane. He could have found lodging easily in Jerusalem. It was also possible for him to spend the night in the house of his good friend, Lazarus, in Bethany, just a few miles from Jerusalem, right on the opposite side of the Mount of Olives. But he did not. Why? For reasons of safety.

It was my betrayal, which gave the high priest's henchmen the hint concerning his whereabouts, and so they located him and took him prisoner.

In short, Jesus had the opportunity to escape, to get away, and he received the warning in time, but he didn't take advantage of it. He took certain precautions, but he stayed practically in the city, or very near to it, fully AWARE of the danger. He did not seek death, of course, but he understood that after several years spent with us, after continuous preaching, even we, his most intimate disciples, did not understand well, and that our faith was little.

He knew that each event, although seemingly fatal, bears opportunities, and he took a risk. The consequence of his attitude was his death, certainly, but further on, also his resurrection, and as you will understand, it was his resurrection, which finally convinced the disciples. It was his resurrection, which started the process of increasing his followers' faith so much, that the coming of the Holy Spirit in such a spectacular way, like it happened at Pentecost, was possible. In that sense, and only in that sense, his death was a sacrifice for humanity. And as A.R. informed you, this decision caused in him the only doubt regarding his mission: "Had he completed everything to his best ability?" "Should he have protected himself and stayed longer with his followers?" A difficult decision, but he chose the right thing.

I don't want you to understand me wrong. Jesus' resurrection, or his previous death, were not the great events for salvation, you know this already. But the effect they had in convincing Jesus' followers was decisive.
You have read the New Testament many times. In certain Gospels, the disciples are portrayed as a stupid bunch, unable to understand anything. Well, certainly it was not so, but it is also true that we didn't understand everything. And according to the text of the gospels, although they exaggerate, can you imagine that Jesus' disciples had enough faith, enough maturity and decisiveness so as to receive the Holy Spirit in such a spectacular way? Most certainly not. It was the experience of Jesus' crucifixion, which left them scared to death, desperate, and then the Master's resurrection and appearance, which established true, firm, sure faith. And without that faith, Pentecost would not have been possible, at least not so soon. If Jesus had decided to hide, to escape, it would not have been bad either. Like in so many cases, there were several options, and it is then that the soul perceptions can help us to choose the best option.

You can interpret the martyrs' case in a similar way. They had knowledge of the danger, hence they had the opportunity to save their lives, but they did not. They chose death, in order to be an example, or for other reasons. There were even reasons pretty close to suicide. You have read about this.

But from this story you can deduce an extremely important conclusion:

When you face a problem, there are generally several solutions. There are truly bad solutions, and more or less good solutions. But there is not only one good solution. Therefore, we almost always have the possibility to choose among several viable ways.

You are thinking of the case Jägerstätter. Very well. It fits marvelously in here. Describe here in few words this famous case.

[Franz Jägerstätter, who born on May 20th, 1907 in St. Radegund, Austria, was called up into the army of Hitler's Germany for the first time in August 1940. He had a big family and cultivated a farm, and so he was released from service and could return home after a few days. In October, he was forced back to the army, where he served until the month of April of 1941, but he never was sent to fight at the front line. When Germany’s situation got worse during World War II and Jägerstätter received once again an order to join the ranks, he categorically refused to do so on March 1st, 1943. He declared that he would not lend himself in the service of Hitler’s world domination.
Jägerstätter did not maintain contacts to Austrian resistance groups, but acted according to his own conscience. He knew that his behavior would not change the course of history, but he wanted to establish a visible sign. Among the military officers interrogating him there was a very understanding colonel who explained him that his decision, of course, meant his death. He insisted that Jägerstätter had to care for his family, who would suffer from his refusal, according to the law of “Sippenhaftung”, which means, the whole family’s shared responsibility, a law which allowed the Hitler regime to exert great pressure against any intent of insurrection, executing even innocent relatives of the dissidents. The colonel promised Jägerstätter even that he would not be sent to the front line, but to a military hospital, where he could help the wounded, without need for touching one single weapon. But Jägerstätter kept on refusing. On August 9th, 1943, Jägerstätter was transferred to Brandenburg/Havel and beheaded at 16:00 as the first of 16 victims.

There is a group in the Roman Catholic Church advocating Jägerstätter’s beatification. There is also much resistance against this motion, because some officials of the named church think that Jägerstätter acted in an exaggerated fashion, risking not only his own life, but also the lives of all his family.]

Well, did Jägerstätter do the right thing? And here remember that almost always there are several viable options. If Jägerstätter acted this way, following his conscience, he did the right thing. If his conscience had advised him to cede, it would not have been bad either. Both options are acceptable. The only unacceptable option was to support voluntarily a criminal regime.

Remember, besides an optimum choice, almost always there are other good options. We have the possibility to choose. And also, the optimum choice for a person depends on their soul condition. Two people in one and the same situation will have very probably different good options.

What I wish to convey is, listen to your inner voice, let yourself be guided, and do everything with love. So you cannot be wrong. And if you really incur in an error, nothing is lost. The Father’s universe always allows corrections, sooner or later.
But now we have got to stop. You are sleepy and can scarcely follow what I am trying to explain to you.
Yes, tell G___.
Good night, your brother,

Michael of Nebadon speaks today the 24th of August to all of you again.  "I see this transcript was attempting to reconcile what happened as a choice between good and evil according to Judas.  He writes an excellent treatise but fails to understand the evil can be so pervasive there are no good choices as in the case of the German soldier spoken to above.  I let this transcript alone as a way to demonstrate to readers and Guest and members just what failed and how horribly it failed for Jesus and Judas and the Apostles too as Andrew still tarries with Ron this evening watching him receive so he can at least justify speaking tonight as a truant of heart before me.  Andrew was the lustful one in our group, but he was also the most caring one as Ron is for you always have a friend in Ron so long as you leave the door open for him and your friendship together.  Andrew entered that Judas cell twelve times and left it on the 13th visit spit upon and lost to thought over a man whom he felt was gone and some animal replaced him.  Ron's desired me to help the poor creature with the broken back as it was run over by a car and survived it, but it was utterly devoid of compassion and of the food it needed to survive.  Ron wisely let it alone to crawl back into a den he did not know where it was, and the skunk expired and died almost immediately upon the ground prayed would hold it in death.  It still deeply disturbs him and he thanks me repeatedly for seeing to that poor creature for Ron considers himself yet a creature, but Judas never forgave Jesus for calling him a lay about and something worse at the time.  Judas hated Jesus and for good reason as the Father forgave Jesus for rolling Judas under his cuss, but he could not forgive Judas for what revenge Judas was planning to get rid of Jesus.

"Jesus came to me one day after a session with what you can best call a Paradise psychiatrist and told me he found a kernel of truth in Judas as he yelled at Judas one noontide as they finished what you would call baloney sandwiches made of beef tallow and jerky, and told Judas to mind the robes he was walking over to get to the refreshments inside the tent that day/  He refused to listen to Jesus and made an unkind remark upon which Jesus got up and boxed his ears, truly!  Judas was so embarrassed he defied his sandwich and threw it to the ground and sat under the tent hidden by folds of materials he concocted to hang there to hide.  Jesus went over to him and apologized regrettably but saw the damage was done and that ended the life of an Apostle right there and then although Jesus never thought of it until his session with the Paradise Psychiatrist.  When Jesus dies about six weeks later, Judas was ecstatic and declared the war with God was over, and then went to Golgotha to see the carnage, and seeing it jumped up and down in fake enthusiasm, and then departed for the town below the burial grounds of cross burning to rid the area of the stench of death.  We saw Judas start to walk to the grounds that were immediately below the remaining crosses with the bodies still on them after Jesus had been cut down.  I saw Judas whimper and then crush his foot on a stone that pained him greatly.  He became so turbulent and angry he fell to chanting a huzza of the Jewish scripture, and when completed he leaped to the rocks beside him, tied a rope about his neck, and lept to the chasm before him and was crushed by the rocks below. 

"Now the angels saw this and wondered what the ruckus was as they were entirely in the care of Gabriel at this point, and when they saw Judas had committed suicide, they too chanted a huzza and leapt to see what could be done for the suicide victim little realizing it was Judas himself.  I now switch this narrative to my mother Mary.  "

Mary, Mother of God - "I saw my adorable son crushed by the soldiers and saw they had eviscerated him in the loin and through the heart and did not waste any time in cleaning the gore up.  And Jesus was still dying and he harmed no one when he asked yet for another drink of water.  He had nothing left and he died in my arms and had nothing to hold onto except the idea of life alone.  We carried him back to the tomb and delivered his poor body there and let it be covered by a sack cloth and not the raiment described in the Urantia Book you read.  The sack cloth was over the heart of Jesus' body and he let it fall as he was dead and nothing could save him or his mother who fainted with grief.  I am his poor mother and I bathed and swaddled that child from babyhood until he lay there lifeless in the tomb.  You must not interject Ron!  I am his mother and I dealt with it too and had no one there to help me as the Women's Corp was still distant in Jerusalem and was out of contact with me at Golgotha.  I was horrified to discover I was covered in my son's blood and went to clear it as best I could, and then Gabriel appeared to me as told me to rest and that the blood was to be cleansed from all of us in moments.

"The trial was over shortly and I felt exhausted by what I had seen and could not contain my bile or my heart sick stomach and vomited frequently on the steps of the tomb.   That is when the first praetorian guard  entered the scene and he was took t he grave entry and closed it by rolling the great stone over it to protect the body that lay within.  Jesus relates to all of you in another post by Ron that he was vaguely aware of his being deposited in the tomb but lost his life and consciousness almost immediately.  Ron has commented to me how unusual the life force was in Jesus and asks how he survived the evisceration and the stoning that followed by the cruel people on the site around what was left of the cross Jesus was nailed to to finish dying.  I am his mother and I give you my word too Ron, the last day of his last moment of breath he rolled his eyes to me and cried for his mother.  And that I still live with and will never leave alone until they give me some comfort and so on.

" We complete this with a saving grace for all of you.  Jesus lives again and in great humor and he has no ill feeling for those who put him to death except for one unusual statement of cruelty, and it was that Roma soldier who felt he had to prove his manliness and stuck Jesus through loin and into his heart where he bled profusely and lost his life in my arms.  I am Mother Mary and wish you all some solace in recognizing what I still carry for my beloved Son, Jesus."

Michael of Nebadon - "We close this sad scene and let it linger for I will post more on the resurrection too.  I am Michael and wish you all best wishes for your t ime to come with the living Magisterial Mision.  good day."
José L. Vargas Núñez