Author Topic: LUMINERION and SHANDRON (Sept 8, 2015 transmitter unknown)  (Read 473 times)

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LUMINERION and SHANDRON (Sept 8, 2015 transmitter unknown)
« on: September 08, 2024, 08:57:43 am »
Dearest children of Urantia, we come here before you as bearers of great and wonderful news in this broadcast. Your planetary prince Jesus will soon be upon you and walk among you. No doubt you have many questions, but stay them for now as not all is ready to be revealed to you. Be ready children of Urantia, as not all will go according to plan! Be ready to assist, to help, to love as many of you will not be calm when this event occurs. Do not doubt yourself, but doubt what other people say, for when fear runs rampant, emotions are in control, and humankind judges using emotions. Let them be, they will soon lose their fire, for the Son of God is not limited by laws of Urantia. He will come regardless of their fears, but he will be the one who allays all of them. He is truly your Planetary Prince, the one you deserved to have from the very beginning. We are all one in this endeavor.

Be still children, be wise, for Father is among you. He has always been among you even when we have not. That was his Will, that was his Choice and his Right! Father is everything children. Do not doubt yourself or what you hear within for Father holds everyone in his grasp. Yes even those who will be riding their emotions like flags poised for war. Do not worry, we are also with you, and we will do the Will of the Father. The time is now. Look to your skies and you will see much. I will not tell you the dates, but you will know them in your heart, for it will be Father that announces his Son's coming. Be brave children, be strong, for Father rules within you.

My dearest Urantians, how utterly terrible must be for you to stumble so much in the dark. But worry not, for the time has come when Light will fill every crevice of Urantia's being. Your world is ready to embrace you, but she must go through her cycles, and the machinations of those that would hurt her and turn her from God have run its course. It is a New Age, a new Beginning. Like a phoenix, Urantia will rise from the ashes of darkness into the fire of Light of Being. You, my children need only to help her. Help her and in turn she will help you. She knows each and every one of you, feels what all of you feel, and holds all of you in her embrace. She loves you, even though many of you haven't learned to love her back yet.

Take heed children, her changes will not go unnoticed, as much of what you built will come to an end. But know that We are dispensers of mercy, and Urantia is our ally. Nothing shall be done that is not in accordance to the mercy of the Eternal Son, and the love of the Paradise Father.

My children I bring you more glad tidings as well. For many among you have been chosen to bear the light in what will seemingly be Urantia's darkest hour. Take heed as your task will not be easy, but neither will they be impossible, for the Heavenly Hosts have gathered to aid you in all that you do. Be prepared to aid those that cannot aid themselves, as they are wont to harm themselves and by extension others in the face of despair. Believe, believe that you will do good in the Father's name and he will Himself aid you, and you will be among his Angels, as well as Sons of God. Take your time, approach your problems with clarity then act decisively. That is the way of Truth and Beauty. We all take our time, but when we do act, we act with courage, purpose and Faith. God is with us always, and God is with you when you act in accordance with his Will. If you are unsure,  pray for his guidance and he will light your path. I am Shandron and I bid you a very wonderful day.

And I Luminerion say to you: Go in God's grace as you always have.
José L. Vargas Núñez