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Online SophiaVeronica

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Lightline Netherlands International
« on: September 02, 2024, 17:38:15 pm »
Lightline Netherlands International, 2 September 2024

This is Lightline Netherlands International for Monday 2 September 2024

with your host Elise

Link to the recording:

Offline SonsofGod

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Re: Lightline Netherlands International
« Reply #1 on: September 04, 2024, 02:08:54 am »
  • 090224 Audio Tape Monday Lightline Netherlands International; Host: Elise Sophia Veronica
  • Subjects: It will take many years to thoroughly clean up the entire universe from the rebellion; Machiventa Melchizedek is the new Planetary Prince; missions ongoing; worldly attitudes hold-up progress of the WTP program; small ways to help the planet; universal personalities, roles of the Son of God and journey of sons of God.    
  • Speakers: Michael of Nebadon,Machiventa Melchizedek, and Arthura
  • Transcribed by: sonsofGod
  • Link to tape:
This is Lightline Netherlands international for September the 2nd, 2024. And hello to everyone. I'm Elise, and I welcome all of you. It has been a beautiful day here with blue skies and a little white cloud here and there. I hope you're enjoying the same in the places where you live. Well, let's thank our Father, first of all for the gift of our lives, and the many beautiful things we receive. We also like to thank all celestial beings who give that time and care to this group and to other active groups, whom we hope to include in our cooperative efforts of bringing men to God and God to men. And we pray that the planets soon will be cleared from all insurrection that hinder the plans that were envisioned for Urantia. And we ask your Father, may we please receive your words.
Michael of Nebadon  
Thank you, Elise. This is Michael, your Lord, your Creator Father, your protector, and ruler of this universe of Nebadon, I greet you all.
Welcome Michael, we all greet you.
Michael of Nebadon  
This universe I'm talking about, this universe of Nebadon, that I made entirely to my own ideas and wishes. Every Creator Son has the opportunity to do so, and every Creator Son who has been educated and trained will face the challenges during the times of creation and growth, that such a vast creation brings. But we are Creator Sons, and we are born as such with all the attributes we need, and the long training we have received to do such things.
So, I am Michael of Nebadon, and I love my creation, my universe, and the things that go on in it, despite the trouble and difficulties we sometimes have to face. But I, and I know all Creator Sons work with great pleasure to realize their creation to become better and more created, and working to the will of the Father. And to see their creation enter the first periods of Light and Life must be a joy for all Creator Sons, after having completed the seven required stages and are accepted as a full fledged member in the circle of enlightened planets. And where we have brought forth humans who are capable of knowing God, and are willing and well prepared to serve Him. God, the Father, in His infinite, never ending creation.
You, and all who learn and are here together are working for a better future, for a better creation, for an enhanced creation. There will be a long time before we reach the first stages of Light and Life that will bring the people of Urantia together, and make them fully become aware of what the purpose is for a planet, and for the people who live on it. And the knowledge which is needed that the entire universe is created, ruled, and sustained by the one God, the Creator and Father of all, that is and ever will be.
Urantia is a difficult planet. It has been severely affected by the influence of an apostate Son of God, and it will take many years of decisions and negotiations, many high consultations between your rulers and governors on high, to cleanse the universe of such terrible and profound sins against God, But in the end, that will be the case. There are 1000s and 1000s of celestial beings working together to achieve that, but there are many jurisdictions that must also be taken into account on high. Yes, especially on high, where there are so many highly appointed beings, and where decisions must be taken into consideration that have a major impact, and must be constantly reconsidered to ensure that not a tiny small thread of Lucifer ideas can once again influence the evolution of the universe.
This is Michael, your Creator Father. I have a short message to you, because I have lots of work to do, but I love you all and I bid you farewell. I thank you, and I will hand this over to my Son, Machiventa Melchizedek who would like to address this group. Good day to all of you.
Thank you, Michael, and welcome to Machiventa Melchizedek.Please speak if you wish.
Machiventa Melchizedek  
Thank you, Elise, this is Machiventa. I am the one who comes to this group to have a few words about the new situation that will affect this transmitter and other transmitters. As the Father has decreed recently a new schedule in which each transmitter will have a share in the proclamation of God's word. But not before the insurrectionists have been removed and eliminated. Then Michael will announce his new plans and our work will continue. The Melchizedeks will be back on the planet to continue their work throughout the world, protecting, teaching, and bringing hope to their designated areas where they will be working for some time.  
I, Machiventa ask you, all of you, to not shy away from disturbances that may arise among people, when spirit becomes known among the population. People will someday notice that there is something going on in the world that they are not familiar with, and they will experience it as threatening. But all of you know that we are in the world and that Michael of Nebadon is committed to winning this world for the Father, and bringing the planet to its full potential.
I am Machiventa Melchizedek, and I have resumed my post as Planetary Prince after my special meeting with the Father on Paradise, where I was called upon for specific duties. And together with my staff, and with the Melchizedeks present then on the planet, and the many-many other spiritual groups, we will carry out the tasks in due time that Michael has assigned to us, and perhaps will use small groups of people. We will try to move the world to a new approach of healing the planet and removing it from its dire position by carrying out the works of God on Urantia.
I am Machiventa, and I speak to you openly, as there is only a small group that can receive us. And we depend in part on the willingness of such groups to achieve success in this difficult and vast undertaking. But be patient and do your work as always. Pray for the world and its inhabitants, and pray to God, our Father, for strength for all who participate in this once again adaptive return of spirit to Earth. In which Jesus and Michael will manifest when time and circumstances permit, and the world is ready to receive such a high delegation.  
I, Machiventa, I'm still with you, and I say the following, I am Machiventa Melchizedek. And this transmitter and many of you have been thinking and bringing out information to certain individuals of high influential standing who could have a possible interest in the power of the new electricity patent,  that Ron Besser has made up so clearly. A number of you on this forum have been working to publicize the WTP program, and none of you have had any success in getting a response from those who we need to bring this invention to the world.
We know that countries as Germany, Great Britain, the Netherlands, as well as the United States, Canada and other nations with advanced industries, their laboratories and scientific knowledge would all be an excellent place to start a factory for WTP in the world. You all have the scientist and the architect, and you all have the money, but no one knows about the project. Despite your efforts to reach so many institutions and universities, and up to the highest levels of your governments in Europe, as well as in the United States, where scientists and scholars not know about WTP and do not know how to deal with it or what to do with such a simple, yet very ingenious idea of introducing electricity in this fashion.
This is Machiventa, and I tell you this: Everywhere, this is the case in the high industrial developed countries in the world. The institutions that can work with Ron's invention avoid all collaboration out of fear of losing grip on the market by taking a step out of their comfort zone, and they keep believing that they will be able to realize their own invention. In which they are already indeed far advanced, but are not capable to do what is so vital in Ron's invention, of how to make connections and hook-ups between tables and generators as described in the patent. Those people are missing a few things in their theory. They will move forward, but not as Ron has done in his work by the valuable patent that is now his. And is available to start the implementation of constructing a plant that will help the world to be freed from high costs of electricity supply for all Its electrical appliances, from as small as a wrist watch to flying your airplanes.
So, if you look at what is stopping this wonderful invention from facilitating the world, it is the people themselves who are suspicious and selfish, and not at all inclined to share but keep things hidden. As In most cases with people in the industry. Until they finally learn differently and share their ideas and knowledge to feel free and open with each other, to realize that cooperation is the best way to progress in all areas of existence. For improvement should always be and have the greatest effect to produce the next generation of scholars and scientists, and highly efficient leadership. Cooperation is needed to learn and understand each other, and better results will follow. Leading to good relationship and acceptance of all who must learn to live in a world of more harmony and ego conditions for every global citizen.
This is Machiventa Melchizedek. I leave you my support for a world that will hopefully transform men into a more responsive, respectful, and trustworthy human being for each other. But also for us, the spiritual world, that is leading you to these wonderful new methods of scientific progress and use of new resources for all of you. This is Machiventa, and this is all I wanted to say to you, and I wish you a very good day.
Thank you, Machiventa. And this is Elise, and I will have a look at my screen to see if anyone else came in. I heard the ding dong sometimes. (ding dong) Oh, there it goes again! And we Oh, there's Valerie and Salvador, oh he, Salvador, came in again. Well, welcome everyone. Okay, let's continue and see if we will get more for today. Just give me a minute. Hold on please. 
Yes, hello, everyone. This is Arthura at your service. Good day and good evening on the second of September of 2024, where soon the seasons will change, and another season will take hold of your nations with the usual adaptations needed to protect oneself against the cold. Which means for the northern hemisphere, more emissions to warm up your houses, more emissions of gasses and the waste products from high consumption to regulate severe cold with the equipment currently used on your planet. But at the same time, the southern hemisphere will use up a lot of that consumption by cooling their places and homes. It is therefore, that it is so very important that the pilot plan for free electricity will be built, to stop the waste reduction, of which there is already too much and forms a great danger to life on the planet. Man has created an almost unlivable Earth for himself and for the animal and plant life. You know that many species are disappearing, and they will never return. Man has taken from the earth as if it were a candy store to enjoy, and we have talked about that, without thinking of the consequences. 
just a minute. Okay.
We want you to think about this. This is Arthura. Some of you individuals have given out serious warnings over the past years, but most are being ignored, and nations are slow to change and bring more efficient manners. And before you know, a lot of things have been destroyed before measures have been taken.  
I just have to take a minute, there's a problem here is the computer. Just a minute. I do not know what's to matter. Well... Oh, okay, I think I'll just go on. I have to unmute you for a minute and see if you just a minute. Can you hear me all right? Can you hear me? All right? 
Oh, yes. Yes, we can. Yes.
Okay, okay, I'll mute you again, because all of a sudden I have a very strange beep through my telephone. Okay, let me mute you again and continue.
Okay, let's continue. This is Arthura. Well, talking about this all, the people of Urantia have a key knowledge, and have taken their technical knowledge to a high level. But in the meantime, have neglected what people shall desperately need, a healthy environment to sustain life on this planet Or better yet, to improve things for everything and every living being, and assure this through their applied technologies.
This is Arthura. Just go ahead, Elise. Everything is fine.
Okay, thank you, Arthura.
We, from afar and sometimes close to you, we observe man. and we see your hunger for more. More of what you already have in abundance, and what you have taken from nature without giving anything in return. So that now man falls victim to his ever increasing desire to brace himself in contentment. And this will not give him any satisfaction to build a future for all who live on this planet, and only over a short but sour profit for a very small group. And none of this will be helpful in building a soul that needs to mature through life experience and by doing good to others. And none of it will help those when they are going over to the mansion worlds, where the value of his life on this earth will be determined and estimated for its value. Then some might wish to have served much better for the benefit of his own spiritual future. But man will eventually learn, until this planet will be saved and shine. For after all, it is the planet that Michael has chosen for his final bestowal, and it is therefore the planet of the Father, of Michael himself, and of Jesus. 
I am Arthura. I think that man will go through a period of learning in which he will realize his actions, and will have to make amends for what was done to a creation that was beautiful in its origin, and intent bid to serve the human race in its existence. But man will learn to cherish what was once so terribly disturbed by his unwise actions and he will finally understand that what he was given to maintain. And until then, we wait to see what more can be done to help humans in its efforts to bring about change in a world that is now at war. And where people died without having had the chance to grow their souls, because some in this world decided to fight and destroy what was once good and beautiful. Let us hope and pray what Michael and hopefully the Magisterial Sons will be able to do for Urantia. And that the people will get a better insight in good living conditions that will help keep the peace and bring prosperity to many. And to have the opportunity to know God and thank Him for what it is to be a human on a normal planet.
You cannot change the world, not by yourself, but you can make an effort to bring changes to yourselves and to your environment. Show that you care and become active on a small scale. And that may grow into large undertakings that will affect, eventually, the world at large. You all have the ability to have some influence in your societies. You have the knowledge, and you are aware of the need. Keep talking to each other, keep together. If you have a chance, keep talking to your children. And begin working together on a very small project in a very small way, and see where it leads to. It is all a matter of the mind. But we are confident that every effort you make will help bring knowledge and truth to many, and it will make a difference in the approach to life, and the way you use your world as a healthier place to live in freedom and happiness. Remember that even a small change always has its effect, and your initiatives will support goodwill among the people.
When we speak of the mind, we think of a more dedicated and higher knowledge of God, of your intention to find God by trying to live his will, and to live your life as true sons and daughters of God. And when we talk about sons of God, we may speak about all sons of God, whether they are written with a capital S or a small s. Every living being that is an entity, a creature with mind is capable of understanding God, and is a child of the Father on Paradise, the first Source and Center. And each of these individuals know the Father at some point during his or her existence.
There are the higher sons of God. They are those who are working at the higher realms, and they are directly of the Father. They are the Deities, divine creatures, the coexistent Eternal Son and their coordinate personality, the Infinite Spirit. There are other divine beings who are not directly of God, but created by other deities. High divine beings with high specific endowed traits for specific tasks. And they represent God in His universe, and are all endowed with great mind and speak for themselves if they choose to.
There are those creatures created with mind to learn about the Creator or the humans on the planet. But for them, God has created many worlds and millions of ways to climb up along path of their choosing, and to be able to find him while they are extending their knowledge in the universes of time. They are traversing one by one from one sphere to the other, always according to their own free will and choice, assisted by many, many celestial beings.
God has also created other highly intellectual beings to assist and govern the realms and worlds one passes through. And while the lower creatures slowly rise and grow and receive their training in all these different areas, the higher creatures serve to provide the order and all things necessary for those levels of creation to experience and to learn.
Moreover, the Father has given humans a special fragment of himself that guides the human from the beginning, and even gives them the opportunity to fuse with that divine part of the Father. So that they can become like him in his domain on Paradise as finalities, or finaliters. And that is an ascended creature who has passed through all stages of learning in the universe, to be ready to discern the Gods on high, beginning with the Infinite Spirit, then the Eternal Son, and finally, God, the Father Himself, who will receive his child, and after a certain time, this new born son or daughter of God will be given new assignments and go out again into the universes.
You are all children of the one and only Father, the God of creation. The God who sustains his creation through his own power and love that creates his universe of universes, which has no end. And will continue to unfold before your eyes as you adhere the will of your Father on Paradise to become like him, to love him as he loves you, and to be like him in your love for others as he is for all his children. I'm Arthura, always at your service, and I bid you all a good day.
Thank you very much, Arthura. Well, this is Elise, and I'm returning to my dashboard. I see we still have some time, and I will try to receive something more if there is more for me. I still have that beep coming through, but I hope you are not hearing that in my transmission.
Machiventa Melchizedek  
This is Machiventa Melchizedek, Elise. No, you're doing all right and just do what you like to do. At this moment, you still have a couple of minutes You can go for the question and answer if you like to, or you can turn the Lightline off to your wishes. And thank you for doing the Lightline. This is Machiventa Melchizedek, and I say goodbye for now.

Thank you, Machiventa, thank you for being our helper at any time we need someone to continue. Okay, I'm looking if there are any question marks, or maybe you have someone wants to say something. We still have a couple of minutes, and I'll give you a little time. 
I think we had some information from our celestial friends, which you are lucky to receive regarding the situation and the warnings we were giving yesterday. So it was a good thing that we tried the Lightline and got connected. And I will finish this Lightline and close this for today. 
I want to thank the celestials who came to give us some words. And it was Michael and Machiventa Melchizedek, and Arthura was here. Did we have anyone else? I don't remember. Well, I thank them all, and I thank you all the listeners for attending this Lightline. Thank you so much, and we'll see what happens next week. Thank you and goodbye.
"See what great love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called the sons of God!" 
"For in him we live, and move, and have our being;"