Author Topic: mICAHEL OF NEBADON and more 15 Sept 2024  (Read 1618 times)

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Offline Ron Besser

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mICAHEL OF NEBADON and more 15 Sept 2024
« on: September 15, 2024, 18:28:47 pm »
We are sure you need this and hear from the cabal not but from Michael of Nebadon on your plans to step back and allow the usual drift to occur, Ron.  But let me reward those of you who support Ron and his contention that there has to be a change in dialog and that the usual Lightlines are insufficient to speak to it.  But they have to do for now.  I also warn others reading this I am often beaten up by the cabal and I drop some words.  You have to supply some yourself and thank you.

MICHAEL OF NEBADON  - "Today Ron slept through his usual Lightline charge.  He was not conscious for six hours and ten minutes, and in that time we modified his brain so he did not hear a wake up call to go and do his usual Lightline.  Why?

"The trial today is not Michael of Nebadon.  The trial today is to listen to a cabal that wants to take charge of Urantia, and for the reason it believes it can do a better job than the current administration of policy led by the Melchizedek, Mantutia." 

MANTUTIA SPEAKS: “I am the head of the Planetary Governments spoken to here.  I am full satisfied that it is run well and has an exemplary turn at events including running Ron’s Lightlines for him and the rest who do a Lightline other days of the week.  However, today Ron was hit in the head with a bumptious caring seraphim who wanted him out of speaking voice to send a message from the Supreme Commander– and that is Michael of Nebadon– that the course set for Missions to Urantia was over.

“That is the sad case for Me to report.  I do so fully recognizing that MICHAEL OF NEBADON has not announced it, nor do I think it should be generally known yet.  However, it is well known up here in the high councils that we are facing a deficit of care from the people of Urantia, and a deficit of belonging by high spirit administrators, that anything is really worth the trouble of a Mission, when the planet Urantia is so tied up with Presidential politics.

“For that reason we have declined to do anything more for Missions to Urantia, and goddamn the call of Trump and his usual blase ways, but he is primarily responsible for our decision to stay out of American greediness of the news headlines, and concentrate on the spiritual aspects of the planet alone.  For that reason we say the following:


“This warning comes from the resolute Deity Absolute. “

I am the DEITY ABSOLUTE.  Ron had to type that five times such is the interference of the cabal knowing full well I am leaving no mistaken interview this time with him!   The difference this time is that I supposedly leave my power behind to speak with Ron in these cases, but the cabal is strong around Ron right now he can barely type.  For my own reasons I leave this fairly alone, but I am sure that Ron is paying a price in precious time left to him to decide just how these messages shall resonate with all of you.

“I am practically out of scope in his mind, but he gathers enough of ME to deterime just what is to be said.  It is this:

“You all have been faithful, but Ron has taken faith and crammed enough of the topical subject to allow all of you to understand there is a previously done insult to Michael of Nebadon, and that it must be faced now.  What is it?


“You Ron are nearly blind as you type this.  Your head was cracked good and proper as you attempted to write this, and you are quite sure there is nothing but cabal surrounding you as you try to receive ME.  But for reasons of State, I must remain contained up here and let you all know that URANTIA IS ABOUT TO DIE.

“What do I mean by that?

“The answer lies in the distribution of care on this planet, and Ron winces as he knows he does not care all the time for the behavior this planet affords the political scene the United States is going through right now at all, but he must listen like the rest of us while the powers yak about how good they are and how bad the opponents are.  For that reason it is a typical human planet this Urantia, but we are putting an end to the discriminatory practices of all who collar this type of reporting, and then leave it alone over disgust about how much it leaves out.  Well, I am leaving out my lineage but not my angst, and my angst is this:

“FOR TOO LONE have I spent time with Ron and he agrees it is a long time.  Today Ron got hit on the head with a licensed carrier of hate, and dropped back in bed until nearly 1 PM.  He does not remember well he was up three times to take care of computer concerns not dealing with spirit.  For that reason he did not sleep well but then got hit on the head by vicious celestial beings visiting him on a lark.  Theysoon learned he was in no mood to banter and caught the sharp edge of his tongues and let him have it.  Today he does not remember the incident but we do and we are warning anyone thinking of repeating the episode to forgive him for having you shot dead and ask questions later.  In any even this for all of you:

“MICHAEL OF NEBADON is done with Urantia for now.

“That stands well with all of us but Ron is like you and feels that Urantia desperately needs spirit attention.  We agree.  

“However, and this is important: you do not deserve it as most planets have fallen so low they need help getting up, but not Urantia.  Urantia is one of those creations which harbors hate for anything really good, and it is from lack of patience mostly that the hate gets adjudicated not.  For that reason then we are making this obvious to you Ron: DO NOT FORSAKE MICHAEL OF NEBADON.  Stay reasonably well knit in his abode of care as you have and this will pass too.

“However, what will stay put on Urantia, is the intolerance of so many for the religious life.  That is unfortunate, and Ron is not one of them by far, but makes available our views without charge and without smiles.  He is troubled by his age and says so repeatedly but that cannot be helped now but will be later on as he is necessary to carry these messages more and more as more and more drop out and refuse to consider anything further.  He stays the course with courage as you must, and we now drop more of this as the FATHER wishes to speak now.”

“WE have repeatedly warned all of you of trying to do too much.  Ron slept through is usual tract of a Lightline today on my insistence he take a break.  He did and now pays the price of explaining the unexplainable.  For my part I am happy he did and tell you all of this:

“He is usually happy but today he feels lost over too many incidences that those who should care cannot make it to the place he works himself hard, and that is his home address and I speak to you now: that place is horrible to negotiate an easy way to find to it, but like a peacock, he resides there waiting to stand up for FATHER and His SONS, and that is beatifically put Ron.  For reasons of State we deploy no more language, but tell all of you this:

“Ron is mighty sorry old age is beginning to take a toll, but he 82 years of age now is but a pittance of what is to come for him if he holds better for awhile.  He is not betrodden like most.  He has plenty of care and worth yet he cares little for its comfort and works hard to see to others through this process.  For this process is not for the normal human either, and for all of you, it is a good style way to keep informed.  But I warn all of you that even the good of a trial is no longer available if I decide that the use of trial by error transmissions no longer work.

“For that reason, I caution you all that nothing workings like silence when we are disgusted with a lot of people who can make a difference then decide not to enter a place of repose and work out the difficulties that prevent further communication.  For that reason let this be my last warning to you Ron and to the rest of you, that we communicate when there is good vibes and not when the vibes turn sorrowful and then black.  That is never you Ron but you must face the consequences that no more commercial grade transmissions are available if you are not better attended by a Lightline that now uses sophistacated equipment but cannot last more that thirty minutes due to its lack of endeavor from the those who transmit to you.  I am not referring to Dominick, but to those who offer the same service without realizing it takes more than being about to transmit.  Now this:

“Starting tomorrow at 10am (New York time zone), we will permit a Lightline by others and at 2 PM the Lightline proposed by Elise.  Well and good Ron, but you could hardly type this sentence as it was off the keyboard: I WILL NOT ALLOW MORE LIGHTLINES AFTER MONDAY TH 16TH OF SEPTEMBER unless there is a good  reson to hold them.  Your Lightline today was not held because you were iterally unconscious.  Monday is for dear Elise to hold.  But Tuesday on is questionable unless there is an understanding that those Lightline must be sanctioned by MICHAEL OF NEBADON in a prayer before they are held by the member who holds them.  Dominick you are no exception and Ron you always do and I am grateful for your following as you are no longer required to hold the Sunday Lightline but do so if you the spirit moves you.   K

“I am FATHER, and I wish to make this statement to you Ron:

“You are able to do so much more but you are hiding your whip because you feel there is a diminution of fare and let it pass.  Let it pass, but remember that MACHIVENTA MELCHIZEDEK is always with yu, as you are the one who started all this, and you are the one to finish this if you are beaten into a death trap.  This morning was a perfect example of what they try to do and this morning is the last of it for you ever.  For that reason we stay put in the observation that all of you who read these messages, that there shall be no interference ever again, and that is FATHER’S promise that you are fully satisfied you are fairly treated before you must go on to the spirit spheres on high.  Notwithstanding, you must understand you follow the regular concourse of death but you will be accompanied by a seraphim known as Lully not, but her partner, Simone, and that is a fair guess she will comply.

SERAPHIM - “I am not Lully.  I am not Simone.  I am a Supernaphim of high standing myself, and I give you my word you are taken in hand Ron as there are too many who wish you harm in that ardorus journey to the mansion worlds now.  For thatreason I a Supreme Seraphim and a Supernaphim of nature we know alone, will accomapny you in your death spiral soon enough.  The trial to live long on Urantia you have met, but you have no idea how to get to the Mansion Worlds not.  For that reason rest assured we do know, and will comply well.  The Seraphim of Choice.

MICHAEL OF NEBADON - “Thank you ladies.  But we also have a say in all of this and that Ron has shown superb manifestation of the spirit on Urantia but working his tail off, and giving us a breif glimpse of workaday worlds to us too.  He is beloved up here slightly and without ranco, and his love of the Pigeon Hills notwithstanding, we give him one last glimpse of Paradise before he has to work himself to becomes an honary guard of the Michael Cassion (Ron, word as given), which is in my memolry on Urantia for him to behave for shortly.  Be aware Ron, your boisterous sounds carry and do nothing but be glad.

“Finally, Ron you have the damndest wit, but be glad I leave the rest alone as you have a meeting with a broadcaster up here that will insist you make something of a broadcast of what to do as a world meister of all that is and soon.

“We leave with this one caveat:

“Do not leave us until there is a chest of gold for you soon Ron (and titis of Sapphire, lolly?), and we greet you later.  K”

Ron - If that makes sense to you then tell me too.  I am done transmitting for now and thank goodness they do not make this transmission archivable.   Cheers to all.  

THE DEITY ABSOLUTE - “Ron, you broke up the transmission irrevocably from the Deity Absolute, as you are irreverant and broken up badly enough to learn no more Deity Absolute, but you will hear from GOD THE ABSOLUTE shortly, and you are not wrong, this is a huge move for US and for FATHER!!  GOOD DAY.

FATHER - “To you Ron, you are the first individual to learn that the Deity Absolute is now GOTTHE ABSOLUTE.  May your audience learn its importance shortly! FATHER.

Located in Historic York, Pennsylvania

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Re: mICAHEL OF NEBADON and more 15 Sept 2024
« Reply #1 on: September 16, 2024, 02:07:50 am »

Ron, I am amazed that you are still here and able, just, to inform us all of the
latest news. The most important of which, is that the DEITY ABSOLUTE
How or will this affect us?


Offline weydevu

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Re: mICAHEL OF NEBADON and more 15 Sept 2024
« Reply #2 on: September 17, 2024, 14:24:18 pm »
I was a bit concerned about Sunday's LL because there was no posting whether we were to have one or not.  But I'm glad you are alright.

On a different note, didn't you announce that the DEITY ABSOLUTE was now GOD ABSOLUTE some time ago like a year or two and half years back?  Be as it may I'll be waiting for the revelations on the new status of GOD ABSOLUTE and the difference between the two.

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Offline Ron Besser

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Re: mICAHEL OF NEBADON and more 15 Sept 2024
« Reply #3 on: September 20, 2024, 16:57:08 pm »
Weydevu, yes I did.  Furthermore, I am having trouble with this cabal again and you may find partial posts by me that got truncated because they can knock me off the air so to speak.  But you are correct and I am worried about a few things now I never used to worry about, and that is the cabal has access to the posting going on here and knocks some of us off the air attempting to make a post.  I promise you Michael of Nebadon is quite aware of this and a major storm is brewing.  So thatmeans, "wathc out!"  I have attempted to add to posts today and they get knocked down by a brat of a seraphim known to me a Lully, and that one is up for grabs as she is sure she has won and I would never bet against Christ to say anyone has won when they are up to spiritual mischief,  I let this alone further as I am constantly under attack and must wait for Michael to re-channel parts of this discourse away from their notice.  Meanwhile keep up the good work.  Cheers.
Located in Historic York, Pennsylvania