Author Topic: REsponse to Mrs. Piper Receiving Urantia Book outline form in 1903  (Read 1688 times)

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Offline Ron Besser

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REsponse to Mrs. Piper Receiving Urantia Book outline form in 1903
« on: September 21, 2024, 02:09:03 am »
Der TM'ers, what Valerie wrote concerning the traverse of the Urantia Book to Boston in 1899 (the  correct date according to Dr. Sadler) to a Mrs, Piper, is essential correct.  But the narrative about Mrs. Piper has been dropped and while she has long gone from the Mansion Worlds, she still resides in Havona.
Mrs.  Piper was what we would call high society today.  Yes, she was a practicing spirit consultant as they called them in those days, but she was also the recipient of the URANTIA BOOK OUTLINES from the work of Stainton Moses, who died in 1907 of hemorrhages to his legs due to falling when alighting from a horse drawn bus in 1892 or 93.  Ron originally reported the accident occurred in an earlier date, but that does not matter now.
What I, Ron Besser, wish to report is not to change Valerie's notice, but to ascertain that it was a Mrs. Piper, who did receive the manuscript of what Stainton Moses had received as the preliminary chapters of the current Urantia Book.

But let me correct something as I reported an error and Valerie has repeated it.  Stainton Moses was only the Rector of an English Church and had received a portion of the first Chapters of the Urantia Book.  You need only read a portion of his writings to  discover the first couple of chapters of the Urantia Book are repeated as his own text in those writings.  I observed such myself and made a report on it several years ago.  As usual no one  cares anymore about the history of the Urantia Book, or how it works today; however, this is important history for future editions of the URANTIA BOOK.
I have tried on the past few years to get people to read Stainton Moses, but as usual they are too busy to be educated on an important subject.  First, Stainton Moses was a superb ventriloquist, and he often cast his voice over a meeting of hoi paloy of London dignitaries in the late 19th century.
It was at one of these dinner parties in late 1873, when Mr. Hanson asked Stainton Moses a question about the text of his newly printed book at the time.  Hanson later reported that Stainton Moses knew so much he could quote the Bible verbatim, and Moses could do that for most of the Bible even today on the mansion worlds.
Mr., Hanson also reported that Stainton Moses could also quote the first six chapters of  Deuteronomy without pausing for breath, and Stainton Moses would obliged Mr. Hanson by doing so.  I am Mr. Hanson reporting this to you Ron, and this is one of your favorite areas to report.  Valerie is a great one to bring this up now, as she makes it seems a simple case of Valerie being able to report history you reported several years earlier.  But times have changed, and we are able to to report more than you do in those days a few years ago.

"I am Gerald Hanson.  I am an American.  I was in London on business in 1879-1880, and found Mr, Stainton Moses at a famous hotel there.  He was holding forth on the people's choice in an election soon to be held.  I was interested so I joined his table and sat and listened to Moses.  He was avuncular and a happy set of eyes to see, as he was well dressed, and he held the secrecy of a patent then which would tear my eyes it was so strong as to make me choke several times in taking it.  However, he was also to be used as a clairvoyant by the Royal Society of something or other, and we came to verbal understanding with each other quickly, as I was then considered a wealthy American.
"By all means,"  I said to him as I sat down. "You are especially welcome in my home town of Peoria, Illinois is it?, and laughed heartily with him, and then he said something very peculiar to me:  "Sir," he said,  "you are one of the few Americans that can afford a seance, would you be so kind to avail yourself to me for a mere ten pence?"  I said I would be most happy to supply the ten pence and proceeded to give him a small bill to that effect.  He rejoiced, and said to me, "you are one of the few Americans I like, and you are happily done to meet me, as I shall tell you a story you must hear and repeat back home."  I told the story to many when I got back home, but sadly no one listens to old men and old stories, but this is a great one:"

The story went as follows:

"Once upon a time there was a Duke in London who loved the stories so much he would pay handsomely to her the story of Ellen Gortique (spoken as Gore' Teek) and she and I were real pals in that year of 1879.  She would arrive in her carriage ad park herself in front of me in a shop that served the mostly delicious coffee you ever tasted, and she was gorgeous too, and I loved her on first sight.  Nonetheless, she was a husband hunter, and received a bounth from her clients to find an articulate person of the opposite sex and proceed to go to work for another to find a mate.
"When I left London in early 1880, Moses said to me, "take this envelope please and deliver it to a Mrs. Piper in Boston.  I received the envelope, and was escorted to a waiting carriage for a trip to America and to return to my home in Boston, at that time.  Mrs. Piper came to mind, as she was well known as the psychic of Emperors and I gladly delivered it to her in February, 1902.  There is an error in your reporting Ron, that is miserable to report, but Mrs. Piper was not society material but a hard working and prudent lady of grand schemes but lived in the less hoite guarde of the city, and as a result he carriage was often mistaken for a milk wagon of that day. 

"For reasons of State, she was often seen drunk as a skunk when the evening bells ran for the "mentan" of prayer she would effect as part of her work.   I will not trial you with much more, and she told me then that her sister in a place north of Birmingham, was also related to the Duke of Windsor--  then Berty.  We traveled a lot in those days as it was fund, easy, and inexpensive.  Today it would take a fortune to do what I did in those days.  I am reporting now an incident you should all know:

"Mrs. Pettry, the wife of the Duke of Normandy (then a very important post), was staying at the Ritz Carlton I believe it was called.
  In those years, if you had a dollar you were wealthy, and she had quite a few then.  In any case it was determined that Mrs. Pettry had an uncle who loved Americans and wanted to spend some time with our business group work in hosiery I believe, and she was so sure she had a common heir to accompany us, and she insisted that we all travel together.  I did not like the idea.  But then this story makes no sense if I did not include her as a traveling companion to Birmingham.  Now the good stuff:
"When I arrived at the bust station which was three horses tied together, I met a character called Stainton Moses girl friend.  She was a pretty little thing and she said she was to accompany me and the others as Stainton Moses as he was a Rector of the Church of St. Mary's off a street called Broad or Broadway.  I said, fine, and she alit on my lap so hard I fell forward and hit my head on a brake pedal inside the transport.  She laughed and left immediately and I was removed of my wallet and a small pin with diamond studs thank you.  She is now up here and I asked her why? She said it was her choice as you were a wealthy American and I intended to have some of it.  In any case the carriage wore on and I cam to rest in Birmingham and met Stainton Moses at the reception in the Carlton that evening.

"I will make a long story short and tell you that Stainton Moses was resplendent in a purple suede hat and several pounds of gold lame in his back pocket as he never wore the costume but he was ready to just in case it became necessary.

"For that reason I have one last comment:  Stainton Moses was not a cross dresser, but he was famous for his sudden invasion of women's hats and would curdle the sound in the room with a "E Eye E OOH" and whooped so hard that I had to excuse myself to regain my sense of propriety.  To this day I never repeated it, but I thought he had lost his sense entirely and to this day I refuse to listen to a psychic that came up with such an extraordinary sound!  I leave you to the rest of your printing, sir!   

Ron - I thank Mr. Hanson for this extraordinary story of a personal meeting with Mr.  Moses.  There is nothing like a personal interview with people who met in context with the rare Mr. Stainton Moses, and I leave it to you to figure out how much more the story could be told if Mr. Moses were available to speak tonight.

STAINTON MOSES - "I speak loquaciously  and well with you sir!

Ron -  We honored sir, please contact as much as you wish.

"Stainton Moses Esq:  I am most happy to learn you are wishing you knew all of us and I wish I knew you as you are one of the few Americans I can understand how little you value rank and how important it is what they have to say if well established in the history of England.  You are one of the few who knows little in spite of working here for three long years ago, and now it is a fond memory, but then it was a constant running nose, and I will be damned if I have to live in the city and let me live on the base.  True?
Ron - True and fully a care for my pillow in the barracks.

Stainton Moses, now I like you tremendously as you do not behave like most Americans and are shy to speak and easy to know if you have a winning smile for all.  My alighting that scoundrel bus was my fault mostly as I just did not care to take my time with any conveyance, and today I would be called a "sloppy Joe" as I never tucked my shirt in as I was always too warm and then suddenly too warm.  Nonetheless, I could always tell a good t ale with psychic stuff and you are big time into it and can do it as well as I could although I have more to tell than you do.  Nonetheless, let me tell you a tale of harrowing experience.  It is this:

"LUCIFER WAS WELL KNOWN TO ME.  That is because I had to use him as a go-between between my INTERLOCUTOR  and my sense of revision to standard discussions at the time.  One day I came upon the interregnum  in a tizzy.  That vulture Caligastia made his appearance and that was enough to throw me off.  I told my Clientele  not to worry that it would be finished before much longer.  Well, it did not end and this time Caligastia let me know he was furious over how I was producing a side show with an umbrella full of little white bits of paper that would open and shower everyone with confetti.   That being the ruse to t ell me he was done with me, and that he was going to scour the room for confederacy and then leave in a huff, because Christ Michael was after him and the rest of the spirits to stand tall and give up the worst life he ever saw.  Caligastia was then called SOBORNEM ( So Born' Em). and I have no idea what language that was from.  Nevertheless, Sobornem was adamant  that I listen to what else he was telling me. 

"He said the following:  "You Stainton are the last of my powers to be wilted by that crenshaw haprie Michael.   Iam leaving you alone now and your powers will diminish, but do not forget me as I am a Planetary Prince yet, and no one gets me done except the Universal Power someone called the FATHER.  "Now," I said, "you are insubordinate and I am even less, and if Michael of Nebadon wishes me to behave differently I am open and will agree.  Caligastia flew into a horrible rage and told me that if I believed that, then the relationship is now over.  I  bent forward and spit.  He left in a fury, and the next week is when the bus accident occurred and it eventually killed me. "

Ron Besser here - This post could go on and more but I am cutting it here for the sheer length it has become.  I may take the rest of this up later, but right now I say good day to the post and you for now.  K"

MICHAEL OF NEBADON - "Ron you have no such remission    I am allowing this story to leak through to you entirely as there is no one better refined for this event than to tell you that you are our historian of sorts and you will be famed for bringing stories to light of the early days of the Urantia Book and the Sadlers, and how we wish to modify the game so you have a great time doing what we want you to.  You are not dying and please put that extension on your house and we will be happy too.   The End.

Located in Historic York, Pennsylvania

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Re: REsponse to Mrs. Piper Receiving Urantia Book outline form in 1903
« Reply #1 on: September 21, 2024, 08:51:17 am »
Thank you, Ron, for these amazing stories. They are reflecting strong on that even the greatest people in history had their daily struggles and strong personalities. I enjoyed reading it, expect what Caligastia said and done. Shame on him forever.
Thank Father Michael for allowing the revelation.
"See what great love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called the sons of God!" 
"For in him we live, and move, and have our being;"

Offline occerpa

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Re: REsponse to Mrs. Piper Receiving Urantia Book outline form in 1903
« Reply #2 on: September 21, 2024, 18:59:45 pm »
Excited as Valerie was by the information Ron posted, I went to Google for information about Stainton Moses and this link caught my attention on Spirit Teachings where we can read his biography. I have to see how I managed to read as much as possible but in the meantime I'll share it with you. Thanks Ron
"If you develop Love, you don't need to develop anything else"

Offline SonsofGod

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Re: REsponse to Mrs. Piper Receiving Urantia Book outline form in 1903
« Reply #3 on: September 22, 2024, 09:43:15 am »
This is a beautiful masterpiece to display the old ways of publishing. Thank you so much for sharing, Occerpa. I enjoy listening to it through Microsoft Edge read aloud. I hope you will all check it out. Blessings and love 
"See what great love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called the sons of God!" 
"For in him we live, and move, and have our being;"

Offline occerpa

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Re: REsponse to Mrs. Piper Receiving Urantia Book outline form in 1903
« Reply #4 on: September 22, 2024, 11:56:39 am »
With great pleasure Valerie, I imagined you would enjoy it.
It is very valuable that the name of Stainton Moses, with so much merit for the readers of the Urantia Book, has been brought to the forum and I consider that the only reason why after so much time has passed he has remained unknown to the public and his writings remain anonymous, must also be the work of the same, of that malevolent force that today is carrying out the genocide of children in Palestine and generating all kinds of chaos to prevent the Return of Christ.
I am pleased to share Valerie, thank you for your attention
"If you develop Love, you don't need to develop anything else"

Offline weydevu

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Re: REsponse to Mrs. Piper Receiving Urantia Book outline form in 1903
« Reply #5 on: September 22, 2024, 12:48:39 pm »
WOW, Ron I was just getting into the story when you cut it off.  Please continue when you can, thank you. Oh, and thank you Occerpa for Stainton's Spirit Teachings.

« Last Edit: September 22, 2024, 12:54:58 pm by weydevu »
And the World Knows Not

Offline Ron Besser

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Re: REsponse to Mrs. Piper Receiving Urantia Book outline form in 1903
« Reply #6 on: September 22, 2024, 16:22:07 pm »
Stainton Moses speaks:
"I am the third generation  Moses that could do what I did, and since I died childless, and not married thank you,  I was forced to live the life of a bachelor in spite of my love for the feminine side of virtue.

"Ron here is probably the best protagonist I have had for centuries to see to it that my call is worthy of the game.  Ron also happens to believe in me enough to give me some life back on Urantia, and I want to tell you a story that no one knows but me and Ella Fitzgerald, as Ella new me as a very young girl, and although gone on the Urantia show-biz side of things, she is up here and enjoying a robust side of life.

ELLA FITZGERALD - "Hi my darlings!  You are very much with me Ron, as you are so ill you can barely make sense of anything, and you expect to die shortly.  Well no, not actually, as you will revive later today, and then break everyone's heart and refuse to add that signature to your home everyone thinks you are crazy to cover, but I understand your reason and that is to give spirit its own room!  You would dearly love it but thought of it too late to do anything much about it now.  It is this my dear:

"You Ron belong to the ages of helpers who would dearly love to live it anout 10 or 15 years more, but you are 82 now and hearing the misery of an old cabal not, but are cleared of them for good!   You think you spent an inordinate time on them, but believe me I had them since I was twelve years of age.   That is hard to take but you do it so well they fold on themselves and let you be for the most part.  No one understands the mess unless you are singled out to be one of theirs.   For reasons of State Ron, this is Michael, and Ella Fitzgerald knows this story very well and I let her tell it in a monment, but you are so ill today you doubt you can meet anyone much as yourself, but TRY!  That is all I can say as you have a surprise coming and it is not Dominick, but another sound you love to hear and that is a Concerto by Bach, and his lovely harpsichord you could play in your sleep if he would allow it to be touched.  It goes like this:

"La de dah,  la de dah.  twiddle the key of D sharp, and then la de dah, dah.  That is fine and you can hear it  but nothing written can.  In any way you are about to receive a hardy good day from BACH HIMSELF, for he knows you love his music and care about how it is presented.  You remember your great Aunt Sophie and her big black Steinway you loved to play all the time.  Now she is gone and Eve's children have the house and the home she had and it is a grand one, but you remember your little cubby hole in the many bedrooms the house held, and you love it to this day.  That was before you went into military service and the whole thing broke while you were away as she tired of your thought for anything and let it lie.  For that reason you never heard her say she missed you terribly but you were in England and working the friendship of the Longo's.  They did not break up but he fell out of care of the institution you both worked for and quit life as a happy sailor on Brisbane coast of course.  Thanks to you he is never without memories of how a compatriot of yours in a top secret office, suddenly reach over and picked you up much to your surprise, and when he picked you up he also kicked a desk into the large protective screen around you work, and it fell with such a clatter they could hear it two miles away!  You did not know why he just picked you up, but fifty others all wearing earphones, looked over at you, and all you did was wave at them and demanded you be put down..
"Today, you remember it vividly, and wonder what possessed that young man to just reach over, pick you up, kick the shield down, and expose you to fifty eyes wondering why he was holding you sideways.  Well we don;t know either, and today Perkowski is still alive and kicking in Chicago, and you are in York, Pennsylvania, and the two never meet any more.  Let me tell you what came out of that incident Ron, and Stainton Moses now knows the ridiculous event triggered a huge change in earth's stullied atmosphere, as I was on Urantia on duty and I hear the crash psychically.  I tuned in and there you were wondering what Perkowski was doing as you were entirely innocent of what he was doing, and discovered that Perkowski had a trance dream while standing there, and threw you out of the way of a motor vehicle crashing down on the group he was in with you.  He saved your life blindly and you never forgave him for embarrassing you  in front of 50 or so radiomen trying to tune the capure of the right frequency at the right time.  In any case you made it through okay, but recently Perkowski remembered the caper and laughed hismelf silly.  You will see them all again shortly Ron, as you are going over shortly as you can not help the illness on you and will collapse soon enough.

"But before you do go, listen:  Your caper was the sound of fury as builders were in the back room of that vast and secret  building then, and you were terrible embarrassed over the incident, but crazy Perkowski knew what he was doing in mind because he saw you fall from a scaffold on high and caught you before you got burnished for thinking you could do anything that midnight shift you were working with government secrets.  Let me explain to you what really happened:

"You entered what we call a wormhole.  That is not anything you were aware of in England.  But that top secret building held a secret or two itself.  In the 1930's  it was still farmland, and the owner of that RAF base that day this incident happend to you,  it was that owner's grave that the English built over and the day they discovered his bones, you were in the Velzy camp and never new it.  But they tore the top secret edifice down and would never reference it again and all your memories went with it.  Well, let us tell the rest of the story now:

"Your life to this point Ron is safe and secure, but in two life times removed, you had a story to tell about Stainton Moses yourself, as he was a well known gentleman, and you loved his work.  One day in his company he had a vision and he told you, "stay away from broad faced women!"  You could not understand what he was meaing, but four days later Stainton Moses was seriously injured alighting from six horse drawn double decker bus.  You know them as you saw them when you were in Englandand marveled at their size and how could horses deal them?  But the truth is you never felt much for any of it not realizing until you were in your 40's you have a close brush with a double decker bus death much as Moses did in his era.

"You traveled to London by train from your base in the Midlands.  You would then take a bus around London and stay for a course of time.  One day you got on a bus and it followed a school vehicle and dropped children off at the their homes and you so thoroughly enjoyed seeing how the English did what you were used to in your schooling too, you got into a reverie.  In that reverie you remembers the dream episode of Russians putting bombs into house spouts for your were11 then and knew a bit about the cold war.  In any case the memories came together as your bus followed the contemporary brick road to a child's home, and you just enjoyed the scene.  BUT!!!

BUT!!    When  you took an express train home, there awaiting you was a roommate who got the room you lived in with him going a thousand miles an hour over a song you had on a brand new AKAIA recorder.    You asked him why he was playing it at such a volume?  He told you it was because he could not sleep until he played one of your tapes.  You asked how he could sleep with such a racket, and he replied:  "There is no racket, listen to how quiet it plays the tape!  You did and it was a racket when you came into the room after getting back from London.

"Your heard no tape playing  but the new recorder was on.  You asked where the tape was?  He said it was on the spool.  Of course it wasn't but you humored him and let it go.  Now let me tell you what really happened:

His name Richard, and you called him Rick anyhow, and you said to him, "Rick why don't you go to the commissary and my treat, buy us cheeseburgers and fries.  He agreed and you had your treat half an hour later while you removed the tape and the tape recorder so no more offense could be turned back on.  The truth of the matter is Ron, you are so psychically attuned you could remember a thousand such incidents if you wanted to but you easily forget them and let things go.  But that day was famous for it was also the day Winston Churchill died.  It was a dull, cold, rainy day, and you felt no need to go anywhere after you were back home, and suddenly there was an apparition that appeared to you.
Now I am going to site quiet while you tell your second great story about England which you still love today.

Ron - Honestly Michael I do not recall anything.  What may you speak of as I do not know.

MICHAEL OF NEBADON - "So you have forgotten the story of the man who was not there?"

Ron -  There are lots of blank spaces in me about England.  This must be one of them, honestly.   
MICHAEL - "You ran the tape out before he got back with the hamburgers.  You sat down and replaced the tape in its commercial box and then read the newspaper while waiting for him to return.  You also repeated a swear word over his behavior but decided to let the incident alone.  Well, lo and behold  about 20 minutes or so later, he was back with the feast and the whold incident was forgotten (except i remember it to this day too)

For reasons of State we tell this group what transpired later.  Your roommate left early to attend work as you were off that evening.  You sat down to read the newspaper and you were very tired fro you trip into London, and Churchill had just died.  You left it all sink in fin-shed per-suing the paper and sleep took over quickly.  You do not remember much, but do you recall the voice that came to you and ask for a phening  (spelling?) and you dreamed of a little fellow begging for that coin.  You do not remember it?  (Ron, only vaguely), and he spat on your shoes?  Ron - No.  no such memory.   Michael - well he did!  Ron - Okay,  he did but I have only partial memory of it.

:This is MICHAEL OF NEBADON -  "That is why I will remember this lad.  He remembers selectively, but I entered his mentality that evening and I know he completed a circuit of a dream of long ago that he had of ME, not knowing who I was.  But the story ends this way:

The next day Ron ran into a complement of his.  A Complement my dear friends, is a person so similar to you, you feel you met before.  They do not have to look like you but they are of the same sex.
For reasons of State, let us say that Ron is one of our doubles, and that is not in appearance, but in the love of spirit waters and spirit haves and so forth.  His parents gave him regular genes, but FATHER  saw to a few extras, and they show up in his work then and now.  But let me give you something to think about too:

Located in Historic York, Pennsylvania

Offline Ron Besser

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Re: REsponse to Mrs. Piper Receiving Urantia Book outline form in 1903
« Reply #7 on: September 22, 2024, 16:45:43 pm »
Window II
"I  Michael of Nebadon forced this story into two windows because Ron is dying as he writes this story and is reminded from time to time to visit the scene and his memory is still good enough to see the scenario of those actions, but he remembers clearly in spots and forgets others.  What he doe not remember so vividly is that when he layed back after looking at the English newspaper, was his intransigent memory failed to recall that the tape he heard was really a Christmas present from his parents earlier and that the tape was a British tale of young man who joined a robbers group in the 1880's and learned to do pick pocketing really well.  Oliver is the name but there was not tape yet of Oliver, and only two years later was the show Oliver  then a movie of Oliver available for general distribution.  His life if full of these incidents.
Finally,  I AM MICHAEL OF NEBADON, and I want it to be known, that Ron is suddenly dying shortly and you will miss these kinds of stories, as he is remembered up here as the man who re-invented the psychics of the 19th century, as he loves to recount their stories, and Stainton Moses is one of his favorites to tell about as he was no rubbish, and we chose him to start the first five Papers of the Urantia Book.  If you look at one of his publications, there are the first fives chapters of the Urantia Book.

The Urantia Book has a rick story that the Urantia Foundation never bothers to look at. 
The Urantia Book began life in the 17th century and was so aborted we left it alone for another three hundred years to complete.  That is how old the idea is!!
For reasons of State I never mention it as most people who play with the Urantia Book today, have no real idea of its derivation.  Ron uncovered it years ago and did not bother anyone about because, frankly,  they are not deep readers, but know the story only too well about Jesus and the sun down glimpse of the Temple days before the last supper.

Ron recalls it fully and feels the melancholy  of the moment when reading that part.  He also knows he is dying soon in spirt of valent attempts to reread the last part, he never gets around to it.  Nonetheless, this lad has one of the most important discoveries in spirit ever:   he knows by script how Jesus felt looking at the Temple that eveing with the Apostles, and remember it to you too this day:

Never forget who you are.  Number two:  never forget Jesus, and who He is.  The truth is that they are one and the same, as Jesus led the mortal life only to be transferred at death to the spiritual life entirely.  Why is that important?
It is important to remember who you are and what you did on earth, and that is always an indication of what you will do in heaven for a long time.  Ron will go over soon, and bless him it is a cold farewell as no one is there to care for him or care for his wares, as he has created a vast confluence of spiritual tales and works, and no one care to look at them for their value, and so he will develop no library without you.  Remember the faintest of songs:  "Where Is My Mother?"  He never knows what is next, but I tell you he remembers Me well enough to all me by my maiden name,  JESUS OF NAZARETH.    Good by for now.  K"
Ron -  Thank you Jesus.  I am always slow on the draw as I am busy writing down dictation and  I do not claim infallibility, but   do claim accuracy and I think HIM, and all that goes with him to the end of time.

Thank you all for joining me and I hope to see you again soon.

Ron Besser and for the Gipper, Jesus of Nazareth, we say good day for now.  K


Located in Historic York, Pennsylvania

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Re: REsponse to Mrs. Piper Receiving Urantia Book outline form in 1903
« Reply #8 on: September 23, 2024, 10:16:36 am »
Since our forum family seems to be into stories lately, here's a link that tells a pretty good one, and I don't think anyone has posted it yet (please forgive me if I am wrong):
« Last Edit: September 23, 2024, 14:36:10 pm by PJammer »