Author Topic: THE DEVIL'S MINEFIELDS  (Read 3031 times)

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Offline weydevu

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« on: September 06, 2024, 14:14:16 pm »
I use that title because long after the demise Lucifer and Caligastia, they put in place pit falls and minefields in every corner of society you can imagine.
I'm saying all this with the coming of the MAGISTERIAL SONS and JESUS at some time later, we are at the dawn of a new era of time and space in our lives and on our planet.  And yet with the rebellion and insurrection, I can't help but think with  all the hatred that Lucifer and Caligastia had for MICHAEL and Urantia.  That they had prepared well in advance after their demise, the coming of the MAGISTERIAL SONS and the RETURN of JESUS.

We are all aware that the Anti-Christ represent a body and not a person, but the world knows not. So, I believe [and I'm going to need some help with this from you or even the higher spirit circiuts] that Caligastia had the story of the Anti-Christ as a person included in the bible for this very period in time. Because they knew the workings of the Nebadon Government. And it's the Christians with no fault of their own non other than being in a box and not venturing out to investigate what else GOD has to offer. They will fight this with tooth and nail. I would like to here your thoughts as well.
And the World Knows Not

Offline Ron Besser

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« Reply #1 on: September 07, 2024, 16:44:16 pm »
We are sure, Weydevu, that you are correct in some of the things spoken to in your post above.  Ron and I are marking this post as unusual and savory, but I MICHAEL OF NEBADON, prefer to answer you this way:

Ron is laying low today because of headache and body aches big enough to derail him in thought to a certain extent, so he asked me CHRIST MICHAEL to answer some of this thought now.

CHRIST MICHAEL answers this post now:  "WE ARE QUITE SURE that the entire matter of your concern over the wise men  who came to see Jesus after his birth never new just who or what that child represented.

"He, JESUS, never knew his grade for mankind until he was twelve years old.  Reference the Urantia Book to see the revelation of this child in his early years, as they tell you His life was full of pulchritudes not, but that his life was full of sandwiches and caring that his mother and father were still in place after a  tumultuous screening by King Herod to find him and kill him.  That king did not know right from wrong but he gave up after three years looking for the child, and conclusded the prophecy was truly dead wrong.

"For that reason Jesus escaped the problem of "search and kill" which Herod attempted, but Herod got the last laugh by having his father Joseph die in a rock fall from a wing of the garden wall he was building in a new palace at that time.  For reasons of State no one really knows the true cause of death of Joseph, but it was him falling from the scaffold he used to work on the rock wall that encompassed the back of the palace at that time.  Joseph hit his head of the rocks below his scaffold that were to be placed as part of a wall at the back of the palace at that time.  That palace no longer exists as it was tumbled during the 77 BCE attempt by Rome to subjugate the Jews, but burned to the ground by miscreants afterwards as they did not contain the fire set by them to bring a few Jesus to kill and burn in the insurrection that followed Rome's attempts to subjugate the Jewish population.

"For that reason, Jesus gathered this Father's tools after his death, and brought them home to his mother who wept so hard she could not contain the vermin that appeared at the door of their home and demanded the tools in payment to the damage his father caused them to clean up when the scaffolding  Joseph fell upon broke and disintegrated before the eyes of these henchmen Herod sent to collect for damages to his wall.  Now at this time the following happened:

"Three years after Jesus gathered the tools from Herod's palace, a secondary bill was sent to Mary for costs to resurrect the wall broken down by Joseph's fall.  Then she took a broom and chased them from the house and they never returned as the chief among them said, "We deserved it!"  The chief who was sent to  collect damages from Mary never was spoken of in the death of Herod, but Herod died about a year later in an insurrection around the palace wall that Joseph's had been working on, and never again set foot into the compound that Jesus' father had been working on, had fallen, and died almost instantly.  For  that reason listen to this:

"Caligastia and Herod knew each other and talked occasionally.   Why?

"Caligastia knew everyone in Jerusalem over the Jesus incident because Caligastia knew who he was and sought to bring the lad's death as quickly as he could.   Daligastia saw to it that there was nothing Caligastia could do until Daligastia was discharged by Caligastia in 73 BCE over an incident in Rome that led to the death of Herod's grandson, Dobriah (pronounced Dob (rhymes with cob) Bri Ah) and Dobriah was to be king, but he died at age fourteen (14) due to a polio epidemic breaking out which killed him almost instantly as Polio in those days was a virus only.  Today polio is a virus aned an infectioous disease that treats the body as a hive to spread the disease but the body has learned how to kill the insect quality of polio and releases only a green gas the doctor's sometime see on polio patients when they first contact the disease.

"However, Caligastia could never bring Herod under control and finally gave up when Joseph died that day in what is September 5th on your current calendar in use now.

"We bring one last statement to this story, and it is this:

"Caligastia was supposed to be the Planetary Prince originally, but he got spoiled by dealing with Lucifer who held him well and when Caligastia was assailed by Jesus for appearing before him on Mount Hermon, it was Caligastia who fled the scene so quickly Jesus was left to speak to others which the Bible does not record.  Tiglath, the son of a merchant in Jerusalem  held well as he carried water and a cheese sandwich up the mountain with Jesus to meet the devil himself.  For reasons of State the Urantia Book barely mentions the lad by name as there is a controversy yet about this lad's parentage over nothing but much ado about all the details concerning this meeting with Jesus but the sorrel colored spirit enemies at that meeting is still a controversy up here in heaven, and we do not know the true reason for the skin coloring at that time--  just to mention one incident among several at that meeting.

"In any case, this all pertain to another time, and I want to tell Weydevu who inspired this post from Ron Besser the originator of the discussion forum here, that there is little to tell about the insignificance of the event of the death of Jesus' Father at this time, as Herod was calloused as can be, and even the Seraphim of that time let it be until I chastised them over not being more careful to guard Joseph.  Now this:

"I have seen the question asked here by Weydevu, but I am also using this response as a way to tell all of you that times are changing again!

"No longer will we have long statements from authorities in heaven to all of you, at least for awhile.  The reason?

"The reason is that we are finally going into MISSION STATUS, and that is to tell all of you that those who do speak for us will never hear these stories again, and it is Ron who will make them available to the fallen ones no longer, as they are making fun of them even as we speak them up here.  You never hear this part of our transcriptions Ron, but they must go through several layers of composing, and this one in particular is fun for the former slaves of Herod and the former lineal demands of a posting system we have resurrected up here to make sure what I say is fully comprehended by you all in the English you read these posts in.  For that reason Ron, you are relieved from doing them in about six more days, and for the rest of you, those who do them under different groups, will no longer hear them at all.  I leave this now to attend to a small emergency on Urantia, which always seems to happen on Saturday now.  We leave you Ron, with this special announcement to you:

"You are feeling especially bad today and the reason is that your death is imminent.  But I hold you well enough to keep yu going indefinitely long.  Keep the good faith and I will report to you shortly for another reason soon.  I AM MICHAEL OF NEBADON, and I leave before the roof caves in on the transmission.  Good day to you all!  MICHAEL OF NEBADON. K
Located in Historic York, Pennsylvania

Offline weydevu

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« Reply #2 on: September 09, 2024, 09:59:14 am »
Thanks for your response, Ron. and I thank CHRIST MICHAEL for HIS also.
Now concerning the wailing or siren sounds we are to hear at 10:00 AM EST would that be today or Tuesday?

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Offline Ron Besser

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« Reply #3 on: September 09, 2024, 11:30:31 am »
Weydevu, I personally do not entirely trust what has been told as the entire incident of Michael on Urantia and what is said about Missions to Urantia is not entirely clear  those messages have any power behind them.  All of us are going to have to take what may be done on Urantia, for Urantia, and about Urantia, as it happens and not as our predictions seem to warrant.  I am fairly tired of these prognostications as there is no way to confirm them.  I am taking the ways of the old man who said, "watch out, you do not know what they mean when they have the devil to put off like we have now.  I think it is being addressed but the truth of the matter is there is very little explanation just yet what has to be done with the cabal and its ministrations to all of us and against Michael.  I am throwing my hands up trying to be understanding just what is being done to end the cabal and return us to normal.  Meanwhile I do enjoy your posts on this subject and may the best man win against the insurrection we are still under whether we like it or not.   Seriously done this morning but I cannot tell where we are in all of this waiting and preparing.  Thanks to you and all for  your views and we still have to wait it out without much understanding what has to be done.  Cheers Weydevu and keep up the good work of posting. 


MICHAEL OF NEBADON - "You Ron are not throwing your hands up, but you are very tired of no progress and very poor reporting on top of it, as I, CHRIST MICHAEL, have nothing to say or report to all of you today or tomorrow yet.  But you Ron have now reached the age when you are about to sleep the sleep of a new age, not on earth, but on a deserved reward in the heavenly spheres of the morontial worlds.  You are tired ot it now and we are far from deciding what must be done for URANTIA, and for once you are ready to listen without pondering the consequences.  WEYDEVU get this:

"You are fully ready to help me out anyway you  can, but Ron and  the rest of them here, they have no real itemization to look at as I have decided to let things stand as they were about a month ago.   Now we are in the doldrums of wait and see, and Ron has finaly bitten the bullet he can no longer do much about anything.  That is about old age and the insistence of Myself that no one is going to figure out what is to be done for URANTIA or for YOU or for Ron, but the truth of the matter is my spirit regime is not looking at Urantia well, and we are not letting anyone know about what we are goig to do for awhile, as there is nothing to say about a world like Urantia which is just plain nuts over most of the inception of Jesus without understanding what the Urantia Book says about the entire incident of Jesus, the world, and Me, the Creator Son of the Local Universe of Nebadon.

"For that reason, Ron is going to his rest on high without much to say about what is happening on Urantia, because I have not let it be known about what I really think about Urantia these days.  It is a pretty sphere, but beyond that, there is very little I have to say about where it is going and what I am going to do about it.  K

"Now this:

"I am sick and tired of all this recrimination for you Ron, and for this discussion forum.  However:  Let this be known for now:

"The cabal is still making mischief on Urantia, and Ron falls victim to it now and then, but refuses to deal them at all and that is his right, but if he does not deal with them, he gets shunted behind the walls of Jericho and we are no longer about to report rightly or well.  Yesterday's LIGHLTLINE does not lie in shambles, but it is not what we intended for what is probably the last LIGHTLINE Ron will ever see again with him attending as moderator.  He is too well developed to stand around and mouth the insecurities of a Lightline that was supposed to tell it like it is, but failed to do that with two attempts to settle the issue of a moderated Mission to Urantia.  It remains quite unclear today and will remain unclear until I decide how to moderate these Lightlines without bothering a transmitter as good as Ron is without forcing Ron to still bait the future with my pretension of care for the planet Urantia at all.  I was Jesus and Jesus still has much to say, but he cannot get in sideways so long as I am working Urantia too.

"For that reason then, I give you one last chance to say something well done.  That is not you Ron, but the rest of you who take seriously what is done in the LIGHTLINES but have no real idea what to do with the messages received especially by Ron or Dominick or the other Transmitters at all.  PLEASE LISTENl:

"I am leaving Urantia.  In fact I have already gone and I am reporting this from My home on the fifth circuit of Havona today and Ron is surprised I am that far afield from Urantia, but he is a good man and lets it settle that the whole idea of URANTIA and the whole idea of a MISSION, is possible now.  It is entirely possible, but we are not happy that Ron has been shot down for good, and I have to wait it out enough to let things stand as they did a century ago.  The year 1924 was a messy year, and it got worse as we went forward and WWII finally appeared to break the stalemate between good and evil on Urantia.  You now have the identical situation developing around the United States again, and this time Kamala Harris will be President without a single thought about how to stop WWIII from developing.  I tell you this:

"I AM MICHAEL OF NEBADON, and I am sure this message is understood already by most of you, for there is nothing left for me to tell you except there is nothing brewing for Me or for You or for Others as this entire matter of a MISSION is now forgiven but forgotten for a millennia again if I cannot get cooperation from the SERAPHIM or from YOU as this entire matter of a spiritual Mission is now gone!

"Why do I say that?

"The answer is mostly, "why do you not take better measures with this announcement that I am here, but you just sit and ponder more transmissions without doing anything about governments that sit and play an economic game but have nothing to do with the immoral diplomacy of a fighting war in the UKRAINE and still leave me alone as though I was and extra fixture on the wall in a bathroom area.   I am not happy with you Ron, as you must give in to this list without making one sound about how little you care they understand what the whole discussion forum was to be about, and you Ron let it happen without saying a word:  GIVE ME YOUR POST or this place will die!  It has not died thanks to you and the other transmitters, but no one is leaving the posts from those transmissions stay up very long without notice as there is no mechanism to keep them going however good they may be.  You yourself feel this is true but you are also fighting other groups out west which have no sense of why  they truly exist at all.

"Finally, you have finally reached the age Ron, that you see very little to do but provide services and then pray they may make sense to those who once were part of a Teaching Mission, and that fell into absolute oblivion so harshly they still make noises about it but cannot revise its happiness at transmitting by a large segment of its population now, and that is sad because Ron you are ready to spread your wings with much more but find it so obvious there is truly no real support for what once was you leave it alone entirely.

"For that reason we say this:

"No one is going to revise the Teaching Mission anymore, because you find it old hat with people who refuse to listen well and make pretty patterns on their emails but are dead to the world about transmitting anew the work of Jesus and the work of ME, the Creator Son of Nebadon.   However, Ron just said to Me, "cut it out!"  I say to you Ron,'you cut it out!'  and then we look at each other and wonder why say anything.  The truth of the matter is, we are done with Urantia, you know it, but watch for the MAGISTERIAL MISSION and I tell you that MONJORONSON is about to throw that in too, and that is unless there is a abetter response.  You cite that the length of time to get to this point even has been forever, and Urantia does not even know the Urantia Book well enough to understand the need for a resplendent spiritual Mission to Urantia.  What this world wants is a diplomatic solution and not a spring time of love from Jesus or Me to a dead sphere so polluted we worry about the health of all children being raised in it again!

"Now this:

"I and my staff will leave Urantia shortly.  Then that ends the mischief of the cabal too, as the cabal has over loaded itself on Urantia already, and you Ron find it amustig and I agree you are not wrong, but the average person on Urantia is still tired and waiting for refreshment in spirit entirely, but the Vatican cannot do it, and the government cannot do it, only I CAN DO IT! and that is excellent typing Ron.

"For reasons of State now, I give you one last chance Ron, to tell these people you are about to close your eyes for good too on Urantia,  for suddenly the world is closing around you too, and you find this work tedious at times and I do not blame you; however, let this be known too:

"The entire region around York, Pennsylvania is no longer sequestered around you, but is fully opened around you to stand firm and wait Me out:

"For I will not stand around and let all of this fall into oblivion.  Today Dominick has a Lightline.  You want to attend but are facing other problems including ME being totally outraged that Dominick knows how to do this but is lethargic over doing this miracle of communication.  You do not understand it, but he is waiting for you to say more than your do recently, and is bored to death about most of it now.  You recognize it but have to let it alone as you are not exactly Mr. Gladpants yourself and wait it out too.  For reasons of State then, let me tell you and the rest of these individuals, WE RE LEVING URANTIA, not permanently, but well done as a planet not, but a peaceful concern for all workers in the field that you shall be well received, but your lives are a lot less than they should be, and that is because I quit not, but people like you Ron are found working us for the good, but you have no voice in any political party except your own view, you could care less about who is up for President, but anyone of those Presidential candidates, has no real reason to address God as they should, and we let them fall by the wayside and pray that Urantia gets out of the next general war with something left to work on when peace is finally declared.

"You Ron are disgusted with so much over population you could hardly care what some nations do.  But the truth is that Urantia weighs a great deal less than it did ten years ago.  Why?  Because the planet is shirnking slightly and that will never make sense to physicists,  but it make sene to you because you are leaving it and viewing it from a mansion world that cares less about Urantia even more than it did even fifty years ago at this point.  Why?  You feel it is bankrupt and I finally agree with you, but you are willing to go the whole nine yards to see to my wishes, and that is all I can thank you for now, as I quite speaking and must return to Salvington, where I must go back to work for the rest of all those human planets I have running in Nebadon currently.

"And, oh yes, this:

"I have ordered your crypt to be opened soon and you are to fall asleep like all the rest, but you have made one contribution I cannot fail to like, and t hat is a sense of humor I never met before that says, "okaym, let's pick up where we left off and try again. . . ."   Marvelous typing too . . . .

"Now this and we are done:

"No one is going to say to you Ron, is that not a wonder what you did on Urantia?  No one cares what you have attempted Ron, and including me, I have nothing to say for you, but the FATHER is delighted with you and shall repair all you threw away to make this work soon.  You are welcome in the Supreme Court and you are happy about that but it means nothing to you at the moment other than the honor you feel being selected for such an august assignment, but  "G" is now fully ensconced there, and finds you lackluster and careless and she wants to throw you to the weeds already and you could care less.  I do not know what you want and neither do you so we leave it in peace and out the door we go.

"Finally, you Ron find today to be a trial to deal with and I do not blame you, but keep in mind that I like you and that is a huge undertaking for ME adn you Ron as you shall not disappear among the hordes of people on the Mansion Worlds, but leave me alone for nw and we wil ltalk later for your work up here soon enough.  K"

Ron Besser speaking - And I must agree with Michael right now, as I am tired of most of this hayweed cleaning, but I am delighted to know I can go over without a bitch of a scream, that we all did some work together very worthwhile in accordance with Michael of Nebadon, Gabriel, and several spirit critics in the Dominion.  And further this is supposed to be me sort of a last reminder from Me that the weather outside is going to cool off real fast as we are not into September and the hearing bills will start again.  Oh my, says someone, here we go again from Ron.  True.  But I am silent soon enough and work myself hard on the mansion worlds I hope, soon enough.   But then so will most of you as we are all a set piece of the population, fortunately, in a wonderful country and I let all that fall away too, as I am greatly concerned about this coming Presidential election between a financial collapse and a heartless Kamala that probably lurks there too.  My best to you all and good day fro the time being.   Ron Besser.  Thank you. K

Located in Historic York, Pennsylvania

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« Reply #4 on: September 09, 2024, 12:06:25 pm »
I will venture something to say. I'll be shot down, but here it is anyway. Weak Presidents cause war. It's not my opinion, it's history. Ms. Harris is weak. She has no achievements to speak of, no beliefs to propound, no agenda other than to win and no real plan for America or the world. She's a Kleenex when we need a towel. I want to state this plainly, I am not fond of Trump. He's overbearing and loud. He speaks when he should listen. However, he has served as a President once before and did an okay job. He's not my first choice for the job amongst the Republican party but he's what they got right now. He's not weak.

Kamala Harris seems to be a new version of Warren Harding, who was elected president in 1920.  Harding was a lightweight Senator from Ohio who stunningly secured the Republican nomination for President.

Here's a description from a book by Bill O'Reilly: "Warren Harding is not in the forefront.  His time in the Senate has been lackluster, a series of missed votes and general laziness.  He has written hundreds of passionate letters to his mistress on Senate stationery."

Ms. Harris is secretive and unavailable to answer serious questions so it's like she has ghosted the entire country. The specter of WWIII has been put forth in these Forum writings as in "what would poor Ms. Harris do?" Lose is what she would do, and lose badly. Would Trump do better? Nobody can truthfully know that until the day comes and come it may. Another thing to note, Putin supports Harris. Gee, I wonder why? 

We in America have the idea that a woman and most certainly a woman of color is the appropriate person to elect to assuage our conscience over our abysmal history of slavery and attachment to male dominance. I do not disagree, however, and this is important--the right woman! Electing a weak female President to answer for our forefathers sins will serve only to make it more difficult in the future for a capable woman, of which there are many, to be thus elected. "Wokeness" will deprive truly capable individuals the opportunity to serve. I adjure you, elect the right woman when she appears.

I study history as my favorite pastime. I am almost a scholar with the textbooks I have read over my lifetime. I grew up in Virginia and was trained in a private school about early American history giving me a taste for history of any type including world history. Weak Presidents bring war and that's the truth.

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« Reply #5 on: September 09, 2024, 13:34:54 pm »


I couldn´t agree more. 
Weak governments make life easy for real or potential enemies and yes,
history demonstrates this time and time again.
Thanks for posting your thoughts.


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« Reply #6 on: September 09, 2024, 14:52:23 pm »
My greetings Dreamcat01, without entering into a discussion of your comment, which without a doubt reflects your great mastery of the subject, I just want to recall the comment made by our Nobel Prize winner Gabriel Garcia Marquez (Colombian), who, on the subject, more or less said that he did not understand how the people of the United States, a country that he admired so much for its organization, administration and development on all fields, were so careless when it came to choosing a president. There are also those who think that the president in the United States is only a decorative figure because the one who decides and directs is the so-called shadow government (Pentagon?). 
I can only give my opinion on notable facts of the oppressive foreign policy that the Empire exercises and has exercised (the people are another thing) that I can find out about and verify, especially here in Latin America. 
Very good comment DreamCat, thank you. 
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Offline Ron Besser

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« Reply #7 on: September 09, 2024, 17:07:01 pm »
Thank you for starting a post concerning Harris as the proposed next President of the United States.  I consider her elected already, and have no objection to her credentials either.  However, there is a precedence involved, and that is Harris is to be the first woman president for the United States, and second, she has no record of political accomplishment for the Senate or for the American people except she was elected Senator and that takes some doing in any case to realize.

I want to point out to the residents of this discussion forum that there is n precedence for Jesus to walk in a claim political office in the United States.  However, let us look at the credentials of that master of religious fervor Jesus.  Would the American electorate take Jesus over Harris?  That is not a fair question either, but it does point out something I fail to understand about the current President (Bideb) of these United States, and that is why did he preempt the any other person from running for the Presidency by forcing the issues of selecting his heir apparent?

That is what I heartily dislike.  I like Harris.  I like Biden.  I think Trump is a hideous choice over his court disagreement he did nothing wrong.  I could care less about Trump as President, but he is leaning more and more toward the idea that the Presidency is an ascendant master son of God, and you don’t discuss him, you just laud him.  I am not happy with Kamala mostly because she is selected as a running creating of State to fulfill the Biden legacy.  I think he was a good and honorable President, but I just do not like him choosing the candidate first over the American people choosing her by the default of campaigns among several or many candidates for the Presidency at all.  Yet this is the first time we have had a current President endorse the next President without a fight among candidates to be heard, and this time were not heard!

President Biden has, in my humble opinion, has forced the candidacy of Harris onto the stage.  No one had a chance with that kind of endorsement, and it must never be done ever again!  Pamela Harris is a fine woman and I do not object to her Presidency, but the way it was done should be seriously examined for what it does to the electorate!  There is no electorate with how Harris was chosen to run for the Presidency.  That to me is a serious plunder, and Biden will pay for it in history.

Finally, I am quite sure that when I am dead and buried, this discussion forum will take off briefly over my legacy (perhaps), and I will not covet the idea I did anything unusual, but we did make this thing work where other attempts at a discussion forum collapse withing the first years of operation.  I am certainly proud of all of you who are intelligent and have your personal opinions of the politics of this world and of the estrangement of the cabal of insurrectionist seraphim.  I would never believe it unless I have had to deal with it in these very ministrations of speech, and I abhor the use of spirit to determine what use the American public makes of a political candidate.  Nothing from Michael has been forthcoming, but I point out to the establishment here, that the cabal has seriously preempted Harris in favor of an autocracy of a candidate that rules by one vote, and that vote is as the President of the United States, to foster a candidate on us without nomination choice first.

In any case, I like Harris and will vote for her given the chance, but Trump has one voice that I do appreciate, and that is that the autocracy of political famine in this country is about to end when the Vice President of Salvington, votes for Michael of Nebadon to forestall Harris’s wish for supremacy over American electoral thought and is the President by direct vote of the current President!

It is a terrible thing to do, and I am the first to complain to my beholder the Magisterial Son of Recrod for Urantia, and that is very soon, that no favor be granted to Harris over other candidates that will appear at the next election in spite of Harris’s election.  I am not for this kind of response except I am tired of the oligarchy of Presidential preferences, namely Joe Biden, picking out next President by appointment.  That is wrong.  And I am the first to state it here for what it is worth.  Thank you for the floor to speak this.  Best wishes to you all.

Ron Besser

Michael of Nebadon - “Well now . . . .

“I am a President of sorts myself, and I happen to fully agree with Ron on all points, except he does not hold even a vote this coming election, for I am claiming him as a president-past as he has run the extent of his life time on Urantia, and it is time to claim him as my own up here when the final adjudication of Urantia is made by me very shortly.  I am on Urantia for my own purposes this time, and for that reason I am quite able to speak that the elections in the United States, are tainted with the oligarchy of distaste of all Americans for a Presidency that attempts to determine who the next President is by forecasting that the Vice President should be the heir apparent.  No way is this correct!  Listen:

“The Presidency of the United States is extremely powerful.  Ron has a frequent distaste for Washington many times anyhow, but he is not in power, and Biden is in power and Harris will be shortly.  That is not against the Harris election, but it casting a frown down on how it was done.  Ron is right to complain there was no vetting of the candidacy for President this time from the Democratic Party, but this time she was vested with the power of the right-to-be President, and that is entirely wrong by American standards alone.  I am not a selector of the Presidency, and Pamela Harris is a fine woman but she did not go through a normal selection process.  For that reason she may have trouble in all matters when a Congress demands her electoral vote be punished by the present President of t he United States making sure his party and his candidate is selected to run.  He is not a moron but he is truly tired of the power and prestige he must constantly forgo in order to retire rather than run again for the Presidency.  I am not MICHAEL OF NEBADON, but the PROCTOR of the United States power position on the planet Urantia.  As PROCTOR of the Presidency up here in spirit land, I fully agree with Ron on how she was selected to run as a candidate for the Presidency of the United States.  It is not the way to do it for a clean Presidential election.  Period.

MICHAEL OF NEBADON - “Ron feels the pull of that power and we quickly pull him back from Ron’s election to speak this problem before the people of the United States in particular.  The President of the United States today is a fine and caring man but he made the mistake of putting a candidate up for electrion, for that is the job of the people of the United States, and for that reason I look aside your election in November of this year and walk away without comment further.  I am MICHAEL OF NEBADON and I leave you to your choices in November of this year in your Presidential Election bid.  Good day to all of you for now.  K (Michael of Nebadon)

Ron - Now we know thestanding of the spirit administration over us at least for now.  I am not particularly happy with American elections anyhow and this election is, well you can have it, and I will vote, but I am not happy how the election was configured this time by a sitting President.

And finally this.  I am ill again and this time I may not escape the inevitable and thatis to die and be buried by someone, but I promise you if I am allowed to be reurrected on high, you will hear from me.  But I know there are rules against that so I leave you with this thought:  

No one should decide who should run for the Presidency by appointing then such from a living administration of the current President.  It is okay to be for someone, but to insist that the candidate for President be whom the President selects first is a dangerous precedent, and I am sure the Holy Lands of Jerusalem will not that no President of there’s will become nominated this way by Netenyaho either.  I think the world knows this is a fixed election by a sitting President, nor do I think he thought this thing through.  Nonetheless, that is the end of my post and thank you for listening.   

Ron Besser at your service.

Located in Historic York, Pennsylvania

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« Reply #8 on: September 10, 2024, 05:13:55 am »
The thesis of dreamcat01 supported by Lemuel and occerpa emphasizing the trait of strong character is certainly insufficient, as a trait generally not only of the president of a country, but more generally of the leader of a great nation able to influence world politics. This is contradicted by such strong characters as Napoleon Bonaparte, Hitler, Stalin, Mao Tse Tung. Undoubtedly, for the sake of the world, such chiefs should have at least a few other important qualities.

Michael of Nebadon told us at the forum that if Joe Biden were to become president of the US again, he could take on the role of initiating changes in the political organization of the world. It is believed that Kamala Harris, as an expected weak president, will not be able to fulfill this role. We have already had women of strong character as leaders of nations in the new history. So perhaps the case for K. H. as US president is not a foregone conclusion.

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« Reply #9 on: September 10, 2024, 10:11:09 am »
Thank you Dreamcat01 for starting this interesting conversation. Views have come up I never thought to look at. Now that I see a better picture of the situation, I understand why this should never happen again and hopefully K.H. will surround herself with people who have the ability to persuade her to protect the integrity of these United States of America.

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« Reply #10 on: September 10, 2024, 12:16:27 pm »
I would like to briefly address the US horrific record in South America reference by Occerpa. It is abysmal. Americans have not been taught to properly treat our neighbors to the south very well indeed. The proliferation of drugs and drug empires have become a result of this inability to help with the proper governance of the continent south of our border.

We are not taught the history of those countries and it's a shame we aren't. I think that Americans should be more educated about these nations and learn to appreciate their cultures. They have much to offer.

In many ways, it seems they are still suffering from the disadvantages of European colonization by Spain and others. South America was systematically enslaved and robbed of its natural resources to raise the standard of living in Europe. In fact, North America suffered much of this ravishing as well but the move for independence in N. America took a different path.

The Spanish had, at the time, a vibrant culture but it became focused by the Catholic Church and others on the usage of South American gold and other natural resources to fund the building of huge navys and churches that wow the senses with their opulence!

But we, in the so-called modern age, have not learned our lessons very well in regards to materialism. We still rape and pillage others for what we think we need with spiritualism taking a back seat to our still present desire for imperial power and material gain.

My hope and prayer is that the coming of our Lord and Master Jesus will show our planet the new way, the proper way to treat each other and to build nations dedicated to truth, beauty and goodness for all.

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« Reply #11 on: September 11, 2024, 10:16:20 am »
Greetings Dreamcat01, and thank you for your important and accurate comment, very consistent with the historical truth that our suffering nations of the rest of America have experienced. In the past I remember having read a comment of yours with the same approach, only now much broader and more critical. I think that the policy of the United States of America towards our countries obeys a plan based on seeing us as they say: "our backyard." 
I guess it must be because of the disastrous history that, as you say, nothing is taught in schools about "the backyard," because the majority of North American citizens would reproach and condemn, as you do, such a ruthless history of crimes, plunder and murders that continues to this day. Did you know that not even a week ago the presidential plane of Nicolás Maduro, president of Venezuela, was seized by the United States government in the territory of the Dominican Republic with the complicity of the president of this country, claiming that its purchase was made illegally? All because Venezuela put an end to the interference of the Empire in its nation. But this is just a small sample of the chain of abuses that you can find s9ummarized in a renowned history book written by Eduardo Galeano: The Open Veins of Latin America. Thank you very much Dreamcat01 for taking the time to bring to the forum this part of the ignored history of our America. But I trust that, as you say, with the entry into activity of the Magisterial sons and the return of our beloved Jesus, all this imperial policy will come to an end. For now we can only hope that PH will turn out to be a second John F. Kennedy.
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