Author Topic: Tues LL 09.24.24 ARTHURA. Truth's impact on Governance  (Read 1123 times)

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Tues LL 09.24.24 ARTHURA. Truth's impact on Governance
« on: September 24, 2024, 15:43:52 pm »

Tues LL 09.24.24 ARTHURA
Subjective & objective truth and its impact on governance in time-space Ascension & Descension

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Re: Tues LL 09.24.24 ARTHURA. Truth's impact on Governance
« Reply #1 on: September 25, 2024, 09:16:06 am »
  • 092424 Audio Tape Lightline USA; host: Dominick Ohrbeck
  • Subjects: subjective & objective truth and its impact on governance in time-space Ascension & Descension, transmission is a function of communion in spiritual communication, and our human governance and constitutional guidelines need to be reframed;
  • Speakers: Arthura, Machiventa Melchizedek, Universal Father, Monjoronson, and Marian Rowley;
  • Transcribed By: RAZ ( I welcome corrections - message me )
  • Link To Tape:

Welcome to Tuesday Lightline, everyone. This is Dominick, your host, and it's September 24, 2024, and we're hosting these Lightlines. So we say a quick prayer to our Father, and Michael, and our Lord Jesus. Thank you. And we just said our prayer and welcome Donna and Larry, and we ask if there's anyone I can receive in our Lightline today.

Well, if some of you were guessing Arthura, this is Arthura.

Let me take a moment to center myself on the transmission wire.

This is Arthura. I'm asking this transmitter to open his eyes rather than close it as we transmit through him. We're going to reverse from our morning content and today's theme is communion. Transmission is a function of communion in spiritual communication. Spiritual defined as nothing like the spirituality that your earthly, terrestrial philosophies define it, but that communion is the supermaterial contact between Spirit and mind.

You are endowed with a mind. You are not an inanimate object with an inanimate type of mind. You have a living system, a life endowed with mind. Furthermore, life endowed with a mind and personality. And as such, personality is most eligible to be saved, evolved, and ascended. Therefore is transmission an aspect of communion. And while some of you in the attempts for transmission, too much of a personal or a social risk, nonetheless, all religion of the spiritual source of true reality. And this is Arthura. When I speak of true I know what I'm talking about, but you truly do not.

Communion is a way for you to have experiential validation of an objective reality that ironically is considered subjective because of your finite structure. Your social experience validates this truth as an objective fact when enough people claim to have something similar. But barring any objective reality and truth validation, you are left in this conundrum of faith, which is a testing ground and an educational ground for the soul. You will only have objective truth when divine representation descends from a higher dimension, which we use as a word for you to comprehend the unseen, spiritual realms. And then, even then, are you faced with a conundrum of believing and asking for proof and so on and so forth.

The irony and struggle between subjective and objective truth is one factor in possible universe rebellion. These states exist in local universe creations of time and space. Therefore, are these time and space struggles considered universal. But they are only universal in the time-space realm. The high divine beings of local origin are the origins of human thought when it comes to the subjective rebellion against the ironically improvable objective reality of Paradise Deity and the ultimate design of proof of this objective reality of the Universal Father is placed on the alpha and omega of Sonship order, the highest rung and the lowest rung of you could say species, or order, orientation, of a type of being, populating and habitating time and space, and that order is called Sons of God, and they have the prerogative and ability and design to be physical manifested in time and space, whereas most other personalities of spiritual status do not need physical form in the third dimension of material body, but the lowest order of son actually contains the highest objective truth of the Universal Father, and yet this objective truth is only finitely known through a subjective experiential truth and understanding of each individual unit.

But as you collectively ascend, this is after your death typically, after you ascend from planetary experience and a kind of universal design of educational experience for a soul to habitate a commingling and eventual fusion of this objective and subjective reality into an eternal reality and an immortal reality of an objective fragment of the Universal Source fused with a personality of the imperfect, finite universe of time and space, and this is the only way that the Universal Father has placed Himself or Itself to experience time and space outside of Its permanent residency on Paradise.

Now you need not understand the epistemology of those statements, but that you do understand that there is a typical struggle on any life-bearing ecosystem between resources, and what happens is, you have this intelligence, which some of your modern scientists have deemed to be a runaway system of evolutionary flaw because they refuse to incorporate Spirit and God into their model. But essentially, you have an intelligent and quasi spiritual biological system endowed with mind and these revealed spiritual attributes. And over the years as well, you have had divine influence that has actually rebelled in their own wrestling with objective and subjective truth and reality.

You should understand, or easily understand you are in these fields when people and parties start to talk about rights, freedom, equality, and creation. In your fifth epochal revelation, as well as your best history books you have a clear outline of the origins of civilization and a pretty good idea of where things like rights and resources and states came into existence amongst civilizations and cultures. We have discussed the evolution of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness and we have clear origins that happiness derived from the pursuit of property, and that today you find yourself no less or more advanced than your forefathers in the discussions of the subjective and objective truths determining what are your rights and your freedoms, the equality, and the state of nature of your being. What it means to be free. What It means to have life or liberty or the fact that you are created or designed or have any destiny of life after death. These things are all still in flux in your civilizations, cultures, and down to your education. They matter in your beliefs and ultimately these things influence and help determine your mind again, it all tends to come back to your mind, your primary instrument and vehicle of your will and your behavior.

You can look at a biological system without these super endowments of spirit and see that they have a mind that's conditioned or designed, and it still goes after resources. It still organizes itself as individual unit and collective unit to perpetuate itself and gather the necessary resources to do that. And often, when you look at another layer, you see a design or an evolution in nature where this process plays out in a greater ecosystem that sustains more than just a particular entity or species doing their behavior, but you don't hear them talk about their rights and their freedoms, nor do they have the language. They might simply react but this is a condition of mind, not will.

When you have a will is when you begin as an entity to understand that a will is endowed with supermaterial abilities and then do you enter the arena of Spirit. And then do you enter the arena of a mind capable of reaching It. Until you reach it individually through a communion experience, until that time you are subject to the collective mind, of the conditioning of your mind, and the environment that affects the mind. And so the education of the civilization and the education of the family conditions, your primary thoughts and attitudes and beliefs, which will, in effect, start to condition your beliefs on some of these larger political spiritual terms that determine ultimately the competition for resources.

Politics, in some sense, is the rule, and regulation, and enforcement of those rules and regulations around resources. You get this in family life early on and later on you might have learned this in tribal association. Your DNA is very much conditioned by 1000s of generations of tribal behavior that's deeply encoded in your neurological roots, and only in recent times is the mind in a more technologically advanced civilization where the tribe has evolved into nations, and the nations have evolved into states, and commercial enterprise has evolved from the specialized labor of property value and material, well specialization in adding value to ever more complex technologically or technological devices aimed at resources and labor which do extend to leisure and the pursuit of property and leisure.

We have talked about the pursuit of happiness, and what's very difficult on a planet that has undergone rebellion Is the competing philosophies between subjective and objective truth, and the origin of rebellion is originated in the rebellion of an objective truth that is not experienced by the rebelling creature. But what happens is a process is set forth, inherently in rebellion that dooms the rebellion to sustain itself, because it becomes intractably separated from the ability to experience communion in the way the entity is designed to; whether that happened in the brief moment of a human lifetime, or a well-nigh eternal moment of a System Sovereign who is designed to be nearly perfect, but just imperfect enough that they can rebel and the time commitment involved between a System Sovereign and a little son of God as a human is vast.

The System Sovereign must be in almost faith contact with the experiential Universal Father for eons of time and even then, when the objective truth of the Paradise Sons is before them, are they still left with the conundrum of objective truth of the Universal Father. These descriptions fall into place quite nicely when you understand the Lucifer manifesto and what it is claiming to rebel against, and then do you have the Rosetta Stone to remove yourselves from a planetary environment that struggles yet today with the legacy of this rebellion against objective truth and subjective experience that validates an objective reality. Because the rebellion has removed itself from the Universal Father, you have a dichotomy of two religions that play forth in planetary politics and religion, and this will play across in each religion and each political struggle.

One moment. This is Dominick. Hold on, Arthura. I had a distraction outside. Let me get centered again. All right. Go ahead, Arthura.

All right, let's start a new chapter. We have today the effects of what is called postmodernism, which is the elevation of subjective truth over the proclaimed tyranny of an objective truth, which they claim is ultimately improvable. Now the origin of rebellion takes on a postmodernistic type of logic. Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness takes on a different meaning for those who consider life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness when they are rooted in two different interpretations of truth and two different interpretations of experience. The irony is that human beings tend to think instinctively that everyone else thinks like they do, so some of the first eye-opening experiences of maturing into adulthood is the acknowledgement of this type of diversity in human perception and opinion, and behavior.

For objective truth and the truth of a Divine Deity, of God, is the declaration that it is no longer life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness or property, but that it is life, liberty, and the pursuit of soul growth. Property has no place in the postmodernistic agenda. Liberty is replaced as the pursuit of happiness and freedom equated with the right to such liberty. The other end of that spectrum, which we claim is not a spectrum, but a divide. The divide is rebellion or original universe governance, there is no spectrum. The subjectivity of a postmodern rebellion is that they place you on a spectrum, thus legitimizing their place and play in the field, and they have a strong argument because they literally exist on the field.

The rebel simply declares, I am here and I am therefore my contentions are the same, but we tell you from Universe objectivity, that these are not designed to live forever. They are inherently transient in time and space, and therefore they exist, but not on a spectrum. They exist on a finite timeline of evolution that is eventually corrected in terms of life. Therefore freedom is always equated with a degree of citizenship. Freedom is an advanced concept of a spiritual revelation and philosophy of man to describe the concepts of will, behavior, and action, which is derived from the mind; thought. In the family and the tribe this was cultivated, and this is why tribal behavior of 1000s of generations is still very much alive in human cognition today, and the secrets of this knowledge are used by politics and religion for control of resources in its most debased forms, under the noble enterprises, rebellion by the rebels.

Freedom does equate with citizenship because it cultivates, via the social contract, a series of trade-offs between unbridled liberty of a child and the parental rules, and regulation. and enforcement of the parent and now the State. In the tribe, these behaviors were encoded and very dangerous, because it very much meant your survival. If you were ostracized from the tribe, you were pretty much dead. Now, the State. with a capital S, today has evolved as the supertribe, encompassing vast nations, multiple cultures, and even takes on a civilization of its own, or could amount to a civilization. Today you kind of call that East and West, and it very much has to do with these notions of rights equality, freedom, and so on.

There is no such conflict as placed in modern times between this capitalism and socialism, life, liberty and the pursuit of property goes back to farming, and the backbone of the formation of the city-state, as tribes began to cease to be nomadic and began cultivating the land and so you had these new forms of government, but also a new form of labor and property. The struggle is very simple, that before there was Capitalism there was putting in the value of a labor to enhance the natural resources into greater forms of advanced valuable property. And that was the also the birth of the mercantile class, and all of those things were, you could say, the origins of capitalism, which is essentially just an extension of those origins of civilization.

Whereas the opposite end of that spectrum takes on the postmodern rebellion philosophies that property is evil and that there are no truly objective realities except the ironically objective reality that everything is subjective. But the point is, because human beings learned to better harvest resources to create more leisure through technology advancements, do they also needed to create more advanced civilizational rules, regulations, and enforcement, and eventually have created states and corporations and leagues of nations and imperfect super bodies of government.

Ultimately, what frames these things are these styles of education which influence the mind and environment of the early experience of a child once they reach the age of essentially seven, and then through adolescence of early adulthood, which on your planet, is around 22; roughly kindergarten through college. Seven years old is the time where a child can begin to independently function in its physical capacities, for example, dressing themselves, brushing their teeth, doing all of those things of family life that were previously regulated and assisted by the parent or the older sibling, which was delegated such duties, and finally, up until the age of pre-adulthood, where they are finally set free from the nest to figure things out.

So what needs to be done moving forward is that these emissions (missions) will entail, from a human standpoint, a reframing of governance. You could say, a reframing of a constitution that defines these mighty concepts of creation, equality, freedom, rights, and resources, and rules, and regulations, and enforcement. The ships that each of these words symbolically represent are unanchored and drifting apart. Some of the organization around the foundations that have been set up will be utilized to not perpetuate or compete with the fifth epochal revelation but to organize itself around the framework of being about the Father's business. And no one is better done in being about the Father's business than his Paradise Sons, who descend even to your level once in a while to right the ship and correct its course.

But you, you little sons of God and daughters of the Father, must do your part to reframe your most sacred documents of governance and do so in the most communionable way and you will be led to be gathered in a physical building, not a temple of worship, but a sacred space to be about the Father's business and be about the spiritual governance of a planet and the things that human beings are designed and underway on this planet in perpetuating an environment that meets the supermaterial standards of spirit for the education of souls when they eventually meet the afterlife. Just as you have a workforce that is entering unprepared and you see the effects of too much of a population no longer capable of you could say good output of productivity.

Similarly, the universe finds that not all souls graduate ready to be full-fledged citizens with freedoms and responsibilities of a social contract where their freedom demands that they have certain obligations. That is the essence of social contract governance, that freedom has a trade-off of the citizen and that rules, and regulations, and enforcements are part of this social contract. Without such a social contract, there can be no concept of rights, and the postmodernist can claim the existence of universal rights, but eventually, it will collapse on its own weight of unproductive half-ass citizens who no longer are even educated enough to comprehend a way out without some sort of intervention. And the irony there is the intervention happens from the objective reality of Paradise Sons and their governance from both on high and in their occasional incarnation and bestowal to the planets they rule. Thank you for listening. This is Arthura, and I depart.

Thank you, Arthura, but don't depart too soon. We have eight minutes if anyone wants to press five star and ask for clarification or address a concept or ask a question related to the topic, feel free. We have a few minutes to address that, and if we don't, then I thank you all for listening, and we'll see who else joined while we were talking. Charlotte, welcome, and George Meyer, welcome, we say your name, your complete name, George, you're a board member. Okay, well, let's give it to Ron, just to say a few words on the physical structure announcement, I suppose. We are looking to build a physical structure to house and conduct what we were talking about is the Father's business. Ron, are you there? Would you like to speak towards any of that? You're unmuted.

Ron Besser  
Yeah. If I were awake.

Well, wake up!

Ron Besser  
Yeah. Thank you. This from Machiventa Melchizedek.

Machiventa Melchizedek  
I listened to your lecture. It should be a book. It is beautiful, Arthura.

Thank you.

Machiventa Melchizedek  
You're welcome, Ron, and I know you are having problems with physicality.

Ron Besser  
Yeah, I'm dying. But may not be today. Anyhow, the future of what Dominick is talking about, I believe, if I'm hearing correctly, will become a textbook for dissemination once the Magisterial Missions are fully involved with this world. I do not know quite where this is coming from, but I know it's high authority. And do you wish to speak to the publication or something else?

Machiventa Melchizedek  
This is a Machiventa Melchizedek, Ron, you are a marvel. The truth of the matter is that what Dominick has spoken of is truly a textbook. You fully get it, but what you don't get is the idea that it is so important. You sit there and you play with the ideas that Dominick speaks to and say; well, yes, that is also very important, but I dare you to impose the intellectual power of what you're talking about on any one individual, particularly in the United States, who has a view of life as money and power and no intellectual input into the system of government or the system of care. That is your problem today.

Universal Father  
This is the Universal Father. Ron, you play with Arthura's speech only in the sense that it is so good, it should be a textbook. Well, it is a textbook and it's coming to you. It will be fully printed, please understand that. Dominick, you are repeating parts of chapters of that textbook to come, and Ron, you are the marvel in understanding that it is a textbook.

Ron Besser  
For those of you who are listening, half. I warn you, please. It isn't a warning of uncooperation, it is that you let it go and don't even engage what you hear on Lightlines when you're in your day-to-day work. You separate it. You go to work and you are at home in the evening, and occasionally tune into what we have to say here. The production of what Dominick does is especially good. I wish I could do it, but the universe has apparently decided that Dominick is the intellect they can use to produce this book. I know that we produce a written text of the Lightlines, but how many of you keep it to put together the book that this is being quoted from? Well, even I don't do it because I go on with other concerns day to day that snows over what was done today.

For that particular reason, then the group that is listening to this Lightline should be reminded that the entire reason for it to happen at all is that some of you will take it and make it work. That is Arthura's wish. That is the Father's wish, and it is my wish, Ron's. For the sake of levity let me tell you this: I have done now a Lightline since about 2008. It is now 2024. I've had 16 years of experience with various kinds of Lightlines. They all do one thing in particular, they educate, but the intellectual level of any given Lightline is far different from many of its compatriots. Why? It has to do with the transmitter. I would suggest to you that Dominick is a college professor, therefore we get high-quality education from our friend Uversa, or I should say you.

For that reason, Ron, I am not Uversa. I am the you, you talk to, and you have trouble with it from time to time, because I don't like you when you do this, but you do this for the simple reason that the listeners ought to get the idea that when we do it, and it's a textbook from the college level up here, that Dominick is repeating verbatim. You recognize it, and you laud me for doing it.

Ron Besser  
Yes, I do, because we so seldom get it.

Universal Father  
I fully greet you, and I know you're one of Mine, but this is the Father. You Ron, are not spitting out anything, but you are making sure that we are repeating the necessity of what we want to know you have as importance. For that reason, you listen carefully and you agree with the lesson.

Ron Besser  
Wholeheartedly, it's beautifully put together.

Universal Father  
I agree. Furthermore, Ron, your life is about to be truncated over the issue of how long can a person like you stay alive on this godforsaken planet at times when all you get is the running mate to Trump and the presidential conference that is held almost daily on your news networks. She is excellent, you agree and look forward to her as president, but you also say; isn't it curious that the Americans finally are allowing a female president? You celebrate it. You hoot and holler, but you are concerned about one thing. It is not the same dias as a male president, and the United States is about to go into history as the first imperial female.

Watch it and enjoy it. She's going to have to make some personal changes to be president. And now this: Dominick's work is superlative. Your work is, and frankly, so is Elise's and the others who broadcast. But I want this to be understood. Many who listen could care less. Oh, it's something to do on a Sunday afternoon, a Wednesday afternoon or whenever. But please understand that it takes a great motion from We Who are on high as the Professors. We are not going to continue it so long as this Lightline is only available to 15 or 20. You foresaw hundreds listening.

Ron Besser  
That is the idea. Thank you.

Universal Father  
But the various competitive units have decided that they do better than you do. You know who they are and what they do. Yesterday, you took it upon yourself to write out a transmission about it, and you have folded it back and do not show it. Why? Well, we know why. It upsets the regular view that all should participate, all should take what they can and make it available to the people. You, however, believe that the people are due for much better fare than what we are producing at times, and I agree. But the truth of the matter is, Ron, that you have seen to it that this production of information through your transmitters is superior to almost all of the other transmitters because you place it in the faith and care of the Father.

If the others did as well, they would do as well, Ron. But the truth of the matter is, you have four different groups and of the four different groups, your group is still premier because you speak to the issues. You do not worry about the flatteries. And now this: the truth that we must speak is that these Lightlines are precious to you, Ron, and they are caregiving to us. But in the near future, when the Magisterial Sons take over, they will be very careful about when and to whom they speak on the internet with. Here is Monjoronson.

Ron Besser  
Welcome Monjoronson. Thank you, Father.

Universal Father  
Thank you, Ron.

I am Monjoronson, Ron, you are among my favorites because you are the one who finally says; well, we're doing this in respect to what we can do, but what can we do better. To all of you, you wonder the same. You hear the lectures. They are important to both sides, but the truth of the matter is we doze off, not the lecturers, but those to whom we lecture. Today, you listened to Arthura carefully. He had a textbook speech. You agreed that it was a textbook and you wondered what textbook it was. Well, let me tell you what textbook he speaks from. There is on the mansion worlds, on Mansion World Four, and above these textbooks. Are they used? Hardly.

The one you call Marian who sees to the Urantia Book group on the mansion worlds says this to you; Ron, you're utterly boring to us. You're not textbook. So she dropped it. You said; fine, I don't care. But remember this Marion, the truth of the matter is that you're going through a process. You are not living it. The truth of the matter is you're being educated, but you're not being online to produce what that education is meant to produce. You love Marian, you like the group, but they have turned you aside as utterly boring Ron and you don't care.

Ron Besser  
I have no sense of what they want.

Truly, Ron. And now this: here's Marian.

Ron Besser  
Welcome, Marion. Go ahead, please.

Marian Rowley  
I am Marian. I used to answer the phone at the Urantia Foundation. Hello. I would say; how may we help you? Oftentimes, it was a question, how to get more books? Frankly, I got so poorly done with it. I just refused to answer and said; well, dear, that's online elsewhere. You have to look that up. Finally, I said, I quit. I left the Foundation five years before I died, you don't know that, Ron.

Ron Besser  
No, I don't. I'm glad you told me. Thank you.

Marian Rowley  
For reasons of state, I am the teacher of a group on the mansion worlds that refers to the textbook of the Urantia Book. We are a poor group. There's only 10 of us. Where are the hundreds, the 1000s who search for spiritual answers and can't find our group? Well, the truth is, Ron, and you nailed it right on with me. The group is a bore. That's because they go with the textbook, The Urantia Book. It is not living. It is instructive. But the fact of the matter is that living on the mansion worlds is the live inference for living life in the universe, and the textbook is only descriptive. What do we do, then, for education to know The Urantia Book or a revelation of like size? The answer is, we don't do it for you. You have to do it for yourself, and that makes a million years in the mansion worlds, boring.

Ron Besser  

Marian Rowley  
When you leave the mansion worlds boring is not what we want you to do, but that is what many do when they go to the 20 or so new schools available past the mansion worlds. You're aware of those schools. You have even taught on some of those schools, but you are bored with the mansion worlds and the 20 or so specialties that are education beyond the mansion worlds. For that reason, you haven't dropped out, but you've gone to the new Supreme Court and listen to what's going on there. What is going on in the new Supreme Court? Plenty. We're not going to go into it, but it should be a subject that you listen to eventually.

Universal Father  
And now, Dominick, I'm done with this diatribe, and I turn it back to you and thank you for the opportunity to speak, I am your Father. Please take it. Dominick, thank you.

All right. Thank you, Ron, and I put you on mute. Just if you need to unmute, go ahead and unmute. And just as a postscript, I'm not particularly fond sometimes of being, I think it excuses all of us to elevate me to the status of a professor. Not that I'm not honored by that. But my point is that these things I talk about do merit some questions from us because they're so right in our face for our politics and our religion. It's undeniable. I mean, we have the pope speaking out about issues, and we have, you know, two kinds of schools of thought being presented in our in our politics, whether that's domestic and whether that's international.

So forgive me, I wake up in the morning and I try to transmit, and this stuff does come out. I guess I'm kind of hardwired that way. It's what I chose to study in school, and it's always interested me. So in that sense, I am, it just is what it is, or what I transmit often. But these lessons are sanitized when it comes to the application of inserting them into any particular issue of the day. So it would behoove you to take the risk of answering the question. As a transmitter, I tend to sanitize my personal opinions on those things. But if you were to ask a question that opens the door for us to apply what we're learning in a lesson in the moment. Beyond that, we do, we retreat to our thoughts and we say to ourselves, well, so and so shouldn't have transmitted that, or I wonder this and that. Anyhow, I'm interrupting mid-sentence myself to unmute you, Lewell, I see your hand raised. What would you like to say?

This is Lemuel, can you hear me?

Yeah, you're unmuted. And, yeah, go ahead, Lemuel.

I just wanted to ask Ron if I would be allowed to do a light to the Wednesday Lightline tomorrow or to try and do a Lightline tomorrow, perhaps with Michael's approval.

You don't need it, you have an open-ended approval, and you seek Michael's approval for it. You can certainly ask Ron for help in that transmission, but the Lightlines are open to you Lemuel at your discretion, unless you hear specifically otherwise not to. So, it's your call.

All right, then, let it be known that tomorrow I intend to hold the Wednesday Lightline. All right, thank you, Dominick.

Excellent. Okay, thank you. Lemuel. Is that it? I'm gonna I'm gonna mute you then.

Okay, thank you.

You're welcome. Okay, okay, so that's it. I think we've said all we need to say, and that's it. We'll leave then on the good news that Lemuel will be hosting his Lightline tomorrow. Pliktarious I noticed you unmuted yourself. Did you have a question? I know you're on the internet so I don't see your hand raised. Would you like to mention anything or have a comment?

No, I don't have anything to say. But it was a very interesting Lightline.

Well, thank you, and notice that all internet callers, if you unmute yourself and are polite like Pliktarious was, that's the way we can handle your questions and comments, because we can't. Internet callers don't have the option to raise their hand on the dashboard. Thanks, Pliktarious, and thanks everyone for joining and have a great day bye.

« Last Edit: September 26, 2024, 10:57:26 am by Dominick O »
Nothing is lost to the heart of God,
nothing is lost for ever;
God's heart is love,
and that love will remain,
holding the world forever. (lyrics by Colin Gibson, Words © 1996 Hope Publishing Company)

Offline weydevu

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Re: Tues LL 09.24.24 ARTHURA. Truth's impact on Governance
« Reply #2 on: September 25, 2024, 11:18:05 am »
I thought it was very interesting and provocative, mind-bending stuff.  I had to read certain paragraphs several times in order to get some type of understanding. So, it's most definitely textbook material.  Thank you, ARTHURA for transmitting that information to us and thank you Dominick for receiving it.

Speaking of professors, this type of information should be read by them and politicians and other government agencies.

« Last Edit: September 25, 2024, 11:25:47 am by weydevu »
And the World Knows Not

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Re: Tues LL 09.24.24 ARTHURA. Truth's impact on Governance
« Reply #3 on: September 25, 2024, 21:39:28 pm »
Thank you Dominick and Arthura for Tuesday's Light Line.

Here is a sentence I don't understand.  Could you please reword it and give  some comments about it?
And while some of you in the attempts for transmission, too much of a personal or a social risk, nonetheless, all religion of the spiritual source of true reality.

Thank you!
Carole, aka S@S

Offline Dominick O

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Re: Tues LL 09.24.24 ARTHURA. Truth's impact on Governance
« Reply #4 on: September 25, 2024, 22:32:57 pm »
And while some of you in the attempts for transmission _____________ too much of a personal or a social risk, nonetheless, all religion of the spiritual source of true reality [is] __________.

I'm instructed to leave it blank and have the reader fill in the blanks for themselves :)

We could easily observe what is a skip in the transmission, but I also recall a loss for words in that moment. Perhaps, there was nothing found in my head. Or sometimes a glitch happens at the start like that when your mind expects a sentence to develop a certain way, but the transmission delivered is describing something else.