Author Topic: USA LIGHTLINE WEDNESDAY 25 SEPT 2024  (Read 919 times)

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« on: September 25, 2024, 15:13:22 pm »

Today´s Lightline included messages from Lemuel´s Thought Adjuster and
Thanks to all who attended.


Link to recording:

Offline Moses Ouko

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« Reply #1 on: September 26, 2024, 06:10:14 am »
  • 092524 Audio Tape Wednesday Lightline USA; Host: Lemuel Other transmitter: Ron Besser
  • Subjects: The dualities of life; Subjective and objective; Yin and yang; Mind over matter; Spirit over mind; Jesus reminisces over Arthura’s words on Tuesday lightline-September 24th 2024; Jesus speaks of his life experiences.
  • Speakers: Lemuel’s Thought Adjuster, Jesus, Machiventa Melchizedek and Michael of Nebadon.
  • Transcribed By: Moses Ouko
  • Link To Tape:
Please press five star.

Lemuel, it's Ron. Go ahead and just use it unmuted. There's something radically wrong, but we can hear you unmuted.

All right. Well, I hope there's not much no I can admit there's going to be too much background noise let's see what happens again.

I've unmuted you, Lemuel.


Try it now.

Well, yes. Just give me a moment, please.

You are heard, but it's just not normal.

Lemuel’s Thought Adjuster
Alright, this is Lemuel’s Thought Adjuster speaking now. And the situation being as it is, I think it's preferable at the moment to speak through Lemuel. If someone comes later on, then I will hand it over to him, whoever it may be. So for the moment, I will speak through Lemuel. This again is Lemuel's Thought Adjuster. So good evening to you all and welcome.

I know that for some time throughout the day, Lemuel has been thinking yesterday's lightline through Dominickk and the words of Arthura about the objective and subjective which are thoughts so much in everyone's lives but in fact hardly anyone ever thinks about these two. But in fact, you are affected by these two throughout the whole of your lives. Yes. There is not one without the other. It is a thought and there is a thought that is spoken. One is subjective, and it becomes objective when it is spoken.

You live in a three-dimensional system, but it is full of duality, as you are all fully aware of. You have the opposites that always complement each other. One is always subjective, and the other is always objective. You have yin, you have yang. You have the right hemisphere of your brain and the left hemisphere of your brain. You all know the objective side of your brain is the left side, your calculating side. And the reverse on the right hemisphere, your inspiration, everything that is subjective, everything that is unspoken.

To be aware of anything, obviously, is to be conscious. At this moment. Lemuel is conscious of the fact that he is speaking to you. He is also aware that I am speaking through him. So the awareness is double-sided. The awareness is objective and subjective.

And those of you who are able to transmit perhaps have never looked that you're transmitting in this way before. Many of you have tried to explain the process of transmitting and what is involved. The danger that all transmitters are aware of is that the subconscious comes into play if there is any moment of hesitation or doubt as to what one is actually saying.

But if those of you who transmit can try to be more aware of these two sides; Objectively speaking and subjectively receiving the thoughts that you put into words. This duality of objective and subjective, of course, is evident in all places throughout all of time and space. Anything outside of time and space, that is to say Deity, for example, is existential.

Yesterday you all heard from Arthura. And you have all been given to understand that Arthura exists in hyper infinity. Hyper infinity is outside of time and space. So Arthura does not need to be objective or subjective. But when he is desirous of phasing down as he refers to it, phasing down to this level or at least to a morontial level to be able to speak through U-Trans, then he must become objective and subjective.

You are surrounded by the news from your televisions or the newspapers and you can see for yourself the state of your politicians, your governments, what they say, what they do. All is a combination of objective and subjective thoughts and actions.

Keeping it at a personal level, you know very well you are able to have a conversation with someone. You are aware of this conversation. And at the same time, you are thinking of what you have to do to prepare a meal later on in the day.  You have this double awareness of what you are speaking and of what you are thinking about a future act. It is almost impossible to separate the two. In fact, there's hardly any need to on your level of living.

You have all heard many times; To be or not to be is the question; to do or to be, to think or to do. They are in fact inseparable. There cannot be one without the other. You cannot do anything without thinking about it except, and there are always exceptions. Something that you have repeatedly done for thousands of times, you do obviously without thinking about it. Well, this is just pure habit.
You do not think consciously of what you have to do to get out of your bed in the morning. Or maybe you do if you're old and creaky like Lemuel and Ron. But you know what I mean. Most people drive their cars on automatic pilot, as you say, on George. Because you've done it thousands upon thousands of times, you don't have to think about what you're doing.

But apart from these exceptions objectivity, subjectivity is fully incorporated in every moment of your lives. You are either partial or impartial. One or something. Your views on politics and your politicians. You are partially inclined to one or totally impartial where you couldn't care less.

What you heard from Arthura yesterday is really quite profound. The way it was addressed and the way it was spoken through Dominick. But at the same time, it applies to an individual; You, everyone, every day, every moment. So what in fact is there to learn?

Well, if you become more aware of your thoughts, then perhaps you become more careful about what you say instead of saying the first thing that comes into your mind. It is true. Mind over matter, yes. But also spirit over mind.

The system that you work in and live in from the moment you were born until the last moment where you take your last breath is dominated by this duality of objectivity and subjectivity. Be careful of what you think. You have been told many times because so many times you do what you think.

Politicians as you are fully aware they say one thing but they do another or they say one thing whilst they think in something totally different. There is no honesty, there is no integrity. If they were, your world would be very different indeed to what it is now.

Well, this is Lemuel's Thought Adjuster. And I just wanted to say these things through Lemuel, because I know he has been thinking about these things since he heard the lightline yesterday. It is useful for all of you to try to become more aware of this duality that surrounds you every day. To be objective or to remain subjective. Think about it. Thank you for listening. Thank you.

Well, this is Lemuel. Thank you, beloved. Thank you so much. Thank you. It is true that I have been thinking about that today. It's true on a personal level, we hardly ever think about these things, do we really? But nevertheless, it is true. And of course globally, universally, well throughout the course it's the same, is it not? Politicians, governments, nations, the difference between objective and subjective, the difference between what people say and what they do.

Yes. All right. Well, that's enough of that. All right. Let's see if in fact there is someone else that would like to come and say something.
Huh. Jesus.

Yes, Lemuel, this is Jesus.

Well, thank you, Jesus, for coming.

You're welcome, Lemuel. And I'm really, it's been some time since I've spoken through you. And I have been listening to what you have said through your Adjuster. And I am aware of yesterday's lightline from Arthura through Dominick.

It gave me many moments of revelry, or perhaps what is the word, well remembering certain moments in my life. When I was confronted, being aware of this duality of course, and yes, I'm stopping at the moment because Lemuel is thinking of something in particular and I want to comment on that, and that is to say, yes, I was born without being aware of my mission. I think you all know this, you all realize this.

It was much later on that I became aware of what my life was all about, so to speak. And so, just like any other youngster in those days, I had the same problems with my thoughts and my feelings, etc. But it is also true to say that the situation here now, of course, is so very, very different to what it was in my day in this little town of Nazareth.

It's really quite amazing that there are, although few in this world at the moment, who are able to think clearly and be aware of what they think and what they say to the extent that they can be courteous, that they can be discreet and kind etc etc and this is wonderful there are so few that I can tell you, those of you are part of my flock and I love you all dearly. Alright, so let me continue with what I wanted to say. This is Jesus and I am pleased to be here and to say a few things through Lemuel.

The missions as you are all being informed so many times are waiting to go ahead. But I don't want to talk about those missions that include the Magisterial Sons. I want to talk about my mission. Yes, my mission. Almost my ambition to return to my world.
I know it is impossible for you to really appreciate what I think and what I feel about this planet, this world. What it meant to me, and what it still means to me. And as you all know, Michael, who chose for his seventh bestowal, this planet and for me to be the vehicle through which he could experience what it is like to live as one of his creations as a human being. As you know, he lived six bestowals previously to experience the life of those he created.

Well, as I've just mentioned before, I was not aware of this of course. Not for a long, long time. But talking about subjective and objective. Subjective, of course, is feelings and I was feeling deeply from quite an early age. When I saw certain things that hurt my young feelings. I saw how cruel some children can be to others through their ignorance, of course. And also how unfairly some were treated simply because they were poor.

To feel so deeply, to have these feelings of subjectivity, so ingrained in one's young feelings, one's heart. This is what moved me more than perhaps anything else in my younger days. But as I grew older and then with the early death of my father Joseph, which you all know about, well that changed things drastically almost overnight so to speak, as you may well imagine.

That is something I had to come to terms with almost immediately. So yes, the death of my father broke my heart in so many ways, yes. I knew what it was like at that tender age. I was 12 to lose someone so dearly loved as my father was and I already had younger brothers and sisters.

Later on as the years went by, it became obvious to me certain things were expected of me. That not only was I not prepared for it, but that I was totally the word, well, yes, impartial because I couldn't care less about what was voiced around me being the Messiah. No. I hardly knew what it was to be a messiah.

To become aware of anything so important in one's life obviously is a moment of what would you say, a great milestone in your life. Well, one of course for me, the first one of course was the death of my father. But then as more brothers and sisters came along and I was working very, very hard to support a family not only learning to be a carpenter but also working with both Zebedee and his family as you all know about these things. I had to but I became more and more aware that there's something going on in the background so to speak that I wasn't really ready for it. I had to wait and wait.

And in fact, it is the same for all of you here now. Yes, indeed it is. Yes. What you think and what you feel. What is objective and what is subjective. Your early feelings, romantic feelings for your first girlfriend. They are very strong and they can leave a mark on you for the rest of your life. Some young lovers remain lovers throughout the whole of their lives and they are so fortunate but there are so many that are not like that.

Every one of you here. Everyone who will listen to this recording later on already has the experience of what it is to be objective and subjective. Your feelings tell you. Are you able to objectively express your feelings? To express your ideas objectively? Are you honest with yourself or do you pull the wool over your eyes, as they say? Well, you're all guilty of that. You have all had reason from time to time to pull the wool over your eyes. And that's fine. You learn.

You learn what is wrong. What you are able to hide or what you are not able to hide. I could not do that. I could not hide my feelings but I did learn to keep my mouth shut. I learned to be discreet. I had to be. They were also dangerous times. We lived under the yoke of Romans, as you all know and the very strict religion of Hebrew and the laws of Moses. You do not have such restrictions on your lives in that sense. No.

Before I leave, I would just remind you why I am here. Why I am waiting and why I will continue to wait until, hopefully not, until the time comes when Father says, Jesus forget it. It's not to be. I do not envisage that happening. And I will certainly do all in my power to make sure that it doesn't happen, that I will carry out my mission. I will return. I will return to be with my flock. There is so much work that needs to be done and I know you will all help me to do it.

This is Jesus. I step back now and leave you all in my peace. And yes, be of good cheer, please. Remember me. I had my problems too. Indeed I did. But be of good cheer. Thank you

Oh, thank you, Jesus, thank you.

You're very welcome, Lemuel. Thank you.

I need a moment; I need to have a little drink. Well, thank you for waiting. Well. Excuse me, let me refresh. Oh, something is happening here. Just give me a moment, please. All right, I'll just wait a moment now to see in fact, if anyone else is here. No. Well, just a moment. Oh, excuse me.

I was thinking now of opening this up to Q&A to give someone the opportunity of perhaps asking a question or making a comment but perhaps it would be better to ask Ron if he has anything to say and then if not then perhaps he would like to open it up and to have a question or a comment on what has been said so far. So Ron, if you are there, if you can hear me, I will unmute you.

Ron Besser
I am unmuted, Lemuel.

Okay. Would you like to say something, Ron, or not?

Ron Besser
You did a beautiful lesson, Lemuel. Especially good. I do want to say something, and it's through Machiventa Melchizedek.

Okay, thank you, Ron. Go ahead.

Machiventa Melchizedek
I am Machiventa Melchizedek. Ron is as faint as you are, Lemuel. He fears he has a few days left. Well, he has a great deal more than that left. And he will be improved as you've been improved for today's lightline.

Now, this: The trial that Lemuel is going through, and now Ron is going through, and maybe one or two other transmitters, is to see to it that you are alive, well, and can handle a transmission. Lemuel, you handle it beautifully. Ron, you handle it beautifully. But it is up to Elise, Dominick, Rene, and others I may have forgotten to mention, to learn that you're going to be tried a little bit in the next week as you transmit that it becomes a little bit more effort than you had originally used.

For reasons of state, Ron is almost asleep. We use that device on him when we need to calm him. Lemuel doesn't do that. What Lemuel does is he goes offline. What Dominick does is he stops chattering and becomes heavily drugged. And Arthura, comes in and makes use of it. You're all very different.

You're all very different transmitters. And for that reason, Elise will not feel the same in transmitting me as Ron does. Ron transmits me as himself. Elise transmits me as her alter ego. Lemuel transmits me as a person who is standing there and is speaking. Each one of you are unique when you transmit the voice of God.

Now this to all of you, Ron has purposely stayed up until 4 a.m. today, this morning I should say, trying to figure out where this thing goes. Well you say what thing? Well not only transmitting, but is Michael going to be on the planet to conduct a mission? Or is it just Monjoronson and Serara? Or is it a combination?

He is full of these questions. Furthermore, he's looking to add a room to the house to fully dedicate it to transmissions. But he decided last night, it's so complicated, he'd rather forget the whole thing. Well, Ron, don't forget it, but not right now.
And finally to all of you, that costs money. He doesn't have it. So that makes it probably improbable. But if you have a few thousand send it over, we can use it, that you don't need that is.

And now this. The Prilosec moment for Ron is all day he has been very sleepy. He didn't get up, well he got up first at 4.30 a.m. Then he fell back asleep until 930 a.m. Then he fell asleep again till almost noon. He said, this is ridiculous. I've got to get up and he did. What's the point? The point is that he feels he is failing, that he feels his time left on Urantia is days. Well, I've got news for him. It is not days, it's years.

Dominick comes over and helps out tremendously. Ron is an old man. He's over 82 years of age. Like Dominick, he wants to put it up as a finished project rather than a failed project. But it's not either failed or finished. He will put on that addition to the house. If you've got thousands of dollars you just don't know what to do with, well, he'll put a plaque up with your name if you want to help out.

And now this, all of you, the trial that we have coming to Urantia, is sad. Let me tell you about. Monjoronson, the Magisterial Son, said to me last evening while Ron was transmitting to him after Dominick left, what in the world do we do with all the people who know about us and can't hear us? Well, they could come over and listen to these lightlines, but they don't know that they exist. Consequently, no one comes to listen. What do we do?

I, Jesus, say this to you, Ron. Stay the course. And that pain in your heart is me, Ron. We're looking at your heart and it hurts. That is a good heart. It will continue to beat strong for years if you let it. If you don't, and that is not just saying, no, I don't want to do it, but it is saying, I will do no more lightlines because I'm out of date. Well you're not out of date, Ron. You are more up to date than almost anybody on the planet except these people. What can you do?
Stay the course. Use your Dominick to help you stay the course. He will stay. He will see to it. And do add that addition, but not right now. Wait a little while. You will understand.

And now this. The trial that Ron must face is that he has a brother and sister-in-law and children. They have decided he is worthless. He says, fine. I don't really care. You live your life as you wish. Sound familiar? In any case, Ron is going to stay the course at 2709 Sunset Lane. That's his address.

In the meantime, we want to tell you this. Ron has a pair of high powered lines going over his property. Power lines. He's furious because it's a spur. They don't even use it for anything except to come back and service the house. Ron, you can go ahead and do as you please. They could care less. But advice.

Ron Besser
Thank you.

And finally, this to all of you. Ron will continue to speak Jesus. Michael, Gabriel, the Magisterial Sons, and one additional son you've forgotten about, Ron, yourself. You do not understand that you're an important part. You merely use your voice as a transmission, but you do not consider yourself important.

Michael of Nebadon
For reasons of state. I, Michael, I, Jesus, and I, the Magisterial Sons, will continue to use you, particularly when you put that addition up, dedicated to us, where you can look out to your lawn, the flagpole, and the small rocks that you use to walk on in your property and you will use it and enjoy and everyone is welcome. Use it with me. It will be big enough. It will have a conference room table at least for 10 and it will have some easy chairs for the rest. We need money, but that's not your concern.

And now this. I am Michael of Nebadon. I am not leaving you, Ron, but I am going to say this to you. You started all this and you shall not finish it. You have years of life left. Then, well, you're less fortunate. But you have got some time left. Use it well.
And for the rest of you, I could even name you, you're that loyal. Thank you for being a good listener and appreciating what is done for you through these transmitters and through this office that Ron has put up.

I want you to know, Ron, that you are probably the only transmission, and that includes Lemuel and Dominick and Elise and Rene, Clency and even Amethyst. For that reason, the trial must go forward, and we will have you here transmitting for years. What do we have to do to do that?

Well Lemuel, you feel you're on your last legs. Ron knows he's on his last legs. And Dominick is the new transmitter. We think you do wonderful work, Dominick. And the others, Elise, Renee, Clency and even you, Amethyst are necessarily done for us. Do not think that you are forgotten because you don't transmit. You're not.

For reasons that I must not go into, you Ron will stay the course for years. He says, oh my, and for you, Amethyst, you will stay the course for years, providing you do some transmitting. You've fallen back because of circumstances. Well find a way around them, please. We need you. Amethyst, we need you and all those who transmit it. Clency, we need you. We hope to add some transmitters, but they're few and far between because they don't dedicate. And now Ron, you want to talk to a certain individual. Forget it.

Ron Besser
Oh, all right.

Michael of Nebadon
The truth of the matter is they are not listening to anything. They are desperately ill over a mistake. They believed that you were essential. Now they believe they are essential and you have no say.

Ron Besser
Oh my goodness.

Michael of Nebadon
In any case, the truth is, contact him and see the course. And finally, this to all of you, including Dominick, Amethyst and the other transmitters. Please stay the course. We are coming to a critical juncture on Urantia. It's even for Panoptia, your sister planet, and Denison, another sister planet, and a couple more planets I dare not mention by name now that are all with you in this mission.
When you have a mission, when you hear Jesus speak, and me speak, and the Spirit speak, Panoptia, Denison, and three other planets I do not name are going to be with you at the same time. They are not going to hear these transmissions. They'll have their own transmissions. Ron gives a big bow to that and says, that's wonderful. Except for one thing, Ron. They will listen to you.

When we transmit, you will have the voice of Urantia to speak to them, for this planet is my bestowed planet. I will come to them through my bestowal. Jesus Christ. And one final thing to you, Ron. You have worked hard. You've seen to myriad things that make these things possible. Don't worry, there will be an addition to your house very soon. Dominick will help. Steven Gitz will help. And we hope all of you will help in the expense.

Ron has not asked anyone for money, but we appeal for Ron that whatever you can conservatively give, he would be most appreciative and your name will go on a plaque on the addition of what you've done. We thank you for even considering.

And now this: Ron, stop it. You are amazed that my effrontery of saying anything is making its impression. I am embarrassed to say that unless I get some help, I can't do it. Anyhow, the initial changes are being made. A contractor will appear at your door this week. Be kind to him and don't yell at him for the price. In any case, to all of you, we say this. Ron will have his addition to the house. It will have a fireplace and a number of easy chairs and a long table to meet at.

I want that place to shine, and I want it to be used by all of you. When you come to York, sit at the long table with them, and they will hold a meeting with me, with Jesus, and with you. That long table is essentially Ron's gift to you.

Ron Besser
And finally, just before I turn this back, Lemuel, Rene, Dominick, Amethyst, Elise, Clency and anyone else I've forgotten to mention as a transmitter, I now mention. Thank you. Thank you very much for making this possible. And now Lemuel, I turn this back to you. Go ahead, please.

Thank you, Ron. Thank you very much. Thank you. All right. Well, here we are. Exactly one hour has passed. And I want to say a big thank you to, well, to my Thought Adjuster, of course, and also to Jesus. That was really the most pleasant surprise to hear from Jesus on this lightline.

And thanks to you, Ron, for your transmitting as well. And Machiventa Melchizedek and I think he just popped in as well. Anyway, thanks to all of you. And to all of you who attended this Lightline, thank you so much. Thank you. And hopefully, I will be here to welcome you to another Lightline next Wednesday, which will be the second, I think, of October. Until then, love one another, be kind, be happy, and good night from me, Lemuel. Bye bye.


« Last Edit: September 27, 2024, 03:18:50 am by Moses Ouko »