Author Topic: Middle East ( Oct 4, 2015 transmitter unknown)  (Read 428 times)

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Online Jose Vargas

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Middle East ( Oct 4, 2015 transmitter unknown)
« on: October 04, 2024, 09:51:44 am »
The Creator Son, Michael of Nebadon:
Our Work in The Middle East Has Only Begun
I am the Creator Son. I built Nebadon with my bare hands as I have the power to create planets and children who inhabit my evolutionary planets in time to raise souls for the Paradise Father to educate for further service to God.  In this power I wield, I may hold all of my little sons and daughters on each earth accountable to my views and my voice.  Transmission such as this taking place before your eyes is not channel, but a specialized mechanism of brain power directed through the pure spirit of the Father who indwells all nerve cells within the brain- mind in order to live life with you.  When Jesus appeared in the flesh millennia ago, I indwelt his mind too, and we became one as Jesus followed my divinity and was then a Son of God as well as a son of Mary and Joseph, the son of man.  This is allowed only once to happen in ten million inhabited planets.  Urantia had the Creator Son live on its earth as a child and as a man until he died and his soul still resides on Paradise and is asked to return with me to Urantia in a few weeks or months, and then I and the soul of Jesus will be one again as a Son of God, and the son of man.
The problems of the Middle East are enormous, and while all of Urantia succeeds to becoming one of the worst problems my universe has ever seen, and it is not far behind in being the worst world to ever reclaim in the supergalaxy of Orvonton, it is achievable to retrieve.  The rebellion spoken to above briefly has declared Urantia to be in spiritual default and it must be reclaimed first and then corrected.  Jesus and the Middle East are synonymous, but hardly compatible with what has happened to that territory over two millennia ago in fights beyond imagination.  We doubt we can force the Jews or the Moslems to like one another for generations, but eventually there will be no difference between the Moslems of today and the Jews of today.  A world religion will end all of this bickering and we then can get down to serious trading and building of one nation state for all.
As a Creator Son who is responsible for over two trillion humans on all of my inhabited planets that exist today (I am less than half done in populating the rest planned for), there is no other Urantia-like inhabited planet although some are similar.  I tell you this because we need to build a trust between who I am and who you are, and while I am not fancy in words, I tell you the Father requires that you only recognize me as your universe Father-Son, as you are my children as much as your sons and daughters in the flesh are your children.
I also choose this Paper to announce that I am moving my administration to your planet for the foreseeable future.  My work requires that I see to over one trillion humans and about that number of spirit beings who help me raise you and others you do not know about.
Currently I do all of this from Salvington, my capital sphere that contains over 497 planets in a cluster, each double the size of your Jupiter and brightly lit by sunlight I design to filter down on everyone at the brightness of what it is like at 10am in the northern hemisphere on Urantia.  My staff to do all of this will abide with me on Urantia and their numbers will stagger your imagination as they exist in numbers beyond what you can count.
When Jesus appears, I appear. We are one together.  We are the Son of God, and the son of man. Good day. END
José L. Vargas Núñez