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AudioTransmission NO SOUL
« on: November 15, 2024, 06:47:25 am »

Girona, Catalunya, Spain.
Friday 15 November 2024

Offline Moses Ouko

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Re: AudioTransmission NO SOUL
« Reply #1 on: December 22, 2024, 09:45:32 am »
Subject: No Soul 
By Lemuel and Thought Adjuster (Beloved)
Date: 15th November, 2024
Transcriber: Moses Ouko

Hello, everyone, and good morning. Perhaps you've just heard the church clock striking 11 o'clock. It's another Friday, Friday 15th November 2024. And it's another beautiful morning, blue sky, and hardly a breath of wind. It's so peaceful.

I'm in our usual I'm sorry. You reminded me again. We are in our usual place, just outside of, of Girona. I just jump in the car, and within 10 minutes, I'm here in a small village surrounded by countryside. And so this is where I am again, we are again.

Well, in recent weeks, if you have listened to our recordings, you would have heard about, the soul. And, yes, and last week was the second recording that we did on the soul. Well, today is going to be entitled, no soul. Yes. That's right. No soul. Well, there are situations, of course, many in fact, where there are no souls. For instance, a would be a mother that has a miscarriage, or a would be mother decides to abort the pregnancy. Or small children, they die through accident or illness or whatever before they have a soul. So what happens in these circumstances?

Well, you all know, if you've listened to the recordings, that in fact, it is the Thought Adjuster, when it comes to indwell you, at a young age, 5 or 6 years of age. In fact, it brings an embryonic soul with it. And as you know, that soul has to grow and with the help of the Thought Adjuster and your loving thoughts of love, etcetera, it grows. But these young children who die too young, they don't have a soul, what happens? Well, if you are familiar with the Urantia book, you will learn that the situation is that when these young children die they have already, the beginning of the false personality, which is of course, the ego.

And as I have explained I'm sorry. As we have explained many times before, it is very easy to identify the ego in a small child. It is the first thing that one can really identify that is growing within them. They soon learn certain things. Those of you who are parents, you know what we are talking about.

They begin to say a few words and they take on the surroundings, etcetera, etcetera. And you can see very soon in their behavior. Yeah. They've got a little ego that's growing in them. Yes.

They can cry when they want to cry, and they can demand, and they, you know, they throw a tantrum if they can't get what they want, that sort of thing. That is the ego growing within them. Now if such a young child dies from an illness or an accident, that false personality stays. It is with them. And it is, how shall we say?

Well, it is trapped on a grid surrounding the Earth. Because in fact, what it is is a very young astral body. The astral body being the emotional body, of course, and the child demonstrates emotion almost from the time that it took its first breath. Well, you all know this to be true. The child expresses, what they feel emotionally, and they cry, or they scream, or they shout, or whatever it is.

So, that young astral body, which is an energy body, an emotional body, it's an energy body, that stays, on the grid surrounding the Earth. And so what happens is that after a while, well, it depends. I cannot say, we cannot say exactly when. Maybe it depends on the next, dispensation call, which can maybe thousands of years in between one and another, or maybe lesser, depending on the circumstances, you know. Then these false personalities, this astral energy, can be saved or not.

And who or what decides that depends very much on the kind of dispensation that the Creator Son, and in fact, the Universal Father wants to take. Let me give you, an analogy that perhaps will help you to understand. Well, you've been told many times that everything is energy. It's all energy. And in fact, energy is never lost.

It just changes from one type of energy to another. Well, your astral body is an energy body. And I think also if you remember, we have talked about the etheric body. The etheric body is, again, an energy body, which acts, like a battery for a car. And when you sleep, the battery is recharged and takes on the universal energy called prana to recharge the battery cells, so that in the morning, you wake up early and bright and breezy to face another day, so to speak.

So, the astral energy, the astral body, this energy only lasts a certain amount of time. Well, with a young child, of course, that astral is very young, and the energy that it has is not a great deal. And so it slowly diminishes and dies. And so that energy returns to what it originally was, and all energy comes from the same source. Energy manifests in so many billions and trillions of ways throughout the world, but it is energy in one form or another.

So what are we saying really? Well, we are saying that the young child that dies very, very young, and only has a young developing false personality called the ego, and the young, energy body, which is a young astral body. That energy slowly dies. Because there's nothing to save. There's no soul.

There's nothing that can survive outside of the physical world. Now, this is difficult. I know for so many mothers to try to understand what happens to the to the young child. Well, there is a difference between, a miscarriage and an abortion. Well, you all know that the miscarriage is a natural process that for whatever reason, the body rejects, the pregnancy.

And of course, the abortion is a deliberate ending of the pregnancy by force. Well, those two cases are simply a change of state of that energy, and, it ceases to exist as it previously was whilst it was in the womb of the mother. It's how shall I say? Well, perhaps it's not a good analogy, but it's like weeding a garden. You know, some weeds are really pretty, but they are weeds, and they will not produce, but they not they are not flowers, and they are not wanted in in the garden.
And so, you know, the garden of weeds come out, and that's it. But the energy, remember, the energy is not lost. It just changes. I've also said we have said also many times, well, look at the difference between a cube of ice and a drop of water and vapor. It's just three stages of the same thing.

Just a difference in molecular structure. So, no soul. If there is no soul, of course, there cannot be a survival of the of the false personality. And that's it. But, as we have already mentioned in previous talks, I think it was the first talk about the soul, the soul, even if the young person dies, but it has a soul, that is to say, it already has an indwelled Thought Adjuster that has brought the soul in embryonic form, that will survive because there are nursery realms, on the mansion worlds, especially for very young, souls who've not had the opportunity to develop normally through a normal life, to adulthood and beyond.

Alright. So today, the talk is about no souls, and, the circumstances where there are no souls and there cannot be souls because the Thought Adjuster has not indwelled that young person, that that child because it was too young. These circumstances are tragic, of course, for the parents, well, especially for the mother to lose, a young child. But there is always a reason, you know, very hard lessons for the family to learn and to come to terms with. The mother will learn from that experience, a very hard lesson, you know.

There are many mothers who have to learn through a child that spends their whole life in a wheelchair or and totally incapacitated, you know. Many families have these children, but, of course, they have a soul. And many people ask, well, why, why, why? Well, the reason is, of course, that the parents and the family, they need the experience of having to look after such a child. So they learn very important lessons of patience, and love, and acceptance, and compassion and all these other things that come under the umbrella of love.

They are tremendously hard lessons to learn, but they are so worthwhile when these parents, when they die, and they move to the mansion world, they are so, privileged and they will understand the reason why they have had to live such a life taking care of such a child. So these things have been covered quite thoroughly, I think, in previous talks. But we wanted you to understand the situation where there is no soul and why there is no soul. So now you understand. There cannot be a soul without the Thought Adjuster, and the Thought Adjuster comes and indwells that child at the age of 5 or 6 years of age or something like that. And from that moment on, the soul is there in embryonic form, of course, yes, but it has the potential to grow and to and to mature throughout the child and, that person's life. 

Once again, to remind you, the energy that the young child had before it died was the energy of false personality, a young ego growing, and a very young, astral body, which is which is the feelings. And so, you know, in between the aesthetic body and the astral body, this energy, like the energy of, a battery, without recharging of course, it dies and the battery becomes flat. This exactly what happens with a child that dies or is killed through an accident at a very young age. Well, I hope this will help you to understand the reasons why these things happen. But, of course, the lessons that the parents learn are hard.

Of course, they are hard, but life is all about learning through lessons and through chapters of experience, and some chapters are very hard and very difficult, and chapters of experience that no one would ever wish to repeat. Of course, once would be enough, and once is enough for such parents that lose a child at such a young and tender age. Alright. 

Well, here we are, another Friday, another weekend And I hope wherever you are, you are able to enjoy this weekend and to be with those you love and those who love you. Love each other and be happy and give thanks every day for the life that you are enjoying every day.

So until next time. Bye bye for now. Bye bye.


Offline Lina

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Re: AudioTransmission NO SOUL
« Reply #2 on: December 22, 2024, 17:35:21 pm »
Thanks Moses for the transcriptions of Lemuel's tapes talking about the soul, they are very helpful.


Offline Jose Evelio RivasPortillo

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Re: AudioTransmission NO SOUL
« Reply #3 on: December 23, 2024, 05:44:09 am »

Offline Jose Evelio RivasPortillo

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Re: AudioTransmission NO SOUL
« Reply #4 on: December 23, 2024, 06:05:34 am »
Gracias Sr.Dominick, lo hacemos con gusto. 
Sr. Lemuel, gracias, interesante abordage

Online PJammer

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Re: AudioTransmission NO SOUL
« Reply #5 on: December 23, 2024, 09:12:35 am »
Thanks to Lemuel's Thought Adjuster, Lemuel, and Moses.

This lesson hits a bit hard for me, as I have a brother David, who had a heart complication at birth.  He only lived three days, so I never got to meet him.  I was about six years old.  So when I studied The Urantia Book at the age of 20, and it was revealed to me that there is a nursery on the Mansion worlds, I had great hope.  I told many people that one of the first things I will do when I reach Heaven is seek out my brother David.

Perhaps I will still seek out this nursery, and in David's memory, I will find a spirit child who needs a brother, or a father, it would be an honor.
