Author Topic: Sunday LL 11.10.24 No Circuits Transmitting  (Read 6480 times)

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Offline Dominick O

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Sunday LL 11.10.24 No Circuits Transmitting
« on: November 10, 2024, 15:20:38 pm »

Back to fundamentals. Some contexts of world history and current events. Some Forum comments.

Topics and keywords:
  • Mission update and Magisterial Foundation definition
  • Dr. William Sadler's books and works
  • Some pre-requisite subjects and intention before attempting transmission
  • Lucifer Rebellion in context to WWII, Globalism, Deep State, Education, Extreme Left-Right, 
  • AI in context with computing-processing, global comms, social media, big data
  • Carole's question with reiki
  • Some possible activities and projects forum members might do together in the near future
  • and more
Some Besser updates, off-tape (not recorded)

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Re: Sunday LL 11.10.24 No Circuits Transmitting
« Reply #1 on: December 05, 2024, 19:37:47 pm »

Hi, welcome everybody. It's November 10, 2024, and today is a resumption of the what's been called Lightline schedule on kind of a program provided by people with the Magisterial Foundation. Now, over the past course of say, this month with Ron Besser's, situation in particular, I've had to explain to people like his, like his closest family members who don't understand what he's in, what he's established, or what he's involved in, and things like this. And that's a very good lesson to have. Obviously, you need to be able to explain things to people who don't or aren't familiar with anything in the simplest of terms, so that they understand. And the Magisterial Foundation in the simplest of terms, is about our Father's business.

And whether that's if it's got sloganized can turn into about the Father's business, that's probably a matter of preference, or who you might be talking to in the context, but it's, the Foundation, is primarily about the Father's business. And so the who of that, the Father. is the Universal Father, the First Source and Center for those who don't like familiar, familial pronouns, and the who is also the, you could say the man and the divinity of Jesus. And so we label, or we discuss the who of Jesus many times in as we address the divine Son of man and the or the divine Son of Man, someone raise their hand and correct me if I mix these up, but the human man was Jesus, is Jesus and the divine Son. the Divinity, is someone we refer to as who that Son of God was before he lived his life as Jesus here, and we call him by the title, Michael of Nebadon.

So someone like George Huber is on the call today, who, I think you're kind of new to this vernacular, but that's the who is, what we call Michael of Nebadon, by the you could say the alternate other name of Jesus because that's who Jesus was before he was a living life as Jesus on earth. He was Michael of Nebadon, and then he resumed his seat with the Father. Now the so that moving on, one thing we want to do is understand about the Magisterial Foundation and these programs is it's kind of an extension of something with roots back in the era, earliest, early century of the 20th century, when The Urantia Book was in its prepublication date, all the way back in decades before, and that was part of the the forum and the Sadler commission.

And the interesting thing was, I was at, I was at the Foundation, which happens to be Ron's house, you know, just yesterday, I think. And one of the books in the library is, is the Mind at Mischief, by Dr Sadler. And that's really a canon back in the day. It's underappreciated today, as Freud and Jung are the household names you could say of the era, whereas Sadler delved into the much more of the religious and paranormal spiritualism and came up with some very good insights for psychoanalysis that was going on in the founding of psychology back in the day.

So for anyone, for example, Lina, if you're trying transmitting, and anyone encouraged to try transmitting, really, one of today's themes is go back to the fundamentals. And to do that, you should probably be willing to examine all sorts of things, not necessarily starting with that book, but if you could do things like that, you can find that book online, like in a PDF, and it's called the Mind at Mischief by Dr William Sadler. And I think one of the main takeaways for that is that there's a lot of explanation for the phenomenon of transmitting that might come from the human mind and that some of it that comes through is not fully the human mind, and when it does, and I think this is Sadler's thesis, is that when it does, it always comes consistently from a higher power.

Now, the who of that higher power is very important, especially when you look back in the early days of the epoch I'm talking about the history, and even up to today, it's a little bit less so when people are very concerned about who and that is, is it coming from our Father, ultimately, and Jesus, or is it coming from the devil and demons and whatnot rebels. So the who is very important. And so when you're transmitting, and certainly publicly in a venue like this, and privately, you should always be very careful and deliberate and intentional on the who you are serving and connecting with and receiving from and worshiping and praying to. And so that's kind of a prerequisite.

And a secondary prerequisite would be not necessarily totally required, but it would be helpful to understand the fundamentals of something like the 5th epochal revelation, which will do nothing but help and augment any previous understanding you might have, and certainly does not aim to replace or fundamentally alter the truth about God and your relationship with him and the hers of the universe of spirit and deity and the myriad of spiritual administration that originates from the Paradise Trinity. And lastly, that would, if you look at it in modern times, that also extends to the subject of ETs, you could say too.

And on that note, I might go a little over, around the subjects but I've got a lot on my palette today. But to this extent, also, we are still going on a no circuits are open at this time, so there's no transmitting coming through. The circuits are closed to this type of past transmission until things get settled. But that doesn't mean things like the missions that we expected to happen like they were described throughout the years. That's no longer the case. But it doesn't mean the missions aren't underway. It just means that human involvement is not, is not really part of this equation right now.

So to continue, I'll just go. George Huber pointed me last week to Christopher Langan, and I saw some of his interviews, George and summarized: that's the kind of person ideally we would want on the board here at the foundation, just as a as an archetype of a type of person. And I think some of the things he talked about, and that's again, for those unfamiliar, apparently, he's got lots of interviews out there, Christopher Langan. But one thing I found interesting was that he came up through his own search and understanding the concept of what The Urantia Book calls the spirit economy. So when he was asked about, say, like capitalism, I think, or how the economies run on earth, he had come to the conclusion that there's some truth behind the way economies work on Earth, but that ultimately, and then, I can't paraphrase how even described it, but to me, it described what The Urantia Book describes as the spirit, or spiritual economy. So that's someplace you can you can find for an example of maybe different labels, but the same kind of concept.

Let's see back to well, let's start with something that might be more akin to what Geoffrey was speaking about not to directly related at the beginning of this light line, if you came in late, we had talked about some of the election stuff. Now, if you're, if you're going to be thinking about transmitting, not not only should you be thinking about the fundamentals, but you probably go through eventually things related to government programs, because eventually you you have to get down to the business or the understanding that there was war In Heaven, and does that mean that there is war in heaven? And what's the status of that conflict in heaven? And you're going to get, in general, when you are religious, you're going to have world beliefs that go into these things.

So you're you, you should look into things and come up to some understanding of some of these fundamentals, that if you're doing this in modern times, you're going to be having to look at things like is government totally transparent? Is it serving the people? Why are there different ideologies in the world? And that's just for starters. And then eventually you find out that there are factions beneath factions, beneath factions. But ultimately, who do they all serve, and to what end? So religious people understand this in pretty plain terms, the ultimate conflict is that it's the war in heaven. And to that respect, I thought Christopher Langan got everything more or less on par with where the status quo is at, except one thing, I thought he was in error, and that is the kind of duality of Lucifer and God. That Lucifer, he's included being an angel of light, was somehow necessary, like a duality there, and that the service of such malevolence served to help us experience and know what is good.

Now the, I don't know how this differs from, say, the biblical perspectives, but I think fundamentally The Urantia Book revelation, and that revelation would be coming not from a book, but the who is the authors, and when we talk about missions, those authors are primarily Archangels and Melchizedeks. Okay, so when you talk about the who, oftentimes you're talking about authors attributed to Archangels and Melchizedeks or subofficers, you could say subadministrators that are commissioned by either Archangels or Melchizedeks.

But those authors or those teachers or commissioners of Revelation, in that book, called The Urantia Book, would say that, fundamentally, Lucifer is not necessary. He's a rebel. He is not part of that kind of necessary duality. That duality is because of free will and the finiteness of time and space created an inherent choice that leads to evil, and evil is sometimes the aspect of error and the fact that we're not all-knowing of everything, and that sometimes evil is augmented by sin, like knowing what's good but doing what's self-serving and evil anyway, like the intentional knowing of doing evil would be sinful, but that Lucifer turned iniquitous and that is not necessary in the universe. In fact, it's suicidal to the beings and entities that are iniquitous. So that's how it differs from say, where those statements, by Langan's understanding, might come through.

So I think that covers the status quo of say, Lightlines and transmitting and missions. So the rest is rather, rather open, but I still have some material to cover in terms of what will have seem to be coming across the message board with the elections and what's previously come on the message board of this week. So let's start with AI in that thread, and back to the fundamentals. World War Two is really, I don't know if that's the right word, seminal, but it's a pivotal era in, say, the leading up to the what we call the adjudication of rebellion, which allegedly happened in around 1986 in some capacity of judgment on Lucifer and his chief lieutenants in personality annihilation, but that the rebellion itself has not been fully adjudicated on planets. And so our planet is no is not resolved of this yet, and therefore neither is the entire system of planets that went along with this.

So anyway, back to AI. So where does AI come from? And roughly it comes from the computing innovations of World War Two, of computers being invented to break codes. Alan Turing comes to mind, and also the calculations got a lot better processing. I think calculators, for example, were invented because the scientists needed to come up with a better calculating mechanism to determine how to shoot down aircraft from anti-aircraft guns. And that led to the basic understanding that you've got to lead the plane. You can't shoot at the plane. You've got to lead it.

But it seems so obvious today, but they literally had to come up with the calculator, kind of in order to do that. Similarly, computers happened at that time. The internet happened in the 1990s, probably was incubated in the 80s or earlier before that. I think it was. And all of this comes from allegedly DARPA, the secret arm of the military innovation to do this stuff. It's social media in the 2010s, global communications, like satellite phones, were starting to happen completely, or in the 2000s I skipped around some decades there, and then you had big data, which is the collection of all data points, and then I think probably to process that big data we've come up with with AI, and now it's being presented to us as something beneficial.

And certainly, it is, my take on it is that you can use it to establish a good framework from which to start from, rather than having to develop that framework and then go off of it. But to take it as truth value is an error and a mistake. So just my take on a server's thread there is that they're making a, to ascribe it to divinity, it's frustrating to even respond to because that assertion based on the fruits of its output is clearly Luciferian, and that it doesn't attribute to any of the who's it doesn't contribute to any of the fundamentals that God reveals about the origins of will, the origins of personality, and the origins of deity. Instead, the AI constantly comes up with self-reference to unsolvable problems that humans have.

One is this latest Google, there's a Google interview going on even this week in parallel if you want to know what I'm talking about. But you can't just talk about processing power in the search for knowledge and intelligence. That's clearly Luciferian if you know the fundamentals. So again, it's not a debate. You've got to know your fundamentals if you want to approach these things on the forum. If we're going to get any good things about it and stop worrying about stepping on people's toes. Occerpa is not going to get any better if you don't call it out. So we don't learn if there's not some semblance of emotion and conflict in the engagement. And that's one of the reasons people forget things in the first place, that if there's there's nothing that helps register it in the brain it goes in one ear and out the other.

That'll lead us to, I guess, another segue of brotherhood, and that if we aren't able to walk in someone else's shoes and understand their current point of view and experience, then we don't have the foundation of brotherhood. And one thing that went along, certainly in my observation in this election cycle, was that people are no longer able to or willing to even recognize what the opposing viewpoints are even coming from. Or can illustrate, elucidate, and communicate; this is like basic conflict resolution, even in like spousal marriage counseling, but if you can't say back to the other person or party what it is that they think that they're saying, and then you describe that back to them, you've got no basis for a democracy, let alone a civil conversation, etc, etc, and to talk about Nazis, misogyny, and basically everything coming out of MSNBC, which I've been watching with Ron religiously for three years or since I've been here, that's where I'm coming from.

It's because and hear me out. You don't have to agree with me, and I'll try to balance it out later on, is that those types of talking points and rhetoric clearly aren't, you know, the side that elected Trump is clearly not talking in those terms. And if you can't, if you can't recognize what happened and why that happened; so if you're asking yourself, how did this happen, and you don't understand why it happened, and your concept of why it happened is you come up with these very extreme talking points that have been bludgeoned into you through mass media then and you're willing to delve into conspiracy, then maybe what, so what Geoffrey is talking about, I suppose, is you're willing to go into a conspiracy that takes us back to globalists.

And I'm willing to go there with you so but maybe we don't agree, or we're not coming from the same place, but these are back to some of the fundamentals in modern times that this election for all of us who are in this type of environment, we're taking into account things that the government apparently have been interested in in doing to this democracy for generations now. And this would be going back to World War Two again, where Eisenhower warned us of things, Kennedy warned us of things, you know you had, then you had Nixon Johnson, Gerald Ford, and then you had maybe one of our first outsiders, Jimmy Carter, and we saw how an outsider in Washington, DC doesn't do so well.

But anyway, what we're getting at is things like and you should not be transmitting at face value without understanding some of these things too. Its Project Mockingbird, M K Ultra, Project Blue Beam or Blue Book and you could say CIA influence in Hollywood, and music, for that reason, going back to the fundamentals, is kind of one of the themes of today's Lightline. And really it's just absolutely fascinating to go back to Sadler's writings if you're a fan of, say, those eras like and of pre-World War Two and World War Two, whatever it is, The Urantia Book movement is totally allergic to talking about those types of things, because they're going with the zeitgeist of the times of being woke and not willing to talk about race.

Ironically, if you look at the Sadler writings, and you just plainly understand how they were talking about things like that, and what context that those things are very relevant to today. And one of the things was a book by Sadler talking about the Germans and the Prussians. And this also goes back to even Athens versus Sparta the Peloponnesian Wars, and that is, how do you educate spirit, and how does your culture get sustained through the institutions of family and education?

And William Sadler was from the brief blurbs I was reading, also deploying the German susceptibility to the Prussian education system. And if you want to know why that's significant, it's that the Prussian apparently the Prussian education system is how the US education system ultimately got modeled after.  You don't have to take my word for it. You can listen to one of the award-winning education people, John Taylor Gatto, G A, T, T, O, for something about that subject, and that's basically saying, are you going to have an authoritarian propagandist, government education system that favors compliance and indoctrination versus something that's more experiential and immersive education. So mostly when you see a divide those who are wealthy and able to provide their children with immersive, experiential education, who get exposed to people knowledgeable in various fields and teaching by doing, etc, etc, and the rest of the minions get indoctrinated.

So that's a segue into globalism because the globalist education system instills that. And interestingly enough, in the elections here in Pennsylvania, 29 year, Senator Bob Casey lost. Or is going to lose to first-time Senator McCormick. McCormick is a Republican. Casey is a Democrat, and in the last days, you could probably see where the wind was blowing electorally as a five-second blurb from the Casey advertisements said, don't vote for McCormick, he's an evil globalist. Now, why would someone like that say that if they didn't know that the electorate here in Pennsylvania was on to that type of mentality?

Similarly, if you're European, you're not you're not unfamiliar with with this either, as whoever is labeled a populist is basically an anti-globalist. So there's a lot more on that, but to be a globalist in this day and age is to in religious circles, fulfill or keep on the plan of, if you want to go all the way back, somewhere along the lines, there's a root cause or inspiration for the type of globalism we might be getting. And if it's not part of God, it's probably part of Lucifer, who claims this planet for the rebels. Now that's just on a meta-view. And then where we've come into conflict amongst ourselves is basically coming to the truth, but we're kind of all on the same side when it comes to our desire to see our planet in brotherhood, under under God the Father and not Lucifer.

So to that extent, you know, there has been, we have to acknowledge that there has been some far left, there has been some far right. And we want to get it back to where we're even able to help ourselves, and we can't do that when the now we know enough about social sciences and social studies and the pop culture of today really wants to get into who are psychopaths, who are sociopaths, and who are, who are people suffering from all sorts of things, and mainly with social media, narcissism is at an all-time high. So we've got, we're going to have to do better to educate and we're coming, we're able to be coming up with things like that.

I think a good recent interview from an historical perspective was done by the Hoover Institute this week with an interview called, the three historians. I think they did a good job criticizing thought that's coming out of the far left and being educated in our universities, and thought that's recently come out of the far right, and ironically, what links both of those extremisms was a sympathy with the ultimate Luciferian conflict of World War Two, which was backed by Nazi Germany, the occult of Lucifer. And when you see the far left embracing those types of ideas in this election, it kind of came from the Imam that Tim Walls referred to as one of his respected religious teachers, I think.

But what, ultimately, what's coming out of that was a sympathy for Nazi revisionism that put the Jews in a bad light, and the Jews as the devil of, say, the Elders of Zion type thing, which is a kind of a propaganda piece, you could say, at the very least, of a Luciferian faction. And those things tend to be traced back to things like materialism in its basest forms, and communism also came out of Germany, by the way. So those things were ultimately made their way through Germany and Russia back in the day. Now, where does it come from in the far-right. It came from that in this interview, they very vehemently criticized that interview that Tucker Carlson did of that amateur researcher, and they didn't call him a historian that called Churchill the main villain of World War Two, and Hitler not necessarily the main villain, because he looked at all these times he reached out for peace is kind of the thesis there now. And that is a revisionist and totally far-right thing, an error of what happened there.

So those are just an example of coming back to the center away from those things, because certainly those things could be considered sympathetic to Germany, Nazi Germany, and that in that case, the worry, the worrisome people of the electorate calling Trump MAGA fascism would cite that kind of well, research or contention, and they would be correct. But that's not the way the electorate ultimately really is, but it does get looked at, and so it should be corrected. So that's, that's academics. I did it. John Taylor Gatto.

Okay, let's do a Carole, songatsunrise. I'm changing the subjects briefly. There was a question about Reiki. Yes, Carole, knowing your situation, Reiki could be an additional thing that helps you. Reiki is a type of energy healing, and so these healers are not allopathic medicine, but they are more and more aware of how they can complement it. So my my advice to you and Reiki, for those not familiar with it, experienced practitioners of Reiki, time and time again, have personal experiences where they sense celestial helpers in their healing practices. So in this sense, Carole, I would simply be very upfront with your religious faith, and be comfortable working with a Reiki practitioner who understands and respects that and probably, furthermore has some experience that they probably can't put the same religious vernacular to, but certainly in spirit, could help you. And so it's worth a shot, and you shouldn't be afraid to look into it and and try it out. So that ends that.

Just as a timeline, I guess you could say is that, if you're looking at The Urantia Book, it started at the very least in the early 20th century, so the early 1900s probably late 1800s hundreds. Oh, okay, I wanted to button that back up. So there's a book that John Taylor Gatto, I think related to, I'm not sure, but there's a book called Tragedy and Hope. And so when we talk about globalists, the author of Tragedy and Hope is a guy named Caroll Quigley, and so he's basically looking at all the globalist institutions and being allowed to look at their meeting minutes from 1880 through 1963 and I think his main takeaway was; well, I agree with the good and noble aims that you're trying to do. What I disagree with is why you're being so secretive about it. So what does that say that there, I mean, there is a global elite. There is a more or less untransparent plan to go about doing it, and we're not crazy out of our heads to call them on it. Where we're differing is diagnosing where it's working, how it's operating, and how to fix it, because we're in a battlefield fog, so to speak, in this spiritual global conflict, how much of it is warfare, we don't know until it's at your door, I suppose.

But that's the point. Is that there are there are globalists, and they probably aren't all about God. To that effect, just in my analysis, and this could be open to discussion. If you look at this election, you know, maybe it was planned out that Trump was probably was going to die. If you're thinking the deep state was going to kill him, and how have they pivoted for him not to die, or whether we have a real shot at actually fixing the deep state, who knows? But certainly, those of us who voted for Trump and are pleased by that victory, you can work with us, because we're of the mind that this is an opportunity to correct some of the fundamentals back into the country, not to make it fascist, but to make it a constitutional democracy like our, like God is trying to shape it so that these missions can take effect and that America, well, the United States, could be under something like a divine regency of Magisterial Sons and I guess that's all I should say about that.

So that's everything on my, on my sheet. Let's go with something next, is that well, despite the forum might go into new forms in the future, I don't think in these modern times, having a wide open door is safe and secure anymore. There are just an overwhelmingly amount of automated malicious actors trying to steal the information. So basically, we're in a conundrum of having it open and publicly available, and the fruits of that policy now are simply having everyone's information exposed for us to be attacked by spam and fraudsters. So we're probably going to go to a more open firewall of usually that means a password and an account and a secure sign-in that at least keeps the bad actors out as much as possible.

Now we can start things like a book club. I think it'd be great to have some of these fundamentals revisited and looking at the Sadler's early works. Let's see, and that, I guess, in the final closing, one of the things that nod on me going to the UAE conference was a flippancy for the complexity of the revelation of The Urantia Book, comparing the basically sections one and two with the very complex taxonomy of universe beings and governance and personalities and administration of a vast universe of time and space, not just our planet, and that those things aren't really fundamental to the good news that Jesus brought of salvation and eternal life with God. And there's certainly a truth to that, but that ultimately, if you don't embrace, if you're not willing to look at some of these complexities and be willing to to educate each other on it, then that leaves us open to well, watering down some of the some of the more basic fundamentals as well.

So I think there should be some projects we could do, for example, not just leave it to, you know, there's basically studies we could produce and that ultimately, you know, and I'm just kind of guessing here, sociologically, that in general, you know, women aren't engineers. Women care more about relationships, for example, and men care more about things. Some on a wide level, probably, I'm guessing, men are more, concern themselves more with maybe the minutia of sections one and two of The Urantia Book, where women might not, and they would be more interested in the narrative of Jesus and some of the basic things that solidify relationship with spirit. And so I'm just getting at that in that it doesn't have to be men and women, but when we work on these projects, there ought to be a pairing like a battery of positive and negative, and so that would just be kind of a way to go about working together properly again.

Let's see if anyone's willing to go into AI. I would recommend that you would look at Llama. I think that's what Facebook has. And there's a, there's a limited time where you could put llama versions. That's Llama with L, L, A, M, A, you could put basically AI tools on your computers, and they will work without having to have any access to the internet. So those types of projects we could use Llama to do things like put in all these archive transmissions and begin to work with that data to develop patterns. All right, thanks for listening. It's 2:49.

« Last Edit: December 07, 2024, 15:24:58 pm by Raz »
Nothing is lost to the heart of God,
nothing is lost for ever;
God's heart is love,
and that love will remain,
holding the world forever. (lyrics by Colin Gibson, Words © 1996 Hope Publishing Company)

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Re: Sunday LL 11.10.24 No Circuits Transmitting
« Reply #2 on: December 09, 2024, 14:20:20 pm »
Greetings; first of all I want to thank Raz for the transcription of this LL, because I was able to learn about Dominick’s interesting dissertation as well as the reference he makes, explaining his views on the origins of AI, of my presumption regarding the, let’s say, celestial participation in the implementation of AI. However, I must say that it was not clear to me the relationship that may exist between my presumption and Luciferian attributes; that statement left me quite confused that I prefer, as is the case, to accept not having clearly understood Dominick’s analysis. In any case, I do not wish to enter into controversy again about AI, a subject of which I can only speak of assumptions and speculations; and furthermore, I have a lot of respect for Dominick whom I admire for the place he has occupied as Ron’s replacement in the forum, a task not at all easy. I take this opportunity to send Ron through Dominick, warm greetings and soon return
On the other hand, I think that the only way that I can understand my assumption as Luciferian, would be to accept the specific fact that all this wonder of Creation is nothing more than a Divine Game, in which case Lucifer will become a colossus sacrificed by his creator, leaving forever the role of great villain as we have seen until now. Something like this has been hinted at in a recent transmission, but I also read a similar statement in a post on Abundant Hope from quite some time ago. Thank you.
"If you develop Love, you don't need to develop anything else"

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Re: Sunday LL 11.10.24 No Circuits Transmitting
« Reply #3 on: December 11, 2024, 12:43:26 pm »
Here's an article sent to me citing the Urantia copyright lawsuit in recent AI lawsuits:

"The fourth possibility is the Urantia solution: ownership lies with the users who coax, prompt, wheedle, or out-and-out trick the AI into producing its specific output. Certainly, prompt engineering is a carefully honed skill, and perhaps one day could be recognized as a genuine art form; a lengthy, detailed, novel prompt might contain enough of an original idea to merit the granting of copyright on the resulting image or text to the prompter.”