Author Topic: Roswell-WHAT HAPPENED AND WHAT WAS THAT UFO ANYHOW? Dec 16, 2019  (Read 4911 times)

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« on: December 16, 2024, 16:56:15 pm »
Magisterial Foundation New Posts and Projects / Roswell - What Happened and What Was That UFO Anyhow?
« Last post by Ron Besser on Today at 05:36:23 AM »
December 16, 2019


This Is a True Story from Space Archives for Release Immediately
Ron Besser, Transmitter and Editor for the
Magisterial Foundation in York, PA. USA

The fifth epochal revelation does seldom report significant modern history events at all. That text does not have the space and it does not have permission to talk about relevant events which tie together episodes of real tragedy we should be aware of.

One such tragedy occurred over the United States right after World War II in New Mexico. Seven space ships flew in formation over Urantia air space in early July. 1947. They were on an emergency mission to the universe of Alvoring, where an inhabited planet was exhibiting a central core problem, so hot, it could blow up unless it could be vented or annealed with gravity waves. Such was the technology this group of ships carried to its rendezvous with disaster.

The lead ship was under a commander well known to the Alvoring authorities, and today on this July 7th, he was to lead six other ships into the Alvoring space sector known on our star maps as Sector 164537/. This references the star map at the United Nations today.

Two ships immediately behind ship one, were expeditionary force individuals. Looking at the command ship head on, ship number six was to the left back on the command ship, and ship four was to the right side.

The Command ship was designated number one that day, and they belonged to an elite corps, translated and called as the Aerial Coordinaire, that was called upon when a deep space emergency erupts and no time to have diplomatic niceties it was the Aerial Coordinaire, that was prepared to answer the call. The Aerial Coordinaire was one of six such fleets in the universe area that day. It was among the best and had on board those rare experts who could determine what the earth core malfunction was and then take care of it if possible.

Backing them up were thousands of workers available, for danger to any sector of a universe was proclaimed as it was here, the rule is that all personnel assigned to the region where the emergency was, must take up predesignated battle stations at once and drop what else they were doing to meet the emergency with as much manpower as possible. EMS style space ships as these were come under the jurisdiction of the Space Command Sectors scattered through out space to provide flight instructions and prevail with out local universe governments that these emergency squads were safe and attending to emergency situations.

Our own Local Universe of Nebadon sent out commercial trading ships to help remove material objects while preparing shafts to remove earth materials that prevented the malfunctioning earth core from venting properly. Nebadon also sent more that fifteen hundred (1,500) personnel in troop transport-style ships to Alvoring via another route.

We advise the reader that deep space travelers rode these ships as a contemporary arrangement of forms available to do this work. In this seven ship group, the mix was as follows: Ships One through Six had commanders and other ranks all invisible to the human eye. These seven ships were not cloaked, but they were so fast, nobody felt any danger in capture or damaged otherwise. Only Ship Four had visible occupants as was recovered at the crash site in Roswell.

Ufologists need to be educated why this mix is prevalent, especially today with so much planetary danger is attendant upon your planet and rescue necessary if possible. Urantia is also so deeply imbued with rock fire and magma it too could explode because of its over heated central core. The planet this group was heading for had an identical way of forming as your earth did, and it cracked along the same identical lines that blew it up finally, as is Urantia developing today in Iceland and southern Argentina at the Straits.

Meanwhile. Seven ships flying over Urantia airspace near New Mexico, USA, were ordered as follows that day:

The Command ship was the spear tip of these seven objects. It contained the Commander of the expedition to the Alvoring problem, and with him were two co-commanders, and the ship held about sixty-five troops who were especially trained to excavate quarries which were used to infiltrate the center of the sphere to vent its core. On Board of Ship One, the Command Ship, was one gravel exile plates which were made of a titanium like alloy, but can be electrified to scuff loose material out of vents blown deep in especially prepared quarries to do this work.

In addition to the plate was a replica of an unconstructed sister ship that could be assembled if the Command Ship ran into heavy resistance entering the property of a local universe that was not advised of the work this group of ships were to be taking care of. Alvoring has constructed safe barriers around its borders and the borders are marked with an audio-fluorescent flare radio signal of such a frequency it triggers all transponders on board all galactic ships to receive warnings of trespass of this nature.

The Command Ship also carried a thousand pounds of nitrates to use as explosives, as earth excavation is tremendously rich, by its vulnerabilities, in harsh mineral reactions when drilling or excavating very hot rock in order to breech the earth core in question. Finally Ship Five had nothing on it that would carry the idea of sight seeing but that is what happened to cause Ship Number Five (5), to suddenly veer off into a stone skipping motion in a watery atmosphere around Urantia, and to wind up on the desert floor near Roswell, New Mexico.

The spear shaped formation of these seven ships proceeded at sub-warp six, and that is roughly six times the speed of sound, and that is a speed used when nearing planets with atmospheres in this part of creation. Warp speed in programs like Star Trek are based on light speed, but in squad ship emergencies in time and space, commanders are taught to realize they can get into deep trouble if they hit a planetary atmosphere faster than six time the speed of sound which is regulated, in our terms, as about 689 miles per hour. Otherwise these ships cruise at nearly five times the speed of light to avoid crashing into solid objects.

The Command ship leading this group was an average-sized intergalactic “cruiser,” about eighteen yards wide in front and it flowed in a tapering style to a narrow tail section about fifty feet wide. Its length is classified but it is in excess of fifteen hundred feet, and its shape never reported about on Urantia, as it is still a classified project for design purposes. There are Special over drives which abound in these ships because space is so vast, the faster the better. Once a ship reaches Warp One– over one thousand parsecs every sixteen minutes of Urantia time. At that rate we overcome material objects in our way and now ca pass through them.. Slower ships must regulate themselves carefully to avoid space sand and junk rocks that abound in solar systems which our own earth belongs to.

The Command ship was the spear head of this group of seven ships, and behind number one were two more tankers ships 6 and 4 ranging about six miles behimd the command ship. In another ten miles or so behind six and four, were the little cruisers three and five, and ship seven was a small supply and equipment ship without passengers, and that was tucked in slightly back and beneath three and five.

I am not permitted to narrate the personnel manifesto on the ships behind the Command ship, but I am allowed to speak to Ship Four, immediately behind the Command ship next to Ship Six separated by about six minutes of travel at Warp One.

If we as observers facing the tip of the spear in front of Ship One, Four would be to our right, and six to our left. Space Ship Six held rocket scientists who specialized in galactic ship repair. Ship Six held sixteen of them; five stewardesses, nine radio and radar operators, and sixteen specialists who knew how to handle explosive central core issues. All in all Ship Six was the heaviest and the fastest of what now could be called a Cruiser. It was the fleet pride at the time and was triangular in shape and designed at the studios on a sub satellite around Uversa, our galactic planetary headquarters.

Ship Four (4), is beside Ship Six. It held only four passengers; two androids, living but without will prerogatives, and two Midwayer-style masters. The ship was “steered” by automatic commands from Ship One.


In New Mexico, The Roswell Daily Record, July 8, 1947, reported the "capture" of a "flying saucer" the wreckage found there about July 6th– no one seems to recall the precise date of discovery, as it could be July 7th or July 5th– not sure. What was found by the rancher checking on fencing he recalls not, were the filamentous remains of two androids and the dying midwayers who accompanied the androids. The ship had no commander on board for the simple reason it was piloted by the commander in ship one, the Command ship of this squad.

But what was not found yet to this day, is the command module in Ship Four that jumped out of the back of what looked like a small turret, and in that turret is about six thousand food items mostly carbohydrates for the troop contingency in Ship Six. No one wil lever make sense of it if found, but is also loaded with a type of spare meal we might call “K” rations, and it is full of powdered milk curds from an animal raised for such food stuffs on these kinds of expeditions.

The androids had no willed life and never knew what hit them. Ship Four was never meant to travel deep space, but it was thought okay for this expedition as it was in the care of six other ships if travel problems erupted with what was a very unpowered vehicle for its size and type. Space Ship Five and its commander were unhappy having to wait so long to enter the space of Alvoring, since Alvoring had declared a red emergency, yet they were as a group held up over six hours waiting entry rights past the first warning station. The commander Ship Five ordered the Controller to redirect a few degrees off course, but his speed was superior due to the vector he chose to deviate from course. He shot forward and almost at once clipped Ship Four at the back, and crashed and that ship was never found on Urantia, but it did crash and it did take fifty-two (52) lives with it. Ship Four lost two midwayers and their bodies were recovered at that infamous Air Force Base nearby. President Truman was advised two humans were found nearby, but they were midwayers and while born of woman they remain invisible unless told to materialize. Midwayers can materialize of hide by willing themselves invisible and these two had been materialized for this project.

The reader should also know that the planet in trouble with an over heated core, did blow up before they got there. It took six million five hundred thousand lives in the first blast, and then in one hour later of Urantia time, the planet was blown to bits taking over four billion lives, human lives, with it. It was the Creator Son of Alvoring Bestowal sphere, and to this day, looks upon that emergency squad as inept and stupid beyond words to pull such a stunt while in a deep emergency rescue.

Our speculation is that the Creator Son of Alvoring was especially concerned over this planet too, as it circulated throug the outer reachers of the Urantia solar system and then caused serious perturbations in the Pluto area of existence. Plute to this day is under the influence of another such inhabited planet that still belongs now entirely to Alvoring ,but it comes close to the Kuiper Belt and disturbs Pluto just enough to be noticed by astronomers on Urantia.

We close with this story now to achieve what we must say about this rendition of what happened at Roswell in July of 1947, and that is we had to be so careful not to reveal characteristic space travel in deep space, Urantia and NASA are too close to making a critical blunder to send men and equipment to Mars, for Mars holds t he record for ships ruined by traveling there. It produces a noxious gas held far too long in underground caverns, and that gas is a cyanide base potassium chloride, and is lethal at forty miles up in its atmosphere if one rotates through it. It is best left to later years before man attempts Mars. We suggest if you must travel that far with antique equipment, choose a moon of Jupiter, perhaps Eros, for its volcanic actions hide a race of inhabitants who never see light, but are of human intelligence, and that is our final say to tell you this story as it really happened and the moons of Jupiter are the place to do important exploring.

Thank you.
« Last Edit: December 16, 2024, 20:20:20 pm by Jose Vargas »
José L. Vargas Núñez

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